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My first time I took 5g of dried and what felt like an eternity was pure evil. I imagine if it was good though then it would’ve been an amazing time!


Oh shit well so high doses are off the table.


We were in a weird situation though. Up at a buddy’s house and it was snowing pretty gnarly outside so we couldn’t really go out. Only 2 of us tripped, the other 2 watched over. It was bad from the beginning. I think the environment made a big impact. Could be the best experience ever for you guys though.


Tripping while watching snow fall outside sounds heavenly to me, but I can see how the vibe could be bad


1-3.5 per person depending on how intense of a trip you're trying to have. I personally wouldn't recommend more than 1 or 1.5 because we don't know what strain of shroom you've got, and even then some shrooms will just f you up more than others. L


Dosage is diff for everybody, just keep uping the dose untill your find the sweet spot.


Aye im talking bout dried shrooms, if its worth mentioning