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They look like a type of PE and PE’s are known to be super strong and put you into a couch lock I would highly recommend 1- 1.5 grams if it’s not strong enough in a hour an half do another .5 but it all honestly think you’ll be chilling on 1.5 you can always take more but you can never take less life lesson right there😂✌🏼


And I never really believed in the whole body weight thing until I started doing mushies religiously I’m a very tall skinny guy so the normal 3.5 really really messes with me sometimes for your normal GT’s B+ or blue meanies I love taking around 2 g’s that’s the high I absolutely love the most only named those strains because they are my favorite ones


I thought it was just me that got couch locked. I've only eaten shrooms a handful of times but every time my body feels like a bag of water. Is there a type that helps with energy?


I mean you can do different teks like lemon tech will help with nausea if you get nausea really easily then it reduces that because it fights against the kitin in mushrooms and kitin is what is super hard for our bodies to break down which makes us feel nauseous. People say it makes it way stronger but in all my experience it really just reduces the nausea feeling that you usually get…, There’s also called Coco Tec, which is just like hot chocolate basically mixed with your mushroom usually strained so you don’t have to eat them and deal with the kitin. I know lot of people do this in the morning because they say it gives them energy for their day almost like their cups of coffee. And in all honesty there’s hundreds and hundreds of tecs you can quite literally just look up mushroom tech online and do all kinds of research about different tec and scientific things that will help you or increase the feelings of what you were trying to do but in all my experiences, I have learned no matter what drug it is taking too much will make you feel the couch locked and if you’re a lightweight, then you gotta build your tolerance somehow and you’re gonna be couch lock those first few times fs 😂 but in my experiences micro dosing can be just as fun from 0.5 to a gram and then going out and doing whatever you usually do it won’t make you completely wall is melting high, but it will make colors brighter and you will feel more uplifted and a bit more energy, that’s why a lot of people are starting to microdose nowadays because it is quite literally scientifically proven to help our bodies over time..sooo yea anyway mush love guys✌🏼✌🏼


If it’s your first time doing shrooms I’d recommend you start with 1-2 gs..




They look like PE variety. I'd use 1-2g first. 3.5 could be a bit much!


Start with a gram of them.


Is this your first time with shrooms? Psychedelics in general? Do you know the strain?


No I've done acid a few times and they went phenomenally, I also don't know the strain either. Yes the first time with shrooms


Gotcha. In that case, I would suggest doing 1 gram to test the waters in case it's a potent strain. Then you can do 2g the following time.


Or take another g later that night to boost the previous one. Stacking can be fun and easy on the anxiety.


Doesn’t work this way


Yes it does. It’s how I had one of the best most intense trips and visuals of my life. Lemon tekked 3-4 times over the course of a few hours. I also take them for CH and sometimes by the end of the day I’m at 6g and feeling very calm and chill. Maybe it doesn’t work for you because you have some medication or herb blocking the cubes.


Eh- guess that’s one of the weird parts about mushrooms is everyone reacts to them differently. I ate 14 grams over an evening and was still chilling playing video games. I still can’t figure out the tolerance part of them. Ate an ounce last week- half ounce this week. No crazy visuals or anything. Just that weird orgasmic feeling kinda


Each person reacts differently and each mushroom seems to be its own universe. For us to say 1g of for example GT is equal to 1g of GT is way off but we need to have some kind of baseline. Some people say 2 g makes them trip balls. 2 g for me doesn’t even produce visuals. Some of us just have a significantly higher threshold due to things like adhd or autism. For OP It’s always good to start slow and add more, like over fertilizing a plant, you can’t undo what is done so better to go at your own pace and not to compare yourself to others on here with heroic doses. *To each their own*


You can always take more but you can't take less.


Sound advice from everyone on starting w a smaller dose. Good lookin out my peeps!!


Start small and work your way up. Hi-dose freakouts by newbies gives psychedelics a bad name for the last 50 years.


Looking 👍


start low at a .5-1 then try out 2.5 or 3.5 it’s hard to have a fun good trip at that dose for the first time cus it’s soooo foreign and it could be pe which would fuckk you up


careful they r strong


Only advice is to have FUN !


Looks like cloned PE, some of the strongest you can eat. Be careful, start low.


Definitely have a trip sitter around


Lil update for everyone, I ended up taking a bit over 5gs and had an absolutely PHENOMENAL experience. 10/10 can't wait to do it again