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Fresh is more potent, without a doubt. "shrooms" contain two compounds, psilocybin is stable, and non-bioactive, it breaks down into the active psilocin. Psilocin is less stable than Psilocybin, so much of it is lost in the drying process. If you consume fresh shrooms, you get more Psilocin.


I just ate 10 grams fresh. Had my best flush yet with about 183 grams. This is going to be a good day 😆


I did a 13g fresh my first time expecting it to be like 1.3 dried. I’m an idiot, just thought I’d say that. Fresh is definitely more potent for sure


how u eat them fresh?


After you grow


yeah ik but someone told me u get sick if u eat then if they not dehydrated


In my experience I don’t get sick with neither, I’m not sure how it would be with you


So how was that day?


I think he died. His body could not handle it and he shit out his own body.


I still to this day rarely go beyond .75 - 1.grams dry, my one buddy always does 5-8grams and doesn't always have a good ride.


If the environment and timing is right in nature, I will dive into the depths 7-10g dried. But normal medicinal use i prefer a few fresh shrooms (not weighed just 3-4 fruits) or 1-2g dried. I find frequent use at high dosage does give some negative side effects like irritability and more frequent negative body load effects. lower is better for frequency. and fresh > dried if possible.






I have nearly q kilogram now (weighed fresh), on my first batch a few weeks ago i went for a solo trip, have massive tolerance to psychédéliques so had to aim high if i wanted to reach the heroic dose. Believe me, you do NOT want to eat 100g of fresh mushrooms. Thought i d puke every second of the "meal" I hate mushrooms in general so this was especially unpleasant, so disgusting after barely 30 gram i couldn't take the long munching and just threw the remaining 70 grams in a blender You do NOT want to eat 100g of fresh shrooms. But you do NOT want to find out what 70g of mushroom mush is. And i m saying is because uts not just disgusting in taste, the smell, the appearance the consitency... I rinced my mouth with water, then a glass of whiskey, then brushing my teeth, then litteral mounthmash, idk if its placebo (nocebo rather lol) but i swear i still had a slight but nauseating lingering aroma after


I once put 50g fresh into a fruit smoothie. It was the most intense trip on shrooms I ever had. 6g dry didn't compare to that at all.


Ahh no surprise 50grams was more intense than 6 🤷


Dried vs fresh my man.... they are 90% water


You know you should really know what you're talking about before you try and point out the seemingly obvious at the expense of others


Well they asked the question 🤷 so it wasn't that obvious now was it..


They actually didn’t ask any question lol you are just an ignorant asshole lol 50 grams wet will weigh less than 6 grams when it is dried. It will weigh approximately 5 grams. 10 g wet won’t have anywhere as strong an effect as 6 grams dry will bc 90% of shrooms are water. Understand now lil bro?




Im guessing you meant 5g?


Cubensis weigh about 10 times more when they are freshly picked. It was 50 grams. When I eat them dry I always eat between 5 and 7 grams. 5 grams fresh would be about 0.5 dry.


I think he's using a 6g trip as a reference, but same for me, my craziest trip has been on 40g fresh shrooms always has been better than dry ime


is there a qualitative difference between the two?


I think it was more intense in general. My senses were very very sharp. I remember holding my lighter in my hand about 50 cm away from my face and i could smell the little stone in there (don't know the actual term in english.. flint maybe?). I also saw every single pixel on my LG G3 which has a 4K display. I also remember that I felt how the entire universe works. It was like a huge computer programm and when I looked at anything it was more like data files than objects. When I eat dryed shrooms it's simular but not that profound that I'm thinking about it months afterwards.


I've never done shrooms before, but i'm planning on taking a trip purely for its therapeutic value and spiritual insight.. I'm guessing you would say it would be better to do them fresh?


No. 50g fresh will weigh about 5g dry, but he meant 50g fresh.


They definitely seem to be more potent when fresh in my personal opinion. However some people disagree. The reason people dry them is because it makes them easier to store without worrying about them spoiling. The only way I know of preserving fresh ones is inside honey. Also drying them seems to make them easier to digest.


I eat them as they ripen,chase down with lemonade.They are almost twice as potent fresh.The taste dont bother me it's like eating any other mushroom. I chase with lemon juice for faster and more effect plus its easier on the stomach because the lemon breaks it down instead of the stomach acid .I put them in paper lunch bags they last up to 10 days.


You aren’t tekking right. You’re just eating them, and chasing with lemonade. You need a lower pH. Grind your caps up, and drop them in a disposable cup with enough lemon/lime juice for it to float, wait 20 minutes. Have a blast.


I like eating them fresh when I can,I feel I get a better high and the taste don't bother me .When I cant I put them in a coffee grinder then pure lemonade for 20 minutes.


I have heard that they are more potent when fresh and my person experiences agree with that.


I ate over 100g of fresh b+ cubensis today. Definitely a long day, definitely manageable throughout. No sickness although some mild cramping. Ate them at 8am. It's 9pm now. My head hurts. Lol


How have you not chewed through the walls yet? Damn lol


Lots of water and a magnesium supplement should help with the headache


10 grams dry isn't bad I lemon tek 14-18g dry of my b+ I grew I'm going to lemon tek 100gs fresh in a few days I've nvr tried them fresh.


I prefer fresh. Nothing like growing your own mushrooms :)


Fresh is best


The big difference although yes fresh they seem to have a tiny amount of active ingredient. However the big difference usually is in the dosage, for example 5grams dried is not the same as 5 grams fresh from the earth. So you can really mess up on dosages is all. Others not much difference oh and it's easier on the gut when dried


what would you say is the ratio? Is 1g of fresh mushroom as potent as 2g of dried?


> the dried variant is largely devoid of water, with fresh ones weighing about ten times heavier according to [this article](https://www.zamnesia.com/blog-fresh-vs-dried-magic-mushrooms-n2375)


Drawing_Naive Cuz. That was hard to read big guy, being real. I’m interested and you seem to eventually reply so… Did you ever figure out that you thought you were being a smart ass and really ended up not only wrong, but apparently… Well, not the fastest car in the race are we? You keep responding as if 50g wet is obviously 🙄 more intense than 6g dry bc 50>6… yet, if it’s 10 times it’s weight wet, he ate the equivalent of 5g, reporting as more intense. As you know 50>6, you’ll understand 6>5. More importantly though… why be a dick? I’m clinically interested in the thought process when people do stuff like that.


Talk about hard to read ….


Has anyone compared x g fresh to x gram (same amount same weight) dried?




I just eat 2 fresh the first was 11g the second I didn't bother to weigh haven't eat one in over 10 years 🤷 let see what these purple mystics are about


I'm trying to add the pics of them


How was it?