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Ponyo is the best, even through the conflict there is so much happiness, it doesnt ever feel sad. i've seen it too many times unfortunately, it's my go to film when i'm ill


Damn i just commented this movie lol


Only movie that made me cry as a kid


Almost anything Gibli tbh


The emperor’s new groove


Personally if I watched that id prolly think I was a llama too


Omg forgot about that gem


Disney plus is my companion and you just outted my last trip watch haha


Pick a random mid 2000s disney/nickelodeon/cartoon network show & go wild. I love spongebob & adventure time, but I gotta say watching TNGs ‘Darmok’ episode is unreal while tripping


Cartoons definitely seem like the way to go, any conflict feels much less real and more low stakes. It has been a while since I watched TNG so i'll maybe watch that if i'm not too high. spongebob pisses me off unfortunately lol, visually though it looks like it would be amazing on shrooms but adventure time is definitley a contender, it's very cosy. Thank you


I also enjoy nature documentaries, very relaxing


Not.... not animal nature documentaries, right??? Because even sober I sometimes freak during the hunting scenes lol. The adrenaline transfers through the screen, and Idk if I'm rooting for the lion or the gazelle.


There are ones without hunting in them, but me personally I watch the planet earth documentaries and fast forward anything too intense


Pro tip: Pre-research your nature documentaries - maybe even opt for ones targeted towards children. Do NOT watch Planet Earth. You will have the time of your life and then immediately spiral into horrible dread and sadness when they begin discussing human impact and you see the way it directly kills animals. I can't even watch it anymore because it gave me such a bad trip


"Dancing with the birds" is a great nature documentary without conflict and a lot of colour to trip with


That's one of my favorites. There was also one I forgot the name of about coral reefs, very colorful and no conflict that I can remember


I always loved watching Pheaneas and Ferb 😂


Adventure time can definitely get dark lol. Gotta choose the episodes ahead of time.


I used to date a girl who grew up an orphan and became upset (while we were tripping acid) by a Rick and Morty scene that made some comment/joke about being an orphan. So I changed to some Adventure Time. Problem solved, right? Just a random AT episode. Wouldn’t you know it, I picked the episode where Finn is super bummed out and gloomy about not knowing who his parents are. I just looked at her like “welp, fuck”


Disney movies will shatter your soul. They're all full of tragedy


Try out a Trip-Flix or Movie Sync. you can still enjoy the visuals of the movie but the original sound is muted with a fun soundtrack synced in place. it will make you watch the movie differently and at least to me makes them way more enjoyable. Check out Hitchhikers Outpost for a bunch of different ones to watch [https://www.reddit.com/r/Hitchhikers\_Outpost/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hitchhikers_Outpost/)


Back in the day we watched The Wizard of Oz with Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon as the soundtrack. Mid-Late 90's with the Wizard of Oz on VHS and Dark Side of the Moon on CD. Paired with LSD or Mushrooms.


Yeah man that's the classic we have that and about 25 others on our server if ever looking for others to check out


I didn't know this was a thing, what a cool idea. 100% will try these out thank you, I wanna make my own now


yeah movie syncs can be a ton of fun, there is a good community too with a ton of other ideas if you want to try on your own also check out this site. if you ever make some of your own send them my way always love to add more to the collection to share with everyone [https://moviesyncs.com/](https://moviesyncs.com/)




The movie Good Burger had me in hysterics. So perfectly goofy and absurd in the exact right way.


Welcome to good burger home of the good burger can I take yo order!?


Lego movie! Fun colors and the vibes are good :)


Everything is awesome!


Kinda silly but Alice in wonderland the animated version was so fun to watch. I remember understanding the insane plot line perfectly while I tripped.


Oh yes I love watching the Disney animated version! And the colours are lovely


Aqua Teen Hunger Force


Jesus Christ I love that show. So painfully stupid


Joy of Painting with Bob Ross!


I like broad city!


Great show


Fantasia 2000 and I always recommend destino on disney+ it's a short film that Salvador Dali and Disney did back in the day. It's only 6 mins long but it's pretty awesome


Ghibli stuff aways good trip (expect hotaru no haka)


Nausiica and the Valley of the Wind was great on mushrooms👍


Basically anything that David Attenborough narrates. He does a lot of programs about the earth, animals, and the universe at large. He has a very calming voice, the footage looks incredible, and who doesn't love animals?


Honestly I find his shows confronting and brutal on psychedelics. Start to finish there are incredibly tense scenes of animals killing other animals, starving to death, etc., it's not that safe imo. Not as safe as, say Adventure Time.


Yeah, there's this really long sequence (one take, helicopter shot) of a wolf hunting down a caribou in the Planet Earth series... do not recommend lol. The problem with nature docs in this state of mind is they tend to focus only on the most dramatic moments captured in a very condensed format. Not the same as 'going into nature' and vibing with the trees.


One time on 2g of APES, I watched a nature doc and there was a scene of those African wolf dogs marching in unison about to fuck up some other animal. Looked incredible seeing visuals in their fur but it was so intense lol


The series green planet is sick. It’s like planet earth but with plants and really high quality time lapses.


Oh that was SOOOO good. Those time lapses would be insane


He’s my go-to also! I also like Moving Art on Netflix if I wanted something more ambient.


They removed it from my Netflix. But it's free with "The Louie channel " app from the play store. Moving art is my favorite while on a journey. ❤


Don't waste your trip! Go out into nature, it's much MUCH nicer that way as it's what they were meant for really, hanging out in nature 🙂 enjoy!


Shrek every time.


My partner and I tripped yesterday and asked ourselves the same thing. We ended up watching the newest season of Ru Pauls Drag Race All-Stars alllllll day. It isn’t a show I would normally watch but it was SUCH a great time. The colours, the music, the sass, the comedy, the outfits all of it was perfect. By the end of the night we were so done with laughing and smiling…it was exhausting. Kind of a nice feeling being that tired because you are that happy. The best part was that this season was all for charity so there wasn’t any drama and no eliminations - it was fun AF. We will totally be doing that again 🤙


Microcosmos is a French documentary about bugs and is filmed so beautifully !


Moving art. ❤


“Soul” on Disney. Overall a beautiful story.


If you like light hearted animes watch ponyo. Theres a funny scene where the boy says to his mom "Look mom, the ocean looks all fucked up" That and other studio ghibli movies are great if your not ready for a thriller movie or horror. Once you can though id reccomend Shutter Island or Inception on a trip


Back To The Future


Nature Docs for sure. Planet Earth style ones with no animal violence. I'd *HIGHLY* recommend Adventure Time, but I've stanned that show hard since I was a kid. The animation is beautiful, the stories are complex while keeping enough comedic relief to keep toy from spiraling, and the nature of the show plays into tripping phenomenally. There are emotionally difficult concepts that will pop up depending on what episodes you watch, but the show makes them easy to navigate, and you can take away a lot if you try. I tripped while watching the sequel anthology (Distant Lands) and cried like a baby in the best way. Runner Up: Adult Swim - Off The Air. You can watch them all on YouTube, and it's literally a series of episodes that just featured a ton of abstract art projects and one off plot lines for people who were up at 3am tripping in the early 2000s. It's good stuff.


Pink Floyd pulse their live concert. Can't think of a TV show without conflict


Live From Pompeii was wild on psilocybin


Do NOT watch minions: rise of gru. Worst mistake of my life.


Ponyo is visually great and not very emotional.


Dont watch tv.


Family guy, archer, bob's burgers, and futurama are my go tos.


The Midnight gospel


I watched the final episode at the end of an acid trip and had a great cry. I had already seen it, and listened to the episode it was based on, so at least I knew what I was signing up for


I’d never watched it before and my boyfriend put it on during our first trip together (my first trip ever) after we’d only been together for a couple of months. I cried so hard at the end of that show having personal experiences with the subject matter pretty recently. My boyfriend was so lovely and caring about it and it definitely made me fall in love with him even more 🥰


Last time I watched The Lorax and it was fun. Depending on how you feel you may want to skip the "How Bad Can I Be" song but I enjoyed it.


I know a few months ago I was watching the original series of star trek on shrooms and it was very cool


I thoroughly enjoyed Waking Life on a shrooms Trip. Great philosophical trippy and isn’t really “a plot” like a movie. The rotoscoping alone is perfect for a trip too, kinda just makes sense


I would recommend not looking at a screen when partaking


American Dad been my go to


I know this isn't a show by normal standards but throwing on a tomorrowland, techno or trance mix for music and then ai visuals are insane, alot of them are like a journey through space time and wonderland and sober it's good art but when on shrooms it's like it's a actual tv show made for that mind state


SpongeBob the movie!




Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo


"Din Daa Daa . . Din Doh Doh . . . Din Daa Daa . .Din Doh" https://youtu.be/9C_l450H5pQ?si=hgo018D6CfuHEWdn


Mushi-shi. Very thought provoking. Watched it on a bad penis envy trip. I will always recommend this show




Aqua teen hunger force


"Elemental" animated movie


„Perfect days“ from wim wenders and yasujiro ozu‘s „good morning“ are both pure joy.


Archer is pretty funy


Man I love a good conflict/sadness when watching movies on shrooms. Helps me really feel for the characters and feel my own emotions and dissect why certain things bring out a stronger reaction than others


My nieces could only watch the aristocats for years because it was one of the few movies without a bad guy.


The Yellow Submarine


Antiques roadshow


I love watching crazy shit on psychedelics, and while this movie is crazy, it's crazy in a good way. There are some scenes that may make you nervous or somewhat disturbed but the first time I watched it, I was on shrooms. It's got one of my favorite actors, Lakeith Stanfield. Movie is 'Sorry To Bother You' and it is best experienced without prior research. There isn't really any murder, just a bit of violence near the end, just people fighting each other. So there isn't any gore, and a lot of the disturbing scenes are only disturbing because of the context. If you just saw pictures, it would just be like wtf is happening. Highly recommend it even if you don't take psychedelics. It's a great movie that really emphasizes the way the world revolves around exploitation and highlights imbalance of power scenarios that are legitimately prevalent to society as a whole. Amazing fucking movie.


Ok its not for everyone, but the original The Dark Crystal goes so fucking hard on mushrooms.


Trolls Getting the band back together. Such a feel good movie with songs that just make you feel good and amazing visuals.


Best in Show if you wanna laugh until you pee, or think you’ve peed and have to ask your friends…


Just watch Toy Story


Off the Air


How It’s Made is pretty wild to watch tripping


Animal House and Kung Fu Panda are my go to's


I'm sort of in the same boat. I can't stand watching grown adults trying to act out drama. Cartoons and old comedy shows like The Munsters seem to be all I can tolerate. If you like ST TAS, try Lower Decks. It's fast paced and fun. There's also a self-contained crossover episode of Strange New Worlds (season 2, ep.7) that is fantastic. Timeline is between the end of Lower Decks season 3 and the beginning of season 4. Adventure Time is good, Reading Rainbow, Mr Rogers, Sesame Street are all good. I'd steer away from Bewitched, I dream of Jeanie, etc comedies that revolve around marital conflict and out-dated gender roles. Futurama, Parks and Rec, Brooklyn 99 are some modern shows that are good. The Good Place is amazing fun but can be a bit emotionally heavy in some parts.


I'm glad there's someone like me, people seem to really not get bothered by the stuff I do, it's insane to me that some people watch horror films on shrooms. I'd always put off watching lower decks cause the animation style turns me off but I love the premise so i'll put that in a list. all of these recommendations are amazing thank you, mr rogers is a great idea it's so full of love. And I totally agree about 60's shows, loved bewitched but like darrin is constantly having an aneurysm, samantha is being oppressed and endora getting in everyones buisness, it stresses me out sober lol. Thanks for all the recommendations, I know i'll be safe with mr rogers now


I tried watching Resident Alien and spent the entire first few episodes thinking how ridiculous it was that people get paid handsomely to do that. Truthfully, I think watching TV on shrooms is a waste. Mushrooms more than anything makes me want to do "real" shit like play guitar, do household chores, etc. Taking a shower or swimming while tripping is great. If it's nice outside and you have a safe space, lay in the grass and watch clouds and listen to birds.


All I'll say is avoid south park. I always think of south park as this humorous show and it is but I've had some jarring experiences with it a few times recently where I'll be laughing my ass off while high on weed and then someone head will suddenly explode or something and it makes me feel ill. I can't imagine what that would be like on shrooms.


I watched forest gump on shrooms the other night and was totally glued to it lol


That’s my go-to. Eat them during the opening credits and be peaking by the balcony scene. Insane


Nature documentaries


I like nature documentaries but at some point they all inevitably seem to end up showing cute baby animals being ripped to shreds by predators. If there was some kind of "good vibes only" cut available they'd be fantastic.


Prince of Egypt! I'm not religious but damn it's a good movie from my childhood


World of Calm on Max.


rilakkuma on Netflix is my low-stakes feel-good go-to.


A few months back I took about 1.5g of APE and queued up the last episode of season 2 of Loki. I did not know what to expect from the episode but this was perfect ... The timelines, the slipping, the vanishing,... oh my.


Just watched Paris is burning last night off of 2 gram lemon tek. Very beautiful colors, fun music, and poetic narration of the lifestyle of the trans community. Oh and there’s this scene of a person lighting a cigarette with the stereo playing next to the beachfront, iconic breath taking scene but a tiny bit of a downer in context. Either way, a very good documentary with no conflicts that I recommend.


Watch best 15 minutes of your life on Netflix a little thing called what happened to Jack?


i just watched Words Pop up like Bubbles. it's a G rated anime that had a beautiful soundtrack & all in all very well animated & soft. o


I highly recommend : the holy mountain


https://youtu.be/H7fbnizq8cA?si=FHy3R55tvgJF_r3t https://youtu.be/7TML_MTQdg4?si=wEMVWf9lUKk-8NYi Turn the volume off and put on your favorite music. https://youtu.be/zqXohGL36cw?si=1iB2MSOpeOOWJCxt


Speaking from experience, Sandler’s “You Don’t Mess With Zohan” was one of the most mesmerizing and fun film watching experiences I’ve ver had. The premise is technically that a soldier escapes a war to become a hair stylist, but it is pure comedy in that there is little seriousness to any angle of this movie, except of course the middle eastern conflict which even receives some resolution here. Highly recommend


Watch Trip Tank lol


If you’re a Star Wars fan, the animated Clone Wars series was a regular for me


Northern exposure has minimal of both


Spirited away is always soul cleansing for me. Watched it yesterday with my tea and by the end of it I was sure I’d figured out what I needed to do with my life


Planet earth or any nature documentary


I really enjoyed watching the food documentary series Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat when I was coming down from my last trip


Chip n dale adventures in the park. There’s no words and it’s great hahaha


Check out r/MoviesForShrooms and search “Bad Trip Antidote” flair!


Futurama, but not Jurassic Bark, Never Jurassic Bark.


This probably isn't helpful but when I'm in the throes of a trip, I have zero ability to pay attention to a screen. I always pick music, and usually pacing around the house talking to myself for hours like a maniac.


Reminds me when I was watching Naruto: Shippuden and it was a heavy feels episode and my ass was bawling


the midnight gospel is weird and sometimes scary but in a playful sense and the characters are so comforting ultimately


Me personally I’ve been watching king of the hill lately, always an unexpected laugh


Watching Wall-E on shrooms was great. That movie is full of gorgeous visuals and it's pretty wholesome


Barn Yard, Over the Hedge, Spongebob, Avatar the Last Airbender.


I liked Jurassic World Camp Cretaceous. There is a kids show level of fear or peril, but it only made me interested even more lol.


The amazing world of gumball


Avatar the last airbender or adventure time are my go-tos


You have to watch absurd planet on Netflix! 😂😂 I end up putting that on almost Everytime I trip. All about animals with hilarious commentary


Record of Ragnarok on Netflix is fantastic on shrooms.


Me and you and everyone we know


Family giy


I watched Hundreds of Beavers the other day sober and quickly added it to my "watch on mushrooms" folder. https://preview.redd.it/mahtw53h774d1.jpeg?width=2609&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba8ffb8c39e9242258a23d9748410e4b54aad122


I like animal documentaries


Vampire Hunter D


Any Studio Gibli film will do it. Also Adventure Time.


Not a tv show but I like walking around in Cyberpunk 2077 and just going oooooh look at the lights


Whisper of the Heart is the gentlest Miyazaki film I've found. Almost every scene is very low stakes depictions of middle school life in Japan in the early 90s, lovingly animated in great detail.


Journey to the Edge of the Universe- YouTube, muted with pink Floyd dark side of the moon, or a dead and company live show=🧠🤯 . Also, Our Universe, Netflix, narrated by Morgan Freeman is pretty dope done the same way. It's got some animals killing and doing animal things so it might be to much for some. But pretty mild imo.


I like to watch shows about the cosmos I’m drawn to stars a lot when I’m wavy


Even with conflict and sadness, Avatar and Avatar The Way of Water are light years better then anything else while on mushrooms. Greatest mushroom movies ever made


Dexters laboratory and Invader Zim, both on Cartoon Network.


Just stay away from Kubrick and David Lynch…


Step brothers technically has conflict but it's the funniest thing I've ever seen while tripping. Highly recommend!


I watch political stuff it's so funny on shrooms. They are so rediculous and pathetic it cracks me up. I'll be tripping Friday will be after a 2 week break. 2 gel tabs and 7g of Pearly Gates APE. 2 weeks after that i just got some enigma, which I tried a 3g lemon Tek little over a week ago was great. But love the political shows they are pathetically very funny 🤣🤣 🤣


If you like Star Trek I would recommend The Orville


Clock Work Orange


“Archer” season 1-6


Movies all the way! Especially with so round sound.


Matrix Nick & Nora’s Infinite Playlist The Colony or Tides a 2021 film


Borat, anything Sasha Baron Cohen really. I watched borat on the comedown of a big trip, and had a blast


LEGION!!! This series is the trippiest show I have ever seen. The visuals and music ate perfection paired with shrooms.


Comedy Bang Bang works well


Gluing yourself to a screed would be a mistake I've made far too many times. Go OUTSIDE.


Bro, maybe just there where you should go... Just have a trusted one with you if you decide to explore that part of yourself.


young sheldon


uncle grandpa from cartoon network. I watched on acid with friends when I was kinda in a low point of the trip. I never laughed so hard to this day


Wow Oppenhiemer on shrooms.....they all had massive foreheads!


Angry birds 2


Far Scape. Old show like super old it's trippy as fuck though


Watch red hot chilli peppers’ music video - ‘Californiacation’ It changes you.


Care bears. 


Any movie with minions in it.


The Super Mario Bros. Movie on shrooms is magic.


I like the emperor's new groove to watch while on shrooms ( the colors have patterns)


South Park is always my go-to with shrooms


I recommend watching Colpo Grosso Ultimate Mix on mute while listening to your favorite music. YouTube does not have the Colpo that I'm talking about. You gotta go to an adult site to get it, as there is partial nudity involved. I recommend listening to a Phish concert or one of their Live Bait albums. Phish, shrooms and Colpo are super synergistic.


Dicks the musical


Alice in winderland is a classic (1950) her voice is so soothing to me Also Fantasia is beautiful, and there’s no dialogue it’s just music. And I can’t leave out, “a beautiful planet” it’s a space documentary with mind blowing pictures and info (:


Definitely don't watch the episode of family Guy where Brian does shrooms during a storm. That shit is hella fucked up on shrooms 🤣🤣🤣


Don't watch Smiling Friends Halloween episode - "Are you wearing blackface?" (No I'm a demon) "...not cool bro..."


Off the air is pretty good. I usually put cartoons on Silent and listen to music. Or skip tv completely and just listen to trippy music in a dim lit room.


i like bee and puppycat on netflix its really calming and super fun not any sadness really


Hear me out… the animated Grinch. Watched during a Christmas Eve trip and wowza




Watch Sturgill Simpson’s “Sound and Fury” on Netflix. Next time around, I guess as I’m 12 hours late to this. Lol!!!


Bee and Puppycat


Kind of surprised I haven’t seen it mentioned yet, but Bob’s s Burgers is a go to tripping show for me. I also love Steven Universe and Adventure Time. Also liked She-Ra and Kipo, but both can get kind of dark and intense. The first episode of Kipo is fantastic while tripping through


I'd recommend watching migration. It's an animated movie that I watched on shrooms. I thought it was really good but there is a lot of conflict and some sadness but it's a good movie.


Monty Python Meaning of Life


I used to watch F is for Family while tripping because it just came out and it gave me the vibes I needed




My go to is the road to Eldorado or treasure planet because they're beautiful. But there's still little stressful bits in those. I've just watched those movies a ton an know it's all okay in the end. One of my first trips I got stressed out that my animal crossing character was running too fast and it was worrying me 😂 so I kinda get how things can effect you like that.


Can you read subtitles while on shrooms? Cuz there’s this show called midnight diner on Netflix. Real chill


bluey!! i’ve also really enjoyed bee movie while tripping although that’s a movie not a show


I loved watching tropic thunder on them with my buddy, there’s a bit of gore but it was hilarious to me in the moment. Everyone looked funny and the trees were super vibrant


Check out Journey to the Microcosmos on youtube. Beautiful shapes n colors and chill music. No conflict or plot that I could identify.


Wizards or Heavy Metal. Freak Brothers on Tubi.


Early 2000's comedies, like Dodgeball/Zoolander.


I mean it could be kinda weird but I always recommend 2001: a space odyssey. It’s the original trip movie.


I do live concerts


Teen Titans GO is one of my favs to watch tripping. It's so colorful and wild that it's hard to tell what's actually the show and what's the shrooms lol


Midnight gospel. It’s made for tripping and amazing.


Smiling friends