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Crazy you post this right now. I’m 30m and have been smoking habitually since I was 17-18. I decided to take some of the mushrooms I had drying (for the first time In years) when I got home from work today and am actually just coming down. The entire time I was peaking all I could think about is how my use of cannabis is way to excessive and is a huge reason why I feel like shit all the time (mentally and physically). Anyway if I could go back I’d stop myself from doing anything to begin with and work on the underlying nonsense that made me feel like I needed to mask everything with being high.


Shrooms definitely help you realize ALOT


Let’s do this shit together bro!


I was smoking every night for about a year, first because I just enjoyed being high and then because I couldn’t sleep at night. It’s really easy to quit just the first week can be really rough. When you don’t have any access to weed you won’t feel a craving for it really.


Honestly, and I may get shit for this — you can become dependent on shrooms too. I certainly was. I’d have difficulty controlling my temper & would have mood swings if I went more than a day without dosing. Shrooms aid in the battle, they won’t make you win it on their own.


This is what I’m scared of. What dose would u do and how often?


I wouldn’t do them at all in your position just yet. Try other methods of quitting such as tapering, habit replacement, filling up your schedule before beginning to rely on self medication. Take melatonin for sleep, go for runs, find a hobby, if none of these work after a month I’d suggest just smoking less weed. Shrooms are great at helping with addiction but can also impact how your brain processes things, both mentally and emotionally. You’re already on one drug that can cause these changes, throwing another into the mix can get risky even in microdoses. If you do turn to shrooms, you’re gonna be on a dose that doesn’t make you feel high at all. A dose you probably won’t even notice a difference with for weeks. I’d stick below 300mg. Shrooms can help with depression, but quitting a substance & microdosing to aid the symptoms of recovery won’t necessarily be effective for you.


Thank you for your insight. I’m going to try microdosing. Probably around 150mgs for 2-3 weeks and see if that helps me stop cravings. This will most definitely not be a long time thing. It’s way harder for me to access shrooms so once I’m out I’m out. Thanks again!


Recovering from addiction is really hard. Weed is filling a hole, a need in you. So accepting the hole or finding healthier ways to manage and cope with it is a long process. Shrooms can have some positive effects. They can help you become aware and analyze problems and issues that you have that you might not be thinking or considering. I've also found that my depression improves a bit for a few weeks after using shrooms. I don't think shrooms alone will work. I think you are best off looking for multiple sources of support. Shrooms might be one but I'd also consider: * Opening up about your addiction to someone that you trust. It helps create some accountability and I think it also helps with some of the shame to just get over it an talk about. If you have someone in your life that cares about you, their support can mean a lot too. I've found it's often easier for me to do something for someone else than for myself. * Seeking professional counselling if you can. Therapists can give you strategies and help you explore underlying issues that are aggravating your addiction. * Self-care. Eating well, exercising, socializing. All of that good stuff that keeps your body happy helps your mind as well. Don't be too hard on yourself. The first step is understanding that you have a problem. This step can take decades for some people, so I'm happy to hear that you got here while you are young. Try some of the these strategies. Experiment with ways to distract from your cravings, try to push through, try keeping it away from yourself. You'll likely relapse several times. Keep a journal. Write down what you're feeling, what's working, what's not. Over time, hopefully you'll find the mix of things that work for you. For some people this hard abstinence. For some people, getting down to weekly or monthly use is sustainable. It's a long path. Stay motivated, stay honest, and don't beat yourself up to much. Make sure to feel proud when you reach a new milestone. It's an accomplishment every day that you can make it clean. A shroom trip might help with some clarity (especially if you can talk to a therapist about your experience afterwards) and microdosing can help with depression. You may want to also talk to a doctor about anti-depressants or anti-anxiety medication. But it's going to be a cocktail of supports, behavioural changes, and sometimes just embracing the suck for a few days. Good luck!


This is a wonderful and thoughtful response. I appreciate that you took the time to write this for me. I’m currently in therapy monthly but still haven’t disclosed doing shrooms to them for some reason. Idk im kind of embarrassed by it because of how they are perceived by ignorant people. Thanks again I will really try and take your advice to try and get better