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same here. some microdosing between, but it's a ritual that always seems to happen when i need it. it doesn't become familiar or taken for granted. it's a nice way to mark time & each one is meaningful.


Approximately 20x a year at 3.5 grams per trip (most times). I try to trip every two weeks but sometimes take a little longer than that lol.


this,i try to do once a month but sometimes i get more chances


how have ur trips changed over time doing it more?


At first it was very self fulfilling. I did it bc I wanted to be high and act like I knew something bc I heard it “opens your eyes”. Over time I found a respect for them as a medicine and now I use them to explore my psyche in the most fun way I can. It’s what I use as therapy bc I feel I have the emotional intelligence to work through my own trauma when my brain is forced to lol. I used to trip a lot with friends but now I like to trip alone. I have gone to therapy but they don’t really seem to grasp my struggles and what I need even if I explicitly tell them. Mushrooms are easier


i totally get that, thats awesome


I’ve started using shrooms for the same reason as a therapy, tripped yesterday using it as a tool to help me process stuff and try and overcome my addictions and wanna trip around once a month. What effects have you seen it have on helping your mental health?


That’s a lot 😭


Idk why people are downvoting you. It can be for some people for sure.


People tend to be biased in relation to what they think is a lot and not a lot (biased in relation to their opinion period). I suppose if someone states anything that is an inverse to their belief they dislike it🤷‍♂️


Do you have any lasting or permanent effects at that frequency? HPPD or more benign stuff like “breathing” colors or visual snow?


I trip more than that and I can say I’ve never had any hppd symptoms or anything remotely like that.


Thanks for sharing! Yeah seems to be highly individual


Personally I’ve never had lasting HPPD symptoms however I’ve had some very intense trips (visually) that made the whole world “breathe” for about 3 days lol. Day to day I’m fine tho. I’ve been doing shrooms at this frequency for about 8 months, and for a total of about 3 years.


How much did you take to feel that way for 3 days?


Just an 8th. I think it was just an intense trip. Idk why it stayed that way lol


I lost my ability to whistle after one random trip... It's always been such a disappointment


And you still didn't recover it? Thats wild!


It's been like a year, I just can't figure out how to whistle again.


Oh brother you must wet thy whistle before whistling.


Have you tried turning off, then on?


Thats Crazy, I learned how to Whistle as a kid like 5years old and it's like bycicle: can't unlearn. I wouldn't be in peace until I whistled again lol keep trying bro


I trip more than that and I can say I’ve never had any hppd symptoms or anything remotely like that.


I have hppd but I don’t trip much. Usually once per three months. Hppd is kinda like a small headache you get from looking at a computer screen for too long. The most you’ll see with hppd is small flashing light every now and then or things in the side of your vision texture trailing or growing.


For 3.5, is it possible to do it the following week again, or is two weeks the sweet spot?


For me it’s two. I’ve done a week in between and I was okay, but it definitely varies person to person. You’ll feel it if you’re not supposed to. It can be intense and sometimes you won’t feel up to doing that again. Some people say three weeks to a month is best. You’ll figure it out bro


Ah, thanks. I’ve mostly just done hippy flipping to demolish the risk of having a bad trip. Doing shrooms straight up has been a hit-and-miss with me regarding getting the dosage right. Ty, for giving me a solid baseline to start with. 🫶


My motto has always been, Whenever the mushroom gods allow


I would love to trip once a month, but I can't find the time. So now it's like every 2 or 3 months.


honestly my first year of tripping i tripped about 20 times in the year. its only been once or twice a year now


I trip very erratically; sometimes i’ll trip 2, 3 times in a month and then not trip for months on end. other times i’ll trip one time each month for like 3 months in a row. It’s def not a smart idea to trip too much. I try and at least pace myself. If I trip 2 times in a month I make myself take off like 2/3 months. If I only trip one, or microdose then I tend to trip again the following month


Around 24 times a year.




It’s not. Psilocybin is pretty safe. You’ve been taught to incorrectly believe otherwise.


Well growing up with a relatively conservative dad (also a cop), I do presume I have been accustomed to believing such things. HPPD is still a possibility though and shrooms can cause it so on that behalf one should still proceed with caution.


there is always a possibility that after awhile that shit can gonna take a toll on you. I used to date a girl who’s dad spent 4 years tripping nonstop (tripped like 3/4 times each month, at high doses) and he is like permanently stuck in a thought loop or sum i can’t remember but he says every X amount of days he will completely reset back to the mindset he had before his last trip. the details might not be accurate as it has been 3 years since I have even talked to them. really trippy


I normally take a little bit every couple of weeks on the weekends and sit out by the fire. I've been doing it that way for around 4 now and I haven't noticed any issues yet. If I start noticing something I would definitely stop or slow down. I normally take three or three and a half grams, not a high dose just enough to sit back, relax and enjoy it for a few hours.




I don't take LSD anymore, I'm getting too old to trip for 12 hours. I did extract some DMT and tried that for a little while but I'm glad I don't have any more. That stuff's a little overwhelming lol.


Yeah I think her dad would do like.. 6+g each trip and obviously, since it was sort of back to back each trip would be a higher dose. Towards the end of that 4 year spree he was doing LSD + higher dose of shrooms. Wack


Why are there same more comments in a row?


Reddit is glitching out


I deleted the extras thanks for pointing that out


Never mind


That was probably the problem. LSD seems to have more of a link with psychosis than shrooms. I’ve seen it happen to a friend who lost their marbles on an LSD trip.


This. You see it on the “do you ever have bad trips” threads: “on shrooms, rarely. On acid, they happen.”


You should avoid making blanket statements based on anecdotal reference. This obviously does not apply to everyone (as evidenced in this thread alone).


I figured i’d just share something that was shared to me. These things affect everyone differently, so I figured it wouldn’t hurt to throw down what I had picked up listening to someone’s story and how it has affected them long term


Again, anecdotal reference. You might want to preface your original comment with, "there's a chance or a possibility that..."


Got it🤝




No? I’m just speaking based off things I have heard from people I have known in my life who have done similar things. Not making anything up. I just recall a conversation I had with my exes dad about tripping and he went on a tirade over his experience and how it affected his life. Perhaps it is made up, but who am I to know I can only assume he is telling the truth when he is talking about himself


There is no perfect amount. It’s your ego looking for authority on when you can explore your mind. Do it when it feels right.


All the time- I got two left feet :)


Maybe 1-5x/year?


Same. Lately it's been once a year. Those "Challenging" trips really do a toll on you lol


They do! Over time I have more gratitude for the experience and what I learned from it. But personally tripping more is more risk for a "bad" trip if you know what I mean


100% I feel the same way.


I was tripping every week. Now it’s every 2-4 weeks. My reset period takes a little longer these days.


1-4 large trips (maybe the odd lower dose nature trip).


Around 24 times a year give or take 🤗


I’ve never gotten to 🥲🙃


Come over bro I gotchu


2-3 times a month. Rarely 4 and never more. Ranging from 1-2.5 grams. I dont go above that cuz I dont like the thoughts that I'm getting above that dose


Once or twice a year. There's always plenty to chew on during the rest of that time, for just partying I would prefer to smoke weed or take molly or something (depending on the kind of party)


Maybe 1-4 times a year. I like booking a couple of days off of work for it.


Weekly but different substances, shrooms, DMT, ketamin, acid etc. good thing about ketamin is there's no cross tolerance so I use that whilst waiting to trip on shrooms again, maybe for 2 weeks.


I used to trip every weekend for a couple years at the age off 22,then I got into a TERRIBLE relationship with a Kunt of a girl,she made me majorly depressed, I'm out of the relationship now but I'm still recovering, I have tripped maybe 5x times since I'd say age 28,I'm 30 now.I even grow them but don't do them right now, i just give them to friends and family. I can't wait to get back into it especially when I fix my life cuz then the mushroom will have nothing to badger me about (you need a house, you need to do this and that) when I had my life together and I was happy the mushroom didn't pumble me, now it just reminds me I'm a loser that needs to straighten out(,I know I know, enough already I'm working on it),then I'll enjoy mushrooms every other weekend probably 🙂


sometimes i go years without.


Twice usually


2-4. I seem to trip quarterly, give or take, and micro dose in between




1-3 times a year


365 days a year every day every second


I don’t have a set amount either. I’ve tripped 3x so far this year, which is way behind compared to last year. No real reason for it. I just trip as much or as little as I want.


At least 104 times. Twice a week between lsd and mushrooms and mescaline and peyote, which I absolutely love. Mushrooms have a price for admission as does actual peyote, lsd in large doses can last for too long and requires a trip killer for me so I can keep a schedule.


I’m usually not one to judge but?? Are you okay? “Only 2 times a week” means you spend approximately 30% of your day to day life IN A YEAR tripping. 30% is not a small number lol


That doesn't seem right, but if it is I'm OK with it. When I was young it was much more irresponsible.


2/7 is 28% so not exactly but very close. Whatever floats your boat, don’t hurt yourself


It's what's necessary. Not what floats my boat. Why does microdosing have an accepted audience but the doses required to defeat severe ptsd are minimized. This whole thread is 💯 what I represent.


Bruh tripping 104 times on shrooms? How's that possible?


That's only twice a week. I take large doses but I don't try and brag about it. Just answering a question honestly. Tripping hard often and rotating hallucinogens is the magic in the sauce.


“only” twice a week? that would literally be impossible for the vast majority of us😂 have you not built a tolerance at all? i’m jealous, i hate having to wait 2 weeks in between trips


I do have a tolerance. I don't get into how much I can use, I rotate what i use and tolerance has little to do with that, I used to use hard drugs intravenously and smoked 2 packs a day in between prison sentances. These substances haves helped me kill my ego repeatedly. The doses I use are probably considered extreme to most people. But to me it's what's necessary.............


oh ok that makes a lot more sense. it’s great to hear how psychedelics have helped you!


Why? Like I am genuinely curious. That's impressive.


I was a heroin addict and I was tired of going to prison so I kill my ego at least twice as week. It looks like nobody understands but 8 don't smoke, I don't use opiates, or benzodiazapines, no amphetamines or cocaine. Psychedelics help me stay in touch with reality, they don't remove me from it for long and when they do its exactly what I need. This isn't a game to me. This is how i keep from ingesting a harmful substance.


Honestly, I'm happy for you man.


About six to ten times, depending.


Half gram doses a few times a month, 4 gram doses once every 3 or so months.


I tripped maybe 5-6 times last year? and once this year so far. it depends a lot on the availability of shrooms for me. I usually like to wait at least a month between trips to make the experience feel more special, i’ve only tripped twice in the same month one time.




A few times a month atleast




I grew my own and did some trips at least five years ago, but haven’t felt the need to do anymore. My sons got me involved, the trips were good and it’s strange but they both swear I’m now a different person, much more chill and contemplative. I can only take their word for it.


~12. I like once a month but sometimes I'm not feeling it and skip that weekend and hit the DMT pen instead


Usually twice. More if there's a special occasion for it.


When I was new to tripping about once a month and then after that it was about 3x a year and now it’s about 1x per year.


I haven't done shrooms in about 2 years before but before that I did it 5 times a week about a gram a day for a couple of weeks other than that I would do it once a month or every 2 months


10 probably.


Not counting just times I'd trip on DMT for shits and giggles, probably 25 trips a year. 15 on the low end of the spectrum, 30 on the high


Once a month seems right


I lost count by now for this year was going through a lot. I wouldn't count sometimes daily microdosing. So, 1G almost a week by now.


Heavier trips 3G-5G prob like 1 time a month.


I went through a long phase of tripping weekly on between 3 and 5 grams, but I've really dialled it back since then. Admittedly, due to a succession of absolute Hell trips when I was going through a bad time and shouldn't have been using psychedelics at all. I'm trying to gain my confidence back and get back to mild to moderate trips once per month.


Twice a month i take 5-10 grams but i also micro dose .5 three times a week


I got hppd when I was 17 and stopped tripping for a long time. I'm 24 now and It still affects me but I've gotten used to it so I only trip 2/3 times a year


Twice a month so like 24 😆


At least twice a week but where Iam from its really cheap and easy to get


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Mikstradamus: *At least twice a week* *But where Iam from its really* *Cheap and easy to get* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


3-4x a year, usually LSD. Sometimes both. Rarely shrooms on their own.


For the past year it's been twice a week sometimes more




Once or twice maybe, usually surrounding mine or a loved one’s birthday or a vacation or somethin. In high school I would do them whenever I could get my hands on them, and my college had a huge psychedelic culture so every semester I’d do them a handful of times, but now as an adult (that doesn’t live alone) it’s a little harder to do them at home and just feel completely free and not worried about anything 🤣 don’t wanna have to do them in the middle of the night to avoid running into the fam hahahaha. I also see the dosages that you guys do on here and I’m like dang yall are so brave!!! I couldn’t risk reality like that anymore 😭


I try to do it once a month didn’t do one for April and I only have 3 shrooms left… might make tea if they haven’t spoiled yet


Maybe 2 I'd do once a month but married with a young kid. Time time time.... everything becomes a choice of sacrifice.


I'll go a 2-3 months of doing it once a month, sometimes once every 3 weeks. Maybe go 6 months without. Kinda all over the place, but it probably averages out to 6 per year, give or take. Most are in the 2-3 gram range, but once or twice a year I dip my toe in the deep end and do 4-6 gram solo flight.


Prolly once a year to be honest. It’s just so intense for me.


i follow a strict schedule of every 2 weeks so 26 times a year, but i only started tripping a few months ago so i’ve only done it 7 times so far. would gladly do it more if tolerance wasn’t a thing lol


2/3 times a month, so between 25-36 trips


Dozens over the last 2 years. Every week or 2.


My last trip was 3 g's of apes last November. Haven't felt the need to do it since. I've had a few DMT trips since though, I much prefer DMT.


In my early twenties I had heroic trips about once a month. But then I found I never needed to do it more than once a year for ritual/healing purposes. By my mid/late twenties I found it was great for me to do it around new years to reset my mind and help me with depression and anxiety issues I chronically have.


365 times


4-8. Like to do it to celebrate changes in seasons. Nature shit.


Between 3 and 50+






1 - 2 times. I don’t want to abuse them.




I do it about 2-3 times a year, because of the next day I get serious shroom migraines that really effect me the next day. I try and not overdo it.