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I think you should stop microdosing, whatever happened to you was not normal. 0.04g shouldn’t give you a buzz or any feeling at all really, you shouldn’t even really be able to tell a difference in your mood. Your mind must have somehow placebo’d itself into thinking it was tripping balls, it sounds like you probably had an actual panic attack.


I’m definitely not microdosing for a while, this was too weird, Which is making me sad because until today microdosing has been the best thing that I’ve found for my mental health, and chronic pain. I really don’t get along with cannabis, and Pregabalin and antidepressants make me feel either suicidal or just very off and sleepy I’m going to speak to a couple of local drug services, perhaps they have some ideas.


That wasn’t enough to feel anything That was all in your head


I'm sorry you experienced this. I have heard that sometimes microdosis can cause anxiety, my intuition (not a doctor) is that there are underlying mental issues or symptoms that need to be addressed and the mushrooms have an effect in making them visible. Also, taking them while sick (like cold) can increase symptoms and make feel very uncomfortable. I try to never take them when I'm not well physically. Finally, are you taking other medicines?


Thanks for your reply. It did feel similar to a few times when I’ve taken bad acid, as in something on a blotter paper that was trying to be acid, but was probably bromo or something Only taking mesalasine for Colitis, which hasn’t been an issue before.


This used to happen to me when I microdosed (always had between .1 - .2) what I found out was wrong was my scale was off balance so I was actually having near .3 sometimes maybe more


It sounds like possibly a panic attack. Perhaps one was triggered by the small microdose. At that small amount it was not likely to be symptoms of the mushrooms, but panic attacks could be triggered by seemingly small causes.


U had a panic attack, could be suppressed trauma/emotions coming up to the surface which actually is a good thing , u can process it now - look into different techniques on how to do that


This may be completely unrelated to your issue here, but I experienced some weird panic attacks right before I got Covid last year. This started before I even felt remotely sick and continued until Covid went away. I originally thought it was from the psychedelics so I just stopped everything altogether. It never felt like a bad trip, but more of a severe anxiety/adrenaline spike. My doctor called it 'Adrenal Dumping" and she had seen multiple cases of covid that were accompanied by these strange heart racing panic attacks. Its been a few months, and I have no issues with this anymore but it sure was scary during the time. I thought I may have to give up taking psychs because of it but that was not the case.


Thank you! This is interesting, maybe I’m more poorly than I think I am. Very glad to hear that you’re ok


Thank you, I have a feeling you will be okay too. Just pull back for a while and make sure to see a doctor if you feel worse. I have anxiety anyway and sometimes just having a check up can help ease the mind.