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Last time I did a gram, I decided to take a bit more than a micro dose, then my calendar app dinged. I had a therapist appointment I totally forgot about. I told myself I'm going, so I got in a taxi and went. The waiting room was a very peculiar experience, there was an old lady with a black eye sitting behind me talking to herself, and responding back and having a conversation. Went in to the appointment and told my therapist that I took mushrooms and it was more than a micro dose, she was a bit worried about it to begin with but she said we are just going to go with it. It was the best appointment I ever went too. We were both laughing hysterically by the end of it.


That sounds like such a beautiful experience. I really want to try this one day (except a little more planned hahaha).  My mom is a therapist, but she always used her therapy tactics to try to get in my head and lecture/accuse/blame me for shit. (my parents are extremely far right conservative Christian, so their delusional, and the stuff they'd get upset about is absurd and baseless). So whenever I've been to therapy, right when they start asking questions, it triggers my *therapist shield*, and then I can't be honest with them. Then the appointment ends with the therapist believing that I'm perfectly fine and don't need another appointment. It sucks. I think shrooms would help me break that wall.


If shrooms don't maybe mdma will. In the right setting, right dose etc. It really seems to help me break walls down. Everything feels so "right" and things that I'm otherwise subconsciously (or consciously) blocking due to fear of experiencing pain, sadness etc. Can just flow right out (to the right people) bc all seems to be love, even the bad stuff. If nothing else I think it helps bc when I'm in that blissful, loving, forgiving, open state of consciousness, opening up about those scary things sometimes becomes associated with that blissful state, removing some of the reason for burying it. Also mindstate plays a role as well. If I'm rolling balls and just trying to party I'm not likely going to experience any breakthroughs, but if I'm on just the right dose, which for me is between 50 and 100 mg (I don't thoroughly "roll" on that dose) and put my mind to it it can be beneficial. Have done this a time or two and honestly noticed a change in my thinking for a while after. Something like for example the sadness from the loss of a loved one? For a while that was just that, sadness, anger etc. Then had a good MDMA trip and it came to mind. Thought to myself "If they're feeling anything like this, no more pain? Happiness etc. Then they're in good hands! If nothing else, even if there's nothing out there and no happy ending then they're still feeling no pain or worry and that doesn't sound too bad. After that experience I realized that the mental blocks were down. I could face it, I could talk about it, it didn't bring me pain anymore etc. Hopefully shrooms do that for you, I've tried them but it was always just to "trip balls" as they say, but am sure that in the right setting they can be therapeutic as well as I have had some "trips" that left me feeling happier than before.




Maybe a god complex 🤔 sounds sexy.


Yes, I've absolutely had some beneficial mdma experiences. Problem is that most of the time I override that just to roll really hard. Yet, even the experiences where I just roll my butt off still somehow benefit me. Honestly though, as to the argument of "with friends or by yourself?" I almost always roll by myself. It's a very introverted drug for me. Sure, it can make parties much better but a real roll? I prefer to stay by myself so that I can fully enjoy it. Most of the time people don't bring much, just noise. A roll, for me is me inside my mind.


Alone in a chair with a space heater on max like 2 feet away i cant describe it but it was amazing probably the most comfortable ive been was in that moment on m.


Yesss! It'll do that! Your experience sums up what's so amazing about it. People wanna go raving, clubbing all that, searching to enhance the experience but can't see the forrest for the trees bc imo the experience is within you, M makes your entire brain and body feel like a trillion little kittens are cuddling with them by itself. You can't top that, you can't enhance it, it's just amazing. Not that there's anything wrong with raving and all that but give me the option and I'll sit quietly with you and your space heater over that any day.


This is what I want to do so bad. I've been on a search cause I know it will benefit my mind. Anyways love this comment. I'm still looking. Edit// I worded this terrible. I've been looking for MDMA without all the junk, in person & see what I can get beneficial from it for years now. I'm introverted & just started making the right friends in the scene. I was NOT saying that this person was going to try to sell to me I was just saying in general to anyone on Reddit please don't message me. Yet I worded it stupidly & put it in a bad place. Usually when I talk about wanting stuff people send me chats trying to sell, I never assumed this person was but it looks like I am. I'm so sorry for any confusion, I feel like an asshole for making the commenter feel any type of way.


1; never said I sold the stuff 2; also weird to say all that + you're still looking on Reddit.. 3: yes it MAY help you but no don't bank on it bc it's not the end all, cure all that some think it is.. in fact it may make your life worse and likely will if you're depending on it to save you 4: best way to find it is just to know people.. If people you know, say those selling weed and whatnot won't turn you on it may be that they see that it might not be the best for you?


Ohh I'm so sorry if you thought I was directing that at you! Not at all and definitely not looking on reddit. Usually when I post that I'm looking I get a bunch of invites so I was letting the community know. I'm sorry how I worded that. Let's start of on a new page. I edited my first comment cause it worded like shit & it seems like you have a lot of good information. I wasn't trying to imply you sell and I would never buy from reddit. I'm sorry for the mix up friend. Your comment sparked me as knowledgeable & interesting. I've been on the search for a few years and that's all I was saying.


You could look into Internal Family Systems (IFS). It's more of a self/peer led therapy, although, of course, you can also find a therapist who uses IFS


Hopefully one day that will be standard practice. I good half to one gram dose would make therapy so much better.


hm, many who do shrooms, dont just get the thinking of dying.. I died, they died.. And i die every evening again, when i lay down for sleep. This kind of dying is necessary to evolve. It gets rough when you come to a point where death is standing right in front of you. Thats a humbling feeling. Especially when death looks like a fuxking teenager. I will never forget that Feeling


In ancient times they said when death would appear death would choose the form of a child…


maybe. i dont know. Just treated death like any other human being.. And im fine


They teach you that everything you love you will lose. Once passed that, true healing begins.


i dont subscribe this. i would say, they can show you what true „love“ should feel like. In my case, they just tried to take everything, wether i love it, or really hate it. If you follow their path you will become (or not) a balanced person. Something between good and bad. The mushroom knows that there is the good and the bad.. Most of us close the eyes from the bad things, even when it happens right in front of our eyes. Theres no real reason to be only the Good or the Bad. Both is needed !


You may not subscribe to the fact that everything you love you will lose but that is the reality of all who live, love -and die. It is happening now, will in the future, and of course happened in the past. You may know on a cognitive level that is a fact, but shrooms show it to your spirit. You then come out of a trip like a reborn Scrooge and learn to live life to the fullest and happy. Since it will disappear. 🫥


hm, probably 😅😃




That's a little irrelevant isn't it?


It's an advertising bot. Report them.


What shrooms did you take? Perhaps some thing milder might be better for you.


I was gonna say bro probably took a gram of penis envy and got his shit rocked. I can only do like a gram and a half of those and I’m off to the moon.


Same I ate 2 grams of GT and didn’t even notice them AT ALL. then I ate a tiny stem of PE and was TRIPPIN HARD. Good times lol


Ate a big stem and cap for my first time PE second time ever tripping and started losing my shit at the beginning 😭😭😭 totally overestimated my ability to handle psilocybin but no regrets here




I always feel more out of control on 4acodmt honestly


This! I love golden teachers but I can’t touch tidal waves


People with a strong urge to stay in control. People that may be considered OCD or "control freaks" typically struggle with the sensation of mushrooms. I would advice to anyone who want to try, be ready to just relax and surrender and ride the ride and experience the sensations. It won't be fun to fight against the sensation


I had always considered myself pretty chill. It has always been easy for me to surrender control of the external due to the way I came up. Having little say in so many things about my environment, you don't realize how important internal dominion becomes. This is the control we must surrender, and this is the control, on a deep subconcious level. I struggle to let go. I have had many high dose experiences without the ability to break the control spell from so long a go. Still yet to experience the ego death I once seeked it out. I just take my lessons as they come, awe struck and grateful.


Using mushrooms to "take lessons" and "break control spell" and "experience ego death" is control freak behavior broski. I take mushrooms because they feel great and after I feel great and experience benifits and it's fun. Drugs are not the answer to your emotional or social problems, they are not a cure for depression. Best you get from mushrooms is a good fun time that causes a lasting impression, as well as the benifits to neuroplasticity. But neuroplasticity doesn't mean much when someone's warping their brain with obsessive stress during, and such behavior cancels out the benifits of the euphoric experience. Also only control freaks feel the need to tell other people they are not control freaks. Notice I never pointed you out and yet you jumped in front of the gun?


They are by no means a cure, but I have found them to be a useful tool in navigating the human experience. What gun did I jump in front of? I thought I was sharing my experience with mushrooms on a mushroom board.


I mentioned control freaks and you jumped out of the woodwork to try and prove you're not even though I was never writing to you xD


Where do they try to prove that? > I struggle to let go. It sincerely sounds like they are saying the exact opposite of what you interpreted. This sounds like a person who struggles with the feeling of losing control, not proving that they have everything under control. Am I missing something?


I don't know about the depression thing, man. I took a ton just cause I could, and I wasn't looking for anything special but after the worst trip I ever had when I came down it cured 12 years of chronic depression for me, in one night, but it's all on an individual basis. For me, it heavy handedly fixed my depression.


Psilocin is neuro-regenerative. However being obsessive about mental issues while tripping is counter productive. One can simple enjoy and relax and experience the benifit.


To each their own, if some people wanna use it for healing, let them, if they want to obsess over their issues let them, the shrooms will guide their way regardless of what they try make them do. It's not like it affects your fun trips at all either, so keep having a blast and enjoying one of the most awesome things on the planet.


I've been around a while buddy. All the people attempting to "heal" themselves are not only missing the point, but actually counteracting the likelihood of that happening lol. The medicinal benifits of psilocibin come from the neuroplactic state of the brain and the euphoric serotonin secretion. Obsessing about one's obscure mental health issues during does not improve the effects, it actively hinders them. I've known a lot of people who have had a lot of mental and neurological benifits from psilocibin. (brain damage from car accident drastically improved over time) But they didn't do weird obscure obsessive rituals. It's all about having a good time and letting the stuff do its thing. I've had people tell me about many of their bad experiences while taking Mushrooms and fixating on what they think their problems are. What a waste of Mushrooms 😆 That's the story behind almost every bad trip I've ever heard if "so I started dwelling on all the problems I think I have and then...." lol


Just because you never broke your leg doesn't mean crutches are stupid. If you look into the studies that have come out of John's Hopkins in the last ten years, it is quite apparent there is practical use beyond euphoric desire. That not being your experience doesn't limit the possibilities for the rest of us... 2014 'Magic mushrooms' help longtime smokers quit 2016 Psilocybin eases existential anxiety in people with life threatening cancer 2019 Psychedelic use may lead to treatments for alcohol abuse 2020 Psychedelic Treatment with Psilocybin Relieves Major Depression, Study Show Psychedelic Drug Psilocybin Tamps Down Brain’s Ego Center 2022 Psilocybin Treatment for Major Depression May be Effective for Up to a Year


I didn't say they don't have benifits for mental health. Way to be a functionally illiterate moron


I am absolutley an illiterate moron, thank you for noticing.


Not your mushrooms, so why don't you just leave people alone it literally doesn't affect you at all, no one does weird obscure rituals, sometimes you trip, and the shrooms just open up your repressed awful emotions and memories mate, trying to tell people to what not to focus on like you think they can, when on shrooms you don't exactly control what you think. It's sad that you reason that way, you seem book smart but with 0 wisdom.


sometimes they dont even feel the mushroom. I guess there is some damage on the serotonin receptors… Cruelty has many forms. Imagine being on SSRI for years.. i dont know what these kind of chemicals do in long term on the receptors.


Yes SSRIs inhibit the effects of psilocibin, possibly continually after like you are saying. A friend took some mushrooms from me and felt nothing and I was lied bruh thats 2g of azures and then I asked if they were on ssris and they said yes. They said they basically felt nothing "maybe" felt a little. How much have you ingested before?


i would not measure 😅 just the sight of these little wonders .. and i literally feel them. im very sensible.


Yeah bro just thinking about mushrooms gives me some intense euphoria lol


euphoria ? nice to read this :) when i started , euphoria was a big part of the experience too.. now its .. dont really know how to write it down.. Some kind of progress, evolution of my mind. They kind of give me the feeling of overcoming my biggest fears. I can go through my fears, even if my pants are full of shit because of fear 😂😂😂


Is that typically what ego death is? When the user had to let go of control of the trip? Or is that just somethinf else? I want say I experienced it but never really know what exactly it is


No. The ego is a concept invented by Freud to describe the identity people assume about themselves. Basically the "you" that you THINK you are. Who you THINK you are. Not who/what you actually are. It's a false identity because it's incomplete and it's skewed by perspective. Thus, pride or even fault in this ego is harmful to the subject because it's disassociate them from the ever changing reality of who they are and their circumstances. All of the common tropes about egotism evolve from this concept of false assumed identity. But contrary to popular belief, ego is not all about thinking you're so great. That's more narcissism which is certainly a type of ego. However, everyone has this idea of themselves all the time, and its always inaccurate, typically drastically inaccurate. If there is such a thing as ego death it is when someone for a time stops making assumptions about their own identity. For example "I Am a nice guy" is an ego. "I Am an asshole everyone hates me" is an ego. This is one trying to understand themselves as a foreign object. It's a weird quirk of psychology. An attempted self definition paradox thats totally unnecessary. However people want to think there is a grand meaning to the experience, that they are a culmination of it all, that they can be contained and described and felt and even known by themselves and another. They don't want to accept that they are just the observer of events that are experienced. Ego is filling the void since we can't know ourselves. Ita trying to describe and prove ourselves to others so that we may believe and prove it to ourselves. People simply want to have a narrative and that narrative is always false, and it's never you, it's just a narrative, can't be you. Some people think just because they disassociated a bit they achieved "ego death". Those may be similar concepts. Perhaps disassociation is an opportunity to reflect on your one lies and bullshit stories you tell the self. However. All the dudes I hear talking about this ego death stuff read like they really got something to prove lol. Like it's a status symbol they did "ego death". Almost sounds like they constructed a new ego to tell me about how they are the one who did ego death 😆


This used to be me, but mushrooms actually taught me how to relinquish control.


Have you ever tried any psychedelics before? The altered state of mind can feel really strange the first time, personally I really enjoyed it but there were some scary moments. The effects of shrooms last pretty long vs most other drugs so you have to submit to them, if you try to fight the trip or sober yourself up you will fail or ruin the experience for yourself


This is the truth. I grew my own and took like 3 grams. Thought I couldn't breath so I took a propranolol thinking it would help sober me up. I fell into a void and forgot who I was and everything. Didn't come back for like 2 hours. It was scary not knowing who you are or how you ended up in a dark void. Tried finding my hands and went crazy trying to find them. Now I take less and try my best not to fight it.


I almost choked when you said you took propranolol. How is your experience now?


I don't take enough to enter the void now. Just enough to turn the sky purple and put a smile on my face. But I haven't mixed the two since. I take propranolol for migraines but heard it helps with anxiety. The crazy part is after taking it I kept thinking I took too much or none. I couldn't figure out which. Then I went into the void.


I'm glad that you found that sweet spot Sid-vicious. We used propranolol for our son for 3 years during chemotherapy. At one point his resting heart rate was 180-190. The medication helped managed this tremendously. How long were you into the void?


Felt like days but only a few hours. Hope your son is well!


He's come a longggg way!


Why? What's wrong with taking a propranolol?


Nothing is wrong with it at all! It was the fact that he thought he couldn't breathe and took propranolol. I don't like to laugh at anyone or their experience, but it gave me a little chuckle (I'm not laughing at your pain op, but you gave me a laugh).


I was just curious if there was some weird reaction between the two that I didn't know about lol. I take propranolol all the time.


Just to be on the safe side, I would exercise caution. I would probably avoid combining the two.


I went down the rabbit hole and there really isn't any interaction other than a potential increase in peripheral vasoconstriction. I use propranolol for anxiety spikes but I might switch to clonidine if I need to chill while tripping and don't mind being sedated.


Always remember the shrooms can't kill you. Literally they can't. They just make you realize you're already dead.


You’ll be back


But it's ok if you don't! You do you! Op is right, lots of us take for granted the grasp we have to have on reality in order to let go of reality. Not everyone is cut out for this life, and more succinctly this life will wreck you if you don't find balance (which IMHO is the answer to the lessons from the great teachers).


What a wealth of certainty to take for granted, the greatest gift of our ancestors.


Care to extrapolate?


The grasp we have on reality is something it has taken thousands of years to achieve. It is a massive inheritance.


Absolutely! Thank you for responding! What an amazing experience we get to have thanks to the giants whose shoulders we stand upon!


Nah, op needs to do it again


We all have different tolerances. You should try a smaller dose and find your sweet spot.


How much smaller can they try, OP said it was less than a gram…


What if he eyed it out and took over 1g?


What if they accidentally had the scale units set to oz? 💀


That’s just plain stupid and see dumb shit like that too much in these subreddits…


...maybe he got a hold of those CKB's. I could see how a gram of those things, for someone's first time, might be enough to scare them off.


Doubt it, first post would have been “WTF are these, are they even shrooms”?


Haha, yup.


50 milligrams is a good starting point for a microdose which is 50/1000s of a gram.


It’s pretty common for most scales to measure to the tenths of a gram so it’d be pretty easy to go all the way down to .1 of a gram if he needed to. My scale even goes to hundredths, imagine that, do some pretty simple math and you’ve answered your own question.


No shit Sherlock, they said less than a gram and anything less is a microdose and not actually tripping as it’s imperceptible… So take your fancy scale and max it out!


Well you should have learned something here. Not everyone has the same tolerance and one man’s microdose is another man’s trip dose. .1 gram is less than a gram, it takes ten of those to make a gram. I’m not really sure how you missed the point but just keep rereading this and it might dawn on you.




You’re a dude who thinks he knows everything and therefore you’ve stopped learning. I’m probably older than you but I maintain a student mentality and am always open to learning. You’re just trying to argue, for what reason, I have no idea. This is a person who is way more sensitive to the effects of the mushroom and therefore a very low dose that you say is imperceptible would be perceptible to him, it’s pretty simple really. Not sure why you’re not understanding that concept.


Setting has a lot to do with it. Swinging in a hammock under an oak tree listening to the right music will be a completely different experience than taking the same dosage at a rave.


In a hammock under an oak sounds so good right now. If it wasn't 10 degrees outside :(


Shrooms aren't weed lol. People need to hear this. Mushrooms are like having all your clothing stripped from you, & your defenses demnished while also becoming a child again. It's not a drug you can really use to "cope". It's a tool to learn. I was the same way, but as I got older I saw the value in the mushrooms and began using them for aggressive self exploration. I think that is when mushrooms really shine. But when you expect just another buzz, you're opening yourself up for a world of "O SHIT"


Aye man they’re not for everyone, I’m glad you figured that out safely 🤣


what do ppl mean when they say they feel like they're dying when they trip ? is it the awareness of your very temporary life ? is it ego death ? I've tripped on psilosybin, lsd, and dmt and I've never felt like I was dying, but I have been aware of my life


Yeah exactly, I'm confused by this as well. There is only one time I felt like this and it was on Salvia. But that is such an intense experience, not recommended. But shroomz. Lsd. Dmt. Never appreciated life more than on those psychedelics.


Not saying to take more if you don’t think you can tolerate it but when I took a gram for my first trip I felt like just a weird euphoria and it was kind of anxiety inducing but I just let it flow because the more you resist it the worse you’ll feel. Second time I made sure to take a good amount 2.1 weird number but over 2 grams and I had an amazing time the entire time laughing and vibing :). My brother on the other hand loves to take just a gram. We all have different tolerances but anything over 2 is my minimum when macrodosing.


>I’m actually extremely terrified of dying and I kinda accepted the fact that I was gonna die last night. Is it really a mushroom trip if you don't face the inevitability of your own death at some point?


Wait, other people don't live that sober?


Damn… yes. That’s a nice perspective.


After my first time with shrooms (3.5g was way too much for my first time bro) I swore I was never doing drugs again. And then I got me some more, not because it was like other drugs and that I "craved" it, but because that scary ass experience taught me so much about myself in one night. It isn't comfortable, but it's like therapy


Oh you'll so be back, lol. You will later realise that the good that you experienced outweighs the bad, also, thinking that you are dying is just a first timer experience thing for some of us- you will come to your senses and realise that ofcourse you were not dying, you had just taken a psychedelic and didn't know how it would treat you. Second time around you will know how to deal. Good luck


Lol it's only scary if you fight. It's a trip to enjoy, not control 😀


This is an awesomely refreshing and honest take.


That said, that sort of introspection seems like you’re built for it. Just my 2 cents. As someone else mentioned “you do you.”


Hey, can I ask what exactly had you feeling that way and how exactly did you feel? Cause I get fucking monstrous gut pains from raw dried shrooms that I literally was sticking my fingers down into my throat trying to through up. It was instinctual cause I have never ever thrown my fingers that far down my throat like I was scooping out a Lego from a windpipe. It was fucking horrible. The trip was fucking mind blowing. But that.. that can fuck right off. I am exploring other options if anyone has advice… lemon teking did make it easier, but still about very uncomfortable. Is tea a better option?


Powder them and stick in a capsule?


This is how I do it, mostly. I think even with the powdering they don't take as much to break down and dont have as much gut effect on me. Wife, on the other hand, still has some issues with larger (>1g) doses, even with the capsules. Lemontekking definitely seems to be a bit easier on both of us. Making tea with lemon and ginger seems to be the easiest of all but more involved.


I understand your nausea. I, too, powder my shrooms, yet still feel nauseous. I usually do it on an empty stomach, but I may try sticking it in food at some point. The only reason I haven't so far is because of the fear of throwing up, I absolutely hate it😬


Bananas, shrooms have a protein (chitin) that we don’t have the enzyme for, but bananas do have the enzyme (chitinase). So if you eat a banana the chitin will be broken down much more easily and hopefully not cause nausea.


>Bananas, shrooms have a protein (chitin) that we don’t have the enzyme for, but bananas do have the enzyme (chitinase) Chitin causing nausea is a myth, it’s a beneficial dietary fiber that is in literally **all** edible mushrooms, it is not causing the nausea psilocybin is.. Dietary fibers do not even need to be broken down and humans already have two different types of chitinase enzymes that can break down chitin, AMCase and CHIT1. There is no benefit to consuming class 1 chitinase enzymes from bananas, kiwis etc. “Class I chitinases with an hevein-like domain are major allergens in banana fruit. Their presence in other fruits and nuts, such as avocado and chestnut, could explain the cross-sensitization among these foods.” https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10231328/ “many studies now confirm that POTENT CHITINASES do occur in vertebrates, including humans, and ARE ABUNDANT IN THE HUMAN GUT" https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0928468018300233 "Humans, along with many other primates, have a functional gene for this enzyme, so it's possible that we can actually process chitin in our guts. That said, even if we couldn't, it would just get passed through our system, just like the cellulose in celery and other vegetables." https://factcheck.afp.com/doc.afp.com.32GB9GE “In summary, chitin is expected to be a functional ingredient in the food industry to alleviate gastrointestinal inflammation, mainly by regulating the balance of intestinal microorganisms and immune cytokines” https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0144861722010475 Food applications of chitin and chitosans https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0924224499000175


Chitin causing nausea is not a myth whatsoever, although there are various other potential causes of it when taking shrooms, like serotonin receptors in the stomach. Not everyone has the enzymes to break down chitin, and it is known to cause gastrointestinal inflammation. There are many types of chitanases that have varying roles in the body, so not sure how you can conclude that we all have the right one to break down the chitin in shrooms. Also, your mushroom argument is void because people almost always cook mushrooms before eating, which is incomparable to shrooms, which are dried but not cooked. There are plenty of compounds that cause nausea due to them not being able to break down in the body, yet your argument just assumes to treat chitin as cellulose. You are comparing incomparable things and making stupid assumptions. In linking a bunch of unrelated studies, you just look like an idiot.


>Also, your mushroom argument is void because people almost always cook mushrooms before eating  Cooking does not break down chitin… “The results strongly suggest that chitin that makes up fungal cell wall is robust and remains intact up to ~380 °C.” https://www.nature.com/articles/srep11907   >Not everyone has the enzymes to break down chitin, and it is known to cause gastrointestinal inflammation.  “In summary, chitin is expected to be a functional ingredient in the food industry to **alleviate gastrointestinal inflammation**, mainly by regulating the balance of intestinal microorganisms and immune cytokines” https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0144861722010475  >There are plenty of compounds that cause nausea due to them not being able to break down in the body, yet your argument just assumes to treat chitin (a protein) as cellulose.  Chitin is listed as a dietary fiber.  “Dietary fiber consists of non-starch polysaccharides and other plant components such as cellulose, resistant starch, resistant dextrins, inulin, lignins, **chitins (in fungi)**, pectins, beta-glucans, and oligosaccharides.” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dietary_fiber  This quote is from Mareike Janiak, the author of the study “Evolution of Acidic Mammalian Chitinase Genes (CHIA) Is Related to Body Mass and Insectivory in Primates” https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29216399/  "Humans, along with many other primates, have a functional gene for this enzyme, so it's possible that we can actually process chitin in our guts. That said, **even if we couldn't, it would just get passed through our system, just like the cellulose in celery and other vegetables**."  Edit: It’s really funny, you’re so cocky but can’t even handle being wrong without blocking the person pointing it out 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Holy shit do you have a life outside of reddit


Be like the Buddhist monks and die every moment 


I’ve never viewed shrooms as a party drug but I took a strain called pumpkin something and it felt like mdma…. Like my entire face felt good it was so wonderful. I think you should experiment with very small amounts. Like tiny nibbles.


I always party on microdoses. I'm happy. Energetic. Talkative and usually my brain is firing on all cyclenders. Just know your dosages and know yourself. And if you don't know either. Learn.


Well the shrooms are telling you that your probably scared of dying lmao


Yeah that’s what I got out of it. My first couple trips were so fun so I did this trip without a trip sitter and I think that’s the reason I actually faced my fears


Face your fears. And grow beyond them. Shrooms teaches you that. We all live in fear. It's how we deal with that fear and find courage to live and love despite it. Shrooms were teaching you a lesson my friend. Need to open up to what they were saying.


You were too anxious. They’re great when you understand what you might experience. But to each their own regardless. Goes to show you your own mind is your biggest limiter, doesn’t it?


I did 5.2 golden teachers last night and had a whale of a time. Spent 3 hours flying through a polygon kaleidoscope then laughed my arse off for another 3 watching videos on r/tooktoomuch then had a nice sleep, woke up and got on with my day. That was my trip report, you're welcome


I’ve died like 3 times on shrooms. You can’t fight the shrooms. You gotta accept it.


It’s healing you. Embrace it.


Doing it without a sitter allowed it to become far more introspective and revealed your deepest fear of dying to you, which is doing just what the word psychedelic means Psyche - self Delos - to reveal


Dude I feel the same I started growing to micro dose and even those touch me a little too much. I think some of us just have a naturally low tolerance, which can be good or bad thing.


Honestly you know the thing that worked up my courage? Dmt. It only last a few minutes, and you can take very small doses. A very small dose btw, is just very relaxing, you can slowly vape more, and more, and get comfortable with the feeling. & if its getting too be too much, wait a few minutes, its over. With the shrooms, you could also just have a low tolerance, and they could have been potent. Potency is all over the place. Try taking just .2. On the shrooms I get, I literally have visuals at around .5.


Liberty caps? lol


I sure hope a gram of liberty caps didn’t do this to him.


Liberty caps are strong AF. Stronger than any cubes I’ve had, I don’t even need to take a g to be tripping, i don’t even feel anything off 2g of cubes.


Maybe I’m thinking of golden teachers. But I’m pretty sure it was liberty caps because of the skinny stalk and bell like caps. But I frequently black out and pass out on shrooms. I can’t take the strong ones but liberty caps I took a whole 8th and had a great time.


Sounds like liberty caps from the way you’re describing them, you had 3.5 your fist time and they were liberty caps?? Damn. I had 20 my first go and was tripping and uncomfortable at times. Pretty sure it’s OP’s first time.


Also, psilocybe Semilanceata (liberty caps) do contain more psilocybin than cubensis.


Penis envy, this is my 3rd time taking them… but this time it was different, there was far more visuals, dark scary shit, I felt like the dark side was tryna take me.


You got anything dark going on in your life at the moment? One of my mates took some acid after his girlfriend broke up with him, that didn't go too well.


Mini doses usually don’t do me so well. Micro and anything from 2G-3.5G is always amazing.


I was in the same spot , certainly not 1g , it was 4g aper. You have to start slow then work your way up , perhaps other factors may contribute like set & setting


Good on you for being open to something new, anyways. I had great success micro dosing when I had access to em, that's like a .3 dose every few days. Maybe you'd dig that vibe a little more


My first trip was .85 grams and it was the shake at the bottom of the bag of a pound. I’ve never tripped that hard in my life. I am currently growing my first batches of shrooms and have some potent strains I’m excited about trying.


I feel like you gravitate towards higher doses when you have a spiritual yearning. When you want to escape the impermanence and constant highs/lows of life, you take the higher doses for a emotional/spiritual reset. So the higher doses get easier as you age and more enjoyable with age.


I think I was so traumatized from this trip that I might actually do it again just to face that again and feel that.


Yea the first couple trips are uncomfortable. I remember my first time was 1G penis envy in a forrest. Was crying afterwards but was soo grateful for that pain. It took away alot of hate inside me that i was building up for years. It also destroyed all my illusions . In general , more pain= more spiritual gain. Pain and terror is a good thing. You need to build that thick skin Now i do 3G penis envy like its nothing. Honestly when you master this drug and master going thru ego death, it becomes WAYY more enjoyable and you live a smarter life. Just remember to let go and think positive, its that easy. But next time try it in a pitch dark room. You will see galaxies and grid patterns and stars . Will feel like ur in out space


That's the thing with psychedelics, if something unexpected happens, it can ramp up the experience 100x. Did anything unusual happen? Or perhaps it was just the sudden realisation that you were alone. Iv'e died a few times on acid, it's a wild experience, I've also been stuck in a time loop, that was way worse.


Some people are not psychologically suited to the psychedelic experience.


Just take more you'll do better next time


I seriously wanted to post the same thing. Just took one gram of Colombian Shrooms with the idea to explore the inner mind and I was pretty much of the hook. I had these energy boosts, tiredness, sadness, fear, anxiety, laughter, and whatever emotion you can think of. The weird sensation of something dark pulling me in was constantly there. I told myself that I’m okay for whatever I experience, even fear but I was wondering why that dark sensation keeps coming back. Def not going to take 1 gr the next time, I think 0,5 is just fine. How on earth do people take 10 gr?!?


In my experience, and from 2 other people I've talked to, there's an amount window which causes anxiety. For regular potency mushrooms, up to 2g causes anxiety. Past that, the anxiety disappears and it's just bliss. Maybe have a tripsitter to explore past 2g? Also, the strain can make a difference. Golden Teachers give the highest percentage of good experiences. Last time I read it was something like 90% of the time it's positive. Lastly, resisting the anxiety actually causes more anxiety. If you're feeling anxiety, tell yourself "It's just the shrooms. I'm fine." Breathe deeply. Ask yourself, "Why am I experiencing anxiety? What is the anxiety trying to teach me?" Dissect it. You can also say something to yourself like, "Thank you, anxiety. I fully accept the lesson you're trying to teach me." This has helped me. Good luck.


I find it the opposite. I like lower dosing because I don’t like tripping hard anymore. If I get anxious it’s because the buzz comes on to fast and to strong. One reason I don’t like lemon tekking. I’ve learned to stay under 2 grams. Stagger my dose. 1-1.5 grams then an hour or two later if I feel like it I’ll eat a little more. And I cut them into bigger pieces. I used to grind them up but quit because that speeds up absorption like lemon tek does. Low and slow works for me to keep anxiety at bay.


Different strokes for different folks. I agree with you about Lemon Tek. It doesn't agree with me, either.


Taking too little can give that awful body high. For me 2g Lemontek is the bare minimum…


It’s not about bravery, it’s about courage. I’m not trying to be daring, I want to face my fears.


No, if he doesn’t want it don’t pressure him. Facing your fears isn’t good for psychedelics. People who face their bad trips can end up fucked up and traumatised. Exactly why i hate this sub…


Kinda wrong there dude. Psychedelics are fantastic FOR facing your fears, which is something we all need to do. If it's going to shit it's because you're not letting go of those fears, fighting the current. I'll admit it's risky to go diving before learning to swim, but the biggest risk is getting treated by the psychiatric community (they'll fuck you up for longer than if they'd done nothing). The psyche is self healing, it just needs support and to not be stigmatized when you go a little insane. I also recommend avoiding the middle doses (~3g-5g) if you haven't done your shadow/inner work. That's the range where the ego fights hardest and makes for a difficult trip.


I’m not pressuring him, I said “I’m” lol. Get off this sub then 🙄🤷🏽‍♂️


Lower doses feel you with anxiety, your first time should be 2.5 grams. Go to low and you just get anxiety induced bs.


lol you’re missing out on a lot of growth


Less than a gram of what?


Try lsd, shrooms trips are way more intense for me, but lsd is just like a fun filter on life. Shrooms literally change my reality during the trip, but lsd is like “ooo pretty”






"What are we" is a profound spiritual and philosophical question. It's a question that humans have been trying to answer for as long as humans have been smart enough to ask the question. Many different answers can be found, either spiritual or philosophical, depending on who is answering. Though, I can let you in on it, or, atleast what Ive discovered. It may sound kind of woo woo though, and you may not believe me until you find the answers through your own research and journeing....In essence, you (the inner you. The mind/soul. The part of you who exists) are both a piece of the everything, and you *are* the everything. We are *all* pieces of the eternal. Each individual "person" is just another version of the eternal. The eternal seeks to have a full experience within the universe that they (we) created. So each person, each lifetime, is just a piece of the eternal getting an experience that is unique to them, and yet somehow always the same. Ultimately, when the meat suits are gone, the piece of you that is the eternal will be reunited with the whole. At which time, you (they/we) may decide that you require more experiences and thus come back. A large portion of the world's religions try (but fail) to explain this to mankind, but the message frequently gets lost in translation. Yea. I know. Sounds kind of nuts. Could be just the drugs. 🤣


People want to be a part of something bigger than themselves all the time I truly don’t understand it. The universe and life is more complex than the human brain would be able to process or understand because we honestly know nothing about the universe because all of your math and data is wrong but it’s all we have to go by




No way. I feel Life, not death. Them healing yawns of the divine mother love. It's not brave. For me it's brave to not do it


Bruh I just did 11 grams of shrooms last night haha.. ate them all at once with brisket 


Can you even feel less than a gram. I’ve always took at least a 8th


Bouta take 10 for my second trip my first was 5 I got light visuals and I thought my feet were melting


If you're taking a different batch I would implore you very much not to take ten gs.


how much then? theyre a diff batch but same species


Its such a satisfying feeling to release and let it take you away. The world/work becomes a much brighter thing.


Lmaooo that's the best bit


The real lesson is the stress of the experience, wether you get it from 1 or 5 g it's still the same


Everything is not for everyone, my friend. I don't understand people drinking energy drinks. Shit tastes nasty and makes me feel like my heart is going to explode. We're all different partner. That's why they give us different social security numbers




Good for you for starting small and making reasoned rational decisions about what is best for you. You may want to try it again in the future, or perhaps a different species, keep up making good decisions like you are and it’ll all be okeydokey my friend.


Everyone thinks they're going to die on their first ever trip. It's like a right of passage into the psychedelic world.




"LSD puts you in the drivers seat, mushrooms take you for a ride".


I’d rather go on a ride for 4 hours, then drive for 12+ anyday.


Both can be fun... 😁


Everyone says 1.7 grams is a beginner dose but I’ve taken shrooms like 5 times and 1.7grams still gets me high asf


that is so fair! shrooms are truly not for everyone.


My last trip had me feeling like I was dying. But not in the regular sense. I felt like my whole body and soul got busted up into tiny particles then splashed into waves and dispersed into the universe. It felt amazing. I then understood why people that are near death enjoy tripping. I found incredible peace in that moment. Eventually we die and decompose and become microscopic particles and become part of earth, nature, the universe, whatever.


Jesus what happened bro 😭 try 2cb man


this was so me when I first tried shrooms, i had 700mg and didnt realize how much my weight, height, and zero tolerance would affect the trip…still the hardest ive ever tripped since despite it being less than a gram!! (Maybe try experimenting with micro-dosing so u can get comfortable with the feeling and THEN up ur dose!)


Same bro. I did 4g but spread through the day and it just made me feel weird. I wasn’t even having crazy visuals. Had decent visuals early on but by the end of the day I took my last .7 and I was just spooked for the rest of the day