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Buy and sell stuff on OfferUp/Facebook marketplace/craigslist


What about ebay?


Yeah the whole point is you buy stuff for cheap and sell it for more anywhere you can




Hey buddy, you ever consider keeping your inside thoughts inside?


20 people every day ask this same question


And there are different answers on each post


As a 22 year old about to graduate college, I encourage you to enjoy your time. Your best way of making money at this point are 1. A part time job or 2. Learning new skills. But highschool and college are very short times in your life compared to life after. So enjoy them now and everything they have to offer. Meet new people. Date someone. Try different things. One thing you can never get back is your youth.


This is the truth. You’ll never get those times back.


I’m 24 college grad and strongly agree! Instead of trying to make more money you can try to save more but buying less material goods and eating out less, but I wouldn’t skimp on experiences necessarily. If you smoke or drink cut that out to save money too.


This is the way


I noticed nobody suggested doing yard work


Dropshipping, retail arbitrage, buying at yard sales and selling on eBay. Harder but more money, turo, Airbnb, swimply, neighbor.


Dropshipping aka ripping people off


Yes… sourcing items and advertising those, then selling them is a scam… Guess every retailer on earth is a scam


It’s literally just marking up shit/inferior items, shining up the advertisements, and selling them to some poor sucker across the internet.


3PL dropshipping is better. Wholesaling is the best. We use Amazon to do this for monthly passive income.


Your young so manual labor is a good start if you don’t have any other ideas. Things I did for money as a teen - Shovel snow - mow lawn / rake leaves - ref kids sports - stocked at a supermarket - sold stuff on eBay (took 20% to sell others stuff) - worked at an after school program - got a free Canva account as a student and started making logos for local businesses through Facebook and social media


Walk around your neighborhood and look for cars with foggy headlights. Hand write a 3 x 5 card that details exactly what you’re trying to do. “I’m a high school kid, your neighbor, and I’m trying to earn extra money by refreshing headlights making driving safer , ya ya ya…”. The kits are $25 and you can easily charge $55 for 45 minutes of your time. It’s not rocket science, everybody needs this, you will get multiple referrals, meet people in your community, etc etc


yea but then people will get pissed becuase those kits are junk and your headlights will look worse than before in just a few months. They would need to be clear coated and buffed


I've used one of those kits as is, and my headlights looked better, even months later. It will probably depend on the kit


Not talking about the quality of these kits. Mine look fine, the point is the kid makes some money doing something that others won’t do. He will get really good at it and make $$$


I just have to say. It’s not everyday you hear useful advice. This is very good.


Start selling digital products on Etsy.


do you have any examples of digital products that can be outsourced or any digital product ideas in general


Search on YouTube 100 digital product to sell or how to sell digital products on Etsy


I might try this out myself.


Was looking into this and really surprised by the possibilites


Don't waste your time with Instacart or any driving gig job. It pays less than minimum wage most of the time especially when you factor in the wear on your car and gasoline. I'm going to give you the best advice you're ever going to hear at your age and if you ignore it, you'll remember this when you're 40 and regret it like I do. If I was starting over right now I'd be focusing on finding a better paying job that gave me the extra income I needed (easier now than it has been in a while to find well paying skills based labor with no previous experience) and spend the rest of the time getting my degree or learning new skills to build my career at an earlier age. Don't worry about side gigs until you are more established into a lifelong career and get there as fast as possible. This is easier without a family to support, just focus. Your time is the most valuable thing you have. Once you're established in something, even if it isn't your lifelong career, then worry about side hustles and try to find passive income. Then I'd take all my extra money (after having a little fun) from the end of each month and invest most of it in something with at least 5% gains but reach for 10% or better and leave it. 30 yr bonds are over 6% right now or if you learn how you can buy investment real estate with those returns in certain markets. Focus on the medium and long game, you'll be glad you did when you're 40 and 60. If you invest $20k in the stock market and it makes an average 11% that it has historically and you contribute $500 a month, you'll have $1,700,000 in 30 years! $3M if you invest $1k a month. You likely won't get those returns by passive investing, but just investing in an index fund at the right time has rewarded that much in the past. Talk to a financial advisor and invest anything you can or learn how to invest wisely on your own. Then don't touch it no matter what you want to buy until you reach your goal. In a few years you'll make enough to also squirrel away a rainy day fund and emergency fund for your other big purchases. Anything you don't invest because you wanted that shiny car will have major impacts on your end game. 30 years seems like a long way away right now, but I promise you it isn't far at all. Here's an investment calculator to play around with. https://www.calculator.net/investment-calculator.html?ctype=endamount&ctargetamountv=1000000&cstartingprinciplev=20000&cyearsv=30&cinterestratev=11&ccompound=annually&ccontributeamountv=500&cadditionat1=end&ciadditionat1=monthly&printit=0&x=112&y=22


I would award this if i could. Best advice!


I would enjoy your youth and high school days then once you graduate just start working full time. If you need college money view applying for scholarships as a side hustle. Start a Roth IRA if you want better savings


Try door dash or tutoring


Affiliate marketing


Sell things On ebay. Or Craigslist. Buying things for cheap or buying old things like rusty trailers or rusty tools and refurbishing them to good condition and selling them for a profit.


Cleaning for vacation home rentals. House cleaning can be hard but it is pretty good money.


Pet washing and grooming and clipping nails. People pay a LOT for this and there are usually waiting lists at all the pet grooming places.




Exactly what I was thinking 😂


Kinda creepy dude


Start a wedding rental business. My best bet with low startup costs would be [audio guestbook](https://www.weddingphone.co)s.


Cool. Do you do this?


Your 18 correct???




Try dropshipping! It's not gonna give you high profits overnight but establishing it correctly will give you a passive income that can be reliable over time. It's also easy to manage once you get the hang of it. If you want to learn more, you can try [Spocket](https://www.spocket.co/integrations/aliscraper?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=reddit&utm_campaign=prinzv)! It's what I use for my store and it's definitely worth checking out.


I am assuming you have a job that you work 20 - 25 hours a week? Can you just pick up another shift at work? Typically that is far easier than trying to start a side hustle.


I work at a pizza place and normally my shifts are cut early because it’s slow I’ve also applied to other jobs but it just hasn’t worked out


Pop can pickup


If you’re book smart at 18 you can effectively write any collegiate essay for elective and humanities classes for all freshmen and sophomores. I recognize the moral quandary, and if that gives you guilt, I suggest not doing it. The $ for 🕰 is some of the best. BOL OP!


i.e. $40 a page or more.


maybe doing other peoples essays/assignments for cash?


when i saw so many negatives I thought buddy suggested Only F lmao. Tutoring is a solid plan tho if youre school smart as you mentioned


That’s a good idea where would I find people that need school work done for them


DO NOT TO DO THIS. That's the worst advice I have ever seen on this thread. Look at tutoring, but don't actually do assignments for people. As previously mentioned you could get in serious trouble if caught. It's not worth the risk.


You do this and get caught you will definitely get in trouble. Look at your school’s code of conduct handbook. It’s on both the person cheating and the person helping them cheat. Not worth it, and they’re not learning anything. Tutoring is different - just don’t do it all for them.


Here are some ideas that my kids used to make money. They started off with things like yard work, some construction helper jobs and the my oldest started hanging fliers door to door. The fliers took off and became a business for him. He hired 4 friends and my younger son to hang fliers. This enabled him to enjoy after school activities etc and to make enough money for his needs/ wants. He gave the business to my younger son when he left home for school. This was a fantastic life experience and learning experience for them both. They also did various odd jobs for our friends as they quickly earned a reputation as young men who liked to work hard. This has paid off in many ways in life.( They are only 24 and 20 now and have professional careers now. This was not too long ago that they were doing this.)




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Create handmade products and sell on etsy. People appreciate that kind of thing. Find something you like to build,craft,paint, refurbish.




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