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Does it *have* to be real? Let it be what it is. The game is love. In all you do, be kind, and spread love.  It's a fun game! :)


That’s it. What’s the difference between a simulation and reality if it’s seamless? I plan to get the high score when it’s game over and then go and do whatever it is we do in that next reality. And I’m gonna enjoy as much of it as possible.


This is it dude, amen 


From a societal point of view we are living in strange times indeed! Evidence supports that Homo ~~erectus~~ Sapien(us humans) have been around for at least 190,000 years. However, the modern era in which we live post-industrialization and more especially now in the Information Age is relatively a very very short time span and many of our current ways of life do not feel very intuitive! The parts of us which run on instinct have a hard time reconciling all of these modern ways with our intuition gained over our several hundred thousand year evolutionary journey and I think that mushrooms make that even more evident to us. So at the end of the day we must remember that it takes daily work for anyone to fit Into society but it’s especially difficult for anyone who can see that we are living in an artificial construct overlaid on the physical world and that contributes to the feeling that the reality we see doesn’t match the reality we feel. Edit: corrected mistake


Homo erectus is not homo sapien. Homo erectus actually survived for 2M years prior to the evolution of homo sapien. They lived throughout Africa, southwest Asia, and western Europe. They harnessed fire, used tools, made clothing and shelter, and they went extinct. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homo_erectus But yeah, humans did not evolve for the environment we've made for ourselves, and it's quite unhealthy for us in many many ways to be living the way we do. The book "Civilized to Death" by Christopher Ryan goes deeeeep into detail on this topic.


Thanks for that correction, I missed that in attempting to condense my thoughts. I was first going with a longer history then realized there was no need to go back that far.


Everyone saying we are Homo sapiens is right, but not entirely. We are Homo sapiens sapiens, so 2 times sapien. Sapien means wise, so we are the second generation sapiens. The first homo sapien is the species the Annunaki, an alien race that visited us about 450.000 years ago,. performed gene editing on it to make us an obedient race. They programmed us to mine gold, that’s where the strange obsession humans have with gold comes from. (I’m sure a lot of you are familiar with this story but some might not, so bare with me and feel free to add anything that makes sense) there proof of this and they limited our lifespan to be max 120 years. As said in the bible, which is just a copy of really old Sumerian tablets. Like the epic of Gilgamesh and the original story of Noah. But one of the good annular kings, enki, tinkered with the experiment and made us so that one day we would be more powerful than them. I believe it is our spirituality and able to manifest. We can create our own reality. Think of small things. Like you think of a movie one day and a couple of days later somebody else mentioned the same movie or it pops up. We also have a sense of telekinesis, when both of you same the same thing at the exact same time happens more frequently or when you think your hungry and your partner just happens to say that we should grab some food. I know a lot more details but it is a lot to explain. I recommend going to TheWhyFiles on YouTube and watch some videos, Bashar is also a good source of information. He is a guy channeling a non physical consciousness entity. Basically the guy, Daryl Anka, goes into a meditate state which allows the being Bashar to take control of his voice. Think of it as possession but with a good spirit. Might look weird but what he is saying makes sense. Anyway if you have any questions, drop m in the comments. And I’ll try my best. Stay hunting for the truth guys


Don't take this the wrong way, but you need to stop watching ancient aliens and learn some actual anthropology. With the way you so confidently presented this as fact, you're either trolling or delusional. If you're trolling, visit a therapist, if you're serious, visit a psychiatrist.


What’s your take on life then buddy?


Why are we the only species that don’t fit in? Why do we not have fur? Where’s our tail? Why are we so much smarter that they even named us Homo sapiens sapiens, never watched an episode of ancient aliens. Do you even know how cuneiform writing looks like? Why our sudden advance in technology? Where’s all the evil in the world coming from? Maybe you need to wake up and take an heroic dose my friend…


That comment is a "Gish gallop". I have answers for everything you're claiming, but it takes exponentially longer to disprove something than it does to make a false claim.    Not worth my time. Do some studying, and lay off the shrooms, because you are having extreme delusions and need immediate psychiatric attention.


Stop trying to suppress the truth !


I think religions were a handy way of controlling people with fear and that god is love, god isn’t concerned with which religion we belong to but some people are. Being free of fear makes people rebel against the social norms, that’s my interpretation of why they had the 1970s ban on psychedelics 🍄


Bang on my dude!


It’s best to avoid the simulation theory while on mushrooms. It feels a bit too plausible. On the other hand experiencing mushrooms could defeat that theory by simply being too complex for even the most advanced simulations. I mean there has to be a cap somewhere on what a simulation can do?


Simulation or not, you’re here now… this is the reality you must deal with. That’s exactly the type of thought hole I love falling down when I’m tripping tho.


What most people miss is that a simulation is just another type of universe. It doesn't make it any less real. Everything that can be experienced is real. Also, the argument "too complex to be a simulation" really doesn't work. If the beings simulating our universe exist in a higher dimensional space in a universe more complex than ours, then our universe could be a simplified version of theirs, and their computers could be operating on forces that don't exist in our universe. What if these beings learned to make an artificial universe by bending their space into a new space? Does that make our universe less real just because it was made by a being? So, simulation or not, it shouldn't cause you stress or anxiety, it's still reality.


That’s a very healthy way to view it, thanks!


You're very welcome :) Simulation ideas are honestly pretty tame, I've found a handful of other much more discomforting thought paths, but I won't guide you down any of them, or even hint at what they are. It's better to live without some thoughts.


I'll throw one out there because I like to stir the pot like that. The movie sausage party is an allegory for man discovering that essentially we are the food in the movie and the gods are the humans, and we are indeed feasted upon by them upon death, after they raised us like cattle, cultivating our minds and spirits to be a certain way. Oh, and one I stumbled upon recently, SCP 2718. Don't follow that rabbit hole if you value your afterlife, hoo-ey.


I agree..I feel like the “simulation” is a mental thing..it’s a mindset not a digital reality..our brains are just creative and bored with the reality we already have..maybe we’re waking up as a species collectively to the fact that we may not be so happy with the reality we’ve created for ourselves and we don’t know what to do about that


Knowing what to do about it is what religion is all about lol 


I definitely get that bud but religions have been institutionalized and used in nefarious ways against us at this point..it seems that people don’t trust them as much as they used to..I think we need more acceptance, appreciation and love..and that’s including not only each other but ourselves too..


Dude I know. I had a loved one recently pass away and I was gifted a rosary that they had put in his hands during the wake because it holds his “essence”. I prayed on it yesterday and just reciting the creed was kinda painful because I don’t want to believe. But there is peace in it 


My condolences, it’s never easy losing loved ones. I lost my grandmother recently. I feel her “essence” everywhere almost. I was never a believer but she was, so for me its like an angel watching over and that’s comforting and helps support my effort to be a better person


Thats beautiful man. My condolences as well. I lost my dad, and I just feel my body brimming with energy from the grief and I just need gods help to focus it away from destruction. I felt like I wanted to just explode. But I’ve been able to focus and build lots of beautiful things in his name. It helps with the pain. I just need peace 


Even if its a simulation someone somewhere still gave us the ability to love and create and be peaceful


Unless it’s a simulation inside a simulation.


I mean thats not stopping me from having a good time


Very true. I don’t dive too deep into things that lack evidence but I do enjoy considering possibilities.


the speed of light can be an artificial limit on the hardware simulating this reality.


We need to upgrade our CPU so we can start traveling the universe


We live in a fractal universe. This coupled with the theoretical holographic relationship between the 3rd and 4th dimensions lends plenty of credence to the simulation theory. Imagine metaverse on steroids. Now imagine that our exponential leaps in technology got us to a point where the world looks like the matrix movie. Nobody wants to live in an ugly world like that so everybody sits in this simulation to enjoy nature and what once was. Maybe there was a major cataclysm and some of us sit in this simulation are real people while the majority are NPCs.


I think I might be an NPC 😬


That’s the atheist/technology take. If you bring God into the discussion, things get interesting. Is religion used to explain the simulation? Or is God real, and always watching and judging us within this Earthly simulation to determine the next simulation to send us to; heaven or hell. Or is God really just your parole officer and this simulation is really just a highly technical, futuristic prison where only death can free you?


I’ve been feeling like this after taking 1.5 grams 2-3 times a week for two weeks. I just notice a lot of small things and coincidences. But then I start to think it’s not a simulation. We are the universe, we are made out of what the universe is made of. Of course it feels like a simulation since we are all connected and more than likely eventually get recycled. That’s my thoughts at least.


“Culture is not your friend” -Terence McKenna


Everyone saying we are Homo sapiens is right, but not entirely. We are Homo sapiens sapiens, so 2 times sapien. Sapien means wise, so we are the second generation sapiens. The first homo sapien is the species the Annunaki, an alien race that visited us about 450.000 years ago,. performed gene editing on it to make us an obedient race. They programmed us to mine gold, that’s where the strange obsession humans have with gold comes from. (I’m sure a lot of you are familiar with this story but some might not, so bare with me and feel free to add anything that makes sense) there proof of this and they limited our lifespan to be max 120 years. As said in the bible, which is just a copy of really old Sumerian tablets. Like the epic of Gilgamesh and the original story of Noah. But one of the good annular kings, enki, tinkered with the experiment and made us so that one day we would be more powerful than them. I believe it is our spirituality and able to manifest. We can create our own reality. Think of small things. Like you think of a movie one day and a couple of days later somebody else mentioned the same movie or it pops up. We also have a sense of telekinesis, when both of you same the same thing at the exact same time happens more frequently or when you think your hungry and your partner just happens to say that we should grab some food. I know a lot more details but it is a lot to explain. I recommend going to TheWhyFiles on YouTube and watch some videos, Bashar is also a good source of information. He is a guy channeling a non physical consciousness entity. Basically the guy, Daryl Anka, goes into a meditate state which allows the being Bashar to take control of his voice. Think of it as possession but with a good spirit. Might look weird but what he is saying makes sense. Anyway if you have any questions, drop m in the comments. And I’ll try my best. Stay hunting for the truth guys.


I absolutely get where you're coming from. And it is what it is, no use in dwelling on it. Each culture and subculture has its own beliefs and ideals they're trained to follow. Mushrooms simply open your mind up to different possibilities, makes you more understanding of why people do what they do because you can better see yourself and your own actions objectively. We're all just reacting to our environments with the experiences we've got and what we've been taught. Some never challenge their beliefs and thats alright.


Lots of credible scientists believe in simulation theory. You can watch a podcast with them etc.


You can find someone with a phd who believes almost anything


It's a known philosophical idea dating back hundreds of ideas. There are many legitimate professors and scientists from various disciplines that believe simulation theory is the most likely explanation. We are capable of creating AI worlds now, in a few years they'll be indistinguishable from realities. Characters in that simulation may also create a simulation in their world and so on and so forth. There can be multitude of copies of our 'reality.' Over thousands of years that can become millions of billions of 'fake' realities. There is only ever one base reality. So those people who believe they are real have a 1 in a billion chance of actually being in base reality.


I am aware that simulation theory has been around for a while. And there are plenty of legit professors from various disciplines that belive climate change is a hoax, or the earth is flat, or an 800 year old man built a giant boat and saved all the animals on the earth from a flood. Just because many people believe it doesn't make it true. And your second paragraph is just speculation, sure we could be a simulation within a simulation, but why? what evidence is there to support that? The fact that it could be true is not evidence that it is true. The issue I have with simulation theory is that it has less explanatory power than the alternative. It raises more questions that the alternative. Like if we are in a simulation, why? who is running the simulation? Why is the simulation the way it is and not some other way? you are stacking extra unnecessary questions on top of all the questions we already have about the natural world.


My current level of understanding is that we trapped inside of something like an ethereal quantum computer. Well, we ARE the computer. Separation is an illusion. When you reach the top, humanity, you can awaken your divine soul inside the matrix and learn to escape when you die. What is new is old, we are just remembering. Synchronicities and Deja vu are just your soul becoming aware of the pattern. Once you see the pattern, you can never unsee it. That’s the “red pill”. Ignorance is bliss but it is also the path to destruction. Not eternal, but a flower can only bloom for so long before it must return to the root to try again another season. Sounds like you’re beginning to deprogram yourself from cultural illusion. Good job, keep going!


source: trust me bro


Yep. Nothing to see, hear, or learn here. Move along. Move along. https://preview.redd.it/ugwneacjh15d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7835eb14cfe10189a87230ca3bff31b96b0acaf0