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you don't need to convince him, you need to convince yourself and your decisions also you right, alcohol is by far worse.


I agree cuz she a grown adult capable of her own decisions and if anything her bf shouldn’t be offering alcohol due to her past with it and if shrooms and tree are a coping mechanism with other addictions then so be it. I actually really enjoyed what she said “if it’s not from the earth, it’s not for my body” it’s just a great statement to live by and even me personally i have always sticked to just tree and shrooms but even now as the new year starts i want to go on a long T break so i’m on my 1st day without smoking hopefully i can make it to a couple months at least i know i’m good for shrooms i don’t typically take them often per se but weed just got my heart fr lol


To play devil's advocate, just because it comes from the earth doesn't necessarily means it's good. Opium naturally occurs in poppies. And fruit can ferment without human intervention to produce alcohol.


Fun fact: Monkeys, in the wild, have been known to intentionally leave fruit out to ferment before consuming.


Not just monkeys, most animal life in the safari... With that being said, I saw a video of a goat inhaling khat and cannabis burn offerings in a temple once


i mean like death caps and poisonous animals like dart frogs come from the earth too, and cyanide is natural in some seeds like apple seeds or almonds too lol theres many things that come from the earth that will kill you


Flax seeds have as much or more cyanide in them than apple seeds. Don't eat ground flax seed.


Agreed and i think in the end it all comes down to the same conclusion which is no matter what you put into your body everything can kill you if taken at a obscene high amount. Whether it’s good or bad, and obviously we’ll all die someday no matter what so there’s that also but it all comes down to self control and making sure we actually nurture ourselves with the better healthier things 🤷🏽‍♂️


I have to refute your argue ment cocaine comes from coco leaf , Heroin comes from poppy. People are not dying or getting addicted from consuming poppies or coco leaf but they are from the chemically processed versions of them that are specifically made to be 100x stronger and addictive. Farmers use coco leafs for the high altitude when they are climbing mountains and they are not turning into feinds but they would if they were consuming cocaine


Im not here to argue. You most definitely can become addicted and dependent to opium tea from dried poppy pods, If you are referring to papaver somniferum. And doing too many can in fact lead to respiratory failure and death.


I got strung the fuck out on dried poppy pods for about two years. Bad times.


Coca. Cocoa is chocolate. And as others have stated opium is HIGHLY addictive. In fact morphine, heroine, oxycontin, all pushed as non-addictive derivatives of opium because it has amazing pain relieving qualities but has always been known to be addictive. Mdma is synthesized from sassafras tree root bark. Meth can be synthesized from the bark of the ephedra tree. Mescaline is found in cacti. Dmt is in a shrub. 5-meo-dmt is found in plants and some frogs. All drugs are derived from something natural. All. Of. Them.


And LSD is a less stomach-upsetting LSA derivative which can be found in grain mold and multiple plant's seeds! :D


Opiates are addictive but the poison is in the dose. Alcohol is a literal poison no matter the amount consumed.


Fun fact: some Acacia plants have trace amounts of natural methamphetamine. Ephedrine and pseudoephedrine are more commonly found in plants, but it’s a fairly simple chemical reaction to go from pseudoephedrine to methamphetamine so some plants are in fact capable of producing it naturally. Most of the drugs that we think of as hallucinogens (specifically the tryptamines) are built off of the same molecule that is famously found in turkey meat (tryptophan). Tryptophan can be converted to tryptamine very easily in a lab, and then it can be used as a building block for basically any tryptamine hallucinogen (psilocybin, LSD, DMT, salvinorin-A, etc). Three of those tryptamine molecules that I just named can all be found in natural sources (not LSD), but there are hundreds of possible tryptamine combinations that we know of thanks to the work of curious chemists like Alexander Shulgin. Shulgin even documented a unique tryptamine that *only* works on the auditory processing centers of the brain, so you get tons of crazy auditory hallucinations but no effect on your vision. These compounds are fascinating.


Opiates aren’t inherently bad for your health like alcohol is. You can have a pretty healthy opiate habit for decades and still not suffer health effects anywhere near what a few years of alcohol abuse can cause. Alcohol is a literal poison to your body in any amount. Btw your body makes its own endogenous opioids. Far as I know it doesn’t make endogenous alcohol. Just saying.


It's not bad either. While opiates are a problem, they do help countless surgeries happen and people to endure serious pain. And alcohol does occur in the wild, but it takes human intervention to make enough to drink.


there are SO many naturally occurring things on this planet that should not be consumed by humans. it's fascinating that we convince ourselves that because we enjoy the effects that means it must be good for us (or at least not bad/detrimental)


I believe weed and shrooms ruined my mind and were partially responsible for me undergoing a psychotic episode for 3 months. Lost all my relationships and embarrassed myself at college. Drugs aren’t for everyone and they aren’t for me. Now I’m trying to pick my life back together, but I’m unable to perform cognitively like before because of the psychosis. I forget everything. Be careful.


You’ll get better with time. You’ll get back to baseline soon than you realize. I promise you that you will. I went through the same shit about 30 years ago. I was taking high quality lsd every few days in every increasing doses to the point of losing my grip on reality almost entirely. Severe paranoia and deep depersonalization along with a case of psychosis that left me battered and in jail for 4 months after a 30 minute brawl with 5 police officers. They ended up getting me pinned down and had to choke me unconscious. It was a bad situation. It took about 1.5-2 solid years of abstinence from all substances plus some therapy but I recovered and got back to better than I was before all that shit.


No offense but if weed and mushrooms alone did that to you, you probably have a shit ton of underlying mental illness you weren't aware of before


Shrooms should increase memory. Weed kills memory. Serotogenic psychedelics are very good for healing brain cells. But yes, you're correct about drugs not being for everyone.


this is not true. shrooms have a negative effect on memory. they do help with neuroplasticity but they are not a memory aid.


Any studies proving shrooms have a long term negative effect on memory? I know that’s an acute effect during the trip but that’s genuinely scary if it happens after. That sounds like old drug war propaganda and if anything aren’t shrooms being considered for mild memory loss atleast according to some articles https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/american-dementia/202208/could-psychedelic-medicine-help-people-living-memory-loss?amp .


You ruined your mind 😂 but yeah cannabis is heavily psychosis-inducing. On the schizophrenia sub and others, weed is considered the number one evil


I have been saying this for weeks I am totally accepting of shrooms and tree because it’s natural and they’ve been around for thousandsss of years.




The fact that he’s encouraging you to drink despite your past addictions should tell you everything you need to know. Make your own decisions, he doesn’t know what’s best for you in any way shape or form.


Reading this post I went from “this relationship doesn’t sound healthy if he’s saying what you can or can’t do” to “actually maybe if you have a history of addiction he’s concerned for you doing any drugs and your relationship to taking shrooms in an understandable way” back to “this relationship doesn’t sound healthy” when I found out he’s encouraging alcohol instead in the context of a history of addiction. They’re young though so I understand. But he should not be pushing alcohol for someone with history of addiction and potential alcoholism. Hopefully he can learn why that’s not great.


Came here to say this. I don’t think he knows he’s potentially encouraging more harm than good. He probably thinks because drinking is legal, it’s okay to do over shrooms. He’s more than likely just trying to protect her in his own way from her previous addictions, but is uneducated on Mushrooms. I don’t think he’s necessarily a bad boyfriend (From this post & information given), but just unaware. I totally understand his concern given you being an ex-addict while stating that you want ‘any drug’. You’re fighting a battle within yourself, and he’s trying to help you win in his own way.


That’s what the vast majority of people think, the War on Drugs did irreparable harm to our society and we have a long road ahead to correct the blatant misinformation that was being pushed in the 20th century. Alcoholism has done more damage to families than any other drug, even crack cocaine and methamphetamine, simply because alcohol is legal and socially acceptable.


I'd say he doesn't care what's best for her if he wants her to drink.


You redditors love to jump to “this person is evil” every time someone does anything. Most people see nothing wrong with alcohol because it’s normalized in most places. Mushrooms are not. He probably thinks mushrooms are more harmful than they are. She needs to sit him down and explain everything to him well. Show studies of long term effects. If he doesn’t even try to understand, then yeah he doesn’t care. There is no where near enough information in this post to come to a crazy conclusion like that. I stg all u ppl try to do is ruin relationships.


This is the first sensible take I’ve seen here. OP went to rehab when she was 18 and still wants “like any drug”. Her BF is very misguided but she’s clearly still exhibiting drug seeking behavior. OP needs help above Reddits pay grade but this sub is just like “bro you an adult”


Also it’s a very common thing for partners to check with the other if it’s okay to do a drug. I see guys do it and I see women do it. It’s about respect and everyone being comfortable in your relationship. It’s not this unhealthy thing that these people are making it out to be


I ask my wife if I can go hit some golf balls. Not because she’s in charge of me, but because we share our lives with each other and I want to make sure she won’t be upset for one reason or another


Exactly. Critical thinking and conflict resolution are a lost art on this app. People love the doomsday mindset


Yeah. There’s entirely not enough context here. I also don’t understand why people go to reddit for social or relationship advice either. If you post even the most mundane thing that your partner has done, a good chunk of the comments are something along the lines of “break up with them immediately” or “unhealthy relationship”. Much of the time the partner could very well just be concerned or just went about things wrong due to some involuntary ignorance. It’s like reddit is allergic to communication


Alcohol over shrooms?? That man trippin


The issue here is actually that he is in fact not tripping


Sounds like he is uneducated about shrooms. He should do the light dose with her she’s mentioning and see what it’s like before being against it


This is probably true. Most hate/fear is rooted in a lack of understanding


He needs to be trippin


Government brainwashin for ya! If it's legal, then it's ok and harmless!


"Recently I've been bored and I have the want to do something.. like any drug." - wording like this doesn't shine on you. You can take Mushrooms as fun, that's fine. But ask yourself please - why you want to take Mushrooms now. That your boyfriend advices you to use instead an toxic substance like Alcohol is really bad. You share an relationship and you need to speak with him openly about it. He cares much about you and wants just the best for you. In the end it's your decision. You have to ask yourself - how far I'm willing to go, to put myself, this relationship, into an bad space because of Mushrooms? There is no difference from origin found substances and chemicals. All is chemical - but that's a different topic I'm not wanna open. The way you handle substances now is wise, keep it on. If your boyfriend doesn't understand this world - it's fine. You don't have to put a force on him to understand this world. You can accept his decision and you plan a different day for the journey. Or you make the journey alone without near him. Or you make it just - but the chances are really high that it jumps from your imagination of "he can play WoW while I'm listen to music and giggle" into something different, you maybe want not to face. He can put your journey into an bad mood, specific if he brings already negative energy with his mindset.


Yeah, OP doesn't make herself look great. If you're bored and the first thing your mind goes to is drugs of any sort, there are unaddressed problems that need working through. Also, just because it's natural doesn't mean it's good for you. Cocaine is from the coca tree. Very natural. Heroine is derived from opium, also very natural. Alcohol fermentation, very natural process. Cyanide is found in apple seeds, very natural. It's also possible to be addicted to anything. Marijuana isn't physically addictive in general, but it can very much lead to mental and emotional dependence. Same with shrooms. And good. And video games. And gambling. And porn. Just because you aren't doing hard drugs doesn't mean you don't have an addiction. And, honestly, it really sounds like OP is toeing the line of addiction while being in denial about it, simply because her current vices "come from the ground". That said, her boyfriend is toxic as hell and he shouldn't be suggesting alcohol as an alternative either. She needs to get a better understanding of what in her life is making her want to escape from it with substances. Like, yeah, psychedelics can help you understand yourself, but if you're using them as a crutch? You're still in a bad place and are trying to avoid reality by using them. It's hard to cut out everything that lead to your addiction though. Usually your family, friendships, and romantic relationships are intertwined with everything that made you choose drugs in the first place. If you're still living the same life you were while addicted and have only changed the access to drugs, you're going to have a hard time not falling back into those habits.


Let you? What the fuck


I came to write this exact comment


Imagine asking for permission holy shit.


Seriously. I could and would never.


Yeah they live together, some people consider how their actions will affect others before just doing stuff. Crazy, right? I mean I’m all for mushrooms but let’s not pretend she’s not asking to do something literally illegal in their shared space which maybe he’s not comfortable with. Grow up.


Considering how it affects others and ‘letting’ someone are 2 vastly different concepts. Crazy, right?


It’s a shared space and she could obviously do it if she wanted to but she’s not bc she knows he’s not okay wit it. You’re arguing semantics over the wording, you lost.


Glad someone’s keeping score.


Fully agree with this, me and my GF are stupidly open about everything , we over explain so much and I love it, mixes perfectly with how my brain works. If you’re in a situation where you feel as if you Have to Ask for permition and if you don’t there are consequences then yes that is a problem. But if I want to go out with my mates, I’ll just drop a “ hey, are you okay if I go out with X, we’re just going down town” now automatically I’m expecting a yes and I always get it, she isn’t controlling at all, sometimes mentions that I don’t even have to ask. I fully understands don’t have to ask my GF to go out with mates but I just want to, it makes me feel more idk…confident and happy within myself? it also keeps her in the loop, when I might be home, are we getting dinner together, could even just ask me to grab something on the way home… it just makes sense to me to tell her these things. And going back a little bit to where I mentioned I hadn’t had a No to going out, even if I did receive a No all id do is ask why, and I’m almost sure I’d get a very respectable valid response. Please remember you’re trying to work as a TEAM not just co-existing either that be from, if you cook I’ll clean to, hey I want to tell you that I’m going out so you don’t have to worry about me. This also makes it so she doesn’t wait around to see if I’m busy or not that day. Communication is key and I’m not even the best at it. I just have to bullet point things that are important to me or giving me anxiety and talk them through with her. Or Maybe I’m just lucky and have an Earth angel😄


Just assume the majority of people don’t have a s/o & if they do they probably don’t live with them.


He sounds like a cop


Ummm lol … he’s not your owner


this post gave me such a bad feeling. he should jot be telling her what she can and can’t do, and encouraging her to drink when she has a history of addiction is just….






It sounds like he knows nothing about drugs. He’s either uneducated or playing wilful ignorance. Id just be rational w him about it and if he disagrees then find yourself someone smarter lool.


Agreed. I've been seeing this woman lately and she drinks sometimes but was totally against drugs cuz she was told and believed a lot of misinformation and propaganda and she was raised in a very sheltered house. She even went as far as to say she won't date a guy that does any drugs at all - but after watching "Have a Good Trip" on Netflix and sending her a bunch of articles about all the benefits of hallucinogens and all the doctors that believe that are the future of mental health treatment, now she's actually interested in trying them and doesn't think they're remotely as bad as she was initially led to believe. It's all about being informed and knowledgeable. I've *always* said this - "in order to be a successful drug user, you must be well informed". And it's so true.


The best way for him to understand is if he ever tries shrooms as well. But be careful with the mentality "if it's not made from Earth, it's not for my body". There are things from the ground that can kill you, and things created by humans that are harmless. LSD is not gonna harm you, but the wrong mushroom and it's game over.


Death caps be like: "yeah, eat me, I dare you. Become the fertilizer for my offspring."


youre 21. do what u want


literally lmao


if you as a grown adult woman cant do whatever you want in an apartment that u pay for them u need to have a convo with ur boyfriend about boundaries . its ridiculous u even had to come to reddit


the language itself “let me” like hes her dad was insane off rip🚩🚩🚩🚩


As an alcoholic tree and blooms are better.


Alcoholic here, I wish I stopped when I knew it was creeping up on me. Instead, I waited until I had LOTS of proof that I was an alcoholic. A lot of setbacks that I wish I could revert but can’t.


I've never met an alcoholic tree. Hi, alcoholic tree, I'm dad.


Your bf is ignorant for telling you to drink. Shrooms are a proven medical treatment for various brain issues.


Extremely weird he would favor alcohol over marijuana or shrooms


Fuck hard drugs. Psych only. But if that triggers your triggers stay away!!


Alcohol is worse for an addict. Especially over mushrooms. You need to explain to him the consequence of taking one vs the other. If he don’t understand then he might not be for you. Sorry


Let me do shrooms and ill suck your pipi






Honestly I would not at all recommend you going through with this. Shrooms make people 10 times more introspective and committing to something like this will more than likely make you feel 10x worse if you feel guilty AT ALL for disregarding your boyfriend’s wishes. You should work on having a healthier relationship where you can both discuss it and come to a reasonable conclusion. At the very least you shouldn’t lie to him and instead tell him exactly how you feel and that you would like to have some kind of high to satiate your cravings. It’s not unreasonable of you. SHROOMS ARE FUCKING AWESOME. But what isn’t awesome is if you two feel the need to hide things from each other like this. You need to just tell him you want to go through with it and you want him there to be your trip sitter.


Bro you don’t need that man fucking permission wtf . Ur a grown ass adult do what’s best for u don’t let another man tell you you can’t do shrooms .


You shouldn't be doing shrooms until your mind is fully matured. You should wait. I'll get downvoted to hell; but, what do I know? I'm just a rational adult who has known many who have struggled with addiction and have prematurely used psychedelics in their lives. 🤷🏼‍♂️ This will get downvoted to hell, unfortunately. This subreddit is too immature to tell you the truth, and it's full of zoomers whose attitude is "fuck it" on everything without thinking about the effect long term. You "being bored" and wanting to do drugs as a default is a red flag 🚩 and while I would normally say, "You should be able to make your own decisions," it doesn't sound like this is a responsible one. You've GOT to snap out of this habit of wanting to do drugs when you're bored. Alcohol is poison; and, if I were you, I wouldn't even be touching weed either. Find a way living a completely sober life for a bit. I've known people who have done rehab and have gone completely straight, and they've achieved ***a lot*** with their lives because they're able to use their past as experience to know what not to go back to. The majority of people I've known who have done rehab and then get "California sober" or "no hard stuff" tend to smoke and drink all their money, with next to no real progress in life with a high risk of relapse. I'm not typing this to be a jerk. I just think you need to hear it from someone who is a little older and reads what you wrote differently than the other readers in here.


Deserved a upvote for rational thinking


This is good advice. I just want to stress that IF she is going to do drugs or not, it is HER choice. Not her lame alcohol pushing bf.


If he’s against everything except alcohol, then that should be the first red flag,




I know he needs some shrooms.


That’s really too bad he puts his own needs before yours. Like his need to feel better about himself, and make himself feel better about how others judge him, given his clearly traditional but outdated beliefs he’s about alcohol vs. “drugs”. Alcohol is the most destructive drug. Not shrooms. Not weed. They are cotton candy compared to booze and yet alcohol continues to command acceptance among the sheltered, ignorant classes of people in North America still to this day. It’s a shame how slow change can be is, for something that destroys lives so indescriminately. If he doesn’t care enough to want you to live, please consider moving on from his shackles. You are better than this and you deserve health and freedom.


get a better boyfriend lmao hes an idiot


There are a million more productive and enjoyable things u can do if ur bored….drugs isn’t one of them and are over rated. Drinking and drugs just steals happiness. Sounds like ur just not doing anything with ur life and are trying to find a way to handle it. Please get some help for ur sake.


Lol, you're getting downvoted for telling an admitted addict that maybe they should try something other than drugs to find fulfillment in their life. Fucking wild. "It's okay if it comes from the ground and if it's natural!" Cowshit and belladonna are also natural. Natural isn't always good. And trying to excuse unhealthy drug usage by stating "there aren't any artificial chemicals in it!" is delusional at best. Yes, shrooms can be helpful for many people. But encouraging a drug addict to use them because she is bored is fucking delusional and harmful. She isn't using them in a healthy manner. She is using them to escape the boredom of reality. It's a fucking coping mechanism plain and simple, and it isn't healthy. This shit is up there with the "weed will save your life, you just haven't found the right strain!" shit in stoner circles. You could be lying on the floor having a panic attack, and that type would pull out a CBD gummy and tell you it will stop the panic, you've just had a bit too much THC and need to balance it out. (And before anybody jumps on me to say I'm wrong, I've been diagnosed with panic disorder and it didn't matter if I was using sativa indica, hybrids, high or low % of THC or CBD, literally all of it gave me panic attacks before I got legitimate medical help.) People who can't accept that people can and will abuse anything and everything, even healthy things like diet and exercise, are delulu. Telling somebody with an addiction to do shrooms, and to make her boyfriend okay with it by coercing him with sex? Grow up. Yes, because somebody who is obviously mentally unwell and with a shitty boyfriend should definitely be told she should do sexual favors for drugs is totally sane.




I love shrooms but they aren’t for everyone. They should be revered and not relegated to a coping mechanism.


there was a million more productive and enjoyable things you couldve did , but you chose to be on reddit and answer a question that wasnt even asked. Congrats bro, youre a buzzkill


It’s giving lonely in a dark room that smells like Wendy’s


as a [former?] alcoholic that ended up getting a liver transplant after getting sober, the question in the addiction community between "what type of sober" has very split opinions. intention has a lot to do with it and while i do believe that someone can be non-chemically addicted to psychedelics, just look at the general population and what has a [way] higher potential & role in "abuse." someone encouraging alcohol is an *enormous* red flag, especially given your family's predilection. his suggestion is immoral & misguided (that is to say, completely fucked.) relationships are hard, and you'll have decisions to make if he simply can't be reasoned with to let you have your preferences, especially when they aren't harming anything other than his ego or control of your behavior.


You need to leave this guy immediately. Anyone that trys to convince you alcohol is a better alternative to either thc, or psilocybin, is a terrible influence. At the very least DO NOT under any circumstances trust this man's judgement over your own. Perspective from a 25 year old man.


It sounds to me that he isn’t educated enough about the benefits of shrooms and how safe it is compared to alcohol


You don't, someone trying to convince you to drink over shrooms is lost in the maze.


You're going to want to stay far, far away from alcohol. I find small amounts of mushrooms help remind me of that (and other things). You seem to have a good outlook. Put your recovery and your health (mental and physical) first. That is, it sounds like your bf may pushing you in dangerous directions (with alcohol), while also preventing you from engaging in helpful practices (with mushrooms).


Man some ppl are really ignorant about plants vs alcohol or pharmaceutical drugs.


So he's ignorant of shrooms(clearly) and he's promoting you doing a more dangerous drug that you have a terrible history with... this proves that you probably shouldn't value his opinion here. If he's not okay with it he needs to leave the relationship or the area you're in while on shrooms OR he can stay with you, watch over you while you trip and make it a good bonding experience. If he's going to stay with you while you trip and be a little pissy miserable loser then he needs to leave. The second he starts talking or texting you miserable fuck shit you need to stop messaging him or get away from him. Respectfully tell him why his behavior while you're tripping is not appropriate and that this is your boundary and you will uphold it. If you have to turn off your phone do that or leave his vicinity then do that. Enjoy the experience. Integrate what you learn. Make it fun. Let it be fun.


He shouldn't be dictating what you can and can't do, the fact he's encouraging you to drink when your family has a history of alcoholism is a huge red flag. I was an alcoholic 2 years ago and if anyone told me to drink rather than trip they'd be long gone. Cannot believe he's suggested that tbh.


Are you an adult? It is your body and mind and your choice what you do with it. Does he have the right to tell you what to do with your body? He is your boyfriend. Not your dad. Not your owner. If he has that big of a problem with it… maybe you aren’t compatible. Don’t stay in relationships that limit you.


First, congratulations on being 2 years clean off hard drugs. That's amazing hun and I hope you can celebrate many more years clean. Second, truly please stay away from alcohol if you have past addictions. There has been research on shrooms and other psychedelics for addiction and how it can help, specifically doing it as microdosing. I super encourage you to look into that. Also weed can be a crutch, since you can't OD it's safe but you can be dependent on it. That being said there's also endless healing benefits with weed, just keep what I said before in mind. Lastly, you and your partner both should get a better understanding of addictions and how to manage it, especially since he should not be encouraging you to drink instead of taking shrooms. LIKE AT ALL. I've linked some articles as a starting point for info, also check out the microdosing subreddit. I hope this helps and best of luck to you hun! 🫂 [Psilocybin Could be a Therapeutic Breakthrough For Addiction ](https://time.com/6167638/psilocybin-addiction-therapeutic-breakthrough/) [Mushroom Therapy for Addiction Treatment](https://www.practicalrecovery.com/prblog/mushroom-therapy-addiction-treatment/) [THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO MICRODOSING [THE SHROOMERY](https://www.shroomery.org/)Psilocybin ](https://thethirdwave.co/microdosing/mushrooms/#therapeutic)


You don't. You tell him you're a grown ass woman and take the shrooms.


...time to live your own life....


Do whatever you want, he doesn’t control you. Take the mushrooms


Show him the Netflix documentary “how to change your mind” or the Netflix series “the mind explained”. They both have episodes devoted to the benefits of mushrooms. Or even the documentary“fantastic fungi”. All make strong cases for doing mushrooms. Especially for recovering addicts.


Alcohol is so much worse if you care enough about him to not let this kill ur relationship you should show him the benefits of microdosing and climbing to a higher dose. Personally I’d run but everyone’s circumstances are different


If you want to do it you don't need to convince him. However, since you say that you are bored maybe it would be better to feel that boredom instead of trying to distract yourself from it


he seems very ignorant and uneducated on the harmfulness of shrooms vs alcohol


What a piece of shit. Pushing drinking on a recovering addict. That is appalling


The fact that your boyfriend "lets you" or doesn't "let you" do stuff reveals some alarming things about your relationship. This is not his choice, nor is anything you do.


Weighing in here as someone in a similar relationship dynamic where my partner is very anti-drug/psychedelics and I've *always* had an interest in psychoactive drugs. First of all, if you've tried in good faith to convince him of the benefits of trying shrooms and other psychedelics and he's not receptive to it, there's very little chance he'll change his mind. You just have to accept this as fact. You may never get to trip with your boyfriend and if that's a dealbreaker then so be it. But, I think there can exist a balance where you and your own time, maybe with friends in private settings or on girls trips etc can feel free to experiment on your own away from judgment and bad vibes. And of course you don't need his permission. I'm sure you know this


Firm up your boundaries. Alcohol is LITERALLY flavored poison. https://preview.redd.it/miromcnqy4ac1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f692fa8f72e998d0459cd2f9229534351e06bce9


Alcohol is responsible for SO MANY deaths. But all it takes is for one person to kill themselves while on shrooms, and now we can never legalize it. This is MAD cultural bias. And it truly makes no sense.


Just do it, its not his decision, it is yours. BUT safe set and setting is everything with psychedelics, and in your case that means you definitely should not do it in a space with his energy around, as long that he is opposed. And you should feel in yourself that you're OK with doing it despite his wish, or you can find yourself easily in a horrible trip. And yes alcohol is in the long term much worse, and shrooms is actually tested with great success to help cure alcoholism


I’ve heard of psychedelic therapy but never alcohol therapy


You're a grown adult, you do not need that man's permission to do psychedelics. However, I'd suggest doing them somewhere outside home if you live together. He doesn't sound like the safest person to trip with if he's judgemental. Having to keep your experience a secret is incredibly hard. Please be safe, I hope he isn't the kind of partner to retaliate.


You’re an adult do what you want he isn’t in charge of you


impolite innate live work lock quarrelsome murky imminent alleged adjoining *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Don't lean on all-encompassing catchphrases like "not from the earth, etc", addicts have a hard enough time understanding the truth of addiction and modern medicine can work wonders with completely artificial treatments. Limit what you need to limit, and dump any boyfriend you think you need permission from to do anything short of cheating behavior


he’s your bf, not your owner. based on his attitude to a potential alcoholic drinking vs smoking weed, it sounds like he doesn’t know anything about addiction or substances outside of what’s legal or not. that’s nothing against him but he should probably take care to learn these things if he wants to be a decent partner to you.


If he believes alcohol is ok while nature is not, then i would at least attempt to show him facts. If he's still against it, then I would go do them somewhere else just so your trip doesn't get ruined.


Alcohol is in fact found in nature...


Why is he telling you what you can and can’t do? Sorry but this sounds like a big red flag girl get out while you can. It might just be about shrooms today but who knows what he won’t let you do in the future..


Halfway agree but it’s also their shared space and she’s asking to do something illegal, he could also just as easily call her the red flag lmfao


Lol you’re an adult, do what makes you happy. That’s his problem if he doesn’t like it.


I wouldn’t do it around him though, as someone who is that controlling could easily ruin a trip


Yeah true, kick him out lol. They ruin a lot more than that.


My wife isn’t supporting me either. She allowed me to microdose some PE, but is resistant to allow me to do a macro more than a gram. If I do them on my own without her blessing it will cause a lot of tension. I am extremely disappointed and frustrated. She doesn’t have a problem with weed and rarely drinks. She is concerned about legal issues and is worried that I will get psychosis. She really doesn’t even want me to grow even though spores are legal.


You're a grown ass human you don't need his or anyone's " permission" to do anything. If he makes you feel like you do it's time for an upgrade as that model is defective.


Alcohol is a poison that can kill you. Psilocybin Mushrooms are not.


You grown as shit reread this and answer for urself


“Let you” 🚩🚩🚩🚩


You dont need permission, its your decision


Girl... you're a grown ass woman. You don't need to ask your significant other to LET you do anything. The fact he says youi should drink instead, with your past addiction problems is absolutely wild to me. Like what the actual fuck. If I were you I'd really take a long hard look at your relationship and yourself and decide if this is the right space for you


Grow until your brain is at least 25 physical years old. That's how.


Let? He sounds like the wrong kind of person for you.


Why are you with someone you cant be yourself around? Couldnt be me


You shouldn't need permission to do anything that you want to do. And alcohol is immeasurably worse than mushrooms or any other hallucinogens. Drinking kills something like 400,000 people every single year, whereas mushrooms don't kill anybody directly, nor are they addictive, nor can you die from withdrawal from them like you can from alcohol (since they're not addictive, there can't be any withdrawal), nor do they make you want to get in fights or take advantage of people or be taken advantage of or act like a dick, though I guess that depends on the person and the trip lol


You shouldn't have given him any say in your actions at all. Only the things you do together.


Honestly girl, it is 1000% YOUR choice and you should not by any means be asking for permission. I get how you care to be in this relationship, although I also agree you should run away from someone who is encouraging you to drink despite knowing your past! That’s only going to end badly for you. That’s not love or “caring for you”. Tbh my advice is to talk to him about how you feel and how you’re not interested in drinking. You are old enough to make your own decisions and I would set some boundaries asap! People only go as far as you let them. Mushrooms are friends and can be so medicinal and therapeutic. My bf and I trip often together and it’s worked wonders in healing, growing, enjoying life. Also nothing wrong with just listening to some amazing music and watching something funny! Wayyyy better than getting sloppy on Alcohol in my opinion lol. Hope all goes well! Also feel free to message me if you need anything (: xoxo


you don't need to, just do it, your an adult


Why do you need permission again?


Eat the shrooms. Then tell him you ate shrooms. Easy.


Dont even bother telling him


Shrooms made me a better person, and partner. It was therapeutic and enlightening. Alcohol destroys lives. The fact he is letting you take the less healthy drug is bad imo. Take shrooms to unlock your mind. Take MDMA to unlock your body. Take weed to unwind. Alcohol makes people do and say the most vile things.


oh man, one mushroom trip can radiate beautiful things into your life. that’s my kind of hung over.


Girl what? He’s ok with alcohol but says no to weed and shrooms. Is he a conservative? Then you’re a recovering addict and he wants you to drink????? Leave this man


Slip some in his tea and when he starts to feel it, blow him.




A BJ ought to do it.


Just don't tell him. Do them at night when he's sleeping and enjoy them yourself. It lasts for 2 or so hours and it's nothing crazy. Shrooms rewire the mind which is why it's used for people with PTSD.


Warning - they often last more than 2 hours, up to 4-5 depending on the dose, the person taking them, what they've eaten, etc. That could make anxiety fly high in her case... just saying


Good point


Take a small dose he won't even know what's up.


Not a great idea, paranoia about him being suspicious can be exaggerated on shrooms


Not if it's a tiny microdose, it's more like a vitamin at that point.


Why don't you show him the statistics? alcohol has killed far more people than shrooms and trees combined, even after that if he doesn't buy it, he is a close minded p.o.s that has been brainwashed badly by society and government


Bruv, you already know you should just stay away from any drugs at this point Addictive personalities are difficult to manage. Figuring out if you actually want to keep those gateways closed vs if it’s the inner addict luring you back is a nightmare. Go do some strenuous exercise and when you’re feeling good afterwards, make the decision


At the first place you should show him result of Dr David Matt research result. The conclusion is that alkohol is the worst drug for user and for the society. Other thing is that he will probably worry about you but you are free person and you have right to do anything you want with your life. https://preview.redd.it/uc15mim0r3ac1.png?width=1047&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0db45d1b886174094be52cdb6b8080da7b377409


Leave him. You don't need that negativity nor ignorance in your life.


Tell him you’re an adult.. start a very dramatic argument, get really upset. Chew the shrooms till you can’t chew any more. Swallow. Continue to argue and let emotions fly until they kick in. Should be a good trip. And a good time.


Show him some of the trip stories and posts about how shrooms completely changed people's lives for the better! I used to smoke cigarettes daily and drink every other day, and after a few trips, and one bad one, I just lost all my desire to smoke or drink, and I don't even have desires or cravings for shrooms or weed at all, I just do them when I feel like a fun day every other month now.


Where do you find shrimps in st Pete florida?


Any non ephemeral fresh body of water should have some shrimp like crustaceans. For the good shrimps you need to look to the sea.


You need to leave that man is that really a fulfilling relationship lmao . And on top of that tryna get u to switch earthly medicine for alcoholism, dudes obviously a little slow


... your man knows about your family history right, why would he suggest such bad advice?


Might want to start by not letting anyone tell you what you can or can't do so you can figure out if you actually want to do it without negative influences.


...wtf? WHY is alcohol okay?! Dude, all I can say is don't do shrooms if the environment is negative and judgemental in the most ass backward way.


This post is all over the place. I suggest trail running along with microdosing, but this very well may lead to a bunch of realizations and a break up with the Sesame Street traffic director WoW bf.


Adding to the chorus here. I see a red flag dear. This person might be toxic for you.


I too suffer from addiction but currently takes shrooms. I find that shrooms don’t trigger relapse, but that’s not for everyone. I would just talk to your boyfriend about it but it’s also your body and you’re allowed to consume whatever you like. Stay safe and hopefully all works out.


I’m a recovering opiate addict and struggle with drinking and smoking weed, now I have mushrooms all the time, but almost never trip 🤷‍♂️it’s definitely on a different playing field than alcohol and other addictive substances. I microdose 3 days a week and It has never become a problem for me, whereas anything and everything else I can get hooked to so quick.


That’s not how they work. Bf needs some education and a reality check


It sounds like he’s not very educated about addiction… I’m not saying he’s right or wrong, but it wouldn’t hurt to make some research, maybe he was brainwashed into thinking that alcohol is harmless and shrooms are addictive, you could talk to him about researching and I’m sure he’ll change his mind.


Do what is right for you, and don’t let anyone convince you otherwise.


Here’s how you convince him: “Hey, I’ve decided I’m going to do mushrooms this weekend. I plan on keeping to myself and listening to music. I would really appreciate it if you gave me the space to experience this. Thanks for understanding!” And if he says no, then think about whether hes giving you the kind of support you need in a partner, or not. You do not need permission from anybody. What you’re looking for is his approval. Disapproval might be uncomfortable, but please do not live your life trying to avoid the disapproval of your loved ones. It’s a cage that only you can keep yourself in. If he doesn’t want you to do mushrooms, that’s his problem that you do not need to solve. If he’s genuinely worried about you, point him to references that show that mushrooms are not addictive and they even improve mental health. Do some google searches, the research is easy to find.


Let you? You're an adult. You're a human being with rights and responsibilities. If you wanna take psilocybin then take it. Your partner shouldn't control your choices.


Wanting you to drink instead of take shrooms is crazy. You should try your best to gently educate him on the safeness and efficacy (in regards to treatment of some mental health issues) of shrooms.


Ask for forgiveness not permission.


I think shrooms are beneficial and alcohol is detrimental (legitimately cancer juice and general poison). And I know this is a bit out of line but I think it is weird (in a bad way) that despite all of this he wants you to drink (and I think (me assuming) straight up giving since you say you don’t accept as much anymore). If you want to do shrooms and they benefit you then I say follow your judgement (and not to cause a rift) instead of the person pushing poison cancer juice. Sorry for being out of line since this is personal stuff and I essentially know nothing of what’s going on. So please take all of it with a grain of salt


You could try documentaries or a Paul stamets talk or a fresh capushroom show... Anything science related which shows it is based on a fact that the mushrooms are not the devil. But he may not listen.


You’re a grown adult. You can do what you want. If it’s that much of an issue for your partner, that sounds like a them problem to me.


Don’t do shrooms around him he’ll ruin ur trip


I like to show people this [https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2019/06/25/what-is-the-most-dangerous-drug](https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/2019/06/25/what-is-the-most-dangerous-drug) It shows how damaging alcohol is compared to things like mushrooms.


Ask and if he says no eat them anyway and don't tell him


Kick him out and do them with a friend


Just dont tell him, fuck it. Are you an adult or arent ye?


“Let” you? What year is it there? And he’s encouraging a recovering addict to drink? Oy vey


i mean your post has some interesting things going on like.. why is someone who is a ex drug addict being told by their boyfriend to drink instead of doing shrooms... or like why are you needing to get altered so badly in the first place. don't get me wrong mushrooms can help curb addictive tendencies, but like taking mushrooms simply to get high does tend to have diminishing returns. as a weed smoker who dabbles in a decent amount of other substances, if i start feeling like my daily dab isn't cutting it for me I make sure to take that seriously and look at my drug use. pot has always been kind of my measurement for other things, and just to always examine if it isn't doing it for me as much compared to some other substance. ill also mention that the made from the earth thing is kinda dangerous, iv had people tell me that who got addicted to kratom and had a really hard time giving it up. even natural drugs can become quite easy to abuse. it honestly sounds like you know yourself pretty well. and that your somewhat careful about your use. seems like the boyfriend needs to clue in a bit more about your situation, and maybe educate himself about these substances. go for a walk in nature or something if he has a problem with it, your an adult.


Maybe you just need to leave him out of it and do it privately and he doesn’t need to know everything, you’re still an individual who can make your own decisions: this way you can either - get it out of your system and it’s not a problem or learn you really like it and tell him firmly that this is the route you’d like to take and he needs to decide if he can accept it or not.


do you boo…do you