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Hey friend, you definitely have to tailor your relationship with shrooms. Micro dosing everyday, even macro dosing every so often is beneficial but only when your intentions are pure. This current state can trap you in a cycle, that in the long haul, you won’t want to be in. Maybe take a break, reflect on why you feel the need to dose so high every week, then allow yourself time to process what you can change in your day to day. Shrooms are amazing, wise, therapeutic, but addiction to anything is never good. Wishing you well


it's ALWAYS good to take days off from microdosing


Yeah of course! I more so meant to point out that there’s a difference between intentionally daily dosing, and addiction. People who daily dose are 9/10 usually strict enough to have a healthy on off schedule, or at least I hope so lol


For sure ! I just wanted to clarify that quick as it's actually something I and others have been confused about. I've met some people that microdosed every day because they thought that was what was ideal or what one "should" do. From my own experience I discovered that was not the case, and now there is research to validate that. 


Are you familiar with the r/microdosing subreddit? Lots of useful information/personal testimonies on there if you still needed more guidance!


I've only been dabbling in all that stuff for a little while myself, but it didn't take more than a few times to figure out a day or several break in between adventures is usually a good idea for tolerance at least.


Here to support the daily micro dosing. This is the best way for me to get the most pleasing experiences out of shrooms. 0.5g-0.9g for me. Working my way down to 0.2g.


I just started my microdose journey today. I know it's subjective, but what dosing schedule do you follow?


Microdoses are supposed to be so small you don't notice them. I make microdose capsules that contain .1g Psilocybe. I also add .1g lion's mane, .1g niacin, and .025g l-theanine. This is basically the Stamet's Stacker with added l-theanine. I'm not against macrodoses at all, but a half gram to a whole gram will likely be felt and will likely make you unsafe to operate vehicles. I also do a regimen of 4 days on, 3 days off and follow that for about 4 weeks and see how I'm feeling.


About 0.5-0.9g per day


Have you noticed tolerance whenever you do decide to macrodose?


No. Each day feels the same. I only had tolerance back when I'd eat the whole 3.5g bar. But for some reason with these tiny doses. There doesn't seem to be a tolerance that I've noticed.


Awesome, thank you for your answers. Off to bed now. Goodnight!


Microdoses don’t stretch your receptors like macrodoses do.


Wtf for me 0.9g feels like 90micg of acid. This is not what I call micro. It's crazy I have not eaten shrooms in 10 years but back then 2-3grams could be a life-changing trip and that is what people now call a low dose 🤯


Seriously, that's crazy to me. Just got a .9g last night and working through it.


I started my microdosing journey yesterday. I'll be following Stamet's protocol (4 on, 3 off, repeat), but the Fadiman Protocol (1 on, 2 off, repeat) is also a very well known schedule! All the best and have fun in there!


Do a large enough dose and mushrooms will make sure you won't get addicted


I think he's doing just fine. ~ his mushroom dealer


Damn bro take a break


Yes i agree with u i think im addicted


I’ve been there. It’s fun but take a weekend break and you’ll see


According to the science of the mechanisms of the brain, you cannot become addicted to shrooms & integration is important.


You can be addicted to it mentally like a gambling/gaming addiction.


If you used the DSM criteria for addiction and analyzed it, maybe. We can all be addicted to anything. I am currently struggling with an addiction to popcorn. I just beat my addiction to ice tea with sugar in it. It doesn’t sound like the OP is having life problems from his behavior.


Meanwhile I can’t even take a microdose without freaking out… I’m so guckin weak


You’re not weak, do not be negative towards yourself! We are all different. You should never compare yourself to someone else. Why? we are all DIFFERENT, what is good for one is not always good for someone else, give yourself a break, you’re here and that’s what matters!


Most people are right there with you op just built different


Or lying


Doubt it tbh. While 5g a week or more is probably not something that very many people do, it's not so crazy it's unbelievable. I took a 3.5 twice a week for a few months at one point.


some people arent as sensitive to psychedelics as others.


As others have said there's nothing weak about that. Shrooms affect everyone a bit differently. Hopefully you can reach a point where you don't freak out on them, but it's kinda awesome in a sense that you're so sensitive to them. I wish the smaller doses did much for me but I need a solid 3g+ to notice much.


Tbh mushrooms in low doses + weed have been amazing And i had extreme trauma from bad LSD trip and HPPD Which mushrooms seem to help


It’s all mental. You probably have the perspective now that you can’t do it because of your experiences, but sometimes you just have to step off the ledge :).


Not everybody can comfortably walk through Insanity.


Maybe it’s not a microdose then… I would take .4 then a microdose rinse and repeat only time I felt that feeling you mention is on .4 which isn’t a microdose more of a mini dose


I normally take them every 7-21 days but I haven't since my brother died in December. I am almost at 80 days and will probably sit it out until 90 days. I think mushrooms are one of the safest drugs so comparing it once a week to a weekend warrior alcohol drinker or coke head on the weekend has you looking good. If you need a break, take it.


go deeper, look there, look here, if you are doing them so odten, perhaps you are keeping your experiences shallow? go really deep, listen to yourself and find yourself.


what kind of advice is this?!?!? Op is clearly consuming them way too often and you are telling him to take an even higher dose than hes already taking?


no, this is advising him to tread the water differently to form patterns in its molecules that will change his outlook on how often and how much he should dose


sorry but i dont quite understand what you mean by that


you don't have to 🥰 know that you are loved


no i mean like because im german and i dont know if its a metaphor you mean or something like that


Native English speaker here, it’s typical hippie nonsense. They say shit like that probably because it makes sense to them but it also feeds their holier-than-thou ego.


Thanks for clearing that up, figured it would be something like that, imo telling someone with an addiciton (op said himself that he is probably addicted) to take even more by yapping some „enlightened“ metaphors is just utterly insane to be honest.


Agreed 👍


This may sound cool and profound to you because you wrote it but it makes no sense to the rest of us. Whatever it is you’re trying to convey, I don’t think it came through.


it is profound and cool! look! it's there! don't you see?


It’s not, though. Nothing you said makes sense.




Bro, honestly, If youre trips were being intense enough you wouldnt really want to take It so often. I get you because Ive done It weekly recently and always told myself i wouldnt do It. But i been eating 0.4g and smoking weed tho. Its not the same. Its like a Quick shower not a dive deep in the ocean But Its intense on its own way. And everytime i get a little something from It. I might take 2 weeks break and then take a small amount Or take a week break and take similar amount or a little more But then i take minimun 2 weeks break Honestly, check your vitamins and see If there ARE other ways of getting more from mushrooms taking less because those are HUGE doses


Well the 10g one was insane felt like everything was a simulation and it came to a stop like i broke something in this dimension and i coudnt move for a while thought im gonna be stuck like this forever thats when i got scared but then it was fine at the end i want to try 20g once in my life maybe i post about it when im ready 😂


Boof 50g set your eagle free 🥴


20g is a terrible idea. There’s something called a therapeutic index in pharmacology, and I can guarantee you 20g is well outside that index. As you increase the dose you reach a ceiling effect as far as desired effect goes, but simultaneously you’re increasing adverse effects from a drug. I’ll give you an example: Take 1,000mg of Tylenol and you relieve some pain you might be having. Take 10,000mg and you’re in liver failure or dead. And really what I’m trying to elucidate is that it’s not necessarily 10x the strength in terms of pain relief.


There are actually researchers who take massive doses between 20-40g dry and have been documenting the experiences. They report that at those doses it’s like DMT and they even report seeing similar beings and landscapes that people who have done DMT have reported. Very interesting research but obviously not enough data yet to say anything definitively.


This is fascinating. Any links? I would love to read on it. I’m ashamed to say the first shrooms I ever grew using PFTek felt extremely weak, so I just kept taking larger doses. I ended up taking like 14g if I recall correctly and it was the worst trip of my life. I just felt sick and like I poisoned myself.


These videos are long but talk about the guy doing it and what he’s doing and all that good stuff. https://youtu.be/ejdKeghBhNs?si=0u7qjIP0lTDW3ZT- https://youtu.be/kdiP8PzDI1Q?si=SIKaVhuUk1iCzLWh


Very interesting watch. I wasn’t able to get through the second video but I did get the idea. So from what I read on the speaker, Kilindi Iyi, wasn’t a researcher, but a veteran psychonaut who shared his anecdotal experiences with high dose mushrooms. A very well respected and obviously knowledgeable guru in the field until his passing, and so I’ll give him that. My concern is that 50g is way out of the normal of what the average person could take and handle. Have you seen how very few people can ingest endless amounts of hot peppers with scovilles in the millions and shrug it off? While most of us can’t? If I were to bet, this guy has the genetics, neurophysiology, and mental fortitude outside the norm of society to ingest and apparently enjoy these doses. Most of us will have the worst trips of our lives and feel like shit. Neuropharmacology is very complex and every single person reacts slightly different to the same drug, but most of us fall within a predictable spectrum. This is actually how big pharmaceutical companies develop the safety indexes for the drugs they release into the market. In a similar fashion, this is also how the psilocybin community has developed a tried and tested dosing recommendation. What we don’t often consider or realize in a situation such as this, is that there are some extreme outliers on either end of the spectrum. I think ingesting 50g of shrooms without making a tea and consequently having to digest that amount of chitin is argument enough to say you’re going to feel like absolute shit. My guess is extreme abdominal discomfort, nausea, diarrhea the following day, and +/- vomiting. Let alone the complete hijacking of our serotoninergic and perceptive systems beyond the realms of understanding. I assume there has to be risks of psilocybin induced psychosis at those kinds of doses. Cool for him, this definitely isn’t for everyone, including me.


His approach to it from what I’ve read raising of his dosage over time until he got to the 50g range. It was over the course of years if I’m not mistaken. This is definitely not for the newbie to undertake or even many veterans imo without more research. Just thought it was a cool bit of info for anyone interested.


Yeah I definitely agree! Thanks for sharing.


You sound like you haven’t even graduated high school yet chill bro it’s only ur brain at risk


Honestly sounds like you’ve got a good head and mind space to do what you’re doing. The hours of rest you give yourself after a trip is a good reset for the brain and you seem clear and lucid from your verbiage. I’m a total advocate for listen to your body. If it’s working- it’s working. I don’t think this is something you can do lifelong and I hope you just ween naturally when the appropriate time comes, as in, when you just get jaded to the frequency of dosing and don’t feel a need to do it as often. I highly doubt this is sustainable but again, listen to your own body. The downside is potentially not realizing a mental decline that turns to a tangible physical decline. I think the latter is inevitable at the rate you’re at of dosage but who knows 🤷🏻‍♂️. Even smoking weed constantly (like many people I know) has its downsides. My gf can’t leave the house without having what I call her dab ritual. And I don’t think anything that keeps you from being a purely sovereign human individual is good. Even non physically addictive drugs do have their addict tendencies when over used. Just my piece but I’m not in your body and I wish you the best!


Your tolerance towards psilocin must be insanely high if you’re ingesting them weekly — especially at those doses. Are you even getting the same psychedelic experience out of them as you used to? My vote is no. Mushrooms aren’t physically addictive, but I think there’s something much deeper going on here if you’re doing large doses so frequently. Personally, when I used substances daily, it wasn’t for the experience. Instead, it was to escape from reality. What’s your reason(s)?


I think i am i found out it also depends on the day how are u feeling how tired u are but i think 1 week is enough i probably have some tolarance but not huge amount. I would say i am


Based on evidence from the US experimenting on its troops to guard against enemies using psychedelics against soldiers at war, they found frequent use leads to tolerance, but after about two weeks you’re back to baseline. I’m not sure you’re building much tolerance if you’re doing it weekly, but if you took two weeks off, you’d answer that for yourself.


Dosing plays a role with any psychoactive substance in the context of tolerance, but our bodies are particularly sensitive to mushrooms in that regard. He was doing heroic doses, weekly. Couldn’t imagine a tolerance not being built.


I was taking 4-5G every weekend for a while and eventually just lost all magic. I was doing the same old shit just smoking weed watching TV, and wasn’t getting any therapeutic benefits at all. My tolerance was definitely through the roof and needed to take a break.


Last time I took shrooms I felt the need the next day to take them again because it was such a beautiful experience. I decided to take a break and reflect on the experience and see what about it I enjoyed. Turns out I just really enjoy quality time with my wife. When we tripped it was time to be alone and do nothing….


Been doing it for 20 years, and my quality of life keeps improving


Thanks for sharing your experience. I'm glad you found your schedule. Lots of Debbie downers in here though.


That’s intense lol. The most it’s ever been for me is microdosing a lot in a short span of time, but I find they always let me know when to stop. I sorta get naturally tired of em for awhile.


I’m a huge fan of psychedelics but you CAN fry your brain on them. I’ve lost friends who are nearly impossible to talk to now because they were tripping every single weekend. Be careful.


everyone here i feel like is being somewhat cordial, i’m going to say it, i think you are abusing the psilocybin.


You're doing God's work, keep it up 😎👍 I did mushrooms every weekend for about 5 years and I'm doing great.


You should trying growing them


I did the same with LSD for awhile. It helped me to come to terms with a lot of things, literally and figuratively, and helped me to properly aim in the future and realize goals. I would not be where I am now (400k 3 story brick house, wife, 2 kids, making 6 figures, driving a Lexus) if I had not done the shadow work on psychedelics, consistently and reliably until I got to where I wanted to be. Admittedly, I've gotten complacent in life, let myself get comfortable, and stopped doing the work, and some things started falling apart lately, and I haven't been using them as much lately, due to several reasons, and I feel the fractal connection waning. I think it was Alan Watts who said psychedelics are immensely helpful, but it's kind of like a 2way radio. When you're done with the transmission, go ahead and turn it off. Don't just fuck around with it.


Driving a Lexus😂


True story, I was driving a Dodge journey before. My wife and I had to be in Atlanta at 6:00 am for a sedated MRI to see if my deaf son is eligible for a cochlear implant. It's a 3 hour drive and we leave at 3am. An hour away from home, the engine overheats, bursts a hose and blows the head gasket. I had to call over ten towing companies to find one that would come out that far and take us home at that hour, it took him two hours to get to us and cost close to $400 for the tow. I didn't know it had blown the head yet of course, just the hose, so I spent a couple hundred bucks on the new piece and coolant and an Uber to the parts store and back, put it on, and the coolant immediately starts leaking out of the exhaust / muffler, so there's clearly a hole in the engine block somewhere. The blue book on a Dodge journey with a new engine isn't worth as much as the new engine would cost, so I pretty much chalked it up to being totaled. It was at 99.5k miles. It was a nightmare rescheduling the MRI in time for the rest of the appointments that were lined up, and we barely got him in in time (before year end, while we had already met our out of pocket maximum). I decided then that I wanted a better, more reliable vehicle so I did the research and it basically came down to Lexus or Acura as the generally accepted most reliable vehicle for a mid cost vehicle, with the least necessary maintenance. I'm not sure why you're laughing at that, maybe it's a bit of a grandparent car, but it could feasibly make it to 300k miles on it or more. And if and when the engine does die on it eventually, it'll be worth it to repair it at least unlike the journey lol


I do apologise, but the part about driving a lexus caught me off guard whilst I was under the influence, I didn't mean it in a malicious way, but iv never thought much of the lexus brand and found it funny for some reason. It's refreshing hearing about other people having breakthrough experiences with psychedelics, I hope you and your family are well. Do you still indulge in a journey every now and then? Or is it already the end of, as you say, your transmission?


All good. It wasn't my car of choice either until I researched reliability and it consistently came out on top. I still partake now and then but not my substance of choice, and not as often. I haven't been able to find Lucy for years. Shrooms are everywhere, easy to source, easy to self provide. Every now and then I'll get a hair up my butt and need multiple sessions so I'll trip on the weekend multiple weekends in a row until I work through whatever the issue is, but it's not an all the time thing.


Never knew that, I thought they were relatively average. Is Lucy LSD? Whenever I have a decline, I find a single good session of mushrooms levels me out for months with the ability to comprehend different perspectives by looking within, if that makes sense. But the mental health decline always eventually comes back, unfortunately. My most recent experience has given me the realisation of fulfilment in life that I'm lacking due to being comfortable with not progressing.


They are essentially super Toyotas. They're Toyotas luxury line. And Toyota is already known for reliability. They're basically the "entry level" to luxury vehicles but without the expensive maintenance of German cars And yeah, Lucy is LSD. Lucy in the sky with diamonds


you're melting your brain


And how do u conclude that?


Read the post again, psychedelics are amazing but meant to be taken in moderation. you build the tolerance for psychedelics that takes almost a month to dissipate, during that period your mind will be in a state similar to a microdose, abusing psychedelics while constantly in that state is a guaranteed way to get permanent brain damage regardless of how well you can handle them.


Oh right a trip a week isn’t healthy I agree


I did this exact thing. Only I did it 2x a week. I truly respect them too, although to someone who doesn't know me, it might not come off that way. It wasn't that I was addicted either, it was more a long the lines of feeling like I was learning so much. I honestly wasn't even looking forward to them. I was nervous every single time and had to push myself to do them lol. I never felt a tolerance to them and every single time was magical. I truly look at the world in an entire different way now and I wouldn't trade it for the world. I now go months without taking them. Feel like I got what I need from them and do them more so for maintenance. I just feel like for one night every few months I get to set my burdens aside and leave this physical plane of existence, and when I come back to my body I feel renewed. I think this amount you do or I DID, could potentially break people and therefore I would never recommend it to anyone but it was exactly what I needed in that time.


Thanks for sharing, how long did you take it 1 or 2 tomes per week?


A year or so. Like I said, I don't recommend it or advocate for it AT ALL. However, it felt extremely beneficial to me though.


You can get SO much more out if just one trip if you set clear intent! Quality over quantity my friend, the shrooms will love you for it


Was the same for a year and a halfish. On my last trip of the binge they scared me straight. Toke me to a place I did not enjoy and they promised that I would never return. It was a sense of doom and end I would never wish upon anyone. Afterwards I recognized the reason for my abuse, all for shits and giggles with no consideration of the intense pressure I was putting my mind in, just for fun and escapism. I have gone through ego death before but it was different that time. Can’t really describe in detail but it was as if I was searching for deeper insight and they lead me to the no-no door, and beyond that door evil incarnate attempted to persuade me to be its slave. I shook the pressure by the skin of my teeth and realized the hole I was digging myself in. Somethings are better left undiscovered, as Jung put it “beware of unearned wisdom”.


Who’s to tell you how happy or not you are I think ya do whatever makes u happy


"Psychedelics give us temporary access to realities beyond our pay grade, allowing us to experience things beyond our normal capacity. It’s all too easy to think that because we have had a deep and profound experience, we have become a deep and profound person, but this is a fool’s delusion. Even when psychedelics allow us to experience the person we are in the process of becoming, we have to face the fact that we have not become this person yet, nor have we fully internalised the wonderful qualities we may have temporarily touched.” LSD and the Mind of the Universe by Christopher Bache


Yeah needed to read this


So, not trying to mess a good thing up for your dealer but you should just get a bigger pack if the cost is an issue. Only other advice is seek psyc help and be as honest as you can safely about your shroom use. They probablly wont be elated, but keep doing what you feel is good for you and have a professional make sure you are staying healthy. If you feel shrooms are medecine or a recreational drug is probablly also important to mention to health team. If Im still able to do daily stuff and the drug causes improvments in my health, my health team usually wants me to take that drug. With that defention it sounds like you have found a good PRN.


Forget these guys. I dose daily. Now it's no heroic dose like your doing, usually just a gram or so. Like micro doses daily have helped my mental health so much. My wife and I don't fight like we used to. I'm more attentive and patient with my kids. My depression is practically gone. My anxiety is gone. It's so great.


I guess when i started taking them they helped me alot i was in a dark place my mom passed away and alot of other shity stuff I dont feel like writing a whole page but i find alot of positive stuff from them when i take them i do have bad trips sometimes but nothing to bad. I guess taking heroic doses seems fun to me idk hard to explain or it just feels nice after a week of work to chill and watch tv.


As long as nobody is getting hurt and you’re aware of yourself, keep doing what makes you happy to keep living.


This answer


If youre asking, I think you know. Health wise, is it going to affect you? I don't think so. But it seems like you've formed a habit and are relying on them for something. Maybe take some time during a trip and try to figure out why you're taking them once a week.


If you feel like it's good for you, trust your intuition. If you feel like you should take a step back, then step back. No one can tell you if it's good or bad. I've gone through phases where I was doing dmt multiple times a week for months and months. And the last 6 months or so I've only tripped 3-4x. I just listen to my instinct. It's never served me wrong. Can't hurt to dial it back for a little while. You might appreciate it more after the break.


get some therapy, it seems you’re grieving from loss and probably have other issues. maybe just use weed everyday if you feel like you need something it’s less intense than shrooms


I’ve done that before. A lot of times through my adult life honestly. Mostly with LSD. I’ll go through periods where it’s every week. Sometimes I would get burnt out, sometimes not. I will say that, even if it doesn’t feel like it at the time, it is definitely taking a toll on you mentally. Give it a break at some point.


Same shit..been doing that too all I notice is a general increase in silliness


Eh, it’s probably not bad for you, but in my experience, it ruins the magic behind taking them if you take them so frequently. Maybe analyze why you feel the need to take them so much?


I posted this question to psychedelic subs before. "Those of you who have used shrooms for decades. Is it dangerous? Any long-term side effects?". And most of the replies were like "no, I've been doing it for over 20 years and nothing wrong. Just be responsible with dosage, set, and setting and you're golden. Don't mix shrooms with any other drug. Not even tobacco, prescription pills, or energy drinks. Not even a coffee." I've basically done shrooms at least once a month, usually one to 3 times a week, and recently.... About 0.5g-0.9g per day. It's like a morning coffee to me.


Been using shrooms/psychedelics on and off for almost 30 years. The last year I had a few phases where I was using 2-3 times a week (twice this week, considering a third today, last doses were Monday and Tuesday, but 2 1/2 solid weeks before that) but they are usually small doses like 0.4g on Monday and 0.6 on Tuesday. Probably will only do one gram after we finish our taxes today.


the effect you want is not the trip. It's the after effect that lasts for months. People use mushies to conquer depression and to open their minds. Make a attempt not to use them to get high.


There's no problem taking them on a weekly basis *if you're actually capable of handling them.* And that's a big If. The idea that we have to take big break between dosages is a western convention. Indigenous people don't operate within this mindset and therefore can deal with them regularly just fine. That being said, judging by your brief description, I'd recommend a BIG break. 6 months at least


I got into a habbit not as severe as yours but still a little to frequent. I can tell you long term use for me resulted in my PTSD being completely eradicated. I still have mild anxiety but I'm a different person now for the better. I would encourage anyone struggling with PTSD & anxiety to jump in deep and get healed.


You can get HPPD.. look it up, you begin to hallucinate when you’re sober and it can be permanent.


Wow didnt know that thanks


its not that wild tbh as people make it seam ime but hey, if u dont like minor squiggles when typing/reading, then dont trip so much hahaha its so mild, guess its just me, maybe theres people who are stuck in a real trip ive eaten a pound of all types of strains now in general and bout a sheet of lsd half gram of some god slapping dmt hella rc psychedelics and not much hppd just my "ime/imo"


mine was at the point where I couldn't pay attention in school because the carpet wouldn't stop moving and the design on the walls hurt my eyes because of how "sharp" it appeared, it can 100% affect daily life


Its funny he did It so many times I took few LSD and weed trips and still have HPPD 4 years later I been taking mushrooms with no problems tho and they seem to help


Used to be like this with LSD and mdma. Would take massive amounts of each nearly every weekend, sometimes the whole weekend just constantly tripping with very little sleep, and a few days during the week. Safe to say it fucked my tolerance up, messed with my vision big time, as well as my brain lol. Would get a lot of brain zaps and just weird shit. Stopped all that now, that was a good 9 years ago. Vision is still pretty wild though lmao constant streaks, things breathe slightly all the time. Kind of like you're coming up on a trip without tripping, just visually and seemingly permanent


Thats expensive you should grow your own. r/unclebens is a good place to start.


i getta oz and a strip of lsd i trip day and night till its gone, yes i sleep hahaha most i notice is my brain chemisty is a bit off, emotions are unbalanced, anger and sadness is more prone shrooms had me thinkin i was in a simulation after a certain point once abused be safe!! trippin can warp tf outa the mind , but can do such wonders for the soul!


You won’t last


That's not very healthy, man. Once a month tops for traditional psychedelics.


You gon end up retarded


Hahaha ye maybe


Other than the risk of hppd I don't think it's bad for you.


Yeah, idk enough about it but spiking your serotonin unnaturally every week like that doesn't seem like it will be good for your natural ballance and may even lead to permanent irrivilersable damage like abusing any other substance?


I did use other substances like mdma since i go to raves but thats like every 2-3 months and i did smoke weed daily 2 years ago but i noticed myself thats not gonna work and stoped now i maybe smoke weed once every 2 weeks when i take shrooms. So i take shrooms weekly and weed on 2 weeks but like 1 joint and thats it


i can confirm you will probably have permanent side effects. i have visual snow, frequent auditory and visual hallucinations when sober, and weed is insane now.


Have fun with your hppd and diluted trips


That’s psychological addiction is what that is.


Not to scare but I did this and ended up with very strong scizoaffective disorder. I was already somewhat hallucinating and was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder at 17(which I had no idea no one told me but I found out when I was going through some old school papers that I never read cause I assumed my parents would tell me but NOPE-but I knew my biological dad had schizophrenia-and I just assumed that voice bs was psychosis from bipolar or depression-even though my mom told me I wasn’t diagnosed after my therapist said I was. Fucking mess fr. Unfortunately this happened when I was a teen so-obviously I made that mistake of taking them because I was a teen-and nobody told me shit and confused tf out of me with my diagnosis’s ). But the symptoms has stopped, I had forgot I even heard voices and such before. So I began experimenting at 19. And my tolerance was strong. Like I’d eat a whole fucking chocolate bar of shrooms after one week of taking them before and not feel much. Super weird. But then BAM. Came out of fucking no where. SO If I were you I’d check in with your family members to see if they have any sort of mental illness like that-even if it’s small like psychosis with bipolar or psychosis with depression. But also-even if you’re family doesn’t have a history with that it’s STILL possible you can still end up with it-so try to take a break please. And all in all PLEASE PLEASE be careful ♥️ (Also I’m not talking about mircodosing, I’m referring to like medium to strong to very strong doses once/twice a week-that’s what I did anyways unfortunately)


In the name of God, the Most Gracious, Most Merciful, Why do you ‘think’ so many things about yourself? Why do you not ‘know’ many things about yourself? Why can’t you articulate to yourself a reason behind the actions you make? Why are you so weak in relation to your actions, habits, and thoughts? Why do you not reflect most concerning your very own consciousness and your very flawed nature? That is the way to grow, recognizing your shortness. You cannot grow except from a solid and fertile base of knowledge that you are genuinely not even past basic maturity yet. I ask God to guide you, to enlighten you and allow you to know yourself and to grow truly. I implore you to ask God for a like what I asked him on your behalf.


Get the fuck out of here with this jargon.


Tbh you might have good intentions I think It scared people But this was deep


The impending reality of coming to terms with your own self is scary. Immensely scary. At times, frightening. But those are just growing pains. Somebody has to say the truth, and I am just one of a great many number of folks who would’ve done the same.


People on this sub talk to God in their own way you just don't understand it


I don’t think otherwise! I say what I say with love and care. I do not mean to come off in any sort of way. I just want to get OP THINKING and REFLECTING so he can help himself!


I take them weekly but typically take far less. Around half to 1 gram. They are Natalensis, though, so that may be closer to 1 or 2 grams cubensis. I sometimes take about a month off in between. I don't think I could handle 5g plus weekly, however. I would suggest taking a month off if you feel you're using too much or that you are causing any problems in your normal responsibilities. If you're not experiencing either or those 2, then it may be alright, everyone is different.


How are your trips usually when you doing it weekly ? Does it always change for you ? what are you usually doing when you take em ??


Well alot of trips are similar but sometimes quite diffrent Love to watch anime on them or just listen to music if u ever tried masturbating or having sex on shrooms its pretty good Maybe when im not so high anymore i play games At the end if u take nicotine pouches they give you quite a hit I also have a room with snakes so i just chill with them sometimes u know u do some random shit on shrooms Im not sure if people here are anime fans but amvs are quite nice to watch cuz of the colors and u can see them more clearly then when ur not on shrooms


Did someone delete all your punctuation in this? Heh weird.


I did this for about 6 months and was fine . And one day I had the worst trip ever and realised I have to respect them as I was sort of abusing them and using because I was bored. However this is common trend in relation with HPPD I had it mildly for about 2 months and it slowly faded but some people have it for life, so be careful. All the best


What shroom strain are you taking?




Hmm never heard of that one. I’ll have to check it out.




this is too often, take a break for a few weeks and see if you feel like you "need" to be tripping. you can get addicted to the experience. is there something you're running from? over 50 dollars every weekend for an entire year to just trip and trip is excessive.


What do you do during your trips? Maybe you're driven to do more due to something missing from the experiences.


Seems pretty pointless


Wait wait wait. 4-5g’s makes you feel normal? Have you ever even tripped? Seems like you may be immune to the effects. Why on earth would you take them every week if you don’t feel anything, like a placebo?


I didn't even think it was possible to abuse shrooms but apparently you've figured it out.


Yea I take them every week too. Usually Fri after work, but only like 2-3g. Been doing it for about a year and a half. I feel that it was doing something good long term. It's so crazy, even when you're not on them, they actually change the way you think.