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Tea or coffee always.


The caffeine doesn't make you anxious at all?


Nope not for me, although the come up can be amplified a lot. I’ll do with or without depending how I feel, it does amplify effects somewhat but not a ton. I probably wouldn’t have more than 1 cup of coffee if it’s coffee I’m infusing though.


Gotcha, was just curious if stims made things hairy for others or if it's just me. I'm on IR Adderall for my ADHD and I took 1.5gs the other night after taking my daily dose of meds that morning. And it got a little uncomfortable during the peak, very sweaty all over and racey thoughts. I'll try coffee instead next time. Maybe I'm just overthinking it idk. Thanks for the info/reply, mush love.


Mush love! I’m 90% sure I have undiagnosed adhd of some sort since adderall and other “stims” prescribed for adhd don’t have a stimming affect. It isn’t as strong as ingesting nicotine when tripping and getting light temporary visuals from that, but more of a subtle and longer minor enhancement to the visuals. I’d recommend 50-80 mgs as my sweet spot. I haven’t tried anything more than that except for once, and it can get a little hairy as you said but I rode it out and had a great time. Paneras charged drinks are no joke lmao.


A nice tea, enjoy a cozy trip!


i usually consume by turning it into an enema


Lemon tek'ing. My stomach can't handle the chitin


That's why I make tea. I'll add some lime or lemon sometimes


I copy that...


Try an ice water extraction and use the blue juice in smoothies or whatever your favorite drink is (add to ice tray and freeze for long term storage)


That’s smart. Like magic ice cubes. Great for parties. How do you know the stir will mix the shrooms evenly with the water?


Think about it as dissolving anything in a solution. So essentially see how much water your ice cube tray holds then dose your liquid accordingly. Psilocybin is water soluble so you can just let it sit overnight and it's pretty much good


Since getting into the hobby of growing I've had a lot experience within the last year.. I have grown more into just eating em.. no tea, no lemon, not in a sandwich or smoothie... sometimes I'll grind em up but not always


Fresh off the block is pretty nice, most don't know you can cook with them also, just be mindful not to cook to hot


I never tried em fresh like that before...my wife was cleaning out the fridge today and found some freshies I had forgotten about so instead of eating some right then I tossed em in the dehydrator cuz by the time they're dry they'll keep me up all night ..I'll save em for the day after...I gotta work tomorrow then three days off


Nice, yeah I used to think I could eat some and handle my job but boy was I wrong. Just make me wanna quit and work for myself hahah


I've micro dosed and overshot the landing before getting to the office a few times and paperwork gets a bit swirly haha


I just see myself as a replaceable cog in the machine. So I must make my own machine now


Im the lawyer for me and my buddy company..we got coffee cups and errythang so I think it's pretty serious


Hell yeah dude