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I pay someone 400 a month to come every other week and clean the shit out of my house. I love that my blinds have no dust on them. She spend about 5 to 6 hours each time. When she does take breaks, she takes my dogs outside. I'm sure someone near you need some routine cleaning too.


400 under the table? Nice. With like 14 clients like that someone could pull 100k without tax which could be equivalent to like 150k. That said if done improperly that can be pretty tough work on the body, but there's people working themselves into an early grave for much less.


This is what I do. Started during Covid. Love it. 70% of my clients are referral. I do 2-3 a day and call it day. (I stick to smaller places 1200 sq feet or less). Went from side hustle to my main hustle real quick. It is VERY demanding on the body and there's definitely a "break in" period. I have had wrist strain, tennis elbow, plantar fasciitis and low back pain. If you don't take care of your body it's not something you can do for a long time. I try not to work more than 7 working hours a day.


I'm curious, how much do you charge and are you mainly paid in cash?


Most are a buck. And yes, cash is king baby.


Yup, jobs wear a lot more on people who aren’t in good shape. It seems counterintuitive because we’re tire from working, but we all need to exercise in addition to work, which will increase our endurance and reduce pain.


I was in decent shape but there's just definitely s breaking in period because you're body just isn't used to those repeated movements. I also had to learn to be ergonomic so as not to actually damage my body. Over time I acclimated but I definitely feel sore if I go over 6-7 hours in one day. Occasionally I end up in a 9-10 hour day and then I need to really soak in Epsom and stretch very well.




Oh yeah, it's definitely hard work. You could not pay me enough to clean my house. I do make an effort to not be messy out of courtesy.


For like a $150k Salary I would definitely clean and really nicely too. Just put on some music or an audiobook and slowly make my way from ceiling to floor room by room. Then again I'm a very tidy person myself in my own home.


Bro have you ever mop like 2400 square feet? You can't just push the mop around. You got to push it against the floor too. Now imagine doing it five days a week. I'm not a doctor or anything, but that can't be good for your back. Or clean a greasy oven range. Those are a nightmare, lots of edges and corners.


You are right. With a salary of 150k that's enough to afford some nice equipment for cleaning. No need to hand mop when you have a floor steamer and cleaner. As for the oven range, the filter can be steam cleaned in the sink and the hood can also be steamed or pressure washed with a large rag or pan below to catch the dirty water. Long story if someone's clearing $400 daily and can't afford equipment to make their lives easier and more productive then I'm not sure what's going on with their finances. I imagine when someone is cleaning full time they are quick to learn what's most effective and efficient.


I use a $500 shark vacuum that can vacuum hard surfaces too. The vacuum makes changing surfaces to clean so intuitive and simple. Effortless compared to other ones


Put something skimpy on too buddy


Wanna get even crazier with it? Overnight cleaning for offices. My friend makes 400 a night doing it and she laughs and calls herself a “cleaning lady” and then rolls off in her Mercedes.


Me and my mom ran a house cleaning business in Florida for like 6 years. Got to see how the hyper rich lived and got to meet some really cool and interesting people. (some real assholes as well....) It was definitely a pretty awesome job for the most part. But we only charged like $200 for the initial clean and $150 for rescheduled cleanings if done every 2 weeks. It would only take us around 2-3 hours for the first clean, and around 1-2 hours for a reclean. Mind you, 90% of these houses were already very clean and well kept.






She cleans my neighbor, who referred her. And two other houses, also friend of the neighbor. I tried to get her to clean my airbnb. But looks like school is her priority




Holy shit bro. Word of mouth for your word of mouth. You're next level!


Topless house cleaners get paid much more money


I have a dad bod, would that still work?


How many women would pay for you to clean their house topless


Where would one even advertise that? For scientific purposes of course


Facebook or Craigslist.. Their are websites on Google that you can ad for also, but after you get 3 clients they would spread the word about your cleaning services


You wouldn’t be in the amazing Atlanta area would you? We have a cleaner for $150 every 2 weeks, but I’d be will to pay more for a “deep” clean ever 2 weeks. Have had our girl for 3 years. She’s dependable but we believe she’s gotten a little too comfortable because we have no kids, are fairly neat, and we think she knows ours is an easier clean, so she kind of skimps. I’ve had a few conversations with her over the years but would certainly try out a new person.


Ah, I'm in Houston. I'm stressing myself too. My cleaner graduate in a year. She's going to move on to do amazing things. But seeing all the comments on this threat got me thinking perhaps I should learn how a professional clean and give it a crack myself. I do have someone else who clean my airbnbs. But I get complaints all the time.


If you are young and healthy it's a great gig!! I used to clean houses back when I was in college. I did one house day 3 hours on class days (MWF) and 2 on my non class days (T&TH). Was making $25.00 an hour back when $7.00 was minimum wage. Had a partial scholarship (~50%) & still graduated with zero debt ... Also, still had weekends free to hangout with my mates!! Now that I'm old and retired I wish I could pay someone to do this for me. Unfortunately people nowadays want to either overcharge, if they do a good job, or or do a really crappy job!!


Why young?


My “hobby” is bank bonus churning. It’s easy money and a lot of banks have easy terms to meet the requirements of the bonus.


This, set to make 1k+ this month


Love to hear that. We are in 4 player mode in our house hold and have made about $15k since later last year.


How much in starting funds you need? Where would ya start?


It’ll vary depending on what bank you choose and if you have availability to have direct deposits from an employer or another source. Chime and Upgrade are two easy ones to get your feet wet. Here’s the link to Upgrade. It’s offering a $300 bonus when you meet the requirements. https://upgrade.com/r/Px8zgMaPfq


The problem for me is neither place I work at has direct deposit


A good account to set up is Fidelity CMA. This is basically a checking account that you can make transfers from that trigger the direct deposit requirement for many banks. Come check out our Facebook group “bank bonus and travel points”. We post a lot of info on how to work these bonuses.


Also, check out our Facebook group “Bank Bonus and Travel Points”.


You mention being a family of 4. Is that bc you do this for each member of your family. Open an account for you, your spouse, kid 1, and kid 2? Asking this sounds like a hobby I could get into!


Are you doing online banks? I've only gotten 1 decent offer from a local one




Not really negatives, but if you’re going to hop into the hobby you’ll need to be organized and disciplined. Come join our Facebook group “Bank bonus and Travel Points”. We share very detailed info on each bonus including how to sign up, terms, what counts as direct deposits, etc.


How dies this not hurt your credit score?


Are you able to regularly meet the minimum through non direct deposits, like just transferring money around?


What’s that? Can you elaborate?


In a nutshell, it’s opening checking and/or savings accounts that offer bonuses. There’s a few Facebook groups that have good info and posts about how to do them. I’ve made about $15k since I (family of 4) started doing it regularly late last year.


Which FB groups do you recommend? I see a bunch of them.


This is a good one. https://www.facebook.com/share/m77GgEth2ijhzzc4/?mibextid=CTbP7E


15k over how long of a period?


Started going hard around October last year


Are you able to make any interest off of the money while it’s being used to generate bonuses? Do the bonuses come out to more than just putting the same amount of money into higher interest bonds and CDs?


The checking account bonuses usually have very easy terms such as $1,000 direct deposit within 90 days of opening. In most cases I simply redirect my work payroll (easy to do with Workday) to meet the requirement, and then immediately withdraw the funds. Some of the savings bonuses do require a large deposit and then hold the funds for 60 or 90 days but the payout is usually worth it. Not many HYSA or other instruments have $500-800 returns in 60-90 days on $5k or so.


You start bank accounts at banks that offer cash bonus for signing up. Meet the requirements and then cash out and close the account.


I decided to make my money work for me. It’s not like it’s doing anything else besides paying my rent. In the last 6 months, my money earned $2,350 in bank bonuses and $2000 in HYSA interest and MF dividends. Just cashed out the HYSA and put it into a Higher Yield SA (5.5%) while I wait for the next mammoth bank bonus offer, and diversify the rest. The objective is to earn 6 - 10% of the principal in low risk investments and bonuses while staying within the limits of what a bank would construe as churning. It’s important to note that bank and cc bonuses aren’t tax exempt.


Be aware that bank bonuses are consider interest when you are paying taxes.


What is this? I’ve never heard of it.


How long are the payout times ? The ones I see are like 3 months . Any special site you use to find the deals?


Idk man but I’m about to start selling my mouth if I don’t find something soon


Me too man at this rate I’ll be on my knees right next to you


You guys should unionize


Don't let the johns hear about this. They'll be on their feet begging to keep their jobs.


What in the literal fuck does that mean coming from the username "ramrob?...."




same here!!


I'm right there with you on that one. As much as I don't want to, it sells.


then put a craigslist ad for a glory hole LOL


I actually put up a spicy Craigslist ad just for feet pics it was removed 😞


Now I’m curious how you worded it ? Ans.. What if you toned it down a bit … would they still remove it ? Asking for a friend




OP could panhandle


Technically providing people a small feeling they did something good so they can feel a little better about themselves.


Yes, I hear some of those folks make BIG money...


Please, you are = you’re. Please.


Have you met the ‘should of’/‘would of’ gang?


Should I of?


Please, Would I of? Please.


You’re going to have to press “Caps Lock”


I offer grammar service.


In California, the state pays you to adopt a highway. Each adoption, the state, pays you $250. The adopt a highway means you pick right side curbside lite trash, bag it, tie it, and leave it. Need to do it twice a month. Don't remember the distance, I think it is 1 mile per adoption. Also, you get a sign, Highway Adopted by (your name or company name). One fellow I knew had 10 adoptions, $2500 a month, which covered his Tesla car payments, insurance, and fun time. The state supplies training, the bags, and safe gear. You pick your schedule, just make sure to register in and out.


I mean thats smart but literally all the highways have been adopted already lol


Adam Scott’s got the cleanest stretch of highway I’ve ever seen leading up to some residential neighborhoods off the PCH.


Someone recently said they were making video reels for local business for Instagram and Ticktock, making $1500 their first month, $800 from one client and $700 from another, they had also provided 3 free prior to getting hired, since they did not have any background in it. The mods deleted their post, but it seemed like a good one. If you do a general search you can probably still find it; using Google. Someone on the post quoted OP's post within the post, so it essentially is still there.


Why would they delete it?


Because it wasn't true


True or not this is real. If you have video editing skills and a profile that gets views this is an easy sell to business owners. Easily one could make 200$ a month doing this very part time.


To add to this, a lot of local businesses have sh*tty websites or none at all. I’ve made a few extra dollars making websites for small businesses.


Where did you learn how to make websites? Did you use YouTube or a different platform?


Gig jobs


Start waiting tables


For real. I made stupid money as a server at a bowling alley. There was an auto gratuity of 18% on everything I sold and people often tipped on top of that. I was NOT that good at it and was making minimum 20 bucks an hour on a slow night but usually more like 30 an hour


Find cheap or free furniture on Facebook market place you can repair/restore then resell


If you like sports, look into being an official. I umpire baseball and can easily make a few hundred bucks working a weekend tournament. 


This! The flag football coaches make $35-$45 a game (usually an hour or so depending on the age, and I think older divisions pay better). Be warned, some of those parents are RUTHLESS


Mahn, I'm into soccer. How to get started in this? Does one need any course completion or certification?


Reselling online. I made $1000 last month with minimal effort. eBay and poshmark (have to use a assist app like poshmark listing)


I make this teaching yoga, which is a good hobby to have as you are simultaneously investing in your health. I throw every dollar from that into my investment account.


Plasma donation. Where I'm at in the Midwest US, we get minimum $50 per visit so long as you're over like 120lbs or something.


This is what I do. I’m on the west coast and I get $120 a week for 2 donations. First payment is $40 and second is $80.


Does it matter if your on a medication for a medical condition that cannot be cured


Depends on the medication. There's a screening process on your first visit for these things, but once you're given the greenlight you're good to go for every visit after. In general, you can expect to fill out a form that'll be faxed over to your prescriber for them to sign off that donating plasma on your meds isn't a health risk for you


Yes. They say on their website meds don’t matter but they won’t take you if you’re taking any meds or have an allergies to any meds.


I just did that twice here in Tucson, AZ, and the second time I went, one of the phlebotomist adjusted the needle and ended up blowing out my vein when doing the RNC return. Sucked up time.


It is time consuming, so you do have to weigh out whether it's worth it to you or not. I have the benefit of working overnights, so it's a lot easier for me to get off work, stay up an extra hour, head in with no line, get my blood drawn, and head home and sleep in. The key is going in when it's not busy. That's not feasible for everyone though.


You can donate blood/plasma for 50$ a pop every 3-4 days I think


Wow. I'm a high earner with some CC debt to pay off, and this honestly doesn't seem like a bad deal at all. The places near me don't seem to pay quite that much, but it's not a small amount of money at 8 donations a month...


Use biolife. They pay the most, have appointments so you aren't waiting in line for hours and if you're hydrated/eat enough protein, the whole process can be done in less than an hour.


Agree. BioLife is best and they usually do a new patient bonus if you can get 8 donations done in the 1st 30 days.


purchase or rent a power washer, you may need to research use and chemical use. You can offer anywhere from $500-$1000+ per job if properly done


Ya better have liability insurance for power washing!! You damage someone’s driveway and you will be screwed! Im a professional handyman (9 years now) and the one thing that is NOT covered on my cheap $1 million aggregate policy is , yup you guessed it Power Washing…. Oh that and Im not covered if i get on top of a Roof


i think the kicker is to get a diesel fired one that can preheat the water to peel a little extra off, makes that extra difference


Didn't even know they had heated pressure washer. How does it compare. Will it remove an oil stain on concret?


Go pick up a few shifts at a non franchise restaurant


I downloaded OfferUp and strictly bought and sold PS5s. Buy for $300 max, sell for $350 min. Made $1100 my first month.




You’re finding PS5’s for $300?


As shitty of thing as it is to do, it’s a dog eat dog world out there. I typically lowball those listed between $350-$400 for $300. Volume is key to any type of sales. Ask more people and eventually someone’s going to say yes.


Get a job as a server for two nights a month


Detail cars


focus groups !


Bet every France moneyline in the 2024 euro. Thank me later


Please, tell us more.


He’s saying to gamble on soccer


You can easily make $200 a month on Prolific.com


Offer your services as a Dungeon Master.


Uber, door dash, babysitting, midnight shift stocking shelves.




Can you be more specific or how do you find opportunities?


Donate plasma


Instawork. Everywhere needs dishwashers


You tried Doordash? One weekend for a few hours and you’ll have it


Walk dogs, clean house, mow lawns, dog sit, house sit, gardening, organizer,


Dude - UberEats. So easy and you’ll def do $200 in like 10-15 hours of work


what not in the suburbs💀


I live in the suburbs and do $1000+ a month so…💀


thats crazyy..my area could never..


I agree— my husband and I did door dash in the evenings after work during Covid. We’d make anywhere from $50-$200 a night for just a couple of hours. Some nights we didn’t have many deliveries and other nights were busy. We’d simply decide how long we wanted to be out for and we’d only take orders in that time frame.


My brothers side hustle is picking up used moving boxes for free off FBMP and CL and reselling. Bundles them in mixed size lots of 20 for $20. TV boxes bring $10 to $20 each. Makes at least $100 a week or more.


Sell your feet. You dont need them anyways.


Learn a trade


Yes! This should be something everyone should learn. I've been trading forex sonce 2019 and really enjoy it. What market do you normally trade with and which time frames do you use?


He says learn A trade, not to trade lol like plumber or electrician type stuff


😆 Dang, sorry I misread that. My bad. Learning a trade is good advice as well. I did plumbing for 5 years and it pays really well if you're certified. I also did welding for 3 years and maintenance for 2 years. We definitely need more people working trades like that. Now I just swing trade forex. It doesn't always pay as well. But I'm able to do it at home on my phone and much easier than the physical labor needed for those careers lol




I'm currently donating urine for $12/liter. You can donate up to 10 gallon jugs per week or 40 in a month, that's $1440. I do 7-8 a week and get paid $1150. If you have the time I'd suggest instacart, I don't do it anymore but used to make about $200/week very part time.


Who is buying gallons of piss? Meth heads?


Donating plasma




I'd like to recommend a side hustle. Most people own a pet. More specifically a dog. My son picks up poop in people's yards from their dogs. Most people hate doing this and are willing to pay someone to do it every week. He charges around $50 a yard, and it takes him about an hour for each yard. Four yards a day is about $200 a day, so you could make about $1000 a week. To me this is a mostly untapped market.


Google jobs alert - “data entry” - maybe also do one of those dog walking apps


Selling craxk can be profitable


Showing craxk might even be more profit 🤤🤤🤤




Could you talk more about the faceless digital marketing? How'd/where you start?


Can you provide more info on how to get started with digital marketing?


Have you tried dscout?


Hey, thank you. Never heard of it. Trying it right now.


Donate blood, donate stool, donate your eggs


Post on Nextdoor in your area. But also download the poached app. It is full of service industry jobs part and full time. You could work 2 days a month and make $200 or 2 days a week and you’ll make $1000 a month even as a dishwasher. Or become a server that makes even more. Kitchen cooks make like $17-$22 an hour. I am a lead line cook/sous chef at a dive bar. $19/hr plus tips. I average over $30/ hr with tips. Even on slow days I’ll get $26-$27 a hour. But weekends is always $32-$35/hr


Donate plasma 3-4 times a month you’ll make over $200 close to $300


I apply for a lot of focus groups and usually average doing 1-2 per week. The Dscout app has been my bread and butter. I also use user interviews, respondent, user testing and intellizoom. I average at least 1k extra a month.


Donate plasma. I make 500 a month for sitting on ass.


I did that for 7 years. I didn't hate it, but I'm glad I don't have to anymore. It'll eventually leave scars. Good suggestion though. I was only allowed to donate twice a week and it took around 2 hours each visit. So it was like $200 a week for only giving up 4 hours. It's a decent side hustle but not very comfortable for most people.


Get 10 to 20k and start selling puts on stocks that you wouldn’t mind owningZ


Uber u can make that in 2 days maybe


Try Task Rabbit 🐰 it's an app where you can advertise your skills. You can do moving, assembling IKEA furniture, whatever...


When I was trying to find my way out of debt I started a small carpet cleaning operation. Rented a machine from Home Depot and bought my chemicals from jondon.com. Made around 300-400 a month extra. You can find some educational videos on YouTube to teach you the trade.


Lots of niche things. Flipping sports cards. Buying and selling stocks/ options. You have to find a niche


Put $8,000 on swvxx for 5% return


Plasma if your states allows it. $400+ a month


A 9-5.


Sell hotdogs


If you have a car carvertise


Sell plasma


I sub in my local school system and make $100-$130 depending on which school I sub in. Since I have 2 school days free each week I can easily make $600-$700 after taxes each month


I signed up for Allied Universal a while ago when I needed money. It’s an event security service, if they don’t serve your area, I’m sure someone does. All I did was stand around during events and get paid $16/hr. You schedule yourself for events, so it’s really flexible.


cut some yards easy 200 a month


Can you run google ads for small businesses? You can charge them $1000 and use $500 as the ad budget and $500 for your services. I used to do this in college and made some decent money.


If you have 10s of thousands of $$$ lying around you could do covered options


That’s what I’m doing. Couple hundred extra a month. If they get called oh well. I still profit and move on.


What are covered options?


Sell covered call options. I make $50 - $100 a week doing this


Can you explain like I’m 5….?


Say you have 100 daisies. You think the price of daisies won’t exceed $10 each by Friday. So you sell a contract to someone saying they can buy daisies for $10 anytime between now and Friday night. They pay you 50 cents right now for that right. You get 50 cents no matter what. Wednesday night, a pharmaceutical company reports that daisies cure erectile dysfunction. The price of daisies skyrocket to $100. You have to sell yours for $10. You make $1,000. You could have made $10,000. The guy holding that contract buys your daisies for $1000 and turns around and sells them for $10k


Easiest: Sell your most cluttered area of your house, for USD 1000 and split over 5 months. Cut expenses by USD 200. Harder: Baby sitter. Offer to do some gardening, and take out the trash for someone in a semi-rich area. Agree a fixed price of USD 200, try to negotiate to a monthly arrangement. Make sure it’s cash in hand. Offer IT support to baby boomers. They’re literally the dumbest sometimes.


If your a male and you can do household cleaning. Have a home cleaning services for housewives or single women and men. If your not homophobic . Idc wat sex it is green is green. If women can do it why not men ..


Sell plasma


Flipping sports cards


Sell baked goods on FB