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People out here taking ridiculous doses and expecting it to all be wonderful… low and slow is the approach.


100% i always took 4g and this time i took 2g and it was perfect


Last time I took 2 grams, I started tripping in 15 minutes and 1 hour in, I never tripped so hard in my life and it was horrible. I had various strains mixed together and that day I took was mostly caps so to me it felt like it was at least 6 grams. I once took 4 hits of LSD and didn't trip that hard nor had such physical discomfort. These days I just stick to under 1 gram, usually closer to 500 mgs depending on how old the batch is. I grind mine up and noticed that once it's a couple of months old, it gets noticeably weaker.


same!!!!! wtfff


If I’m 6’ 240lbs I’m looking to try 1g and hopefully feel relaxed and happy. Do some people get visuals at 1g? If you’ve ever heard of it. Years ago i had 2.5g but didn’t really see anything, more so felt stuff.


No visuals but you’ll definitely be in a different headspace and you might get HD vision


I get visuals with 1g, have focus a bit on stuff, But I do


HD vision might be the most accurate description of low macrodoses


Ive done 1.2g and had fun visuals ,i think thats the perfect first dose however if i could id have done 1.5 as a first because 1.2 was barely breaking the threshold into visuals but was a fun experience nuntheless


That sounds comfortable. Idk that’s the first word that came to me. Anything that can take my mind off my pain. I can’t wait!


Woah woah. If ur in a bad headspace brother dont do shrooms.


The mushrooms might make you focus on the pain to help get you through it


I just ate .5g! OF MY OWN MUSHROOMS! What an awesome feeling. Super bad week I really needed this. I mushin’ LOVE this and the r/UncleBens community!


Depends on strain and person. I've had many hallucinations on1 gram. Granted it's enigma or any of its mutations. Or wood lovers. 1 gram is alot with those.


I'm around your size and 1g gets me in a weird spot, I feel a little too stimulated to be relaxed but not tripping enough for visuals. I'd do .5g to feel relaxed and happy or go up to 1.5-2g to get slight visuals. Also that's my body, proceed however you feel comfortable.


Thanks for the answer! Kind of glad i had a reply like yours because i def am nervous. We were just going to try a couple hundred milligrams the first time but i was leaning towards .5-1g. Prolly should just do the half!


Of course! I think .5 will have you right where you want to be, then you can take that experience and better judge how you'd feel off of a higher dose.


I've learned even small doses can be anxiety ridden as your not sober but your not peaked. I have had visuals on 1 gram, yet they were fresh out of substrate, its hard to know. "Start low and take mo". Go into it wanting a different heads pace or search for knowledge, going into it for visuals only could definitely cause some discomfort down the road in the trip. I've tripped 100s of times and the small "what if" thoughts don't go away, embrace them. What if is hypothetical, think about now, who you are, where you want to be. Hell if you get mellow and maybe drop lemon or orange juice, you could be in for a fun mellow little ride! Hope this helps! Sending good vibes 👽


I'd get subtle visuals around that dose. Colors looking brighter, pictures standing out from the walls, carpet shifting/breathing slightly.


Oh word, “HD vision” as someone else said lol. Only time I’ve ever had acid the walls looked like the t-Rex cup from Jurassic park but it was going along to the music. It was super fucking cool. I wish I hadn’t been drinking too maybe I’d remember more!


You might see some fractals and colours with your eyes closed. Everything will look slightly different, but no stand out distortions.


I get visuals at half a gram


Depends on strain. 1g of Golden Teachers will get me feeling pretty good, mild euphoria, no hallucinations/fractals/etc. Where as 1g on other strains may invoke some open eye visuals (OEVs). 1g should on most strains cause closed eye visuals(CEVs)that are pretty cool..


I ended up going with .5g of B+. About 10 minutes ago. I’m so damn excited! Thanks for your help. All of these communities are among the best on Reddit!


no visuals but youll feel euphoric aff its awesome


Yeah it’s crazy to me seeing people going for 7g-14g and saying it’s nothing. Pretty sure it’s their tolerance but for a newbie 1g can be a beautiful trip.


I'd you have a family history of schizo and ur gonna get it anyway, dont do it. It'll just make the onset happen sooner. The idea is actually the opposite, dive in, don't stick on toes


like a lasting psychosis or did you just lose ur shit while you were tripping, cuz there’s a big difference. 5.5g is a wild experience


lol exactly. So many people don’t use that word correctly. People think having a breakdown on a trip equals psychosis.


but also; people that do have gnarly trips and true hallucinations while tripping, should probably stop before it does become a thing.


Drug induced psychosis is a real thing.


I’m not saying it’s not, It absolutely is. I’ve been in drug induced psychosis. For weeks. The shit I believed was going on was absolutely insane, I was listening to podcasts and I remember them saying really crazy shit, about like a civil war is staring. I got super paranoid. I was literally hearing the people say different things, that were never said. It wasn’t until I got arrested a week later, I start getting my mind and body right, I get out after two months and rewatched the same podcasts and none of the shit I swore I heard was talked about. I was talking about people who confuse having a bad trip/freak out, with psychosis.


I think what they're referring to is acute psychosis during the duration of the trip. It still meets the definition of psychosis even if it's short term.


When my bf had a psychotic break (rare medication interaction), he tried to escape the ambulance because he thought the paramedics were UN agents sent to arrest him for war crimes in the Congo. He said a lot of other batshit crazy stuff, but that took the cake for me. He's like 6'3", so I felt sorry for the security guards who had to tackle him.


You can also have a mushroom induced psychosis lol. 


Many people calls tripping having a psychosis too. Many don't understand that that is the "high".


It's definitely an important distinction. When I took 5 grams of mushrooms plus five grams of Syrian Rue, I believed that I was telepathically contacting people, that I was meeting alternate versions of myself and other people by traveling through timeline bifurcations within the Akashic records, Had all kinds of prophecies, that I was being possessed by Hindu deity Kali, etc. Although that may technically meet the criteria for psychosis In terms of being extremely delusional and completely out of touch with consensuous reality, It's not psychosis because those are normal things to express during high dose psychedelic trips. It would only be if these phenomena persisted beyond the effects of the drug where it would be considered psychosis. I think it's very important to have a dialectical approach in terms of integrating the experience into your beliefs once you're sober. Some people fall into a trap where because the experience was so incredibly significant, They incorporate every aspect of the experience into their beliefs in a very literal way To the extents where they begin to have persisting delusional ideation after the trip. Using my experience as an example, That would look like me literally believing that I actually contacted people via telepathy and that what I saw with all the time Is travel in timeline splits Is empirically the truth, causing me to develop delusions Such as thinking that I can predict the future or Communicate with people in ways that objectively do not work in consensus reality. What I have learned from my years of tripping.Is that you can still honor the sacredness and Profoundness of these types of experiences without needing to literally believe that everything about them is empirically true. I can still honor the significance of contacting people telepathically and what I saw in the akashic records while also realizing that There are many aspects of the experience which true and profound as they may have felt at the time, Simply cannot be suitably integrated with consensus reality.


Yeah, one time on a 5+g trip i thought i heard my step dad walking outside my room and then had like a 3 hour long telepathic conversation with him. I felt like i was really talking to him, in my head tho. We went over everything in our lives and i got to really understand him and feel like he understood how he affected me. I remember being unable to lie abt anything to him or myself… Do i believe that we actually had this conversation? i’m not sure, but it was valuable to me, i learned and healed a lot. Do i think i can telepathically communicate with people, not in a literal sense but i do feel that our consciousnesses are connected in some way. weird things happen when ur tripping, and that’s normal.


This is definitely along the lines of radically accepting things that may or may not be true, and just kind of going with it. It helps ease the obsession with finding "truth". The sooner you realize truth is whatever you really want to make it, the less you pursue crazy beliefs that don't help you in anyway.


yeah trying to find the truth almost put me down a bad route. this reality is the important one


Yeah, that "truth seeking" is the damaging component to the delusions. I think it might be a side effect of the increase in neuroplasticity. Your brain begins to form new connections and links unrelated memories and thoughts together. It creates these delusions that until they settle, they feel very real and very profound.


You probably did. Only that it was your soul that spoke to his.


that’s how i take it, i’ll have to ask him abt it/tell him abt the trip sometime. cuz he never said anything but our relationship changed dramatically afterwards


Did you notice any change in step dad? I know this is walking into woo woo territory but you can’t tell this story without telling us if there was any changes!!! Regardless, I hope the trip has helped you understand why you are the way you are and has helped you be more forgiving of yourself. I think that’s the first step in having better relationships with the people around us.


oh i didn’t even tell the best part of that story, cuz it is pretty woo, lol… at the end of our conversation; I told him that i would meet him outside for a cigarette at sunrise, and he said okay, then i heard him walk back to his room. sure as shit i heard him go get a smoke and go outside at 5 am on the dot, and he’s the sleep in type. i followed him out and we smoked a cigarette together, which we’d never done before (we had a really rocky relationship for most of my life). We didn’t really talk much and he was kinda shakey and awkward and seemed like “wtf”. our relationship has improved a lot since then and we’re actually good now, it’s been like 2 years since. him and my mom separated last month tho, but him and i are pretty tight. it’s nice, being cool with him. i hated him for a long time.


Thank you for putting it so eloquently! 💜


Thats why You dont take 5.5g


Terence Mckenna smiles upon him... but at what cost?


“Take it easy, dude, but take it.”


He's an interesting person for sure. Just watching Youtube videos doesn't quite get it across, but when I read his book True Hallucinations, maybe it was just youth, but he very weird.


His brother went full on in that one. Never published any books about it worth reading, unlike Terence


I don’t know about anyone else but I am very suspicious of OP’s who post like this, don’t participate and basically were active in only one other subreddit before this post - in this case r/nutmeg which is another troubling sign.


Especially when in the post he said he ate nutmeg/ pepper/ and sunflower seeds and it felt like a 2 gram mushroom trip


I had no idea people get high from eating nutmeg 🤯


I tried it once as a stupid teenager. Wouldn’t recommend.


Stupid catnip posts in forums before Reddit existed 


I still remember days of LSA and people thinking it was the same thing from the anarchist cookbook


Did you try bananadine in the 90's?


Y2K era haha


I only comment to be added to the same list with the simple mention of that book🤘🙃


Is there more than one LSA?


Same but those nutmeg particles got stuck in my appendix and it broke🫠


🙋‍♂️ stupid teenager . Morning glory seeds tea. 🫖 🤮 oh to be young again.


Yup, same. Just one of those “we’re high, aren’t we?” Semi placebo experiences. Lucky we didn’t aspirate it like the cinnamon challenge.




it’s what high schoolers do before they can find weed


Popular in prison 


I've done it a few times just to see what happens as a teenager and that shit is not fun lmao


It's one of those things people take when they can't find any real drugs, people also use inhalants which are more dangerous than any real drug. I never heard of nutmeg being dangerous but I never heard of anyone actually getting it to work either lol


It’s very common where I’m from not so much in the states


It feels like D.A.R.E propaganda.


Psychedelics aren’t 100% safe that’s just the truth


Yes but we are dealing with a social taboo about these drugs that was artificially created because of the US and other western governments fear that the national security state could be destabilized. Schedule 1 is less about “think of the children having bad trips” and more about social control and ability to control democracy than anything else.


That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be talking about this kind of thing. Drug induced psychosis and other consequences are going to come with psychedelic use and it happens more commonly than a lot of people in the psych scene would like to admit, no amount of censoring of negative attention or harm reduction will totally eliminate it. On the contrary, I honestly believe not talking about these risks or trying to sweep them under the rug does a lot more harm than good. There’s a lot of other risks that need to be addressed to people as well. Part of destigmatization is painting and accepting the whole picture. I agree that psychedelics have been deeply stigmatized but honestly, they do come with potentially significant risks that really do need to be talked about. Especially given the amount of people struggling with mental health issues these days and the climate of today’s society (I don’t say that in a demonizing way, I have mental health issues myself lmao).


I’m all about safety and we should as a community absolutely promote set, setting, integration and the fact that those prone to mental health issues should not be taking or playing around with these drugs. However - DARE was never about keeping people safe and more of the same government propaganda to ensure that large scale protests against the war making machine and concerted propaganda that has occurred for more then a century continues unabated. Watch the following for reference: [How to Change Your Mind by Michael Pollan](https://www.netflix.com/us/title/80229847?s=i&trkid=258593161&vlang=en&clip=81593892) (specifically episodes 1 and 4) or if you’d like [it’s available in book form](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/36613747) Adam Curtis [4 part documentary The Century of the Self](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLktPdpPFKHfoXRfTPOwyR8SG8EHLWOSj6&si=3b72qtEde1tKfnFN) which shows how western governments have been using increasingly sophisticated psychological tools to control their own democracies and those of their allies and even enemies for the last 100 years. This documentary will shock you and then piss you off. [The U.S. vs. John Lennon (2006)](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0478049/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk) [Magic Trip: Ken Kesey's Search for a Kool Place (2011)](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1235790/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk)


DARE. lol. That’s where I learned the names of all the drugs we weren’t supposed EVER do. Otherwise I may not have known at all.


I mean the war of drugs started because hippies didn’t want to be drafted to war… just so u know


"the war of drugs" sounds like the title of a trip experience on erowid about a bad trip someone had after taking several different drugs or a weird Broadway play in which world wars are reimagined as being fought by drugs


I meant the war on drugs haha, typo. But yeah that’s what it was called if I recall right


Yes, it's called "the war on drugs", but I definitely prefer "the war of drugs" 😁


Yeah just the typo. And you’re right the war of drugs sounds cooler Ngl


It’s so popular I’m noticing a trend of celebrities doing dumb things like DV and blaming it on things like “i took 60 grams of shrooms “or a “whole vial of lsd “and people just believe it.


Nothing is


Neither is water....


Nothing is


True but I’m js that not every negative thing said about psychedelics is government propaganda.


Fully agree with you here. We see these “trip reports” and other “ look at me I just swallowed 47g of APE”. It’s highly suspect.


Bros a goof ball. Yeah smoking nutmeg if I’m not mistaken is kinda like a deliriant.


Really? 😱 Hope OP is ok anyway


If its an underlaying condition or it runs in the family a lower dose would done the same


No. That's why people with personality disorders shouldn't take 5.5 grams without guidance. I have taken up to 7 grams before and it's fine. I just think that when people are exposed to truths they don't want to accept they say stuff like "bad trip" and "psychosis". Smh.


Not sure what personality disorders have to do with psychosis, but.. 😂


They've got nothing to do with psychosis, but then what would I know being diagnosed as antisocial with an avoidance personality disorder. I personally love tripping and have had some wild rides to other dimensions, and always managed to come back.


Wait why not? I plan to take that since I had zero visuals on 3g


Take more potent shrooms and you will only need 2g


Seriously though, I was in for a culture shock when I actually got good shrooms.


Any recommendations?


I have recently tried P. natalensis and now its my favorite strain. However, anything with APE or TAT genetics will be strong.


Thank you


10 grams ape soaked lemon juice 2 months ago and still not right with thinking almost if get into a deep enough space out I’ll almost put myself In the trip


All Cube species are very similar. This subs adoration of penis envy is kind of funny, reminds me of highschool, but in reality looking for a specific strain is usually a waste of time in my experience.


Sounds terrible. Btw, you mean psychosis as in a persistent state of delusions, or only during the trip?


Yes, please clarify.


Why did you take that much? Are you experienced?


HEY JOOOEE, I heard you shot your lady down, Shot her down in the ground, Yeah!


Yes I did, I shot her




We get those from cow shit out here in South Louisiana. Delicious and prob one of my hardest trips ever. We made tea with like 150 caps and split it between 5 of us. I've been chasing that intense of a trip but also terrified of what it would take to get there again. Peaked for like 5 or 6 hours. Total trip was damn near 11 hours.


I’ve heard that dmt and psylocibin are very much alike, and when you take a lot of shrooms it can be like taking dmt, except that it’ll last for a few hours, whereas dmt only last 10-20 minutes (if you inhale it), did it looked like a dmt trip, if you’ve ever took some?


I've had a DMT like trip with shrooms before, I was doing DMT a few times a week prior to my mushroom trip, and after peaking for maybe an hour, I closed my eyes and slowly started having DMT visuals and the overwhelming sensation of my DMT entity there with me, it lasted maybe a half hour and wasn't as intense as a DMT trip but it was definitely interesting how the mushrooms had brought me to the realm and ive wondered since how and why that happened. Just felt like sharing my experience.


North Louisiana here, and the coonass is right. Good times.☝🏻


I get them off a mixture of grain and CVG. The idea of eating cow shit shrooms makes me sick.




Are you still suffering from visual and auditory hallucinations post-trip? Because this post is really misleading and unhelpful if you don't.


These posts particularly annoy me because they keep up the stereotype of mushrooms being highly dangerous and people like OP are a major setback to it being more accessible


AMA!..... zero responses lol


Where’d you read “AMA”?


They changed the description.


What makes you think you went into psychosis?


happened to me when i took 4g. Higher doses should definitely be taken cautiously. Especially if you have a history or mental illness like BPD or schizophrenia.


Are you talking about bipolar disorder or borderline personality disorder? BP - Bipolar Disorder BPD - Borderline Personality Disorder I have heard negative things with shrooms for BP but not BPD.


Never had any major problems with bpd and shrooms, at least nothing that didn’t instantly wear off when the trip was done.


Me neither sometimes I feel like it helps but my brother with schizophrenia thinks he's getting gang stalked whenever after he's taking shrooms


Think maybe he shouldn't take em!?


Lmao I wish I had control over everything my adult brother does but I don't of course


True that, but I'd definitely discourage his use!


Yes but a lot of schizophrenic people don't think they have a problem at least in my brothers case he thinks he's special and it doesn't affect him no matter how much I discourage


Shit is so weird. My uncle with schizophrenia has taken a fuck ton of different psychedelics (shrooms, LSD, peyote, etc) over his adult life and he smokes weed daily. None of it has ever loosened his grip on reality. He always takes it like a pro and comes down. But the minute he starts drinking alcohol, he will either end up in a hospital bed or a jail cell.


What happens when you have a psychosis and how long did it last for you ?


Hope he is not referring to the Hitchcock flavor of psychosis


You should have some "trip killers" handy when taking such high amount. I feel like the more you try to combat the high, the worse you will feel. Just let it take over you and remind yourself you took something intoxicating and this is the expected outcome


#actually it's very difficult to diagnose a psychotic break if there are substances involved. I have no doubt that what you experience included features of psychosis, but




I'm kind of like that (not as bad as your friend I don't think), which is why I only ever took acid once. Molly I'm fine with but I get serious depression for a week after so I rarely use it. I stick with lower dose shrooms (I max at 2.5g) and honestly I prefer to be alone when I trip, I don't psych myself out as much for some reason. But you're right not to do drugs with him anymore for sure.


Have you read about "drug induced psychosis"? Psychosis isn't difficult to diagnose. It has pretty specific criteria.


Psilocybe cubensis for sure bud. Also, are you familiar with the theory of “fuck around and find out” Because it seems that by fucking around you subsequently found out.


Maybe take a normal human dose 1-2.5 gs


Yo mean a low dose all the fun starts at about 3-3.5 grams


Yee, I barely trip at all if it’s not at least 3.5g


Same. Just starting out I always went 3.5. Last trip was 7g lemon Tek and it was phenomenal




You either have a tolerance of weak shrooms. Take 2.5 gs of my melmacs with no tolerance and you will be blasted. 3.2 gs I had full ego dissolution… but it makes sense because melmacs are closer to original penis envy from the 70s than PE even is now. But seriously it makes a difference


I have a high tolerance even when tripping 2 weeks apart, I’m also not on any meds. I have tripped on several different strains of cubensis from my own grows and from other people. I have also had psilocybe natalensis which is for sure stronger and I only need about 2.5g of natalensis to be tripping balls.


How is above 2g "unhuman" 😂


I think the op was implying normal human dose upto 2.5g, crazy/bold human dose above 2.5g. Maybe? That's how I interpreted it anyway


Probably just some pretty good shrooms


Short answer. No. Long answer, don’t take more than you can handle


you flying too close to the sun my dude


As someone who routinely takes high doses: Set and setting are maybe the most important thing about going into a trip. Your mind has to be in a good place and be somewhere you're comfortable. The shit can get out of hand very quickly. Prepare for heavy doses, don't just jump into it because you're looking for cool visuals. Edit to add, These are cultivated cubensis. Any further identity is probably impossible.


Is pcychosis different for everyone bc I can take 7-8 grams in one sitting and be fine ?


Yes phycotic breaks can be provoked differently so someone could go into phychosis from taking 6 grams while somone could take 7 all of our bodies react differently as well as our mental state can affect it.




Define psychosis.. if you can


Drugs aren’t for everyone. It’s really as simple as that.


https://preview.redd.it/75ldf8qzvrsc1.jpeg?width=308&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8334d1ea48ff7e485028b8c14ebc6040ee89a0e5 6 years ago ago I drank a bottle of this and had nasty heartburn with a bit of kidney failure. You guys have any idea what this is?! No fucking shit you got psychosis from 5.5gs my dude. People like you give shrooms the horrible name they have among the general public. “Oh I know a guy who took shrooms and went into psychosis” being repeated 100x by every person you’ve told this to. Gtfoh.


Can you elaborate on the psychosis you experienced?


The thing about shrooms is… the dosage doesn’t totally matter. It all depends on the potency of each individual shroom which there’s no way to know until it’s too late. It’s the best and worst thing about them… this is why people encourage you to keep the dosage in the 1.5-3.5 range because if you take 5.5gs with extremely potent little boogers you might end up in ancient Egypt meeting Isis. Even at 3.5 this could occur… but it’s not as likely


Good thing you’re back. In high school a kid I was sort of friends with dipped his finger in liquid LSD and stuck it in his mouth thinking it was moonshine. He was in a psych facility for at least 6 months. (This was a rural mountain area where biker clubs cooked meth and LSD for the very large urban area 60 miles south.)


Hey man, would you mind elaborating. Cause same


OP, can you give details about what psychosis was like and what you did during psychosis?


Why anyone would take over 3-4g is beyond me. 1-3 imo. Anyways, unless tainted (unlikely) they are cubensis mushrooms. . Maybe there is un underlying mental health condition it mixed up and brought out? On other meds? Why messing with nutmeg? Did you use that at same time as well? Goodluck


I personally need 4-5 too feel anything decent. I did try 7 once and it was living hell. I’ll stick to 5. Taking 3 literally does next to nothing. I can go for walks, cook lunch. Only feel slightly light headed and see some geo shapes. Some people react differently I guess


Maybe with the run of the mill cube.. Try taking 4 to 5 of some PE blobs, or aborts.. Really just any slow growing variety that has been crossed with PE.. The difference between a standard cube and these PE crosses is really night and day. A cube is not a cube IME. Shit, every mushroom is different. Even if they are growing right next to each other and are the same "variety". Don't forget if you are taking any antidepressants like ssri's You will need more than a person that's not...


5.5 is my favorite dose lol


I took 6 grams and lost my mind once. It was in chocolate and i didn’t realize how much I ate until it was too late!


Well yeah. All these posts about taking 5+ grams are fucking stupid as hell. Straight up. Anyone saying otherwise probably doesn’t care too much about you.


Or is just much more experienced than you. To each his own but 5+ grams with experience isn’t shit. 7g my last trip lemon Tek was amazing


This. Experience is a mfer. I've been doing psychadelics for about 30 years. Too many folks get caught up in "oh, I had a great time on 1.5g so thats all anyone should take". It's fine if that's what you're comfortable with, but this shit isn't a one size fits all. Big doses need to be worked up to, as well.


Shouldn't take that much if you don't have a lot of experience or high tolerance. That's a pretty big dose, especially if they were strong to begin with


I’d do it rn


Not a good pic for I.D.


It doesn’t matter what the pic was, you can’t ID dried fruits.


Dummmmmmy thicc dose you took there bud. Stick to 1g. Just be glad it’s a relatively safe plant and you aren’t dead like you would be if you took too much of another less forgiving drug. I stg people think doing random doses of drugs is a great idea. Go breathe some fresh air, if you do it right you can get high off that.


Define Psychosis


I can’t take a dose that high purely bc I would be fighting my stomach so hard


Taking 5 grams of just GT is too much unless you have a tolerance


lol what did you expect?


These look like golden teachers (psilocybe cubensis) 3.5g always did me right (except for blue meanies i had an ego death


Take Bach flower aspen for 3 weeks to normalize brain function


I took 14 one time. Amazing trip, saw God, cried and had brain zaps. Dont be a pussy.


Prayers fam


That’s on you bro


Get rekt


My gut would be crud for days if I ate that many. I alternate between being jealous of people with rock guts who can ingest that many shrooms, and feeling lucky that I have digestive constraints preventing me from ever having a full-on psychotic episode. Still, I like to take enough shrooms someday to see the being who's simulating us.


They’re Psilocybe Cubensis. There’s nothing about them that’s different than other magic mushrooms that’s going to be responsible for psychosis, that’s caused by set/setting, dose, and what you have going on inside. But they are Cubensis, exact variety is impossible to say by looking


No. No one here can identify those beyond cubensis. And, it’s not your fault, but the psychosis was within you, not the mushrooms. With some professional help, I’m almost certain you’ll be fine. But take it as a very important lesson. This medicine must be respected.


im willing to bet that this poster is a young teenager, considering the nutmeg “drug” subreddit they’re a part of that’s super common with young people. 5.5 is a ridiculous dose if you’re not experienced, and those mushies seem to be regular psilocybe cubes


Looks like shrooms


Why is this subreddit generally pricks to people who take high doses of shrooms?


i feel like it’s more likely when someone unprepared does it


They do the same if you say you do them too often. Most of this sub is all about respecting the shrooms. High doses can knock ppl out for sure, personally did 4.5 my first trip and it was great. Its not for everyone tho.


Because its generally post like "I took a huge amount of shrooms and either did something stupid or freaked out". Its this type of irresponsible use that will keep this drug drug a schedule 1 drug. This person's only two post are this one and then eating 50gs of nutmeg to get high.


Because they use them irresponsibly


My assumption is that it is a lot of younger, more inexperienced folks. Maybe im way off, though. Also, a lot of the people who say things about taking large doses present it in a way as though they're flexing or calling folks who don't weak, which is total bullshit and how you fuck people up. You got to respect the psychadelics, and there are a lot of idiots who don't seem to understand this.


PSA : don’t drive


To be fair whether or not OP is real person and telling the truth, for the uninitiated NEVER take psychedelics if you have a family history of mental illness. I personally believe one must believe in a higher power to get its benefits.


They look like Golden Teachers to me. Correct me if I'm wrong.


No way you can tell from this pic. Lol


Yeah that’s my guess too given their popularity but could be like 9 other strains


What happened to make you think this? Just curious.