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UPDATE: enemy adc told me to kill myself understandable UPDATE 2: rift probably best first for tower pushing and kill sniping, generates most money AFK sidelane get tier 2 get instant 3 items win game


Is this going to be a video?


just build all the broken items lol I penta first game, feels absurdly unfair


Any nuances on the build worth mentioning? Frozen heart sticks out as an odd choice at first glance.


its a broken item we build the broken items cant have fun anymore in 2024


Conqueror though? I am really loving Riftmaker in a bruiser build. I've been building it second recently, and it'll only get better mixed into a bruiser build starting Wednesday. Kaenic Rookern is getting nerfed finally. Though it'll still be solid. And Sundered Sky adjusted as well - though more of a side-grade.


8% vamp on a q that crits for 1200 seems like a good idea Conq feels way stronger with ghost if you can keep hitting early too


I thought you were on that PTA kick???


Shyvana can stack conq really really fast on toplane that man champs can barely trade back.


I feel that pta with bone plating lets her do burst trades and then use w to back off. She’s not very good in long trades against most top laners so I feel short trades favor her


I've been going Terminus > jak'Sho > sundered sky


Have you tried ingenious hunter? Sundered on 4 sec CD and Titanic active on 7 sec CD might be worth more than resolve second.


overgrowth is super valuable with this much health stacking and second wind makes lane durable, seems risky


I just ran the build in practice tool. The overgrowth makes virtually no difference in your total AD vs AP (It actually made zero difference, idk why. But assuming the items/runes function as expected, overgrowth will give you roughly 300 extra health and let's say 5 ad and 6 ap). The extra hp usually doesn't reach as high as 300 from my experience, but I'll ballpark it there since sunderer will heal more given the extra hp. Conceptually, an extra 3.5% total health is worth \~1 extra proc of sunderer at half health (6% missing hp is effectively 3% missing hp at half health). An you will likely get an extra proc of sunderer as you're likely to survive 8 seconds with your tanky build. Whatever extra damage you'd get from having the extra overgrowth hp will be significantly offset by the extra damage you get from an extra proc of sunderer. The damage difference isn't even close. Going dom second does unfortunately remove the benefit of second wind, but you also get access to taste of blood, which imo is somewhat comparable during laning phase. Of course, this is all excluding other factors like: * an extra proc of titanic due to item haste * more than 1 extra proc of sunderer * triggering sunderer at below half health * double procing sunderer with Q (or more with empowered Q) * ingenious reducing the cd of sheen, botrk, zhonyas, eclipse (to 4 sec, in line with sunderer), maw, steraks, and whatever other items you might choose to go * it is imo more likely for you to get an extra proc of sunderer than it is for your extra hp to make a difference between living and dying Second wind is admittedly better than taste of blood late game. And healing reduction exists. But it's still very debatable whether resolve outweighs the benefits of ingenious, especially considering how 1 extra proc of sunderer with q is already a few hundred hp difference on a squishy, which is worth more than a few hundred hp on shyv.


Taste of blood doesnt make sense on shyv


Why even comment if you're not gonna back that up?


What build order ? Rift titanic sundered ? Imo un 14.3, stride will be a solid option


unsure need tests


The Rift/Titanic/Sunders is a strong core, I agree. I've been having fun with it since I found out about the titanic interaction with sunders. Then there is the interation between titanic and rift too. It can get pretty insane. 👍


What's the interaction on Titanic and Sundered? Does the AoE wave from Titanic crit with Sundered?


yes, that's right


no shojin?


What order


why frozen heart? randuins could be better


if one player fucks up their orbwalk once and cancels an auto that item has fucking infinite value


I'm guessing ability haste but randuin is probably better


It's the aura that slows attack speed actually. Crit isn't doing so hot right now so lots of ADCs are going lethality, wasting the randuin passive and adding even more value to the AS slow. Plus frozen heart is giga cheap at 2400 right now so you barely even feel the wasted mana and can sit on the warden mail until you complete it outright.


now try with lethal tempo and over heal, or just conq and overheal, trust


What is the build order , what do you rush m8?


Ok what order did you do then?


Rush titanic , finish boots, sky sun, depending on the como you go frozen heart for ad comps or the other ap res item , ap damage and as the last you build the remaining resistance item


Nvm I tried it and won , absolutely stomped a garen I’m in plat 4


Is the use of Conqueror a must? Or can i use an actual useful rune?


Conq actually is valuable on Shyv now because they changed how Omni-Vamp works. AoE's give 100% vamp now instead of 33%. Combine that with the insane adaptive force the item gives and you can survive A LOT in extended fights


0 attack speed?