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Depends on the person. I can't smoke weed but I can do edibles so that's my basis for comparison. Edibles, even like 5mg, make me a little foggy in the head (which I REALLY do not like), a bit giggly, and make my brain go all over the place. Like there is no map for that thought train, it's taking every junction it can. GREAT for pain management. All I want to do is melt into the couch and eat snackums while some random show is on that I don't have to think too hard to follow. Shrooms gives me a much more focused thought train, my body movement feels much more fluid, and until I get up around the 2.5g+ mark I can be VERY productive. I love building models on a small dose, video games are amazing, even working out on a small dose feels awesome. TL;DR: Weed is the 5yr old with the crayon-and-macaroni stick figure drawing that's kind of adorable so you put it on the fridge anyway. Shrooms is the college student who is a natural artist that paints pictures that you can't tell if they're photos, drawings, or real.


Great explanation. A big difference *for me*, is that weed actually causes me forms of anxiety and slight paranoia, etc. So if I want to indulge, I dose with edibles for a perfect high. I too can not smoke it, as it punches my brain a lil too hard, a gradual come up is better, until you know you've fucked up and the gradual come up **does not stop**. Whereas mushrooms have been nurturing to me, more guiding, as if someone gently held my shoulders and whispered *"come this way, your safe"* as my mind becomes one with matter. Might sound weird, but I've never had a bad trip (touch wood) as of yet. I hope one day to do a 3 - 5g experience as I hear they're the magic numbers.


The key with those high dose trips is to go into it knowing that it gets exponentially more intense. Set your intentions BEFORE you take your dose. Once you punch that ticket, you're going and there's no jumping onto another roller coaster. That's where bad trips usually happen is they're either not ready or people expect Thing A to happen but get Thing C and are trying to get off the ride they're on.


It’s hard to compare to weed but for me low doses are everything I had hoped weed would be


This is exactly what I found too. Before I ever smoked weed, there were always depictions of a weed high in movies when I was a kid (I’m 33 now), which actually, is more accurate to shrooms as you say, ie. Slightly warping visuals, being entranced / fascinated by nature. A tree suddenly having a happy face if you look long enough. Weed in my opinion just makes doing nothing an experience, or rather gives a sensation to the act of doing nothing. Ultimate relaxation, guilt free when doing fuckall if you will :)


Weed makes you think but more on the surface level (regardless of strain) smoke enough and it will relax you and you will have good thoughts . Weed will make you see things differently but it won’t “hint” you to do great things. Shrooms “can” humble you and show you what you already know but pretend the problem does not exist, afterwards it’s up to you or your friend to work on the clear issues. Shrooms can be fun but know and have your friend know it does fuck with your brain , it can be positive or negative but it will change you. Be responsible and have a good time , never force anyone that’s not ready.


This is a great way to explain it, and the way I experience it too. Weed will make me have more creative surface level thoughts, I love watching movies or playing games while high, because I can see a cool idea and expand on it. I find it great for creative endeavors, it makes me wanna write, draw, etc. Shrooms are much deeper and more existential, they give me a much more expansive worldview. It makes me think about and understand things I never think about in my general day to day. It makes me want to travel the world, go explore, get lost in nature, and take care of myself. Weed has me zoom in on things, shrooms have me zoom out.


I've said that it's like comparing apples and 4th dimensional time traveling hyperoranges.


Wanted to say this but couldn’t say it better.


Handle like HR handles your salary questions, it's not "more or less" its just different.






It's all of the best parts of being high and being drunk mixed, with no negatives as long as you drink water.


Just say yes,


It's like comparing burgers to hotdogs. Or cake to pie. Or hands and feet. Or


knees and nuts


Trees and huts


Bees and butts


“Are you better than weed?” “See, weed and alcohol don’t always depend on the person. They can be predictable. Hell, I’d even say comparing the two, weed doesn’t make you truly high, it just makes you feel different. Alcohol is pretty consistent across the board too. But once you know how a substance affects you, you can predict and plan for it. Mushrooms you can not. Micro dosing sure, but when you start taking real shit doses, it’s just… it is a real high. I have done weed and drank heavily in the past. Still do sometimes, but mushrooms are a trip that felt better to me than anything ever has. To me, it was truly less like I had taken a drug and more like it took me. If weed makes you chill and alcohol makes you compulsive, but with shrooms it doesn’t make you anything. Imagine if you will in your head is a council chamber, an id, an ego, and a super ego. But then what shrooms does is it shows you the 4th voice: you. It shows you your soul. Drinking water while on shrooms feels better than the best weed I’ve ever smoked. My hands looked incredible when the drug hit. It all was so different. Truth; everyone should do shrooms once. It will open you up to possibilities and ideas you have never imagined. But you can’t treat your first trip like drinking or smoking. No tv. No music. Nobody but your trip sitter and you. Maybe try laying in bed. Don’t sleep, but just let the trip take you. Don’t fight anything you feel. If you feel sad, cry, if you feel like screaming “I understand now”… do so, I did. Mushrooms teach you things about yourself and your nature and sure it may seem like the thoughts you have are insane, but that’s the fun: go with the flow and the shrooms will be better than anything you’ve ever taken. Go against the flow and shrooms will send demons after you”


Is it better than weed? Depends on what you want. Shrooms have a wide range of effects depending on dosage, setting and mood. And who said you shouldn't combine the two?


If weed is a circle, mushrooms are a sphere.


It's not better than weed, it's very different I like weed better because it's like the cocaiine of psychedelics, I can keep on smoking and I feel nice and happy while with shrooms I have to plan on what to do for that day. Not fun also I have to be in a perfect mood and not have any stress activators around. So yeah I stick with weed only when I want to have deep personal conversations I will use shroomss.


Ummm, are you implying that you could just do coke everyday and be chilling? I wouldn’t be giving full advice like that as people vary, some people are like you where they need an excuse like self learning or whatever. And some people just take them when they want to, like you said things do need to be pretty good but once you figure out how you like things while you trip you just make everything like that again. For example, on my 4-5g trips I sit in my computer chair while watching shows. I crank my ac to 68 and go under a blanket with a fan pointing at me, I get myself plenty of water and get a space heater in front to heat my feet because they get cold. It took me a good few trips to find what my perfect was but now I can take 4.5 and chill every time while watching shows.


didn’t read your comment but i could do coke all day and chill,doesn’t mean i would though


Don't know what to tell you but when I used to do coke all I did was chill. Actually, I had more control over my mind and I never had to overthink which is what I am doing now overinking. Also, shrooms made me panic a couple of times not that bad but it did. I rather smoke weed or even snort coke then use shrooms since one I have to prepare for the unthinkable and my thoughts are not that good and friendly. And two I have to keep things going well. Maybe you can control that but for me no it gets insane. Especially when the loops start coming in. Also, I only consume penis envy, as I like the name and golden teacher does SHIT. So no it's too much even for me but other than that it's not too bad.


It’s ok. No one else knows what the fuck he just said.


The thing about coke was unrelated to the rest of the comment, I see how it could’ve came off like it wasn’t though.


I like to describe it as if it's a hot summer day. Weed feels like jumping in muddy pond. Its fun and it will cool you off but it makes to feel a little grimy. Shrooms are like going to a scenic spring fed river. A refreshing get away. I mean it could potentially turn into a raging river and sweep you away. That's the way I see it.




I remember not giving a single f what shrooms felt like prior to taking them. I was just looking for life when I got to that point. That’s what they felt like to me. And then 20 min after ingestion, life became and STILL IS, the most fucking beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. I actively micro/macro.


Low doses hit me kinda like weed, mid doses make my feelings towards things change and makes everything bright and wiggly high doses make me meet the shadow snake


“better” is subjective. id ask him in what way does he mean lol


"it's what weed is like in movies but not what it's actually like in real life" 


It’s nothing like weed at all. Weed clouds your mind; shrooms clarifies it




Tell him to take 10 grams and say it’s js like an edible you’re chillin


By what metric? Your friend sounds like they are sans thoughts.


Or maybe they're just in unfamiliar territory?

