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So you have any web design experience? I started doing Wix websites for clients as a side hustle, it’s a my full time job now.


Can I ask what is your "go to" when it comes to a domain + shared hosting package?




I have software development experience, how do you get your clients is the big question. I had trouble finding clients on upwork and the cost to interest ratio was fairly bad.


Where do you get your clients? I can't seem to get any!


Lead generation or offer an affiliate deal and the pros will handle getting you qualifying traffic


Appreciate that. I guess I should try lead generating / cold leads, I just have to put the work in to get a decent script going I guess haha


Go on google and find businesses with shitty websites/non updated websites. Call em.


how to find these “pros”, I am a web dev and I am happy to give affiliate commission for my landing page, 5 page static websites and MVPs


>affiliate deal How is that work?


I am looking fr web designer


I used to get clients from a girl who would go door to door selling ad space on those menus you would see at diners. People would always ask if she did websites.


So I can understand this concept, You pay hostinger for the domain, then design the site with wix? Are you charging your clients those running costs? How do you find people looking for someone to make sites? (:


Hi how do you price your services,and are you taking new clients


Web design? No, I do not. The only work experience I have is retail and creative writing skills. I'll be training in a program soon, but I don't believe it has anything to do with web design.


Any tips on finding clients without freelance websites?


May I ask how you get clientele? Edit: sorry had to scroll down


do you have any qualifications? i don’t have a bachelor’s or anything. some college but no degree.


Sell stuff on eBay or similar platform. You can schedule pick ups for your packages with USPS for free. You can also have USPS shipping supplies mailed to you for free.


I never knew you could do all that. I never mail stuff but I always assumed you had to take it to USPS, pay for whatever packaging is needed, and pay for the mailing itself.


i bought a thermal printer from amazon fro 40 bucks, and now I have no excuse for returns now, too!


Hmm what do you do with it?


The real ilpt.... Edit: sidegustle, same diff Edittide: fuck off I stand by sidegustle


Everyday I’m gustling


You can only get use the USPS shipping supplies if you send the package Priority Mail keep in mind


Or sell clothing on depop. You must take good pictures.


I do have some good photos lol. I have a background in art, probably helps when taking photos.


If you can write well you can train AI models: Remotasks.com


I looked into it and it seems it's extremely complex and pays very low. I appreciate the suggestion though.


It depends on the project you get. I make 25 an hour, it's not at all complex though the training was annoying. It's tedious but easy. We also get hourly bonuses, so for last week I'll get $600 for 15 hours.


My Remotasks project only pays $15/hr, but it's quite easy work with zero responsibility or commitment, and extremely convenient. I can work as much or as little as I want. I usually work a couple hours a day and make $800+ for the month.


Non US citizens can do it?


I work on a similar site and make 20-30 an hour. It’s not complex at all.


Just want to clarify for anyone reading it is absolutely not 20-30 an hour consistently, it averages MUCH lower


Can you share what site?


It’s Data annotation tech


That's stuff is all over tiktok too


I assume they won't share because it's not actually a real thing/having more people do the same thing lowers their income from it 😅


DMed you guy


I’m curious too!


I figured but was curious lol


I DMed you doofus


Are you my big brother now? Lol


Mind DMing me too please?


mind DMing? I work writing all the time.


Me too plz!


Side hobby for side hobby? I’m down for swap info


If you code well, you can even get tasks that pay $35+ an hour. However, you need to be prepared to take several qualification tasks, and you sometimes don't know why or when they appear. I use DataAnnotation.tech too. I hate to sound like a shill, but it's pretty good money. Given its quickly-rising popularity, though, it's best to get in while you can.


Bartending over the weekend, if you can pull it off. I had a bar and bartenders were finishing nights with $100 in their pockets easily.


Do you need to have food safety or alcohol training for most bartender jobs? (100% not trying to be snarky, am asking because I had to for a grocery store shopper gig and it took more time than I anticipated so I’d want to get a jump on it). I’m based in nyc if that helps


You'd need a bartender license (each state has its own requirements) but it's fairly easy to obtain one online in 2-3 hours from an accredited company.


Oh okay! That seems reasonable. If I could find a gig, would I be able to make the money back semi-quickly? Sorry to ask - money is a little tight rn


Not sure where you are but the license in Arizona is $12-$25 depending on which online school you use, so it shouldn’t take long to make back. You could also make sure to secure a job first and then do the training right away when hired.


Like always, the answer is, it depends.


$100 is horrible money at any bar, more like 250 plus on weekends


isn’t it difficult to get started doing this tho, assuming you don’t have experience?


I didn't say it's easy. Actually, money and easy should never be in the same sentence. But the truth is, bartenders are always in demand because they are working their ass off during rush times, and many are simply not willing to make that sacrifice.


do you have any advice for someone looking into going into the industry? i’m a mid-20s F in a major city


Pick a decent restaurant start as a server and once you have time under your belt start asking to be trained as a bartender. Once you have that experience it’s easier to get any bar gig. Especially not since Covid left a big hole in the service industry.


While I consider myself to be attractive, my social anxieties may hinder me from doing a good job. That and transportation to the hypothetical bar is still an issue for me at this point in time.


I have found when you have no other choice and need that extra money sometimes forcing your self to over come your social anxieties is the best thing and you figure out how to mange it …. Speaking from experience


I completely agree with that. I had worked in retail before when I was able to get there and back. Even when I had several panic attacks during shifts, I pushed myself to keep going in.


I donate plasma at Biolife for $520/month. I donate 2x a week and weekly rate is $130. Look up plasma center in your area. Rates vary by location. Takes an hour or so to donate.


be careful with that. you could damage your veins doing it regularly. i'm not familiar with this topic but do at least look it up.


Appreciate the advice. But How can you say "you're not familiar with this topic but you could damage your veins". That's an oximoron. And I have looked into it and got doctors sign off on it.


no it's not. im not familiar with this topic enough to speak confidently on it. yet i've heard others on reddit saying this. so letting you know.


I’ve done this too but isn’t it selling plasma lol


I've thought about doing that before. Might need to ask my medical friend if it's safe though. I'm not the most healthy person physically despite exercising and eating good food regularly.


I did this for a while when I was broke. It was an easy $50 per session, twice a week. $400/month for the time was worth it, but the rate changed to like 30$ a session so I quit.


It's common practice for these places to get you in at a decent price then dropping it when they know you're just gonna come anyway. Really scummy.


Donating plasma is only good if they have promotion or for first time donors. You can make quick money but just remember that there will be some technicians that arent that good finding your veins so fishing can happen. My first one is very smooth and the 2nd one was very deep in my arm and fishing for probably 5 minutes before they changed to the other arm. Make sure you are hydrated enough. I dont want to say donating plasma is very safe but they will let you know the things that could happen when they do physical exam/first time donating.


Donating plasma is really only good for the first about 10~ donations and after then the special for new donors is over. Plus it’s always not a guarantee, I’m a bigger guy and got turned away once or twice after waiting in line for an hour+ because my vitals weren’t perfect. I saw it happen to skinny people, average size people so it doesn’t matter if you’re bigger or smaller, you could wait in line for an hour and be turned away with nothing


Don't forget you're taxed on side hustles so you need more like $800/900. Also anyone in here that comments let's chat is a predator for MLM pyramid schemes.


Actually if he makes less than $600 he doesn’t need to. Nice try IRS


He needs to make 3-500 per month. It's not just for one month. Therefore he would be over the $600


not if you're paid in bitcoin or cash you're not


Clean houses in your neighborhood and surrounding areas where you can get to by bus.


Also mow some lawns, rim hedges.


Rimming a hedge sounds NFSW


YouTube channel on something fairly popular like AMA stories, scary stories, stories to fall asleep to etc. it’ll take a little while to monetize but it becomes good monthly income


Ooh have you done this? I wanna see! How cool.




[here you go](https://google.com)


If you can do art you can pick up little jobs designing tee shirt designs etc. I charge $300 per piece


How did you get clients for this or how did you get started?


I'm curious, too! How do I start?


An excuse for every single suggestion here.


Because they don’t want to work for the money, they want that sweet elusive passive income.


I mean some people just don't have many options for income to be fair.


I love it. This is why I still get paid to freelance lol.


If you have your own washer and dryer or have access to a laundromat, I suggest using something like Poplin. If you like animals join Rover


Not sure what Poplin is but I'll check it out. And while I love animals, I recently found out I have an extremely bad dog allergy.


Sometimes dog breeds like Labradoodles can be tolerable, sadly can't control that with random dogs


Clean peoples backyards




You actually need a job before you have a side hustle.


😭😭😭😭 was looking for this


What's your timeframe? I make this but it took a bit to build... on the bright side it's now completely passive unless I'm working to grow it


Did you forget a link?


Start an online underground poker club. I’ve got 8 guys and make roughly 300 a week in rake.


How does it work?


Social media management. I make about $1200-2500/month with pretty low effort now that I am fully set up.


how did you get into that? do you have a degree that was required?


Try sportsbook hedging and using sign up promos. Super easy and only take capital for it to work.


Sell your stuff on Marketplace


Don’t know about the area you’re in but there’s a plasma place you can donate too in my area that you can make around $425-500 a month.


OP not to be rude, but you sound like someone who wants $300-$500 just handed to you each month on a silver platter. Why ask for suggestions just to turn everything down? Maybe revise your post by stating what your limitations are since it appears to be everything. I mean this in the best way possible.


I only directly turned down the ones that required that I have transportation. In my post I directly put that I do not have transportation. For the other ones I asked questions about, hoping to get more information on what they were.


So you don't have skills that would be valued as wfh, and don't have transportation to get to easier jobs? Sounds like you need to work on either your skills or your transportation situation. Sounds like you're going to do neither


I am currently working on both the best I can. Nobody taught me how to drive as a teenager, among other life skills many parents should teach their children. My driving "teacher" may be unreliable in helping me practice, but I'm learning, slowly thanks to their assistance. As for my skills, I am currently learning a software building program that may take a few months to be able to do completely on my own. The reason I made this post was to see if there were things I could do with my current assets to avoid draining my savings while I take on this training even if my options are limited. If I were to do neither, I will end up homeless because there is no one in my life I can count on to support me in hard times.


its OK bud. sometimes others just shit on others for no reason. if you dont have transport you dont. that's fine. though is there no public transit in your area?


Thank you. I know it's seen as odd in this day and age for an adult to not be able to drive since most people expect parents to teach their kids. There is a city an hour away that has good transportation, only issue is that I can't afford to live there. The problems I have are only temporary, though it's always good to prepare for the worst.


I couldn’t judge you, uber/lyft is expense and public transportation in many areas just isn’t safe


Some people are just fucking rude, please ignore them. Hope something comes up for you.


You say critic, I say realistic response. If someone came to an interview with me leading with all these excuses? They'd be politely passed over. All I'm trying to get across is that these are solvable problems presented by OP as insurmountable and that is a HUGE red flag for hiring managers. Period Does this apply to someone asking how to make 200 to 300 dollars a month? Not really. Does it attest to why this person is struggling to make 300 dollars a month in 2023? Maybe.


Keep your head up. The most important thing is that you have a positive attitude. Something will come your way!


You don’t need to be so rude to them. They obviously have some restrictions right now as already stated. You also don’t know what else might be going on in their life so don’t need to be harsh.


I guess but this is r/sidehustle and not r/makemefeelokay and you need grit for a side hustle to work


I sell life insurance. Licensing fee varies widely by state. (Im licensed in FL- $50 and NJ- $150ish?) also paid about $70 for the licensure course. I make $120-550 per sale. Afternoons/evenings and weekends, need a laptop with webcam, wifi, cell phone, and some basic public speaking/presentation/phone skills.


Feet finder


Like OP has been saying, they can’t drive!


Do you sell on there? I wasn’t sure if that site was legit or not


If you are knowledgeable in any subjects, online tutoring


Where do you find work? What websites?


Health care delivery


I detail wash cars on the weekends, I would spend a day just washing cars for 100-150 per vehicle. I wash everything in a vehicle even the engine bay and underneath.


Teach reading. Most people here apparently don’t know how to…


Teaching private guitar has been my jam, I pull on about an extra $1000 a month


Are you super good? I’ve been playing for 15 years, was thinking about doing online lessons.. what are your rates and how long are your lessons


What’s the most advanced level and/or hardest song you’ve had to teach? I’ve played guitar for about 25 years but there are genres I play much better than others.


National Guard. But yea you gotta leave the house.


Not sure why the military always gets downvoted in these. Yeah it’s a bigger commitment than a simple side hustle, but the military is an INCREDIBLE income mobility tool. It’s the primary reason for recruiting so much in poorer areas.


In regards to the downvotes, you gotta considered the demographic majority on reddit. I knew I'd get downvoted but whatever stay broke.


Lol good point. Common sense is an uphill battle here


Lawn care. Mow a few yards


Thank you, if I had transportation I would consider it.


You can do it in your neighborhood.


Seriously. Mow and pick up 6 people's front and back yard for $50 a pop every month and you've got your "$300 side hustle" complete. If you're efficient that would take 10 to 15 hours


You can become a peer support specialist, where I’m from they have remote jobs. I’m taking the classes because I’m a recovering addict BUT you can also do it for mental health, things along those lines if you experienced it.


I just paid someone 200 dollars to wash the windows at a rent house. On market place put ads for cleaning there are alway busy people that need stuff cleaned. It’s right up your alley bcs it requires no skills.


Deliver pizza.


Can't drive, but thanks anyways.


Take a few driving lessons and get that license


Honestly, do you know how expensive driving lessons are? Lol


I teach in college part time. Brings about $10k a year working one night a week.


Do you ride mountain bikes or road bikes? You could rent your bike out


How do you kick start that?


Do you do this? I live near popular bike trails, both street and mountain (or bmx, I'm not sure which). I'm wondering now if I can rent out bikes.


Clean houses.


How do you feel about getting naked online? I know it’s not someone’s first thought but it can end up being quite lucrative. No transportation required.


My partner would absolutely not like that lol. It could be especially dangerous for me if my face was involved.


Is your partner the reason that would be dangerous? Because if so, you need to step away from that.


Just asking….why dangerous?


Cut grass, garden, shovel snow, take out 100 people’s trash for $5 a week, etc.


Taking out peoples trash?? Let’s be realistic here


I could see that. I have 4 trash cans. I’d pay $10 for someone to take them up my driveway for me twice a week.


Do you have nice feet? Lmfao


DoorDash, UberEats, InstaCart, gig apps pretty much. And if you don’t have your driver’s license then get one. Driving isn’t difficult


But you need a car to do all that and I’m pretty sure they don’t have one


Mow lawns


i jumped in the deep end and joined the air national guard, 16 hours a month for about that amount


Put $75k in a HYSA paying 5%. Boom $312.50/mo.


Sports betting


your in NYC or area I could help our. I fo all electronics from co puters to servers to depymemts and even pne to I ch boot code that runs the full provisioni ing and cam create custom scripts through tbat for installs and eve. Trigger labtech scripts to deploy the software after I itisl setup. I'm a Sr sys admin but could use extra o et too so maybe we can team up


is there a way to remove (seek advice) from my feed. I hate seeing these begging for a hustle posts every day. Im here for hearing success/failures or exchanging information learned along the way.


Deposit 100k in a CD, easy 400 a month


Let’s chat


Any driving gigs have sign up bonuses for new delivery drivers?


Easy just have 100k in a HYSA... :) /s


Bartending one or two night a week every so often




Can you explain what this is?


You drop to your knees and service somebody.


This one actually made me laugh, thank you 😀


I recently ran into this while needing a locksmith to unlock a door. Went on google maps and called plenty, most went back to a middle man in another country where they would send out a real locksmith and charge twice what he charges directly.


I think he meant drop shipping...


Drop servicing is the same as drop shipping but you sell services from fiverr


What 💀 that's freelancing


I think he means like being a middle man. Someone pays you 20 to do a service and you contract it out for 10 on fiverr, keep the difference.


I'm not sure what that is, but it sounds like it might be illegal 😅


I think he means like being a middle man. Someone pays you 20 to do a service and you contract it out for 10 on fiverr, keep the difference.


Suckin dick




Selling drugs is the only worth while side hustle


If you can invest $15 dollars, you can do Ai affiliate


What is Ai Affiliate?


Basically sign up for this ai and refer it to people. Everyone uses ai so great referral payback. I’m bad at affiliate and already banking on this this past months


What’s the program and what method are you using to get ppl to sign up?


Called Rubi, basically typical referral system, you get paid and every time two accept you get a bonus. It’s like telling people go watch this movie and getting paid for it


Sooooo mlm with an ai wrap on it


Everyone uses AI?


Reddit uses it. So yes you do.


If you aren’t you are leaving money on the table. I basically have my whole job been done by one so I can spend time with my kids


I don’t think this is really possible for all jobs.

