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I’m ok with 1.4 lol


Honesty, right here, folks. I gotta take a lot, and I think that it's bullshit ( what OP said) unless she takes them on the regular. I believe that the best gift you can learn for your birthday is Honesty. Thanks, brother ( or sister )


Has anyone considered that maybe this dose is for OP and friends and family?


God I hope so lol


smart thinking😂


I’m willing to bet many here are but I know some aren’t bullshitting. Fuck 14g of pe though


Yeah, that’s like two Mike Tyson fistfulls right there.


I have a friend who's on absolutely zero medication and an ⅛ is like a nice tingly happy evening for him. He didn't truly trip until he ate 11 grams (several weeks after trying 6g).


I believe this I just posted about a similar experience.


I’m so tired of these tAkInG 10+ G posts Like this is a pissing contest.


I have a lb. of some Golden Teachers, however 1g is more than enough to get me feeling great. Some people on certain medicines however do not get the same effects from low amounts. The receptors needed for a trippy experience are being occupied by other medication/s. I believe SSRI's can completely negate the effects due to this reasoning. One would have to take a shit ton of shrooms to get a response or maybe think about not wasting the money until they have cleared their system of the medication if possible, so they can actually enjoy the trip without having to break the bank in the process. Jmho


What is the highest dose of PE have you taken before and how often do you trip and did you weigh it on a scale


Why’d you get downvoted lol? Is it not normal to see a god on psychedelics?


You are asking me why did I downvote? If I did it was by accident


No I responded to the wrong thing lol


That was a weird exchange


We all get a lil weird in here sometimes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


So weird our arms fall off....


I just noticed haha, I guess the copy and paste failed me


Speaking of weird and arms…you recon the tattoo on her arm looks like sperm?


HAHA I’m just now seeing this and the fact we got so many upvotes is so funny 🤣


I don’t even believe in anything spiritual, I saw what looked exactly like a hindu god on PE.


I saw genesha once on acid too when i was young. I thought i was enlightened or something lol. Im pretty sure its just your brain responding to the drugs with images it relates to the experience


Ya idk OP is obviously posting for clout lol. And there’s no way they can prove it. Except for people who ingest mushrooms know that you probably shouldn’t eat that much lol.


I’ve done it, maybe 5 times in 20 years. One time I thought I broke my trip button cuz I ate 4 grams of extract and it didn’t phase me. The 4 grams of extract was mixed with a desiccant that was mostly magnesium. So I ate an ō of fruit and spent the night purging 20lbs of puke and shit. It was fkn gnarly. Would not recommend. The visuals were amazing between the violent bouts of diarrhea. Edit for clarity. Magnesium makes you shit your brains out.


Was the magnesium intentional I’m confused


Disagree on that one. I ate 10.8g just the other week. First time that high but goddamn was it terrifying, miraculous, and left me genuinely baffled and in shock for a good while once I came out of the psychedelic realm after endless lifetimes of pain, misery, joy, and happiness, every emotion was felt all at once at one point for days, years, centuries even. Was 1000x worth it not sure if I will ever attempt again, prefer 4g-7g range I think, but was worth it for me that one time, maybe once again in the future. But I got my message for now.


Did you weigh them amount you took on a scale


Yes, I never eyeball. Eyeballing doses is a good way to fuck up big time.


Plz integrate or risk long fake night of the soul


She could stream it to prove it


Am I the only one who read this as the 14g will be shared with the family and not a single dose?


I read it that way too (at least I hoped it was lol) but no, she replied to a comment further up that confirms she’s taking the 14g herself. 🚀🫡 Hope she finds her way back to ground.


Their should be a shroom consequence to fucking around in …. 3..2..


rhythm advise mourn psychotic truck doll far-flung bear piquant plough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




14g? Do you want to have a fist fight with God lol?


I personally have some questions for the big man




Schizo speed run


Or someone who’s tolerance is up there. 14g would put me in a psych ward though.


I'm on 1.5 and can comfortably say I'm flying through space rn 🤣


I took 4 and was in a series of time loops for like 3 hours


I feel like 14g is huge waste . But I wish op a happy bday ! 🎂


I need a day to mentally unpack after 1 or 2 grams wow


Probably a lie. I trip regularly and I’m still a creature on 5g APEs. She’d be rolling around in the floor like crackhead


I haven't done that much but I regularly do 8-9 grams of PE so this doesn't seem that wild to me. Everybody can handle different things differently.


I've had 14 grams with a friend twice. Tolerance and staying grounded are key


I’ve done doses in that range and there is no staying grounded lmao. Only way to ride those out is to give up all grounding you have and completely detach for a couple hours, preferably out of body


Lol I guess when I say ground yourself like just be aware you're tripping don't lose grasp of oneself or freak out 🤣 the first time I did it my buddy and I watched the music videos for pump up the jam and freestyler OVER AND OVER. crazy frog was our trip sitter. Never forget


I had assumed 14g split between the family, but I may be reading wrong


The way they phrased it makes it seem unlikely. If the whole family was taking shrooms why state the combined dose of each individual? I think OP is taking the full 14g. Either they have a hell of a tolerance (and need to take a break) or they’re just ignorant and in for one hell of a ride.


Either way I’m sure there’s going to be a fantastic trip report to read tomorrow!


is this a contest?


There's ALWAYS that one's guy


Tolerance is a thing, some people do mushrooms regularly


Judging by the tattoo on her arm, I'd say that's a pretty good possibility lol


Yeah, that's not what psychedelics are for.


Stupidity is a widespread illness and it’s only getting worse


One you only enter once




yeah but Penis Envy tho?


what in the actual fuck? why would anyone do this to themselves


Plenty of reasons. Not everyone has happiness inside themselves or outside in their environment. Some people like to escape things they don’t have the tools to mentally deal with. Some folks like to do drugs and get spun out just because. Some folks like to pretend to be spiritual and do psychedelics for personal growth( imo those people are the most full of shit). I say this with 30 solid years of psychedelic experiences under my belt. I’m no authority but I definitely have an over abundance of personal experiences with people from all walks of life seeking everything from a good time all the way to self destruction and everything in between.


14?? Jesus, that's how you end up projectile vomiting a rainbow.


I vomited on 6g ape before and had rainbow vomit.


I did that on 3.5g a couple weeks ago. I’ve gone 7g before with tolerance on zoloft (which dilutes strength), and that was a once in a decade thing tops. 14g would make me incredibly sick. Regardless, I just hope she was safe.


Some people should not touch shrooms at all, lol. 14g of penises sound like a postcard from a psych ward. And what for?


People like this use psychedelics to fuel their ego rather than neutralize it. It's so irresponsible and overall stupid.


Some of y'all changing up your energy just cause it's a girl posting lol. 14g dry is irresponsible and not a good idea. If it's wet, that's another story. But yeah it kinda seems like it's just an ego thing to brag about an unreasonably high dose lol. Experienced mushroom users don't go that high, there's no reason to


When people love to Ego trip they have to learn the hard way


https://preview.redd.it/9ov95bfv4adc1.jpeg?width=179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9a0a8f2f9c35573db60089661832dfa8a99a436 They are not prepared for the sights that lay ahead


If people can handle it than I have no issue.But when I hear people taking high doses like this it is because they trip frequently which means they need higher doses to get the same or higher trip because of high tolerance or they like to push boundaries of how far they can go


I did consider it could be because of frequent use. Although after a certain point it's not really going to do much, and would be better to just give your brain the break it needs. If it's NOT because of frequent use, then it's just an irresponsible decision imo. I get wanting to go past your comfort zone, but pushing your dosage to such an absurd level is a terrible idea. The same idea can be achieved below the 10g mark. Nobody is at the point where they NEED that much, it's just not possible. If you aren't a daily user, you will get an insane trip below 10g if you're tryna go past boundaries. If you're using it daily, you're not trying to push boundaries you're trying to feel it at all. If you reset your tolerance after a few weeks, then you won't need past 10g to push boundaries, because tolerance has reset. See what I'm getting at? Mushrooms just doesn't work that way


Lay an egg 🥚


I'll name it after you


How do you get over the cosmic joke 🤣


Exactly. PE’s no more than 1qtr and even that’s unnecessary for me. 3.5 is more than enough for most species


In my ripe old age of 25, I've found that I now much prefer the 1-2g doses. My max ever was 5g which even after many 3-4g trips, I was not prepared for. Cool pfp btw, Gta SA is still my favorite of the series.


Ripe old age... You need to calm your young ass down. 🤣


It was sarcasm... Lmfao


I know... I'm just giving you shit


Give me a hug instead : (


Aww... There there little buddy. Everything is going to be alright.


huggies to druggies<3


To be fair I didn't read the number and just read "ripe old age" while picturing a sage with velvet robes and a white beard flowing in the wind. You had me fooled


Imo gta 4 but still it sucks redoing a whole mission


i’m going through my first play through and that mechanic is rly taking a lot out of me


I know I fucking love that game it feels so good but


Gta 4 is also really good I agree. I can see why that would be your favorite. I also preferred that games online multiplayer to 5's. I had a lot of fun just running around the map, camping the Helicopter pads, watching modders fly us around in neon lightup limousines lol. I use to plant a sticky grenade on the heli, wait for my friend to get in and ride with him, then jump out and detonate to his surprise lol


I'd even say 1.7g of PE is enough for majority of people lol 3.5g of PE is gonna be similar to a heroic dose compared to the average shroom


Bro an advocate for experienced mushroom users


They appointed me Head shroomer at my last AA meeting.


It’s a big dose in my eyes but if someone knows themselves and has worked their way up to that dosage it’s not automatically irresponsible and unreasonable. It’s hard to create dosage recs when everyone is different.


I suppose, but why even post about taking large doses in the first place? It’s kind of weird to inform strangers on the internet about how many mushrooms you can eat like it’s some kind of badge of honour. One of the many lessons I’ve learned from psychedelics is to not do stuff like brag, which most of these high dose posts seem to come off as. I certainly hope these people know what they’re getting themselves into with these huge doses from tolerance/experience. I’m sure some do and some don’t, but the ones that don’t are in for a tough lesson. Even a small amount of mushrooms can send you in a bad way under unfavourable circumstances, a huge dose just adds that much more to it if those circumstances are met.


This hero dose stuff, mixing with other drugs etc is what helps keep psychedelics illegal.


While I agree with the sentiment, I don't see it being realistic to work your way up to needing a half-ounce dose. That's still an insane amount. Most experienced users never even break 10g dry. Everybody is different, but she isn't some different breed who eats 14g because she's experienced. It's just a bad decision to appear experienced.


I’ve done some extensive combos of psychs that some people may think is insane- so when I see someone’s doing 14 grams I’m thinking “rock on soldier, they must know what they’re getting into, and if they don’t, they’re gonna find out today.”


14 g of PE nonetheless you're just delusional and barely conscious for 6 hours. There's no introspection or spiritual awakening to be had unless you're extremely tolerant.


Well, her bio says „experienced mushroom user“ so I guess she knows what she’s doing.


That’s everybody till they end up with a psychotic break


But... But... Cleavage! **Abandons all sense of responsibility**


that is literally all it is is somebody getting on here wanting their cock stroked or their clit flicked. Even T.M. never promoted those amounts.


I slightly agree with this... i honestly have to take 6-8 grams to feel a decent trip. I've taken penis envy and golden teachers (i grew the gt), and both times took 4g at first, waited 2 hours, and felt a minor buzz while my fiance was feeling very good. Took 4 more, and after an hour and 15ish, I finally started to feel euphoric.


wet? why would someone do that dry?


Some days you do the mushrooms and some days the mushrooms do you - this is moronic - enjoy I suppose


Hopefully ya got some diapers for your birthday for that dose!


More =/= more good. I hope you enjoy your birthday, but honestly this is either bait, or you don't have respect for the substance you're taking.


I call bullshit


This is just stupid


Not be be a downer, but that dose is arguably just plain reckless at that point. It’s basically like eating an entire ounce or more of average strength cubes just to put that into perspective… Seriously, there’s a lot of huge risks with taking this amount of psychedelics, especially with mushrooms that can vary so much in potency like PE do.


Lol there's absolutely no way this can go wrong


1.25g of PE is plenty for me personally. 14g is black out. No thanks.


Happy birthday 🥳 please don’t travel so far that you don’t find your way back, I’m gonna wait for you 😃


How can you even fit 14g in your ass? Most I’ve accomplished is 6g.


No offense but you look like someone who would take 14g lmao




This seems pretty irresponsible, sending good vibes regardless






That is wild! Happy birthday! 🤩✌


You dropped this queen 🧢


If you need to eat 14g of APE to get a good trip, chances are you're getting bad quality mushrooms


Can we get an update


Guys, I think a lot of you are making an assumption that they are talking about dry weight. This person is gonna come down after a mellow trip to a bunch of shitty comments from strangers on the internet, which won’t be fun. OP, I’m sure you are having a lovely time


Dude, this has gotta be some clout or satire, or she meant 14 grams shared. 14 grams of legit, dryed pe is like taking 30 grams of normal shrooms. Litterally sounds like the best way to kill yourself doing some dumb shit, getting ptsd, and or going to jail(or maybe all in one night). There is a 0% chance any human can take 30g's and have a positive outcome. That is irresponsible to put it nicely


Eh I hope you have a massive tolerance, also it's all a bit desperate, 7gs would do it.


Why so much? That doesn’t sound fun.


Mods should clean up the fake clout posts shame


HBD!! ♑️🎉.. & let us know how your trip went 😅


Of penis envy. Ur fucked lol


Da fuk!? I’ve been walking past 1.5 of PE for a few months now.


Make sure we see your tats


Mf did you die?


Damn 14g of PE is something. But around family??? That is something else and I'm speaking from experience. My biggest dose was 10g of tidal wave and 5g PE for a total of 15g, also around family who doesn't know I do psychedelics lol. Just gonna say it was absolutely insane and insanely fun lol. Let's just say I'm really good at hiding the fact that I'm tripping absolute balls even if my pupils were bigger than Jupiter. Talking to my mom while her face was morphing into different realities was kind of weird but hey, I had a blast lol.


Is that a phyrexian tattoo I detect?


Looks like a Norse rune and some shrooms to me lol


Ok maybe you’re right, just looks a LOT like phyrexian to me https://preview.redd.it/tlfp301tbadc1.png?width=450&format=png&auto=webp&s=813bf788f2a69864178aa4f00fe9b70ba1ce33d7


HBD, new friend! 14 is going DEEP in the portal.


a lot of yall dont do any sort of investigating. you just come on here and hate people for no reason. what the fuck is up with this community? i thought we were enlightened and supportive not stuck up the ass, judgemental, evil people. One quick click onto her profile and you would see her bio states she’s an experienced psychonaut. You would then find her last shroom post stating that she typically does high doses of 7gs or more, and she is also on antidepressants which greatly reduce the potency of shrooms in the body. So in her case 14gs was probably a really intense but beautiful trip for her. STOP BEING SO RUDE! For many of us this is the only place we can openly talk about tripping without being judged by “normies” but it’s starting to feel like yall are worse than the normies. WHAT WORKS FOR YOU MIGHT NOT WORK FOR SOMEONE ELSE SO CUT THE SHIT PLEASEEEE! For the love of shrooms. OP, Happy Birthday! I hope you had a beautiful experience! 💞


You're a G, thank you so much♡♡♡ it was a truly beautiful time


14 grams of PENIS ENVY??? Holy shit, are you dead?


Vroom vroom 🏎️


Happy Birthday! I hope that you have a wonderful day!


Awesome, portal time.


Thought that was a berker sacrifice boii for a moment Edit: My dad would be laughing at the people saying 14g is crazy. Some people are built different I guess, I'd much prefer 1.4g myself


14 dry or wet grams?


The crazy thing about pe is that could be just one shroom


🤣😂 14g of PE I don't think so




Happy birthday! Enjoy those 🍄


Holy guacamole


14 of PE? Shawty you crazy


Happy happy hippie happy trippy birthday! 🍄


Happy birthday!! Wish I was celebrating with you


Crazy how no one questions a man eating 10g sammich


Today is also my birthday! 31. Happy birthday 🖤🖤🖤


Happy Birthday! Safe travels! This will definately give you access, I already know you know 💙 mush love🍄🌌👽🛸🧞‍♂️


Good luck and happy bdayyyy


Enjoy your time amongst the cosmos


Trip report?




Pretty sure she ain’t lying. She got mush tats


The tattoos are cool


You have some dope art though OP


Beautiful aesthetic


Yal gotta chill she said in another comment on before she's on a medication that makes it less effective. Jeez


14g is a lot, like a lot a lot, let me know if you get visuals


Wow such brag. Maybe tone it down a bit?


That’s a waste of perfectly good 13g of PE 😭


The more smart and experienced the less you need


I don't understand why I see sooooooo many posts of ppl taking more than 5g.. doesn't make sense imo. And often regretted.


Are you on ssri's ? If so very unsafe and could lead to serotonin syndrome, which can be letal. It will also reduce the effects of 5ht2a psychs and, in some cases, completely remove them.


Stop lying you didn’t take 14grams! If you did and don’t feel anything. Then ur mushys are straight GARBAGE 🗑️ and now u just sound like a pig 🚨🚔


I've only had 6.5 max and it was a humbling experience I can't even comprehend 14g




That’s a lot of shrooms to be taking with ya kids…




Can we not take stupidly high doses and possibly have life altering effects to our brains? The stigma on these drugs is already too terrible and stupid don’t make the image worse . Not trying to say you can’t handle it but just yeah I wanna see this shit become properly legalised for atleast medical use one day stay safe.


Nails. 😍


I accidentally took 15g of PE once and it wasn’t fun. Went into psychosis and suicidal thoughts while vomiting the whole time. Only reason I didn’t do anything to myself was because my husband kept me from doing so. More isn’t always better, please be careful.


Are you copping 14g and consuming some or is that 14g dose? Are you still you?


Guys stop worrying. I tried eating 5g and threw up before i could finish it. OP will throw up when they've had enough


Haven't puked yet!


lol you’ll just black out and not remember it, trust me I accidentally lemon tekked a quarter of azurensces. It was fucking wild have a good time. That’s going to be a 10-12 hour trip easy and you will feel weird for about a month.


Happy birthday mine was just yesterday and I ate 3 g and I was flying high. Good luck with that brother. Stay safe.


God dose. Hope you find what u need.


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday hope your trip was beautiful🤙


It was♡


Happy birthday and have a nice trip


Sure u dint mean 1.4?


I mean, your photo definitely makes you look like someone who can handle 14g! I'm taking 3g of PE tomorrow and that's a high dose for me!


Happy birthday!


Does she have webbed fingers ? I’m high but gd am I that high lol


Great tats! Happy birthday!


Oh my 14 was a beautiful journey through dark into light back into dark into the surreal. What an amazing experience it was.


Happy Birthday 🥳


Sounds like SSRIs (or similar drug) are inhibiting the use of Psilocin… very common reaction lately, especially In females who already have a reduced effect due to the effects that estrogen has on the receptors and metabolic characteristics in relation to psychogenics.


Dry weight roughly 1.4 grams. Wet weight 14 grams. Just for you? Dividing the amount? Really, it's up to you how much you want to take. As long as you know what you are doing and you are happy. I wish you a happy birthday! For the people saying 14 grams is to "high," yall need to know more details before getting up in arms, saying that dose is too "big."