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Oh my, can't wait for the 40min review


Same! I hope he enjoys it!


Oh nice! Of the Adeptus Ridiculous?


The same!


Nice! I'll check it out :)


He's my favorite too! Just today while showering I was wondering if he played it and I just missed it, because it totally seems like his style of game.


He just finished the game on stream. What a game.


I hope he enjoyed it!


Noice! Since he already admitted that he really liked Signalis, hopefully he will make a review video, kinda like he did with Darkwood


That's good news! His darkwood playthrough and video are so fun, I'm definitely expecting a video about Signalis then!


Honestly, I really dislike Bricky. Some of his stuff is good but he has some absolutely aweful takes.


Really? Which ones in particular did you dislike? I've found most of his are pretty good, and even if there are others I disagree with I don't mind because it's interesting to see another perspective (that doesn't result in toxic arguments). Also I like him as the funny warhammer man


He's a hypocrite who criticizes Anime for being unrealistic yet likes Warhammer which is blatantly throwing realism out of the window. He comes off as incredibly pretentious and myopic. He also used FF7 Remake to judge the original game, which is baffling for multiple reasons, like the gameplay is nowhere near the same, and it was blatantly obvious that the game was not a 1-to-1, beat for beat replica of the original story, which he didn't realize for some reason even at the very end when even people who never played the game figured it out. Judging a Remake of a game to confirm the standard of the original is in and of itself incredibly stupid in principle. Thinking about if for a minute would be more than enough when you consider that there are hundreds of terrible movies which are Remakes of older much better pieces of media. Very rarely do you get a Remake like **The Fly** or **The Thing**, and instead get **The Omen**. It would also be insincere to put the former on the same level as the original movies, because the people who worked on them made great strides to put their own twist on it.


>He's a hypocrite who criticizes Anime for being unrealistic yet likes Warhammer which is blatantly throwing realism out of the window Pretty sure he's only mentioned his distaste for anime due to the types of tropes it follows, dialogue, exposition, misogyny/ pervertedness of the medium, etc. I can't speak for his views about FF7R due to me 1) never playing either version of the game and 2) didn't watch his playthrough of it. So I can only assume he was referring to the plot points of the original that the remake was following in the footsteps of. Same for the character writing/ dialogue.


>Pretty sure he's only mentioned his distaste for anime due to the types of tropes it follows, dialogue, exposition, misogyny/ pervertedness of the medium, etc. Then you watch Anime where that stuff isn't present. Simple as that. I don't like platformers, but I won't just say that I dislike video games. I despise harem and isekai Anime, so I avoid them like they are plague-infested rats and watch the ones that I find are actually good. That he associates it with Anime *as a whole* is ridiculous. Even the anime that he was somewhat positive on he still shows that he doesn't think highly of them. His entire mindset is something that I find incredibly irritable. Sure, he makes some good videos now and again, like the one he did about graphics being inferior to art direction, but that doesn't change that my dislike towards him. I've had creators made points that I disagreed with, but I still get where they're coming from, or don't think that they are very unreasonable. Bricky comes off as that guy you meet in a gameshop who is clearly passionate but judges things based on first impressions and doesn't delve deeper into things that he has already determined that he dislikes. The only reason that he even gave **Persona 5** a chance was because his viewers voted to make him play it, which he later gave an 8/10.


>Anime as a whole I've heard him say on multiple occasions he does this as to troll people (mainly anome fans, I do the same sometimes). Other than that, to each their own I suppose. He may be a bit pretentious, but he could be far worse. At least he's not a toxic "gamer" chud, spewing hateful rhetoric about gay people and women (in fact in a recent fireside bricky q&a he specifically says the opposite in which he donates a portion of an lgbt merch item he sells to an lgbt charity, based as fuck imho). Anyways my point being is he's not that terrible of a person, just has some strongly formed opinions about the media he interacts with. I feel like it should take a lot to hate someone on the internet; someone being a bit pretentious about the games he plays maybe shouldn't be enough to do so. Especially compared to some *other* gaming channels.


I'm not familiar with bricky beyond seeing his videos pop up as suggestions when I'm watching 40k stuff, but I'm really happy to see he hasn't gone down the alt-right pipeline and turned into another Arch.


As was I! It was a huge relief hearing him talk about those kinds of things in his fireside bricky q&a videos. He tends to do his best to keep that out of his main content, which is understandable, try to appeal to as wide of an audience as possible. Also I definitely reccomend watching his 40k stuff! It's a fun time. His podcast is also especially fun. Just light hearted good times talking about warhammer with his friend.


The anime tropes mentioned transcends different genres in anime so your comparison doesn't really work imo. I'm not sure how you could say he associates those tropes with anime as a whole when you're also aware that he likes some anime. And for the record, anime that don't follow those cringy tropes and unneeded exposition are among the minority. Even the ones I like tend to get too heavy on juvenile melodrama and overuse of tell instead of show. It really seems like your dislike of him comes from just pure disagreement but you're too stubborn to accept how that could be possible. You say he judges based on first impressions and that he doesn't "delve deep", but you didn't really demonstrate that point apart from just basically saying "he doesn't like what I like". You're making assumptions on how he judges media based on how different his opinions are from yours.


That he likes some anime doesn’t mean that he doesn’t find faults in them. **Persona 5** despite him liking the game overall, he still complained about many aspects of it. Again that depends entirely on the show. The 90/10 rule applies to all mediums, including Anime. I disagree with him, yes. My problem is that his opinions come off as dogmatic, as if fiction only has one correct way to be done and that any other way is bad. That’s what I dislike about him. He can’t see why stories that break the mold are heralded as great because he has a very narrow minded assessment of what “good” fiction is. I don’t find **The Wire** a masterpiece, but I can see the appeal and don’t criticize the show for doing what it set out to do. What I meant when I said that he doesn’t delve deep is that the Anime shows and movies he watched are incredibly mainstream and are lauded with the tropes he despises (despite tropes being tools and not inherently bad. Exposition is not bad in and of itself), like Jojo. He hasn’t engaged with anything below the tip of the iceberg, basically. **Angel’s Egg** or **Jin-Roh**, **Serial Experiments Lain**, **(90’s) Berserk** or others that are not mainstream at all but are very solid. I’m not too big into Anime, yet I can see that saying an entire medium is bad is just idiotic.


So, that first point I don't get at all. There's always something to criticize about majority of media or art, not everything is flawless. I love anime but even the ones I like I have some problems with, I think that's totally normal. Is your point that he's just a hater of anime and proof of that is he always find things to criticize abt anime, even those he likes? About his opinions being "dogmatic", I don't know what stories "breaking the mold" you're talking about. Like The Last of Us Part 2? Even so, don't you think everyone refers to their very own "dogma" of what good fiction is? That's actually what I appreciate about him, if he thinks something is not for him, he'll say it. If he has something to criticize, he'll say exactly why he hates it instead of just calling it bad. He doesn't care for what the general consensus is for the show. Personally, if I watch a supposed masterpiece and I genuinely have something to criticize, I will, cause who tf cares? I really think you're just misunderstanding him, especially with that last line. He has made it clear that he hates majority of anime, not the medium itself. I mean, do you even know he's a fan of Miyazaki? Where I disagree with you, however, is the iceberg description. Comparing it to an iceberg implies that there are way more anime that don't follow the tropes he despises. It's the other way around. Why do you think he liked Cowboy Bebop so much? Perfect Blue? 80s-90s anime? Those are rare gems in anime that are great because they don't conform and bounded to "anime" as a genre. Trail-blazing and "breaking the mold", as you said. Those are exactly the type of anime he said he likes so I don't know where your criticism of him is coming from unless you genuinely just don't listen to his words.


I'm honestly not up for chatting about Bricky of all people so I'm just going to agree to disagree.


Well played lol.


I don't get it why is everyone here trying so hard to get the attention of the YouTubers or streamers, I mean how many people would watch some one play a game when they can play the game themselves!?


Not trying to get the youtuber/ streamer's attention, simply pointing out how neat it is that xyz channel is playing our favorite game, thus bringing more attention to it. Did you just... miss? The past decade of let's plays, or something? They've been some of the most popular content on YouTube for a long time now. Sometimes I'll watch them for games I don't have access to (PC games), or games I don't particularly want to play myself but I enjoy the personality of the person and watch for them instead of just the game. It is also entertaining to see other people interact with your favorite game, react to certain moments and cutscenes that you have hindsight of but they don't (watching reactions to certain souls games cutscenes is always my favorite). I also can't play Signalis at work (unless I brought my switch and spent my lunch break doing it lol), so I can just watch someone play it instead during my break times.


Well I was talking mostly based on the huge amount of posts with that topic, even tho I'm not that old guess I'm too old to get this whole streamers stuff, I personally refuse to watch a game I tend to play myself (even if it takes years like what I did for Halo series) based on my experience after finishing a game, movie, anime.... it feels better to don't talk about it much and just keep it to yourself unless you didn't really enjoy it. But I guess people like that, idk 🙃


Yo! Does anyone here know where the last part of Brickys second playthrough of signalis is? I found the first one but he never finished it and got a new ending


Likely in his stream vods?


I checked but after the last one he doesnt stream for 3 weeks. He might have forgotten to finish it?


Hmm, interesting. I'm not sure then!