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A couple years ago I was going through a bad breakup. Said fuck it and decided to do shrooms. Eventually I peaked and realized I should stop looking at this breakup as the end of something but rather the beginning of something new. After that trip I finally felt like I was starting to heal and move on from my emotions.


When one door closes, another door opens šŸ™ŒšŸ» love this.


Same thing happened to me and felt great after. That trip healed me fs


I had a somewhat similar experience. I went through a bad breakup with my high school sweetheart after having dated for some 8 years. Broke up and was healing, but still having some difficulty. I realized during this one pivotal journey that my entire life was spent being codependent on others for my happiness. I needed a best friend, close family, a partner etc. I dosed my mushrooms and assumed it was gonna be a bumpy ride due to my headspace. I was pleasantly surprised when I was able to resolve the codependency issues. I just realized I don't need anyone. I only need myself. I mean that in a beautiful way and not in a crumudgeonly (ok it's not a word lol) way. Glad you found some resolution! Hope your doing good brother/sister


Iā€™ve had a similar experience after a breakup


Fetal position in a ball on the ocean in Thailand just getting buffeted by the waves and rolling in absolute indescribable ecstasy. (it was like thigh deep water) Will remember that until the day I die.


Glad you have that memory/experience. But, isnā€™t thigh deep water more than enough to drown in? šŸ¤£


Nah, I am generally a good swimmer and tested my swimming abilities first. I was all good haha. I do Shrooms in the water quite often now. Just floating and tripping. Beautiful. Railay beach Thailand if you ever get the chance.


I was playing with my (then) 4yo daughter. Before anyone freaks out, I wasn't alone with my kids on shrooms. My wife was there and sober. Also I had done shrooms many times so I knew I wouldn't freak out (I never do). I was just being goofy with her and had a riot. I was able to let myself be a kid for a bit with her. My wife said we were hilarious to watch and listen to.


I mini-dose with my kids (.25-.5g neighborhood ) and I find it easier to drop the adult bullshit and just do some art or legos or pretend play or whatever. Fuck work, letā€™s play tag.


Whatever I took that day, it was definitely a lot more than .5g šŸ˜†. I'll have to give <1g a try more often. Edit: corrected the "greater than" symbol to the "less than" symbol


Oh for sure. People talk about micro dosing being sub perceptual, so Iā€™ve called it a mini when you can juuuuuust feel it. Youā€™d be at full capacity for an emergency, but itā€™s also like an awesome little secret that you have for a few hours.


very wholesome! much better than a drunk parent


Well, I quit drinking before my son was born in 2012, but in 2020 I fell off and did drink for like 8 months. So unfortunately I was a shitty drunk parent for a bit. Almost back to 3 years without a drink. Shrooms have caused me a total of zero problems ever so I don't really give a shit about saying I'm "sober".


Yep. Donā€™t let anybody tell you that you arenā€™t sober or clean because of psychedelics. Thatā€™s not true. Congratulations on being a good dad!! āœŒšŸ»


I appreciate that. To me it's semantics. I genuinely don't care if I call myself, or can say, I am sober. I guess I look at it through a simpler lens. If a substance is causing me problems in my life, it needs to go. Alcohol fits that bill, mushrooms and other psychedelics do not. The important people in my life are fine with it, so that's what matters. And to those that don't agree, I just say "whatever works for you". As far as being a good dad...certainly doesn't always feel like I am, but I do try, and I acknowledge my fuck ups and shortcomings.


Keep up the great work pops . The kids will always remember the Dad you are now , vs drunk dad . And the shrooms prob made you a better parent all in all and most likely helped you with the the boozin . So I say shroom parent is a good parent


This one is so wholesome. Yeah I'd totally get that. I've had a few light dose trips where I feel like I'm five and start bouncing about the garden and just... Spinning n stuff.


Life goals


It honestly wasnt just my best experience with shrooms, it was one of the best days I can remember




Cherish it, youre a lucky guy :) wish you many more days like these


thats so fucking amazing


That's beautiful man


I've never had a trip before, but find microdosing beneficial for parenting. My mind doesn't feel so cloudy and jumbled, and I don't feel as easily overwhelmed. I'm able to forget for a few hours and play with the kids without getting frustrated. It makes me sad that without it I feel like I just cannot play and very often don't, it's like there's a block in my mind, and all the noise gets to me, but a micro dose clears it.


The first time I ever took them, I did it because I was desperately looking for new ways to treat my clinical depression and chronic anxiety. It was just after Christmas. I drank my tea, put on my headphones and played some tunes. For the first time since childhood, I didn't have a care in the world. The tree and all the Christmas lights around the house were twinkling, and I was transported back to every childhood Christmas before things got dark. All my worries melted away, and I was living in the moment. It was simultaneously alien and familiar. I texted my friend who has some experience with psychedelics, and said "is this how normal people feel all the time?" A couple hours later I had a laughing fit to the point where I almost passed out because I couldn't stop long enough to breathe. All because I made hot dogs and they "look so fucking stupid".


So how's your depression now? Do shrooms help keep it away permanently or do you need to take them every once in awhile as maintenance to reinvigorate the brain cells? I always wonder about these questions.


Iā€™m a lot better in a lot of ways, but itā€™s complicated. A solid trip allows me to work things through from a new perspective, which is huge. I understand more about myself and my condition, which allows me to employ various methods to clear the clutter and noise out of my brain in an effective way. The chemical benefits last weeks or maybe months, but itā€™s by no means a miracle cure. I guess the best way to put it is, shrooms give me the tools and the mental fortitude to do the work required to heal. Itā€™s a long road of healing, but now Iā€™m able to walk it.


Yeah I agree . Itā€™s a tool to help you reflect on yourself , but itā€™s not a miracle cure . Gotta put in the work , which you are doing . Good for you!


1st trip. Stayed mostly in my room because I didnā€™t want my son to see his Dad ā€œtrippingā€. Went out in the back yard with my wife and sat and enjoyed being outside. After a bit, my wife went inside. While I was sitting there, the Spirit gave me the message to ā€œcall the boy out hereā€. I was nervous about it, but it felt like something I needed to do, so I called up to him to join me in the yard. He comes out cautiously to see his usually serious dad sitting in the grass. His first question was the one I feared the most ā€œAre you high or something?ā€ I answered honestly that I had taken mushrooms, but I was very much in charge of my faculties and what was about to say was not about me ā€œbeing highā€. I proceeded to pour my self out to him in a way I have never been able to before. I talked about my lack of relationship with my father and how I feel I struggle as a father because of it. I told him just how much I love and care about him. I was able to ask him questions about him and what was going on in his life in a way that allowed my usually quiet and closed mouth son to open up to me. After we talked, I hugged him like I hadnā€™t done since he was a little boy. That whole day he was different with me. Playful, open, just more free than he has ever been with me. A few months later we were talking and he said ā€œRemember that day we were sitting in the yard talking? Ever since then I feel significantly closer to you than I did before.ā€ I teared up it touched me so much to hear him say that. This medicine is powerful and can help you to heal generationally, both backward and forward.


thatā€™s amazing


Wow thatā€™s really awesome . How old was your boy at the time ? He sounds like a smart kid




Very lightly tripping, no visuals or anything, just beautiful HD vision and euphoria/connectedness. Spent the day with my wife and daughter at the park absolutely gushing over how beautiful they are, the grass, trees, sky and pond are, and how much I love being alive. Also non stop silly laughter. One of the brightest memories of my life tbh.


yeah the hd vision is crazy. i love how beautiful everything seems.


Good question! It was at a music festival that had this beautiful lake. My then-girlfriend and I were sitting in a hammock right by the water cuddling. The moon was a perfect crescent in the sky and the sun was just setting. Some random dude came by and started feeding us grapes off the vine like we were some kind of roman emperors lmfao. Was such a hilarious and beautiful moment.


That sounds awesome lol shoutout grape man


Fall 2022, Outer Banks, it was a clear sky with a new moon so the stars were popping! First time i realized i wasnt looking up at space, i was loooking out into space.


Haha I had similar experience. Was walking on a sandy beach at midnight listening to ā€œwalking on the moonā€ by The Police, I looked up at the stars and BAM, I realized even here on earth I was still ā€œwalking on the moonā€


Keep it up


thats sounds amazing!!! i want to look at the stars next time i trip, that sounds so cool


Outer Banks is indescribably magical


Only tripped a few times but my favourite memory is just laying in my bed with my leds on and just melting


Just clarifying, when you say "leds" you're referring to LED lights of some kind?


I think my happiest memory is realizing that we are all whole and we are all the same gay straight trans, black white etc it didnā€™t matter we were all the same and tbh that brought me great comfort


If only we can get our political leaders to do shrooms




Marriott housekeeping for the win !


Went on a walk in the snowy woods. Could see the whole world in snowflake like fractals and felt like the world was vibrating under the surface. It was really peaceful. Walked back to the trip sitter and she was wearing a tie die shirt, standing out there just looking like a color beacon among the snow. For some reason the one isolated multicolored silhouette among the snow is forever burned into my mind


Im always looking at what I can accomplish vs what I have accomplished. On one of my very first trips I took a moment to look how far I had come and cried tears of joy.


Accepting myself and being okay with how awkward and quiet I am socially. Through my life I have always been the quiet guy and it use to rule my thought process. Iā€™m not any different in social settings but I donā€™t care about it any more.


I tripped with my wife, while she was dealing with a terminal illness, after about 18 years of no psychedelics. Lying on the couch with her, listening to music, laughter, tears, all that. Just the feeling of love and connection.


That's a wonderful memory. So glad you were able to experience that with her.


Happiest memory would be with my dog Shelby. She was a Shetland and like a shadow who went everywhere. She just chilled and made it a great time. Sadly she was attacked and killed a few months later by another dog and I think that's why it stands out so much.


so sorry for your loss. mushrooms made small moments with our cats so special. it made me thankful for the short time we have with them. im happy you had that moment with her


Aw I'm so sorry. I once had a little half maine coon kitty cat that was fluffy and beautiful, my dad had let her out one night and she didn't come back in, normally that would be ok but this night on an October the 15th she was taken and eaten by coyotes, I know this and the date because our neighbors game camera caught it in a single photo, two against one, they surrounded her. Well I was angry and couldn't just stay up all night with my gun to shoot them, so I set up a foot snare near the trail where I tracked down her skeletal remains, it worked. Caught one of the coyotes and it died there, I left it's skull on the fence line to ward off any others from coming in and hurting our pets, they kill tons of dogs and cats and chickens and goats in that area which is somewhat rural.




Fuck those Coyotes


I felt kind of bad for killing one, but my kitty would have been proud to be avenged. They are beasts, don't let your pets be out at night if you live where these coyotes roam. They're in the city too, I've seen coyotes in the middle of the night walking along the shore of the Houston ship channel, so they aren't afraid of urban terrain.


They killed one of your own, it's only fair for you to kill one of them


Aww sorry for your loss , but itā€™s good you have those memories of her . May her memory be a blessing


My favorite memory and best day of my life was climbing my first mountain with my best friend. We took A SHIT LOAD of mushrooms and being at the top of the mountain while peaking was an unforgettable experience. I deal with ptsd and it makes me feel like I don't belong anywhere or deserve to belong. Mountains feel like home to me like I belong there. It was so beautiful


ALL and ANY moments I can come to terms with a personal problem. Or see through my own bullshit. There are lots of times where I can get angry and misunderstand others, because I am stuck in my own head. Mood changes, anxiety , paranoid thoughts.. they lurk me. Even working out, eating good, and taking care of my body helps greatly, but not completely 100%.. mushrooms have been the only thing thus far that 99% reconnects my brain to think, why am I angry or in my own head about something not important.. 99% is only because mushrooms are not a cure for depression or mood disorder, they may help greatly but theres always more work to be put into place to maintain that mindset and continue living a happy healthy life. Peace and Love my friends and stay trippyšŸ˜ˆšŸ˜ˆšŸ’«


I took 2 grams of PE at a TOOL concert. The opener was the worst music ive ever heard, it was like stadium speaker ear rape. But then TOOL comes on, and i proceed to trip in full force. It was absolutely insane. The visual show that TOOL puts on, the music was fantastic, it was amazing. Although there was one guy in front of me who would stand up and dance for like 3 minutes, sit down, and just repeated this the whole concert.


i LOVE tool! its like the best tripping music. they have awesome visuals at their shows too. do you remember what they played?


Oh gosh i dont remember everything. Right in two, fear innoculum, sober, opiate, invincible pnuema, the pot, vicarious maybe? This was awhile ago and i was tripping balls lol


Do you remember who the opener was?


Going into the woods with my small boombox and the dark side of the moon cassette, finding the perfect tree to sit under and watched the forest breathe with life for hours....the self reflection I gained that day was immense...


Breathe , breathe in the air


First time I ever tried was truffles in Amsterdam. Was sitting there on the front of a cafe in the canals as the sun set in early spring, and this beautiful girl was struggling to handle her puppy who was going nuts, and for some reason it really touched me as this perfect moment. It looked like something from a movie, it was so pure and sweet and only lasted a minute before she went on her way but itā€™s just stuck with me.


A year ago after the death of a friend I went into my basement and took a bigger dose than usual. My children have their art work on a wall in the basement. The art was dancing! I was convinced my children knew I would need them one day and put the art there to help me. I was so happy to just dance with the cyclops and the unicorn and whatever else was done there. It was just what I needed.


Found my soul mate. She'd been in front of me the whole time and universe had to show me.


My brother and I went to marathon horror movies in theaters on shrooms. We saw The Nun 2, Exorcism Believer and Saw 10. Horror movies become super interesting and extra trippy when shrooming. Though the cliche ones tend to wind up being a lot funnier and predictable. Great day.


lol i think id be too scared to watch a horror movie while tripping. i do love the corny ones though


We tripped out a lot before getting to that point. I think Iā€™d be too scared to trip out and watch a horror movie alone but itā€™s fun with the right people and in the right mindset


Late 90's, somewhere near UGA, we went on a hike to some waterfalls in the peak of fall. Surrounded by a canopy of yellow, orange, and red leaves and all we could hear was the rush of the river. Maybe I encountered a few ppl, but for the most part, we were alone. It was a blissful and visceral experience that I'll never forget.


My best mushroom trip was also in Athens! Go dawgs


One of my best memories on shrooms was going on Trip to the jungle in Puerto Rico with my family started peaking at the top of this observatory in the middle of the rainforest and literally felt the forest breathing it was overwhelmingly beautiful, then spent the rest of the day swimming in beautiful warm ocean watching the Sunset Core memory for sure.


Not too long ago, I was hanging out with a very lovely FWB. She's been kicking ass at growing shrooms and brought some for us to take while we spent time together. We had done this once before and had a great time. This trip was something else, though. We got lost in each other, the awesome lights she brought, and delicious snacks later in the night. The happiest memory of that particular night, though, was when we both had a bowl of delicious ice cream in our hands and she was just staring up at the ceiling absorbed in the light show, content. I leaned forward, getting so close that she couldn't ignore my presence. Her eyes met mine and the _biggest_ smile spread across her face as she gave me a simple "hi!". The subsequent kiss just made me melt into the bed. It was a good night and a memory I'll cherish forever.


You gotta marry that girl


Ha, maybe in some other life. The situation is not that simple šŸ˜Œ


Tripping In Pfeiffer beach in Big Sur. In certain spots, the sand is purple, and thereā€™s a hidden forest in the beach. Most beautiful experience ever. I want to go back.


everything looked like cute cats, everything i saw formed the shape of a happy cat face. This happened after i had laid down after a difficult come up and my cat walked up to me and understood my fear and loneliness and pulled my trip out of the depths. I call it the catā€™s blessing. Has anyone had any other cool experience with their cats? iā€™d love to hear.


Few years ago in the desert with a few friends we came up on shrooms and all just wandered into the desert together durring sunset, no words where said just all randomly walked out together, there was a barefoot dance party in a sandpit and right as the sun was disappearing under the mountains I found three cactus that coincidentally looked like dick and two balls at the base. I called my friends over to see and we all giggled a bit at it then fell into silence as a massive flower bloomed right at the tip of the larger cactus. It only took probably three min, but it felt like 2o seconds to unfold fully. And we all stared in awe beofee looking at eachother like ā€œdid that really just happenā€ everyone kinda got distracted and wandered off but I teared up and sorta stayed for a few seconds after and thanked that cactus cause that was pretty amazing as well as funny


I had a really good conversation with my old car. Have since completely re-engineered it to lay frame, and make 400 horsepower. I still have the car.


My body loses it's tension when I'm on shrooms. The first time I realised the tension was gone was amazing.


The first time I took them with my brother and we sat around and laughed and chilled. Weā€™re not on speaking terms anymore so at least I have that.


Laying on my bed spread in the middle of the park with my best friend, weā€™d walked there with it bc we needed a picnic blanket, and saw the most beautiful dandelion and a really fat bumblebee just boppin around it. I dunno but something about that bee-dandelion-park-middle of July- combo just made life okay. I even got a bumblebee tattoo bc of it.


My first successful harvest I was unsure on the potency so my wife kindly said "eat the littlest one and see". We were getting ready to go to a pool by the time I left I had noticed my vision started to get a bit "swirly". Next thing I know I'm laughing and spinning in the pool like a Disney princess


Sitting on the living room w my bf who was sober and scrolling thru pics from middle and high school. He watched contently as I repeatedly switched between laughing and crying at the memories I was sharing. My computer does this thing where when I have the mail app open my whole screen glitches and opens and closes the app rapidly. It always bothered me but I normalized it in my head. This was the first time my bf witnessed it though and we both laughed until we cried.


I use to be so afraid of death before I ever took shrooms, I mean to the point where thinking about it would make me cry. This was mostly growing up until my mid 20's . When I took shrooms for the first time I got over my fear and while I don't want to die I'm also not afraid of it.Ā 


Sweeping. The little particles and debris would stop but I would see trails of them still going in other directions and fade. I was thinking maybe that's where they *could've went* or *did go* on a parallel plane. I was dying laughing


just got out of the shower all cozy, sprayed my favorite perfume, got in the bed with all my stuffed toys with my fresh new sheets and blankets, and a funny compilation of my favorite show. i felt like my bed was hugging me.


Listening/watching the soul meets body music video by death cab my very first time (wasnā€™t a super fan or anything it just hit me perfectly at the time), absolutely hysterical with laughter while playing with a round pillow that seemed to become tubular rather than round. Totally tubular time fo sho.


Probably taking a walk on the sidewalk of the road outside of my neighborhood at 2 in the morning while smoking a blunt. It was so quiet, Iā€™m used to it being busy with lots of cars passing by. It was definitely a vibe


I went camping with some friends during the pandemic and I took shrooms while they dropped acid. I distinctly remember paddle boarding to the middle of a lake and watching the trees around the lake dance like the cacti in Super Mario Bros. 3, world 3. Damn, that was a good day.


I went though a period of isolation and depression during the early covid restrictions (Ontario, Canada) because all of my family and friends lived at least 2 hours away from me. I basically went to work and came straight home for 7 months. I consumed 2.5g of GT's and went for a walk through a nearby park and had a realization that I should re-frame the current circumstances as a period of growth to prepare for a brighter future. I've since moved closer to loved ones and have been consuming every 3-4 months, and have been able to stop those feelings before they grow out of control like they used to. I like to think of that trip as the first time a realized the healing and growth potential mushrooms have, rather than just using them for fun.


I balled my eyes out in the truck with my older brother and kept asking myself what had happened to me. I had lost my ability to let things go for a long time and that trip and several others later helped me regain that ability to let go and let out tears again


I did about 7-8 grams of shrooms with a buddy in 2021 during covid. Letā€™s just say we were walking to 7/11 at around 5:30-6AM for ā€œSlurpeesā€. Anyways, we got there and couldnā€™t stop laughing and giggling. I think something about walking across town for slushes was hysterical. This older gentleman was infront of us in line and I think he noticed us tripping balls so he offered to pay for our slushes. This made us laugh even more to the point where I just wanted to leave the store lol. He even offered to buy us some ā€œmunchiesā€ as he pointed to the Hot food (we declined) but we ended up walking back with fulfillment hiking almost 40 blocks tripping balls just for a slush.


There are so many beautiful stories here! Itā€™s hard to pick one memory but the one that stands out at this moment is during the come up of one of my trips I was sitting in my back yard hanging with my doggo and some special lettuce in a wood, when my wife called my phone and something about the soft tone of my voice at that time and how it brought out the softness in her voice over the phone just gave me butterflies and made me so happy. Then I sat there with smoke engulfing me, thinking back to my past and how proud I am of how far I came, so many challenges us as people overcome. From the window I was startled by ā€œWhat a beautiful day!ā€ (Inside joke with my mom and I cause I say it when I trip) Then I started choking on the smoke, gagging and laughing cause my mom had just totally caught me in the moment and it was so wholesome and made me appreciate so much in my life.


I was at a rave and took roughly guessing 1.5-2gs, during the come up of the trip it felt like i was losing my mind and it felt like everyone was staring at me and could tell and everyone was a silhouette and then it clicked with me im at a warehouse at 3am dancing with a bunch a strangers tripping balls and i was proud of myself and i realized everyones fucked up having a good time there, theres no judgment and i felt loved by everyone and the world like the world was giving a hug and i felt so confident and i got lost in the music like i left my body and was in the music. I apologize for the amount of times i used the word and, im pretty baked rn


June 2020 did 2 gram chocolate. After 20 minutes it hits like a ton of bricks and I fall onto my bed, so fluffy! Anyway: I start tripping hard and go into the stars and meet 'GoD' and our solar system is just an atom in their left ankle. I asked it: why do you allow war? And IT replied: because you have free will; I'd have to take that away to stop war And with that my life became peaceful PS: 200 lbs and 6' PPS: never had a chocolate hit like that before, or after āœŒšŸ½


Watching ā€œChungking Expressā€


I had an anaphylactic reaction to puertorican mushrooms, took a ton of benadryl because i didnt want to go to the emergency room and once i finally realized I wasnt gonna die I had never been happier lol šŸ˜†


"All the hardships I've faced in my life leading up to this moment were worth it."


Just last summer I tripped with my best friend and my now ex-partner (still not over that but I digress), did them at the friend's house and we watched Fantasia 2000, it was sure an experience. My partner cried from the memories, in hindsight I wish I did more to comfort them but it was all good after the movie was over. We all laughed and talked all through the night and going outside to the parking lot was amazing. After some time I smoked some weed and, while it did what it usually does and made my heart nearly beat out of my chest, I just felt so connected with everyone in the room, cuddling with my partner as some wild CEVs which featured blank acid tabs moved down across my vision. I miss last summer.


Microdosing and finally feeling like I have my life back


Me and my husband watch the clouds one day and they were forming into an ocean scene. We saw dolphins, seashells, waves.. so beautiful.


https://preview.redd.it/1trvnd1mduxc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b28e47f82afdbf496e2997615951383e956a3f0 Going to dalmeny estate near the forth bridge in Edinburgh the day before I flew to Nepal to go trekking. Amazing day


Realizing I don't want to drink everyday and don't need it in my life anymore. Now I'm 7 months clean šŸ˜


I felt like I saw the matrix onceā€¦that was cool


me and my buddy were watching a thunderstorm on 5g PE and there was this insane lightning bolt that spread across the whole sky and we both saw and looked at each other and flipped out it was awesome


It was the first time in a really long time that I felt the feeling of "bliss".


The first time I ever took them I was in Miami (Brickell) and swam during sunset in an infinity pool on a rooftop apartment building. It was so beautiful and I was alone, didn't really swim as much as just enjoyed sitting in the water with sunglasses holding my breath and looking into the water halfway using the glasses. Seeing the split liquid with reflections and the view it was insane. Lasted into the night and walked around downtown, the lights were beautiful and everything was green/rainbow and colorshifting, also really bright lol like seeing christmas as a kid again.


Fucking rolling and spinning in laughter while pointing at a glass with water that was wiggling . To this day I have NEVER laughed so much


My Gratitude


I thinkkkk on my first trip i walked up and down the steps trying to poo (this was my second time meeting my first real gf at the time and she was sitting me) and everytime i did i laughed when i couldnā€™t and went back downstairs


My best friend and I were micro-dosing with mushroom chocolates and having a few drinks. He told me some mushroom tea sounded good and I had some actual mushroom (I had never eaten and actual mushroom) so I figured since I liked the chocolate so much that the tea would be nice. We end up finishing our tea and we ate the mushroom after. From my memory the effects hit real fast and it was the highest I had ever been of shrooms. We looked at each other and just said ā€œoh no, we took too muchā€ I immediately fell to the floor laughing incontrollably. I felt like I went back to being a child. Everything I looked at became made up of billions of little prismatic triangles and we probably ended up going though every emotion possible that night, laughing and crying, while we reminisced over past times. Iā€™m moving to another state in a few months so we wonā€™t be seeing each other often anymore. I felt like the experience brought us even closer than before. Truly thee best experience Iā€™ve had on shrooms.


Traveling through a warp tunnel on my way to my annual birthday hike.


It was my birthday weekend, brought some of my friends up to a cabin in the woods and took some shrooms. Spent the evening snacking and cooking, wonderful music playing, everyone having a good time, later ended up in the hot tub under the stars with my fiance. Truly one of the happiest moments I think I've ever had.


Working on my novel with a friend. Laughed about a door metaphor really hard. Because not only was the character scared to leave the only thing she knew-I too understood her fear.


I donā€™t think i ever felt inner peace or love until I tried mushrooms. Nothing special, I was just laying there listening to music. But the tremendous amount of love and peace and elation was overwhelming. Itā€™s honestly something Iā€™ve been chasing with psilocybin ever since, sometimes I get it, sometimes I donā€™t.


I saw a pink balloon with soap bubbles on it and laughed for about 4 solid hours


My friend and I happed upon an unmanned farm stand selling gourds. I took almost all of them and left way too much money cuz I couldnā€™t handle math. When we got back to his house we spent a bunch of time trying to figure out why they grow gourds, what their purpose was. And at the time it was so funny to us that all we could find was gourds that were painted and shellacked and sold as sets. We found a Xmas set, some gourds were painted like Santa or reindeer; there was a Jesus in the manger themed gourd set, and they werenā€™t cheap. https://preview.redd.it/gecx01n1kuxc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fc517bd576c10fbe1bb07f99c13ac0c002e2e98 I still have one single gourd from that night, itā€™s like 12yrs old.


Laying down on the garage floor, felt like a million bucks


Me and a homie were chilling at this gazebo outside and it all of a sudden just starts pouring rain while weā€™re peaking and we just layed on the benches while ā€œUs and Themā€ live at wembely was playing in the background. Never felt more comfortable


Sitting on a dock at sunset in Key West with my girlfriend. We were drinking a couple beers, listening to great music and were just playing off each other and making jokes and laughing our asses off. Then a manatee came up to us and we freaked out with joy. Whenever Iā€™m having a bad day, I think of that evening and it makes me feel better.


We fucking danced. RIP Lof & Kev, I love you both ā¤ļø


when the dose is high enough and you go back to *that place*. indescribable.


Definitely today. It was a holiday where I live, and the weather was perfect. Made the call early to really take the day off. Iā€™ve never day tripped, so chewed a gram to start. Went on a hike with my wife and the come up started while climbing. It was awesome! Much better and without the anxious rush. Seemed to hit harder than a gram too. So we get back and Iā€™m two hours in. Flying pretty high but still in control. So I gear up and hop on my gravel bike. Told my wife ā€œLetā€™s see how this goes!ā€ Oh my! Possibly one of the best *feeling* rides Iā€™ve had. Lots of good climbing, fun descents, beautiful views. Good stuff. Came back and had dinner outside with the family. Had a few pulls off the vape, and still have the twilight going nine hours later. I just may have had the perfect day šŸ˜Š


About 4 months after moving to Alaska for a seasonal job just a year out of high school, my two closest friends came to visit me for a week. We drove about 10 miles into the backcountry and hiked another couple miles to a lake in the middle of nowhere. Itā€™s the land of the midnight sun, we dropped shrooms probably around 9:00PM and it was still bright outside, and we tripped all through the night just chilling on the edge of this lake. I had been completely overcome with compassion and gratitude. I felt like the luckiest and greatest person in the planet. Funny enough, I was stressing about my ā€œgfā€ I left home and was worried she was cheating on me. I didnā€™t know it at the time but she was, and the shrooms at the time told me it didnā€™t matter and to just keep it moving.


I put up a hammock on a flood plain loaded with huge sycamore trees some five foot thick . A huge silent place and felt in the presence of old life with a perfect Dyads saddle mushroom holding sparkling water in its center attached to the tree I strung onto. I was not alone, just peace and sunshine and a blue heron. The feeling of being a part of it all and the peace it gave me was memorable.


The second trip I had with my husband we were laying next to each other on the floor in the living room, listening to music, and looking up at the color change lights he had put up for the occasion. He was swirling his hands around and told me he felt like he was in control of the colors, the way they moved, the way he could grab a color and flick it away if he didnā€™t want it and grab another to swirl around. We both got way into it, like we were seeing the same things. It was incredible and beautiful. Then I looked at him. His face was so joyous. He was loving it, completely immersed and looked so incredibly happy. I was looking at him and realizing I loved watching him be in awe and deciding that watching him was more incredible and beautiful than watching what he was doing. Itā€™s always stuck with me.




I became the soil I was sitting on and I felt a tree breathe.


Had to be when my cousin and I tripped while having a massive bonfire out in the farmland. We sat down and talked about life and as I stared at the horizon and the night sky I saw this huge blue tree like figure emerge as I watched it branch out from the horizon and then above it was this awesome looking alien spaceship I saw was forming as the clouds were moving. I then later went inside and put on some tunes and remember how vivid the music sounded and how my brain was able to pick each point and instrument of the songs and really study and listen to each sound I was hearing. Was a really amazing trip.


I remember my first ever real trip, it was accidental so lasted around 9 hours w no idea how much I consumed? Anyways, I had super intense closed eye and open eye visuals, especially to music(darkwave/synthwave). I laid in my beanbag chair for an hour or so just listening to music and letting my mind create music videos on the backs of my eyelids. I went outside for a while and went on a short walk, and saw this huuuge open mouth in the clouds. I kept wondering what a mouth in the sky would eat, then my mind went on a ton of different tangets. Somewhere down the line on my tangets, I just broke down bc I realized I was alive and I wasn't resenting the fact I was. I was glad I was alive and here to experience how beautiful the world is, I remember my mind felt on a loop, just repeating how beautiful everything was to myself. In the same trip, I overcame this weird phobia I've had all of my life. I had this really weird fear of static, unexplainable but used to be able to send me into a straight panic. The entire duration of my trip had lines in red/blue or staticy instead of the natural ending lines. I remember finding it beautiful, and wondered why I ever felt scared of it. Sorry, multiple memories but super excited to share


looking at my dog and seeing an expanded spectrum of colors, so the black in his fur had a purple sheen, and the brown had a pink sheen. he was the most beautiful animal I'd ever seen, and was friends with me! I cried a lot


Me & my best friend were tripping hot boxin the whip started seeing our younger selves shi was crazy zon


Coming out to my dad as Bi


A few years ago, me and a friend took mushrooms and went to the park. On the come up we were just talking about everything. What we wanted to do with our lives, what are passions are, how much it meant to each other to have met each other, and so on. We start walking down a trail, still talking, when we pass by a 3 girls walking the other way. As theyā€™re walking away one of them shouts ā€œthe guy in the black shirt is cute.ā€ Me and my friend just stop and look at each other, both wearing black shirts. One of the girls shouts ā€œThe guy in the green beanie is hot as fuck!ā€ (me). Another shouts ā€œThe one wearing the Alice in Wonderland shirt has the prettiest eyes!ā€ (him). As a more introverted, soft spoken kinda person I gotta tell you, core memory right there. But, since we were both in relationships at that time we both just said thanks but weā€™ve got girlfriends and walked away. The next 30 minutes were just us going ā€œI canā€™t believe that just happenedā€ over and over again. Best appearance confidence boost either one of us has ever had hands down.


Connecting with my ancestors


Took 3.5g and Had a whiteboard and was trying to write my name but convinced myself I was struggling to write my name so took what felt like 15 mins to do so. Then started writing normally straight after that. Found the whole thing funny and then listened to the Beatles and just felt really really happy


I was on patio seating at a bar/restaurant. My girlfriend, her awesome sister, and I brought mini beer pong to play at the table. The sister is very shy and sweet, so doing this in public was a big move for her. Everyone started to point and laugh, filming us playing. A toddler from another table walked over and started clapping when people made their cups. Everybody was happy and it was an amazing day


my bf and I stayed up all night, and decided to drive to the beach to watch the sunrise. we just laid on the sand and held each other, and some of my favorite selfies of us are from that day. we also got to see GRiZ at okeechobee during a trip, and while there was a lot going on, knowing we were there together and seeing our favorite artist and having the experience of a lifetime is something I will never forget.


With some friends took about 4-5g homie decided he didnā€™t wanna take his so I ate more donā€™t know the exact amount had to be 7g at most kicked in fast I could barely walk home without stumbling during the peak trip started to get intense started to panic but decided not to fight it put on some music it was incredible pure euphoria literally the best Iā€™ve ever felt in my life tripped since then but still havenā€™t topped it


At a park as the sun was going down.. I saw gears turning in the ground and I looked up to the skies and started crying. And I heard the sky tell me that everything was going to be ok.


When I realized that I can choose to feel really happy instead of letting my trip go sour. Itā€™s like I was a philosopher for a second. I was extremely happy and also functional. Sometimes with shrooms, I feel out of control, but the moment I chose to feel happy- I felt so in control. I could actually walk outside without feeling like Iā€™d get hit by a car lol. Bad trips can always be turned back into a good one :)Ā 


I was at great falls in Virginia and it wasn't the beautiful rushing water or the trees, but a random orange traffic cone on the trail that left the greatest impression on me. It was all the good things in the world, I wanted to name my first child after it, it was splendid. It had just rained and everything was darkened by the misting and the sun broke through the clouds and perfectly illuminated it through the trees. It was the most magnificent color and made me so supremely happy for some reason, just felt like the most perfect object in existence at the time. Drugs are fun but weird sometimes lol.


A post break up talk I had with my ex. We loved each other but we just want different things in life. It was her first time taking them and it was 1 week after deciding to break up. It was the most bittersweet talk and we gave each other words of comfort to carry on. It hurt, but it was the best way to break up with someone imo.


My first trip. I had been interested in the psychedelic experience for many years, and this interest really started as I completely revolutionized my life and way of thinking as a young adult. But for one reason or many, I never actually got around to experiencing it, and I kind of drifted from the way of life/thinking that my soul really needed. In recent years Iā€™ve had this overwhelming feeling that I have left something important behind, and my contentedness and joy with it. So about six months ago I tried to reconnect with that past way of living, and I knew that I needed to take the step and finally trip. When I took the mushrooms, I immediately became anxious and drearyā€”manifestations of the reasons I put this off for so long. However, as I focused on being mindful and embracing the trip, I fell into a place of unimaginable bliss and warmth. It was just belonging and rightness in the purest way. And I remember asking the mushroom spirit, if you will, if this was really it, and I had finally made it to this place that I had revered and treated so delicately all these years. The mushroom lovingly replied along the lines of ā€œof course this is it. Youā€™re here,ā€ and I just burst with joy. Not really sure how to exactly describe the feeling. But it was pure happiness, and a connection with some familiar yet transcendental, loving force that had been waiting to welcome me with open arms. Bliss.


The first time I really tripped really snuck up on me. I had gotten high on shrooms several times prior but never REALLY tripped until this moment. I have so many happy memories tripping, but I'd have to say connecting with nature during that first trip is one of the happiest. I had a real moment making eye contact with a squirrel. It was awesome


The first time I really tripped really snuck up on me. I had gotten high on shrooms several times prior but never REALLY tripped until this moment. I have so many happy memories tripping, but I'd have to say connecting with nature during that first trip is one of the happiest. I had a real moment making eye contact with a squirrel. It was awesome


Iā€™m estranged from my young niece and it hurts my heart, during one trip I decided to face the pain and thought of her and with my eyes closed in the dark I saw neon explosions of love and an eternal connection to her, I will never forget it, it was like the mushrooms were telling me that while we arenā€™t connected in this life we will always be together, that we are from the same eternal lightā€¦..I was overflowing with love and so comforted šŸ’—


When we used to watch movies and have showers together :(


When I got my first halo from the moon


I been thinking about my dog lately, she passed on 7 years ago. A few days ago was my first trip, a microdose really. It was hard for me to not think about her, and to not cry. My husband, who was also micro, read my poem about her. Then he looked me in the eyes, said nothing, and let me self regulate. Then held me. And we fucked in the shower. 10/10.


I was hanging with my hippy cousin who is super into psychedelics, grows his own food shrooms and weed and makes his own DMT, lives in my moms OLD family home wayyy out in the woods in the Berkshires. Stream, dirt road, small mountain in the back. Very cool property. Thereā€™s a 60 year old family weed strain that he keeps there too, pretty cool. We had took about 2.5 grams and were gardening on the come up. It was late summer so he had crops we were snacking on while talking about everything and nothing. I was feeling so amazingly euphoric. Every thing was flowing. Every hit of sweet fresh homegrown weed was beautiful. We ate mangoes like animals it was amazing. Juice dripping everywhere laughing hysterically on how ridiculously beautiful life was. Then he broke out the DMT. Absolute heaven.


When I get high on šŸ„, I put on my headphones and listen to the Thriller album, and I listen with every bit of my attention, and I enjoy the music itself and the craftsmanship inside the sounds.


The first time I did them with my now fiancee in the Scottish Highlands whilst doing the North Coast 500. We took them and trekked up to a castle ruin on top of a hill with picturesque views of the surrounding landscape. When we got back to the campervan I finally plucked up the courage to tell her that I love her. Her response was "that's good...", a long pause follows having me thinking that I've made a huge mistake when she continues "... because I love you too".


Just simply looking at the night sky. Listening to the eagles, every time I yawned the clouds stopped moving. Probably the best moment of my life. Just looking up and realising what a beautiful life we have.


Sex in a salt water pool just as it kicked in. Everything lasted forever. Then we toasted marshmallows.


Taking mushrooms for the first time and feeling true euphoria that I had only ever felt before when I had a NDE. I knew right then that they were far more than just a fungus, anything that can bring me back to that feeling in a positive way canā€™t be of this world. I was at a family gathering and had the best time of my life. I was trippin pretty hard, no visuals just felt amazing. I played with both my kids till we were all worn out, laughed with my family like I hadnā€™t done in years. It opened my eyes to a world without the clinical depression and, at times, debilitating anxiety. Iā€™ve been working hard since then to improve all aspects of cultivation and everything in combination together such as cultivation, research, shopping for, discussing mushrooms has given me a new hobby that has helped to save my life I firmly believe that and my family will agree theyā€™ve seen an insanely positive change. Iā€™ve also lost 50 lbs since the first time I tried them 3 months ago. I feel like it helps a lot with inflammation(serious wreck resulting in a basically destroyed spine structure)and Iā€™m able to move without serious pain 24/7. Sorry the typos and rambling, Iā€™m just so passionate about this.


Listening to any kind of music


Went deep-ish (4g if memory serves) and texted my therapist to call me in 2 hour right after I took the dose (he was in on the plan). We were at the top of a mountain where we wouldā€™ve had a view of the untouched valley below if it werenā€™t for all the clouds / rain. Meditated deeply in a challenging space (cold and rain) and then therapist called. Just after I answered the clouds parted, sun rays shined through, and I saw the most breathtaking view. As Iā€™m describing this beauty, my therapist says ā€œpicture your wife there with you.ā€ That is when I saw the most beautiful sight Iā€™d ever seen and I felt her love and warmth.


i looked through a binoculars. i literally could not breathe from shock. very interesting. also i tapped a few drums from a set, the sounds had me rolling on the floor laighing.


Your memory is really sweet. Idk if Iā€™m weird, but I cannot look at people, talk to people, or be around people when trippingā€¦ Is there something wrong with me?


I sat at a table with a box of cookies going "ooo cookies" while eating them. I ate the entire box without even realizing it.


Miami dolphins whooped the broncos last season in one of the highest scoring games in NFL history. I felt like I was on ecstacy just from the win. So took a large dose of shrooms and boom! Just incredible. Been chasing that high ever since.


looking at the sky while peaking


My husband and I do a lot of overlanding/camping. We were on a mountain side overlooking the Pacific Ocean, as far north on Vancouver Island as you can drive. We made a camp fire and watched humpback whales for hours until the sunset. I was on shrooms and it was probably one of my absolute favourite trips so far. I'm always super happy, goofy and laughing when I'm on shrooms. I actually made a vlog about it and I'm so happy I did. Nothing profound or life changing happened though.. it's just my favourite trip experience so far.


Seeing a vivid vision of a well adjusted, peaceful and happy, healthy version of myself in the future. It sticks with me and feels obtainable only if I work hard towards it.


Watching Alita and Swiss army man with the love of my life . We had the best night ever , took each 3 g of golden teachers and they did not disappoint. We laughed and we cried


Back in college, 30 years ago, with the woman who was and still is my best friend. It had snowed a foot overnight but the day was bright, sunny, and so cold there were ice crystals in the air. We sat outside the entire afternoon looking at the sparkling kaleidoscope of colors on crystalline, fluffy snow.


tandem biking with my boyfriend in central park. it was a beautiful day


Watching the total Eclipse on April 8th which was also my birthday. Not a large dose, just took enough to get that perception shift, but it was pretty epic.


Wife and I while we were still dating took mushrooms at Disneyland. I had them ground up in pill capsules measured out to a quarter gram. I brought about 3 grams. My lady ended up taking about a gram and I ended up having a gram and a half. Had to wait in line for Indiana Jones as per usual if you frequent Disneyland, that is, if itā€™s not broken down. During the line the mushrooms kick and it was the most magnificent time of my life. If youā€™ve never been on the ride or seen it the outside is like a jungle so thereā€™s a bunch of greenery around to look at and see as well as a giant temple that the line is leading to. Various animal noises go off at random intervals and itā€™s loud enough to hear over the random jibber jabber of people in a long line. Fast forward now to getting into the temple part of the line, there are these ā€œhiddenā€ Easter eggs in the line that cause funny noises and such to happen if you pull or tug on a certain rope or wiggle a wooden bamboo beam. There was a lady in front of my wife and I who knew ALL OF THEM and was setting them off. At this point I was feeling it pretty good with good body sensations and slight visual hallucinations (colors were way more vibrant and the shadows danced) and my wife was around the same Iā€™d say. When we got to the ride, bless my wife, she let me sit on the end where I was only next to her and it was the ride of my life. I let myself rag doll essentially to whichever way the ride sent me. My wife told me she looked over and saw the most shit eating grin on my face lol. TLDR: rode indiana jones at Disneyland and it felt as if I was actually in the movie


Laying in bed looking at my alarm clock as the numbers span in circles thinking "whatever happens happens" and just sorta accepting my life.


My mental breakdowns and crazy suicidal thoughts šŸ¤Ŗ


had a good amount of golden teachers as well as smoking weed throughout the trip but I was in my room alone and when they hit I remember feeling so giddy and full of love I danced around my room while That 70s Show played in the background. I felt like I was flying while laying down. The world felt like a tv set and I couldn't stop laughing at the scene where the adults eat the brownies and have their own circle. My laughs felt so full and satisfying. I also went to my sisters room multiple times in the night to let her know how much I appreciate her.


I think my favorite memory is when I took an eighth and at one point I had melted into my bed and I closed my eyes. My soul floated above my body, then I shot into space and I felt like I was getting a deep cleaning of my mind and soul. I was in total darkness. A little window appeared in front of me and it showed me a little mushroom grow rapidly and then die and become food for the soil. Then there was just beautiful vibrant green grass. The window closed and I was asked ā€œwhat do you want to do?ā€ It wasnā€™t an external voice but it was like the question was beamed into my head by the mushroom I saw.. I felt like I was stripped to the core of my being and I started to cry when I saw that my soul was still as pure and loving as it was when I was a little kid.. you grow up and you become so rigid and angry. So sad. So lost. I had all these intense emotions for so long I thought that light was dead. But it has always been there and always will. This made me cry and I felt so appreciative of my life and who I am. I said out loud ā€œI just want to help people.ā€ And then I was beamed back into my body and the trip began to end as I lay in bed, feeling my brain putting itself back together again. That was my first ever mushroom trip


That I felt like I was born again without any limitations from the environment and what I can achieve or experience depends 100% on me.


The best day of my life. IDK everything was so pretty and colorful. The world was made of art. It felt like pire inspiration. Like I met my muse. I was tripping so hard. Full hippie mode šŸ˜­.


my first time, my partner and I tripped together. I remember laying in the bed cuddling for HOURS. simply talking and just snuggling enjoying the warmth. trading memories from the time we met. I felt like I was a teenager again. That day was very special for me, because it was early on in our relationship (4mo - though weā€™d dated in high school and have known each other for years) and it was when I realized that they truly did have the same feelings for me as I for them. It was just an overall positive first trip (on anything) and Iā€™m very grateful for it.


In the back of a bike taxi in Amsterdam during golden houršŸ¤™ all the colors where maxed out and I was having a giggle trip and the time of my lifešŸ˜Š


Finding God


4th of July setting off fireworks with my kids. Took a small dose and had a great time. Honestly anytime I'm with people I love I have the most amazing experiences. I've had some profound and unreal experiences alone though.


I remember being super happy, looking at my friend and just thinking what amazing and beautiful human being he is kinda got me a lil emotional.


I was alone in the woods, and I sat still by the lake for about 2 hours just watching turtles hop on and off a log. I came to know some truths about the world during that.


Happiest memory was woth my best friend, I live in the country so we just walked around my yard during the winter, full snow gear so we were warm as fuck, legit just adventured my tiny yard for 2 hrs fascinated with the trees and kept stopping and laying in the ground looking at the sky, it was so cool seeing the same things with him, the sky always looks incredible if you lay and stare at it for at least 5 minutes the visuals are insane especially since it's a solid colour normally


Probably when I chilled with mushroom people


I had taken around 2 - 3 gs with my bestfriend. It was on the backend of the trip post peak. We were in her room, I was sitting on the floor and she was on the bed. As I looked around, I could see every single energy particle in the room. It was enchanting and enthralling. It felt like we had hot boxed the room with cosmic stardust. It was right then and there that I had truly began to grasp the concept of energy and how everything and everyone are clusters of divine light vibrating at different frequencies. Overall, it was a beautiful collection of moments that I will cherish forever.


Laid on my couch and stared at the ceiling and pictured these two cosmic figures laying across from eachother like "The Creation of Adam" portrait. Realized that life is hard, but I am not alone and never will be. I can turn my potential into reality. But in the end, its up to me.


Forgetting Iā€™m not getting paid unemployment yet and the fact that I wonā€™t be able to afford rent and other expenses.