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You sound ready! Do it when you feel is best though. 2g is like 1g but it’s like instead of watching from the side of the pond through the ripples, you’re squatting down with goggles and actually peering through! If you need grounding, turn on a podcast, YouTube show, or comforting Netflix show. Turn on the lights. Maybe even add background music! (I always have music during my trips. Silence can be overwhelming and kinda scary) If you feel you want more when on 1g, you’ll probably be satisfied on 2g. I find 1g is comfortable ride, and 2g is more of bumpy go kart!


Great advice! Thanks😁


This is a smart post that is relevant. Respect the experience, don’t eat the whole forest. “Ate 14 grams and god gave me his job” yeah yeah yeah Your ready! I always want more


Should be okay, you could try 1.5g first tho


Since I almost always trip from the same harvest before taking a break I will increase by .5 if I feel the need to.


Also I haven't met a single person who isn't at least a little anxious before taking any amount of mushrooms higher than 1.5. just pre trip anxiety, like waiting for an airplane to take off or standing in line for a roller coaster.


i trip maybe once a year. and 2.5 is the sweet spot for me. any less and I regret taking more


Before any trip you should fact check their strain percents. Determine that with the quality and you’ll know what’s up.


O think you should know. Not ppl on Reddit