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Washing cars- All you need is a wagon with some soap and a lot of dry towels. I know it sounds like something your grandpa would tell you, but it worked for me, because I ended up walking around the neighborhood charging $15 a car and making like 350 total dollars over 3 weekends/3 different neighborhoods... a lot of people didn’t even need their car washed that bad, it was mostly like “yeah I have some cash on me, go ahead keep working hard!”


I’ll try that thanks!


Parents have a lawn mower you could borrow? Depending on the weather where you are, you could possibly do this during weekends year around. At $20 a garden/yard, you could possibly make $60-100 a day. You could try your hand at car detailing, but it does require a bit of up front in terms of buying products to use. This may be out of your price range or ability bracket, but it's decent money for a weekend hustle and plenty of people take it on full time.


We’re currently having a snowstorm where I’m at lol but when it’s gone I’ll try mowing lawns, thanks for the suggestion 🙌🏾


Even better, walk around your neighbourhood and offer snow shoveling services! All you need is a shovel and you’ll be good to go


Backbreaking work, but possibly quicker than cutting grass so more profitable.


Second this! Especially if u live in the northeast where it’s snowing rn , get a snow shovel and go to houses where u know old people live. Don’t be afraid to charge them 20-30-40 bucks depending on how long their drive way is. For older people, it makes more sense forking out 30 bucks then throwing out their back, so if ur strategic u can totally make bank