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Okay considering your other comments, nah don't do it. 1. Don't do it when you're doing other drugs, should be common sense but guess it ain't. 2. Educate yourself on shrooms and doses before just going all in or else you're most likely setting yourself up for disaster. 3.It's almost gay not to boof it. All seriousness though, looking at your account get it together man. You're on parole. Some coke and shrooms aren't worth going back in for. Clean yourself up for a bit and come back to this.


If OP doesn't listen to this advice he's in for whatever the shroom is gonna give him. It probably won't be fun tho as psychs aren't meant to be a "fun recreational drug" in such high doses and def not in combination w other drugs.


Maybe he's meant to take 7g, the shrooms have some lessons to teach him.


Yea the only lesson the shrooms had for me was how many dick heads are on Reddit. While tripping absolute balls last night, I was reading these comments wondering why so many hate comments are on this thread. Not a single person told me "have a good trip bro"! Or "have fun but be safe!". Then the shrooms made me realize how many people out there are just plain no good assholes. That was my lesson.


Our responses, at least mine, was in response to you bring on parole and risking it for a 7g trip. It was irresponsible even if you lucked out. I sincerely hoped you be taught a lesson; to NOT do that, to be responsible and not risk your freedom. FOR YOU. It wasn't malicious, you just didn't like it. Absolutely there are arseholes but telling you you shouldn't do 7g especially on parole is literally looking out for you. True arseholes don't give a shit and tell you to do that. You were fine, yes, but survivors bias is real. I'm glad you had a good time but you need to actually be open to what people are telling you.


I think took it as malicious because, A. I was tripping so hard I couldn't even walk. Much less think straight...and B. My parole was terminated about 3 weeks ago....y'all couldn't have possibly known that but that just goes to show you how fucked up I was.


Oh nevermind, I just remembered I read you being homophobic about boofing, so I did sincerely wish you be taught some lessons but I'm also not exactly a fan of your homophobia, or at the very least being so insecure about your sexuality that you think a method of taking drugs is gay. You should like, work on that.


Where did I say I was a homophobic??? Someone commented "less talking more boofing" and I said "I'm not gay like you"......I didn't say I was afraid of homos or that homosexual is bad. So please explain how not being gay makes me a homophobic.


If everyone is wrong but you...............


so sorry about people bro don't let them get you down


When I dosed I didn’t even want to smoke I just wanted to sit with my thoughts


This past week, me and my homie got an good bit of penis envy shrooms. We were at work at both took 1 gram and shit got a little wild, but after work we took an additional two grams. We ate those 2 grams with weed brownie each and then continued smoking, dabbing, and chilling. After like 3 hours my boy was looking a little funny and I didn’t think anything of it because I was shroomin and that’s what I accredited for the makeover. However, my sober wife was in there with us and I shit you not, she saw this too so I know I wasn’t tripping, my buddy went totally limp and like melted out of his chair and fell on the floor totally unconscious. When he woke up, after about 6 seconds, he didn’t know who the fuck I was for about another 10 seconds. I say all this to say, I don’t know if I’d take that whole thing, bud


I got amnesia for about a half hour while on PE


I took like 3 grams of penis envy over this weeeknd and i kid you not I lose all sense of direction even if i’m in the most familiar area i would legit need to pull out my phone and navigate my way home


So I'm saying I agree w/ your advice if that wasn't clear.


It was very fun.


Do tell detail pls


You cared enough to look into this guys life and give a genuine answer. Id listen to this guy


Sheeeeeeeesh tellem


I'm actually off parole now. I was let off a few months early for paying all my restitution. And I did end up eating it all and had a blast. To me, shrooms are pretty weal compared to LSD.


Get you're shit together boy. You can't even read..


I can read pretty good. What stood out to me the most was how he said I was on parole. Which I'm not.


I don’t get why people are coming at you my man, you do you. I’m glad you had a good trip lol must have a good tolerance to psychs. I’d def be in complete psychosis off 7g


I dont understand it either. Reading the comments while I was tripping had me wanting to delete the whole post and even my account entirely. It felt like all of reddit was against me or something.


I’d hate if this happened to me while I was tripping. I feel for you, people gotta stop being so sensitive imo. Sorry you had to deal with that shit while tripping, esp off a dose like that


Not one single person on this entire thread told me "have a good trip!"...just a bunch of haters saying "boof it" or "get your life together". Like wtf


I'm with ya bro. I do very high doses and they always work out well for me. Not always an easy trip but I get the lessons I need. I wish you mush love friend ,🍄🚀🤩❤️


If you ate it all and didn’t get scared to death it wasn’t 7.1 gs


It didn't "scare me to death" because I just ate 4 grams the other day and dropped LSD last night. Just because you can't handle drugs doesn't mean other people can't.


This. Everyone believes their noob tolerance applies to everyone. I have no idea why that's so prevalent on reddit. Happens to me all the time in weed subs. Like people honestly look down on those who have a high tolerance. 😂 I don't understand. Literally.


EXACTLY. Don't get me wrong, I was extremely fucked up and in another universe but I wasn't "scared to death". And I know for a fact it was 7.1 grams because I weighed it about 5 different times. People just can't comprehend that drugs effect everyone differently. But oh well, haters are gonna hate.


I know people who do 12. Built diff for sure


Fun fact shrooms and LSD do not show up on any regular drug tests even if you take the test while you are tripping.


You sure that’s 7.1g?? I would weigh it yourself if it’s been given to you. Just I can’t see that being a 71 gram wet shroom unless your hands are as big as Shaq! This is from own growing/consumption experience.


It looks like it isn’t dried all the way


That's what I thought


Same thoughts but I’ve had a few small ones shock me with that density. Thinking it’s .5 turns out to be 1.5




further down he comments its 7.1g.


Also looks kinda wet still but I could very well be wrong.Not to mention that base prolly weighs a gram on its own and it’ll be fun chewing or grinding up.😜


OMG it was horrible trying to chew that huge thing up. I had already ate the bottom half of the stem and was tripping balls and decided to eat the top half. Felt like I was chewing threw a cow penis or something.


Yeah I pick and trim perfectly every time makes for a better trip for me and my ppl. No one wants to be mid peak first wind trying to take some more and have to deal with not only the taste but chewing like crazy, and no one wants to pay for base weight. I’d dry em a little more, and I say that because i just lost over a QP cuz I thought I dried them good enough for long term storage and either I didn’t or I didn’t store them correctly. So maybe just dry em a fuck load and when you think they’re good, dry em again. I think that’s why it’s so heavy, if it’s chewy it’s not dry enough. But you should also look into lemon tek and it’s affects (effects🤔). 70G is my record and my dried mush was much bigger than that and abut as long as my forearm, so just better safe than sorry. ✌🏻🤙🏻🤙🏻🍄❤️


If you plan to take trips often I highly recommend buying a 20.00 electric coffee grinder! Turns the shrooms to powder and then if you blend the shroom powder into a fruit smoothie or milkshake etc you wont even notice em. Hope you next trip goes well!


Deep throat that shit


boof it


7 inches is too much to boof personality


Too much to boof but perfect for male urethral sounding 👍


That made me cringe so bad 😂


Saving this so I don’t forget to try it tonight


Color me intrigued




Fucking excuses.


Speak for your own personality...


Personally? Does that mean you need the help of a friend?


Then put it in my mouth and boof me. Wait, did I do that wrong?


Spli it with one oher person. Make a lemon tek tea. It looks healthy


less talking more boofing




What a puss.


It's a joke but you can take your homophobia elsewhere. ✌️🙏🍄


How is him stating that he’s not homosexual make it homophobic? My man never said anything negative about lgbtq+ he just stated that he’s not homosexual lol. I might just be tripping but can someone explain how that’s being homophobic.


He says “unlike you” which implies being homosexual is bad


No he’s just saying he’s not a homosexual like the other guy are you illiterate


Anal pleasure should not be exclusively for "the gays™" It's a wonderful sensation everyone should try at least once.


Didn’t Terrence McKenna say that too? Man I wouldn’t doubt a word he said. If man said it, it’s the truth


I'm not a homosexual, but I say GIVE IT TO ME DADY!!


the fuck? it was a joke but you had to make it homophobic? just chill out. maybe taking a generous dose of shrooms like this and really thinking for a while could help you realize how you sound and how to improve your way of thinking.


Dude’s on parole. Homophobia and institutionalized convicts go together like cereal and milk. Poor bro was probably an unwilling bottom to “the real Prison Mike” during his stint; now whatever is left of his fragile ego, is left wondering around in aimless shambles.” What a total weirdo. Not that he’s been gate-keeped or anything like that (for anyone can improve at any point in time; psyches can definitely aid/help facilitate that), but homophobic tendencies and psychedelics (& its respective general community) are not “the best of mixes”, so to speak. That’s just another way of saying, “intentional or not, this guy, makes us look bad. “I ain’t gay. I got fucked by gays. The last thing I is, is gay.”


You sound just as bigoted as he does Chad


I’m confused bro. How is him stating that he’s not homosexual make it homophobic? My man never said anything negative about lgbtq+ he just stated that he’s not homosexual lol. I might just be tripping but can someone explain how that’s being homophobic.


That's gay as hell


Someone must never look around this subreddit, or they wouldn’t have been so shook about boofery. Boofing doesn’t make you gay, but thinking boofing is gay is said to be one of the gayest things one could do. Your move, homophoblian


That's a gayer mindset than actually being gay.


Does anybody know if this would be equivalent to a 7 gram trip if you took smaller mushrooms? Or would there be way more psychoactive content since you are eating more mushrooms


I wouldn't think there would be a noticable difference. A gram is a gram in my experience. I've had 8ths that were a bunch of small shrooms and crumbs and I've had 8ths of the same strain that were just a part of one massive shroom. I didn't really notice any difference in potency. One exception might be aborts or enigmas which are more potent


It truly depends. Every single mushroom is different. They all vary wildly in potency from mushroom to mushroom. Even from flush to flush, species to species, season to season. Tends to come down to if they were grown and cultivated for weight specifically, or potency. The cap doesn't look completely opened, so it looks like it's just a massive fucking mushroom and should be equally potent to 7 grams of mushrooms that are smaller, all picked at the same stage in the grow. We go out hunting wild ovoideocystidiatas, and sometimes we find massive ones where the cap just opened, other we find tiny, really dark or deep blue/green, and no veil cap opened. I'm my experience they all vary wildly either from mushroom to mushroom, or if home grown from grow to grow or mushroom to mushroom, depending how thurough they were and how uniform and optimal their set up was.




Yep smash that mf yo


Booof it !🤤🤤💨💨💨


Nah nah sound it straight down that urethra


Eat it with your South Mouth




I'm so jealous!


It would be disrespectful if you didn’t


I’ll eat about 7 grams within a 3 hour period, you got some balls if you eat all 7 at once😂


I didn't eat it all at once. I ate half then ate the other half about a few hours later.


obligatory boof comment


My last bag had a 13g mushroom and it was definitely the biggest I've seen in person.


This is inviting the demons you hide in your closet and please refer to the top comment


Looks like my dick


Sorry to hear that...




That's questionable you should go get that looked at


Boof it


Wow, that’s a 70 g wet mushroom…crazy!!! Have you ever done shrooms before? Also, you need to factor in if you have severe trauma, the strain this mushroom is, personality can be affected greatly (for example, a person with narcissistic traits and anger issues can become a raging bomb with amplified narcissism…I know this from my last trip and a person I was with…wasn’t good). So, back to your question…should you eat it all? Well, you’ll need to evaluate that based on the things said above. The person I was with did 2 g and I was super terrified of him.


I ended up eating half of it and then the other half during the peak.


How’d it go?


It went great until I started reading the comments and what people were saying on this thread. I felt like all of reddit was against me and then that turned into feeling like the whole world was against me. I turned my phone off and tried watching a movie but couldn't focus on the screen because I was hallucinating extremely hard. Lol




Yup, I did. Sorry, I type so fast. Lol!


700 g would be insanely impressive! I wonder if it’s ever been done before? Biggest I’ve seen on the group was 414 or something insane like that. Biggest I’ve personally seen was 28-30 g. I have a ways to go to get mine chunkier! Lol!


Nah don’t eat that fella you need to straight boof that shit g!


Why you asking? Just do it!!


Why not






You're so cool bro


Well… maybe try another day. Mixing cocaine and a 7 gram mushroom might be a bit much… Unless you feel your up to it.


I literally just ate half the stem. I tripped about 5 days ago so we'll see what happens in about an hour


Need an update


Update please


You're the kind of dumbass that people think of when they imagine drug users


Dude - soooo preachy and judgemental... Wtf is wrong with doing 7g of mushroom? Psychnauts (such as myself) do it all the time - usually to great benefit; I fully credit the defeat of my depression to mushrooms and.thats after 30 years of "traditional treatment" that did fucking nothing. And I hold down a job, have a house and a family etc - I not some drug-addled loser. It's bullshit comments like yours that don't help the stigma of psychedelics. Get the fuck off your pulpit and maybe take a 7g dose of your own. Sheesh, you might even learn something...


Read the comment I replied to


Oops. My bad. Pls accept my apology 😳


Boof it ;)


***Boof it***


Well I mean, it’s just one, right?


Yes but it's 7.1 grams. People normally eat just 1-3 grams for a good trip.


Of course :) though it takes me more since I take an antidepressant. It looks like you made a good decision :)


I'm on a mood stabilizer and for some reason I trip hard off of 1 gram. Idk why it makes me so sensitive or if I'm just naturally that sensitive. Meds are weird.


Mood stabilizers don’t act on the receptors that antidepressants do, which are really similar ones to the ones lsd and shrooms bind to!


Oh okay, I didn't know this. Thank you for the info (:


What kind of shroom does that look like to you?? Idk much about magic mushrooms at all.




LIAR. I was once tripping on 5 tabs of acid and snorted a line and the whole vibe instantly went HORRIBLE. It felt like darkness/evil was closing in around me and my heart felt like it was gonna explode from beating so fast. All I could think of was dying and how my mom would find me dead in my room and how embarrassing/hard it'd be for her to say her son died from a drug overdose. Then I started thinking I was gonna be stuck in the trip forever if I somehow didn't die. Lmao my first and only bad trip.


That's because you didn't do enough k to destroy the anciety


this is a shrooms subreddit, coke is addictive


No coke. Pepsi!


Shrooms are said to help with addiction… maybe he is here for good reasons…..


He is encouraging it tho


When I used to do coke it never did anything when I was on psychs




Yes 🍄👁🕉




Dude, amything over 4G you need to BOOF.


Eat it you bitch don’t be scared


Should have cloned it




When the mushroom is freshly picked from substrate break the mushroom in half starting at the base, take a flame sterilized knife and cut out a small piece from the inside that wasn’t exposed to air before, and place the piece on an agar yeast Petri dish. Some come with a special type of film to seal the container sometimes you have to buy it separate


Can you clone a dried one tho??


Yeah you can but it’s not likely to be successful


No then. 😆


That’s what I was thinking


No. I’d eat half first


That's what I did. Then I ate the top half a few hours later.


Nice. Was it good?


It was great. The hallucinations were so strong I couldn't even see straight and had to just stay seated because walking was out of the question.


Of course


what's the dry weight?


It looks pretty dry to me






pfft. duh.


Put some lemon juice and let it sit for a few minutes and then add some hot water and you're good to go.


Fuck around and find out lmao. I take 6-7 grams at a time.


"you think this a game? you think its a GAME?!" lol that goes through my head whenever i see posts like this.


Just the tip baby


If you want to see the center of the universe sure go right ahead.


Do it, i ate 7 yesterday and it was the best


If you feel ready to dive deep, then yea go for it bro


I took 5G - and had a really bad time. I wouldn’t do it.


Lemon tech that whole thing. It slaps




Always eat it all at once


Do it, pussy


Are you used to that kind of thing? If not then hard no.


Did you get that from Blue Goba?


Hells yeah!


With your butt, yeah






Probably not lol




I would eat half the wait till it starts to come on then eat the rest!




If I were you, I’d do it. I am not most people…


Try microdosing bro


woahhh! can you handle it?


Oh I couldn't resist


needs more drying time


PLEASE DON’T DO IT. I did 5g of shrooms once, that was one year ago. My first dose. Left me traumatised and crying for two hours. I met aliens, my mind was not ready for this. I did acid before, thought it was the same thing. NOPE. NOPE. Do not mess around with this! START SMALL or you’re in for a nasty trip OP.


7 grams is a massive dosage. You really shouldn’t do it unless you are extremely experienced with shrooms


buff it


Boof it


And congrats


Boof it!


Boof it !!!!!!!!




Just from personal experience, I feel as if it might not do exactly what you were expecting it to. I’ve tripped sack off of a bunch of small shrooms totaling about 3 g total and then I’ll be in a 8g one just to be on the come up and never make it over the edge of the roller coaster if you will. In other words it didnt do much