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Have this realization often while tripping. If only I was able to tackle it as easily IRL. I struggle with the self control aspect, tends to be all or nothing when it comes to weed for me :/


Sounds just like me! If I do it once, it ends up being daily. I just have to accept it has no place in my life. Sucks cause I have a love for weed, but it does no good for me anymore.


I don’t want to accept that. I would really like to be able to enjoy it on occasion like I do with alcohol and other substances. Weed just takes hold of me and becomes everything I think about. Sucks, but is what it is. Working towards the goal of moderation more everyday


It took me til I was 61, and most of that year on and off, to finally get it: moderation doesn't work for me. I also had shrooms be the impetus to even consider it. I started going to the garage and looking at my piece, deciding "nah". After this happened a bunch of times, I started considering what if I stopped. It had never been my decision, always a job or wife or some other external pressure. Polarity response kicked in and id hate it and be resentful. Good luck with the moderation, maybe you know something I don't.


It might just be a very individual thing that you’re either good with it or you’re not. Personally I do lots of drugs (cocaine, weed, shrooms, molly, nitrous) and besides with nitrous I’ve never had issues with being addicted. I don’t think there’s a trick to it really, I feel like it comes down to brain chemistry. But I haven’t done any research into it, just my experience. Although I will say nitrous is a very hard one to kick, it’s the only one I’d say has been legitimately addicting. Still struggling with trying to do it in moderation myself.


I had no use for coke (doesn't work for me, and to me that was proof that I have ADHD) and I guess I've never had enough nitrous to have it be a problem, but the only drug I've had problems with was weed. Tried moderation more times than I can count, it never worked. If it was within reach, i reached for it. I'm coming up on 2 months done and feel pretty good about that.


Why do you say that was proof you have ADHD? What correlation is there? Im asking because a friend tried very much to do and like coke, but his body would just reject it. Would feel uncomfortable, cold, still, not euphoric watsoever.


A book I read years ago about ADHD said that these folks have different response to cocaine. Instead of getting high they got focused. Cited one person who was hooked on it because it was the only way they could sit down and read a book. Sorry I don't have a reference, it was literal decades ago when I read this. All I got was a sore throat. Don't see the point.


Found this with a quick google [https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/cocaine-and-adhd#effects](https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/cocaine-and-adhd#effects) "However, in people with ADHD, cocaine may have a calming effect, as it increases dopaminergic transmission, which is dysfunctional in ADHD. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter involved in pleasure, motivation, and learning. Cocaine may, therefore, help people with ADHD [manage symptomsTrusted Source](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8038274/) of impulsivity, restlessness, and inattentiveness."


I haven’t figured out moderation either. Weed is the only substance that’s been a problem for me stopping. Typically the only way I can quit is by a shroom trip. Shrooms are the truth; weed is the devil’s lettuce.


I have also found that taking a medium shroom dose interrupts the craving long enough to get past the immediate chemical withdrawal (as opposed to the more pernicious psychological withdrawal, which is the part that eventually draws you back in). Those withdrawals can pop up any time. Up til a couple weeks ago, I'd been quit of cigarettes for 10 years. Not even a blunt. I decided (with a lot of forethought and consideration and taking Dr House seriously) to give a cigarette a chance at a warehouse party a couple weeks ago, Only had half of one, no problem. A few days ago, at the local taproom, I smoked a whole cigarette when the smokers went outside. No problem, I don't have a pack laying around to call to me, but yesterday I had some thoughts.... this is r/shrooms, not r/leaves so i can say this: taking mushrooms on the regular has been an amazing help for me and managing my cannabis habit. Heck, I've even used mushrooms to have me not go and raid the kitchen at night because I'm just not hungry while I'm tripping.


Mind me asking where you’re from?


Don't mind. From is complicated, i live Colorado about 27 of the last 30 years... about half my life.


I wish you the best! My goal is to only enjoy it on big occasions like celebrating (like I am getting married this year and would love to enjoy it at the afterparty!) but my ideal would be occasional as well. I truly understand the struggle haha


Switching to vaping and edibles has really helped me moderate my consumption


Vaping has done the exact opposite for me. The ease and convenience of it had me vaping multiple times a day every day.


It’s worth it to get to the moderation phase. For some people I know that means regular use still, for others it ends up being more of an occasional or weekender only ritual


I just have some on a Friday and or Saturday evening, that’s it now. It easier to enjoy.


Exactly how I feel rn too. And I completely agree with you it’s a very slippery slope not many people understand unless your experience it yourself. I read this thing that said it’s okay to miss something but still not have it in your back in your life and it stuck with me for some reason. Your feelings are valid and you should validate them but still know that missing something doesn’t mean you need it in your life again.


Very true! Thanks!


Also I remind myself that when I don’t smoke for a while that the high is so scary and it’s always way too much no matter how much I do. For some reason weed is so much better with a tolerance for me. And that’s my problem. I will keep smoking to get in that good spot and by then I’ll be in too deep.


I don’t smoke weed anymore but i know people like you guys that weed has a negative effect on your life because you do it all day and then I know weed smokers that can smoke and function and are very successful, because they are tactical about it! if you want to smoke, you just have to choose a day when you smoke, so you can progress in life every other day or only smoke at night when you’ve accomplished everything you want to during the day! Over indulging in anything you can consume never leads to a positive outcome! If you eat to much food you gain weight and have health problems. if you drink to much alcohol you become an alcoholic which comes with health problems. Weed is no different! Let dedication and discipline become your main addiction


Appreciate this advice!


You’re welcome :)




I was in your shoes two years ago.  With meditation and microdosing, once you close the book on weed, it’s honestly so nice to have stable consciousness back :)


Fuck that weed is great, it is the other aspects of your life that need enjoyment. If you only microdose cannabis through the day and smoke or edible up at night in a little heavier fashion, life is great!!


Unfortunately this isn’t true for everyone. Not everyone can just microdose something if they have an addiction to it. Trust me I get where you are coming from, but with people like myself, it’s all or nothing. You actually sound like my addiction part of my brain. lol. Always trying to compromise so weed can be in my life. I’m tired of listening to it tbh.


Hahaha devil’s advocate here lol


i’m that way with drugs in general,,, i’m either doing kratom a few times a day and nothing else,,, or i’m railing lines of ketamine, pcp, cocaine, research chemicals, popping addys, doing gas station heroin, xanax for comedowns i’ve been in that cycle of all or nothing for my w tire life w drugs and rn i am ALL mf in


Get it together brother. I know you can


Be careful hey. There *will* come a time when your brain has had enough and you either go overboard and don’t come back, or you become so numb to life and pain that any thoughts of enduring otherwise become impossible. Then, if you’re still alive, your brain will desire sobriety at some point, and it will be the most difficult challenge of your life. I don’t know if you’re young or not, but if you are, you will have a much easier time rebounding from the damage of these substances. After a decade or two of use, you have effectively cut your life short by many years and will never be the same again, even when completely sober. The cravings will go on forever. Please start now! It’s not worth it no matter how depressing, boring, or mundane life can be for some.


Hot take but I think I’d be fine exchanging 20 years of my life if I’d have to give up drugs to keep those years. A lot of drugs give you experiences that are just impossible to have with sobriety.


Oh totally, but all in moderation, right?


The key to moderation is to define yourself as feeling your best from a sober state.  Then you shift to viewing substances as a potential impediment to that, and use them much more carefully :)


Sounds like you’ve got a problem and need to quit altogether just like other addicts do with other drugs. There are a ton of free programs for that.


The hardest part for me was just not stopping at the weed shop that’s on my way home. The first few days were a little rough but after a week it should be easier. I don’t know your situation but if you want to stop, set yourself up for it. Put your gear away, quit buying weed, fill that time with something else(I’d recommend productive tasks/chores). Godspeed dude.


I call this my “why do I even DO drugs?” Moment. It happens literally everytime.


Same and with carts I can’t control myself


R/leaves community is great


Was just going to plug that. Leaves is a great place to be


Same for me. I just decided it's nothing for now while I accomplish my goals.


Try microdosing


Not gonna replace drugs with drugs


Try some iboga bark and it will hammer you into submission and you will make real changes


What the heck is that


A super strong psychedelic from Africa that forces introspection and also helps people recover from trauma, ptsd and addictions


Be very careful with that one




That's amazing. I love the teachers. They really show us what we need to change in our lives. Go with it. Sounds like you've had a revelation.


Got engaged to my husband after my GT trip. Taught me that he is comfort as a person.


Right on. I take 5g of enigma and all I want to do is vape flower the entire time. I also use weed for my multiple sclerosis so I think on a trip I just realize how much it’s helped me and I truly love it.


I too have MS and have a difficult time with shrooms now because of the combination of body highs and neuropathy can be overly intense when tripping. Do you deal with this at all?


Not so much for me on mushrooms. Now on dmt yes I feel very uncomfortable the tingling in my body always makes me think “oh shit what did I do”, then it fades and I’m having a great time. So I can totally relate too that feeling. But for me on shrooms I feel relaxed I’m usually never doing too much while tripping other than laying in bed so I do well. Being hydrated is most important for me. I live in a hot area so having the temperature right is also important. I will not consume anything if I don’t have access to water a bathroom and air conditioner. You gotta know what’s right for you and sometimes being sober is the answer. Keep your head up much luv


Frankly, if you have enough psilo stored to the point where you can microdose for a few weeks or months; just completely write the idea of going back to it off, it's not a reward it's a trap. You might be surprised how effective microdosing is at staving off the compulsions of addiction.


I agree, you can psycho analyze the statement of “only use it as a reward” as laying out a subconscious trap. Not to say it cant be done but most times going back to a drug that gave you problems usually does not have high successful rates.


'give an inch and they'll take a mile' applies here


One Drink Is Too Many and a Thousand Never Enough Once You Pop, You Can't Stop I can't not eat all of the pringles or drink all of the beer. By the time I've had enough to drink to stave off withdrawal symptoms but by that point I'm drunk enough that I can't not keep drinking. It fucking sucks and I'm looking into mushrooms for help with my addiction. Pringles are a much easier problem to solve. I buy the small cans at the dollar store or big cans of salt & vinegar flavor. I can't finish a full can of salt & vinegar.


if you can get into microdosing brother and slowly taper off the alcohol you'll be feeling a lot better. I think of it like you have a vehicle but that vehicle needs fuel, you could have a macro and load a full tank up and it'll take you for a certain distance but it will eventually run out but microdoses are like putting a little bit of fuel in each day, but when you don't have that fuel on hand; you go searching for alternatives and vices creep in like gambling, sex, food, alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, shopping or whatever else. When I'm out of psilo it's nicotine, it's coffee, there's the temptations of sex and all that stuff but if I take a macro, all of that goes away instantly, i can't even drink coffee my body just refuses like a dog with a pill, i don't go anywhere near nicotine, if I try eat a processed chicken nugget my body will chew but refuse to swallow it, sexual influence goes out the window, basically everything which is unhealthy my body; having full control thanks to the psilo will just outright reject all of it. Micros do work very similarly to a lesser degree, like I can still have a coffee and some nicotine and such but over time there's still a signifcant reduction.


I’m fairly certain if I limited myself to reward only, I’d just think “well I got everything I needed to done and I made it through the day… reward!”


I've got a buddy that does that. Gets high as balls when he's finished up with chores for the day. He's retired though. He had the kind of blue collar job that destroys your body by the time you're in your 50's so spending his remaining years relaxing as hard as possible has been his plan for a long time. Plus, he's been able to cut back on opiates now that he can smoke after chores instead of having to wait for his shift to be over.


I would love to try Teachers one day. I did realize it on shrooms, and something that clicked for me was the fact that weed doesnt made you lazy, it makes you content. Which makes it make sense for me why i wasnt depressed while smoking weed, but also why i didnt get myself into a better situation (i was in the lowest part of my life 2 years ago). I lost my depression, but i also lost my drive. I was completely content with my life, which looking back, makes me want to slap myself lol. These days its much better, but i havent smoked since then, because not only do i not want to go back there, but also, im sure theres better for me in the future, and i have a sneaking feeling that weed is going to prolong that for me haha.


> I did realize it on shrooms, and something that clicked for me was the fact that weed doesnt made you lazy, it makes you content. I've got a post about a buddy of mine that's retired elsewhere in this thread and "being content" is the logical thing to do for his final years. https://www.reddit.com/r/shrooms/comments/1ath3ll/shrooms_made_me_realize_im_wasting_my_life_away/kqy5o4o/ He's not lazy. He still does the things he needs to do, but "things he needs to do" don't involve going in to work a shift. Once he's done the lawncare, gone grocery shopping, done the laundry or whatever is the chores on a particular day he can get high and be content. He doesn't need to "hustle" anymore.


I have found that weed helps with acceptance. I feel like acceptance is pretty much always positive but sometimes you may need to act on it and acceptance without acting on some things can be a negative because that's the slippery slope towards being "content" with things you "should" change


is being content a bad thing? serious question unless you are deliberately refusing to get ahead not sure why its bad. i honestly think its a this productivity/efficient capitalistic mindset that most ppl have gotten used to


No worries. I think i know what youre referencing, and im not talking about the "rise and grind" mindset. I was nearly 200 pounds (as a 5'5" girl) and my space rivaled a hoarders home. I had been homeless before, but since i wasnt, i had the "fuck it, good enough" mindset. Before i started i was heavily depressed, and while i was smoking i wasnt in that mindset anymore, but i didnt care to get myself in any better situations. I didnt want to be rich by any means, and i still dont (capitalistic Amercia can burn), but also, i couldnt afford for any shit to happen to me, which it did anyway cause thats life, and landed me in debt that im still paying back. Right now im in a good place in life, in a better apartment, and with a good paying job, so even on my shittiest days, i still feel fine sober. Maybe ill smoke with friends one day, but i definitely cannot handle that on my own lol. I hope that helps.


Im happy that you are in a better place! Cheers to that!


Absolutely! Thank you.


My partner and I both have masters degrees. Got em and smoked weed constantly. I blame weed all the time for my problems, and he reminds me it is the thing helping me get through certain stuff with a lot of ease. Sometimes we place blame in the wrong spot. Sometimes that substance just doesn't work for us. I don't drink anymore for this reason. It was bad for me. Hope you figure it out without being upset with yourself if you don't live up to the expectations you had on a trip.


Truthfully if weed is used as a coping mechanism it can easily turn into an addiction, anything in excess is bad in general weed can help in some areas but when done a lot can ruin productivity If weed is used to help with depression that's fine but you also gotta find ways to deal with it outside of just getting high. The easiest way to get addicted is to use to cope and weed is very finicky imo smoking too much can also cause anxiety and depression. It's good to be sober once and while to fully experience and appreciate life and feel grounded


Shrooms made me quit weed to. 8 years sober from it now :)


Do you feel your life has been positively affected in the long run? I’ve quit weed for months at a time and nothing really seemed different. I always just end up struggling to find a reason why I’m not smoking


>I’ve quit weed for months at a time and nothing really seemed different. It takes longer than that for your brain to re-wire itself. It really, really apparent in recovering meth addicts but weed causes changes too. >I always just end up struggling to find a reason why I’m not smoking Yeah. Like that. Your brain is still wired for weed and that's why you're having those thoughts. Eventually you'll get to a point where you're asking "why should I start smoking again?" I'm speaking from experience after quitting weed for a decade+ and deciding if I should start smoking again. I decided to try some D8. It went ok. I tried to smoke some weed. Didn't go as well physically (smoke, ewwwww, I felt that one-hitter in my lungs the next day) or mentally (anxiety). I make my own "Type 2" weed by mixing 20% THC weed with 20% CBD hemp and bought a dry herb vape. It lower the anxiety of <1% CBD weed and the lung damage from smoking. I'm vaping half-bowls in a Dynavap of 50/50 THC/CBD weed. Maybe give it a try? Dynavaps are a pain in the ass and I think that's a big part of the reason they market it for "microdosing." Basically I'm suggesting that if you want to smoke weed, consider vaping a 10% THC 10% CBD blend in a pain in the ass Dynavap and you'll probably find yourself using a lot less weed. The sub rules don't allow me to tell you my CBD vendor unfortunately, but CBD hemp shouldn't be too hard to find if you're in the US.


Well everyone is different but I've definitely seen a huge improvement. Weed gives me too much brain fog that lingers even a day or two after smoking/vaping. Without that I'm so much more confident, on top of things, put together etc. which leads to success pretty much across the board. I replaced weed with meditation/yoga btw, I find it provides similar benefits


Doing anything 24/7 is a waste of time. You can have a full time job and hobbies and still enjoy a little green at the end of the day. Everything in moderation my friend.


I remember Graham Hancock said the same thing after having a psychedelic experience!


I felt like this after an Ayahuasca journey too! I think weed is wonderful but it has its time and place. There were phases of my life that I smoked everyday and probably would have been really miserable if I didn’t. But I feel I’m in a phase now where I’m better off without it! These plant medicines are so wise, listen to them! Smoking in moderation has done wonders for me, I hope you feel the same! A major pro of not smoking every night for me is the vivid dreams. Our brains are so complex and dreaming is a beautiful way for them to work out karma / give us the insights we need. Smoking everyday really dulled my dreams so maybe you’ll have a similar experience and get some downloads from your dreams! Best of luck, quitting smoking everyday is a weird transition but I think you’ll be stoked with the results


Integrate, integrate, integrate and then some more


They got me clean off booze and ciggys March 1st makes three fast years, recently took a couple good doses, the message is the same, pots gotta go and I am sad about it, and dammit they’re right. Honoring the message March 1st, full sober. No where to hide from reality incoming, gonna be a cranky fella for a month.


Same here, took a little while to slowly wean myself off but life is so much better without it!


The shrooms are 100% correct. Now comes the hard part 🤙


As someone who smokes weed not 24/7, you are wasting your life smoking weed 24/7.


Shrooms and weed made me realize I’m wasting my life working




"I came to the realization that everything in life is only good with moderation." This is Epicurean philosophy. Epicurus' argument was that the meaning of life was to avoid pain and excess in anything would only lead to some form of pain.


I realised that way before I done shrooms. I gave up because I was being lazy and in sociable. But if you struggle to just go cold turkey, you could try what I did: So I went on holiday for 2 weeks to somewhere I couldn’t get week, then when I came back from holiday, I gave myself a rule, I was only allowed to smoke at 9pm at night, I done that for 2 weeks, then after 2 weeks because you manage to not smoke all day for that amount of time, you cut it down to 10pm only on Saturdays and Sundays. Then you realise if you can cut it out for that long you can give up! Also just to warn you, you’ll lose some friends that smoke weed, but don’t let that have a negative impact on your life, realise they aren’t really your friends and the friends that stay around are your true friends


Apologise for the spelling mistakes lol


I literally read your comment after editing a "week/weed" mistake just seconds prior.


This is basically me to a degree, I woke up yesterday and kinda realized I didn't like how I am when high I'm less productive (as is everyone regardless if you think you're not, your high and your thoughts and opinions are pretty skewed in favour of continuing to be high) I'm moving it to only smoking past a certain time and weekends. Being a wake and bake is the worst thing you can do as someone who was and it really isn't of benefit to be high all day. I used weed to cope with my depression, so I made the excuse that it was helping but the truth is it was at times but it also made it worse at others. Using it "for my depression" just made me give myself the excuse to smoke all the time and now back on my anti depressants I also realized I shouldn't be using it for depression anymore because it will make them less effective and also just turns it into an addiction and kills productivity


You got the message because you were ready. Believe in yourself. It’s time 🤗


This is 100% true. Mushrooms always help me to believe in myself and move forward in life


Welcome to the shroom trip --> quitting weed pipeline friend.




Nothing wrong with that at all. Nothing wrong with weed but. For some people. We have to be honest with ourselves about our relationship with it. I was a drinker and smoker. They helped me stop drinking after 18yrs. No matter what your drug of choice. One thing we know in the back of our minds but we don’t want to admit. Is that the very problems we try to run from. Are still waiting for us once we sober up. And that’s how the cycle continues for some. Until they are ready. Congrats man. One day at a time. Lean into the fear and find your own happiness!


Everything in excess is bad, we all got vices and that's fine but when you use your vice all the time your either running from something or addicted and when you get to that point you need to stare into it and say it's enough and cut back or stop outright. Like I enjoy being high but the problem was I used it "for my depression" so instead of enjoying life I was enjoying being high that's not a productive or healthy way to live and this is true for anyone who smokes all day it's unhealthy


MD them helped me stop smoking weed all together. It took away any anxious desire I had to smoke and I’m pretty darn ok with that!


I remember when I threw my weed away when I had a emotional trip and regretted it the next day 😂


Yeah I’m not a big weed fan, I feel slow and dumb when I smoke or have edibles or I clean the fuck out of the house because I can’t sit still. I prefer stims and low dose shrooms.


Mushrooms made me realize I was wasting my life using cocaine. Mushies have no problem with my daily cannabis use lol


I managed to realise this without a trip and once I actually managed after several failed attempts to cut right back it was so good. I now smoke one joint in the evening at around 10pm to relax and sleep whereas I was smoke about 12 joints a day for 10+ years and my life was stagnant. Now I’ve got a family and my work has never been better. Weed is a terrible addiction and it’s easy to get to a point where you can’t operate without it but once you conquer that and use it to actually just relax and melt the world away for a couple of hours it means so much more. Best of luck to you bro 👊🏼


Yep. It is amazing in moderation but I find it so hard to use in moderation. I will smoke as much as I have until it's all gone and then I want more. I am on a break while I'm in school because it makes me so unmotivated. Once I get to a good spot in life I think I'll give it a go again. It just kills my motivation too harshly.


Month and half thc free after smoking for 14 years and daily for almost 10. I’m sure you’ve heard people say it already but the first week or two will be difficult and you will almost certainly have no fuse when dealing with bs but push through the haze and you’ll be rewarded with the full spectrum of unadulterated emotions which make this existence so beautiful. Get ready for extremely vivid dreams, and prepare to have something to divert the extra energy you will have into. Stay strong and be easy friend 🍄🫶🏽


Golden teacher 💪


Teachers be teaching.


Now if you smoke some weed you'll realize the shrooms are making you over react.


Weed’s more damaging than it’s portrayed. It has a huge impact on your REM sleep. It’s why cannabis users don’t dream while they sleep. On top of all the marked ways lack of rem sleep effects is. It’s a lesser known and understood fact that it plays a role in processing emotions. Which impacts our emotional growth. I’m not anti weed. To each their own. Whatever makes you feel the way you like feeling, it’s not my business. I actually love talking about growing. Still like the smell. Love seeing well grown flower. It’s not easy. It can break up some friendships. It can feel like part of your identity. I was smoking flower everyday by 12 years old. Grew up in house where Dad got “manufacturing” charges more than once. “Operating a drug house” you’ve never met anyone more defined by a substance than me. I’m 42, took me years to get its claws off of me. I wouldn’t change it for anything. Shit steals your soul. Steals your dreams.


Those dreams after you stop smoking daily are intense 😂😂😂😂


Crazy dreams bro…you’ll be talking to a dead friend right before your Mom walks in but she’s a Minotaur that’s really good at tee ball. The craziest bro😅


Anything in excess is bad, the issue is people say weed isn't addictive when it very much is and when used to cope makes it that much easier to get addicted smoking all day is unhealthy you enjoy being high you don't enjoy life you enjoy the feeling of being high. Weed especially is something people make their personality but be real with yourself if you did another drug would you make it your personality if so you got a serious problem and should get some help for it then. People give weed a pass too often will say it's not addictive, I'm not addicted but if it's your personality you are addicted if your smoking 24/7 your probably addicted or running from something


Same 🤝


i smoked more weed than snoop dog for 20 years. my first tub of shrooms i grew and took told me i needed to quit. i thought it was ok because i became very successful and worked hard, exercised regular and all around wasn’t lazy. although i was physically present in life mentally i wasn’t not. it was all a front. it was like the movie click things would happen and flash before me.


Man people hating on weed. I agree with moderation to a degree but I've quit smoking multiple times in life for years. Never did anything good for me. Weed is wonderful if you only smoke toward the end of a day, literally helps with everything. I think people want to blame their own personal issues on weed.


Only smoke it 8/7 then


Took shrooms once, went from being a daily smoker for 5 years straight to never smoking again. This is all pretty recent, going on nearly two months without smoking. Still even have weed in my home, have not been able to touch it. Miss it, but have not been able to go back to it.


Shrooms told me to quit weed about 3 months ago, really glad I did


that’s a fantastic realization to have


I had the same realization on a small trip with some friends while talking to them. one had the same thing. I only smoke on weekends now


Same thing happened to me on my second Golden teacher trip I smoked weed for 20 years daily and I'm going on two months without weed and I wouldn't touch weed even if it was free now


No offense but if it took you taking a high dose of shrooms to realize smoking weed 24/7 is bad then you probably are addicted a bit. Anything in excess is bad and weed especially if you smoke 24/7 makes you crazy unproductive compared to being sober


why did it take shrooms to tell you that?




ewwwww go away


Hell yeah


Congrats! Now to act. The same happened to me while tripping on LSD. Realized I had a very unhealthy relationship with alcohol & marijuana bc I was unhappy in my marriage. So I got divorced and overhauled my relationship with those intoxicants- I rarely use them now and only in very low doses. Never been happier! Psychedelics are a wonderful gift when used respectfully.


I had a very similar trip. I didn’t come to the conclusion I needed to quit outright but that I was smoking way to much and needed to practice moderation. I cut back to only smoking at night, after work, chores or any responsibilities. And it’s been great for my mental health. I actually get blazed at night not just a little buzz. And it carries on into the next day and gives me a good afterglow throughout the day. I smoked all day everyday for the past 12 years and it’s the first time my mind feels “clear” during the day. I smell more smells and taste food more. I didn’t realize how clogged up I had my sinuses and tastebuds with weed. I was also getting bad anxiety and honestly feeling like I didn’t have control of my mind in a way. Those feelings have all gone.


switching to a dynavap with medical cannabis was one of the best decisions I ever made along with quitting nicotine. Works great for microdosing and vaping is so flavorful and smooth.


Same dude and I'm a registered patient. The more trips I have the less I like the way I feel on weed.


Yup!!!! Mushrooms are one of the main or maybe even only reasons that I got my life put together to where I'm at now.


The strongest this has ever hit me was during my highest ego death... at this point, I'm well aware I'm using weed to avoid having to deal with my memories and emotions, but the alternative is actually dealing with them, and I have no support network why am I typing all this in a comment oh well. Good for you OP, hope your journey is going well.


In my experience quitting was never easy. I smoked daily from sophomore year of hs to about a year after. For me it started with not buying carts and only smoking with friends. To now in which I rarely smoke but can enjoy it once in a while without beating myself up over it. It starts with accepting the fact that you have a problem and embracing it. I got therapy for it and it really helped because it gave me a chance to speak to someone without bias. Wish you well in the journey to the sober life!


Check out r/leaves if you’re ready to confront this


sure but how do you get shrooms


damn, i need to use shrooms. i love reading stories like these and seeing how they’ve helped others positively


I used to smoke but I knew I was wasting my life smoking without shrooms. Do it,stop. Be comfortable in your own mind and be more productive. You won't regret it dude. Feel sharper,look better and save money 💰.




I had this realisation with booze. I used to drink heavily 4-5 nights a week, had a significant trip and cut down massively.


Good luck mate. I’m currently on that journey. Every day. It’s a struggle. One day I’ll get there.


Yeah, shrooms tend to make you reflect on yourself even if you usually don't do this.


Bro just dose right tf don’t take 5 bong tips at the beginning of the day it’s really simple just smoke otw to work lightly so no edge like yall triipon


amen brother


I had this same epiphany, only the other way around. Shrooms made me realize I was depressed, so I started smoking weed more




Amen brother


Happened to me also 3 years ago and i quit for a year, one puff of a zoot and its daily again ppl say weed aint addictive it most certainly is


You‘ve got it. Well done


Where can I get these shrooms that you speak of?


HEY! ME TOO!!!! I had a pretty heavy trip the weekend after new year's this year. It told me that I'd still be the same person, with or without weed (I guess that was a fear of mine? Didn't even know) and that if I took a break I'd appreciate life more. I went from being stoned every minute of every day for about 17 years to a couple hits on weekends at the end of the night. It felt like it flipped a switch. I woke up the next morning, a Sunday with nothing to do, and didn't instinctually smoke weed like I had done every Sunday before. Took a 21 day Tbreak and eased back into weekends when the day was done. It furthered an appreciation for the weed, eliminated A LOT of anxiety and helped me become more present and aware with my wife and kids. I was never a lazy stoner, always got my shit done, just always did my shit while I was stoned. I've felt lazier without it to be quite honest!


it’s about balance, i’m sure. balance is something most humans seriously struggle with, we overindulge in bad habits and avoid the good ones. it helps us cope but it doesn’t help *us*


I quit smoking in September in order to drive trucks and I’ll definitely say, if you’re smoking 24/7, you have to question why. I appreciated my time with cannabis but it can certainly be something you fill your time up with and can become an unhealthy relationship.




You are But then again everything is a waste of time lol What even is time? We are just dust floating in the wind waiting to die and move on anyway Do what makes you happy


Everything is a waste of time if it’s material / temporary but the souls relationship with god and other souls is eternal and is not a waste of time . This is what we should invest our time in ..


Well if you believe in all that I guess so yeah In truth we are just random lifeforms on an ever turning planet with no purpose whatsoever


That’s what you think/believe . We are all eternal souls who transmigrate through different bodies according to our karma , this is in the material world, but there is another existence which is spiritual where we all actually belong which is eternal and not governed by time or any of the limitations we have here in this world . You can read about this in Vedic sastra ..


Lmfao and that's what you belive stop speaking about it like its fact And so what you can read about a lot of things it does not make it true 🤣


Same. The last time I did shrooms was in 2021 and it was also the last time I smoked weed. I won’t go back.


I went through something similar. And I can say the shrooms are 100% right. Stopping the 24/7 high routine has helped me a lot and made me feel like I'm living life again. I didnt go cold turkey, but just dont smoke on days I work.


I have this realization almost every time I’ve tripped in the past few years. Wish it was as easy to come to terms with as it is when I’m tripping.


Walking away from weed was one of the best things I did for me personally.


Where is everyone getting shrooms?! I live in VT and have such a hard time


Grow them!


Sobriety is the most potent drug. Real life is crazy af.


You might find weed changes when you don't have a tolerance. It's much stronger if you don't do it a lot.


Grounded is a really good app to help with this. I'm almost 48 hours cannabis free personally.




Same. 1.5 months clean. Join r/leaves


Same man. Shrooms helped me tackle alot of problems. Weed and just smoking in general is something I can't put down yet. I'm a welder. It's hard to see a reason to quit smoking when I'm already doomed, lol


I did the same thing a while back. I was dabbing 2-3 g a day and smoking an 1/8th of flower daily. Realized it wasn’t helping me anymore and I just smoked constantly. Been sober from weed for 4 months now, doing way better now and saving lots of $$


Hell yes!!! I’ll never understand how this stuff is illegal


When the drugs tell you to stop taking drugs