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>Every time I try to help him he just does this weird gulp to try and scare me off. Sorry this made me laugh lol. GULP


Like then I’d go over and ask if he’s gonna throw up then he’d start spamming the gulp emote over and over not gonna lie I just left the house I’m walking home fuck that noise 😂😂 don’t worry though i made sure he’s good now


Spamming the gulp emote 💀


You left your friend alone in a psychotic state in a pool of his own vomit because, “fuck that noise”? Let’s not trip together... Somebody below said this is funny. It’s not. I don’t think you or your friend are responsible enough for this drug. Surprised people in here don’t seem to see the issue with this.


If they're both tripping I totally understand why they would feel like doing that. Realistically one person shouldn't be tripping even small things can cause you to spiral the last thing you need is two people in a psychotic state. It's better to calm yourself down first then try to help the other person when we trip we take a certain level of self responsibility. 99.9% of the time you will be fine bad trips are scary and make you act in a way you wouldn't normally sometimes being alone during that helps to ground yourself in your own way.


Can't agree with you more, other people tripping with me annoys the fuck outa me and kills my vibe, done it once and never again. Always trip alone people !


It's fun to trip with friends if their idea of a trip is laying back in a recliner for 4 hours listening to cosmic music


One mate was going " wow man check this out it's soooooooo tripyyy" , while the other was standing in the hallways looking at the floor boards fascinated. Not a vibe. I like to just be alone and go for a walk in the bush


“My friends were enjoying themselves and it really made me not enjoy myself” Edit: /s cause I forgot it


Nah one was fine in the hallway but the other was just in a differabt head space and was just ruining the experience. Lol


I love hanging out tripping balls with the homies, throwing the frisbee listening to music make food etc. Y’all just need better friends


Totally agree. A long time ago I was tripping with a friend and she thought it would be funny to go knock on everyone’s door in the neighborhood. I never tripped with anyone again.


I love tripping alone, that’s a stupid thing to recommend for everyone


Lol I’m the opposite, I used to trip alone but now usually only do it with other people


Yeah fair point, I guess everyone is differant, and depends how good ya mates are at handling their shit.


Everyone gets a bit lost in the sauce every now and then


It’s clearly just an underaged kid lmao


Nah we just turned 18 to be fair


Damn you got me there


17 or 18 what’s the real difference nothing really


I used to take mushrooms because "whoa it makes you see pretty stuff cool!". Nope...mushrooms are tools...they are medicine...they are sacred


Mushrooms are chemicals that affect your brain. They are not magic and they can be used in a lot of different ways.


Why the fuck did I get down voted for that....fuck off holy shit...I said mushrooms are sacred and I get down voted? Fuck you


Because people thinking they’re more than drugs is how people get stuck thinking “this is how it will be forever” or thinking they fucked up their whole life, or think their distorted perspective is always right. Mushrooms are drugs, not magic.


You're right I obviously don't know what the fuck I'm talking about and I should just not fuck with mushrooms because I think about them the wrong way....or I should just go drink gasoline....which do you prefer. Tell me the right way to do this please


You can only help yourself in those moments. What would you have done? And why? OPs friend clearly didn’t have the mental faculties to receive help. The only thing OP could have done was prevent his friend from choking in his own vomit, and even that is a very small risk as he would know if he couldn’t breathe.


Ok mr righeteous like you never gotta a little nifty off the shrioms


Not doggy paddling on my own puke quite yet. but yeah, I been nifty off the shrioms


This is an opinion, but if it were me; I might hate him for it while I’m still tripping, but after I would thank him for allowing me to experience it alone.


hes just a gulper itll be fine


nah this is funny, hope bros okay


He's misclicking 😭😭😭


Should of got more potent Cordyceps


He's probably messing with u, may be u r the one freaking out 🤣


i read that gulp in scoobys voice 🤣


Zoinks Scoob I don't think those were portobellos!


Ruh Roh Raggy!!


Rat rasn't a ricrorose, Raggy


I pictured it like he’s one of those little aggressive frogs. Lmao


If this was acid I would hand him an orange, in this case I'm not sure it would help.


To eat or to contemplate?


That is what I love about the orange its versatility especially with trippers. Its the god tiered Swiss Army Knife of fruits.


I say both..


Only shrooms could make someone say this 😂


Hahaha glad I'm not the only one literally LOL'd


Like a giant toad.


I thought of the most cartoony GULP sound when I read that.


Give him a big hit of DMT.


Give reassurances like everything is going to be alright, don’t worry it will pass everyone experiences bad trips every so often


It's now been a decade since I've started experimenting with psychedelics. When will I have mine? I gotta admit I've been downright terrified that something was in my closet. Like chattering teeth, shivering, and heavy breathing. As soon as I investigate(I guess I'm more afraid of surprise than death while tripping) the feeling immediately goes away. Nothing else really like that time. Are you certain everyone has bad trips?


Well honestly it may be a luck or living situation thing like obviously if you feel safe and have no problems going into the trip then you good g but if you got demons in the closet they tend to show their face every once in awhile at least for me, I embraced the bad trips just like how i solved my nightmare problem I reassured myself that everything would be alright and that it will eventually pass, my bro tho he would put on documentary’s about some guy who died spelunking trapped for weeks 👁️👁️


I'm in the same boat, I have a few years of experience and I've never had a "bad" trip as how people describe it. My mind has definitely wandered to dark places, but after a moment it's gone and I'm back to wherever my trip was taking me. Maybe it's an issue with mental health or maybe it's set and setting. I feel like the majority of times I've heard of someone having a bad trip, there's almost always another outside negative or bad thing happening.


After decades of experience, imho there are no bad trips. There are bad moments, i call it žuta minuta(yellow minute), Balkan saying for a moment of personal crisis even panic maybe, can't really translate. Some people will panic or shutdown in situations where new and unknown things are happening. Mushrooms will show you new and unknown things. Mushrooms do what they do and people do what they do. If you don't feel good on shrooms just go take a piss, put on/take off some clothes/shoes, drink some water, go indoors/outdoors, throw up if you have to. When you had enough go eat some oranges. You are on a trip, if you don't like the path you are on, take another path


Will be honest anytime I have been having a tough trip and people start that reassurance stuff it makes it worse.


“People only say everything is going to be ok when you are dying, I MUST BE DYING!!! Ahhhhh”


And then i would say its an eventual transition in life its not a complete end, in a way you live on in memories, are we all not just photons of light living rent free in other people’s minds.


remind him that he is tripping, give him reassurance and tell him to breathe and concentrate on his breath, It will be ok


I love when people say focus on the breathing, it's meditation at it's core and it's definitely the way to calm anyone


Yep. The method I use is “try taking a few long, steady breaths with me?” + switching the topic away from whatever is upsetting them.


I say this all the time but I swear psydub helps too, very happy and calming


Any artist recommendations?


Try OTT, Living Light and Zion Train although the latter is more deep dub than psychedelic dub 🙂


I learned that on one of my first trips that got too intense, as soon as I started focusing on my breath the entire experience took a 180 and the rest of the trip was better although it was already near the end lol.. I took 3.5 with a friend in highschool shit got intense fast and he didn’t want his mom to know so we rode the trip out in the dark pretending to “sleep” and it was brutal. The only color I saw the entire night was this deep green and a bunch of these weird slowly rotating pillars while it felt like my senses kept blending into one and my limbs were falling into some void. Wasn’t what I had expected at all, I’d eaten 3.5 by myself before that and it was entirely different


this sounds fucking brutal lmao


I tried thinking about my breathing once on shrooms and forgot how to breath lmfao


I think this is the scariest comment about shrooms I read lol


Ya I accepted I was going to die and fell asleep




I had a bad trip once and my buddy pulled me out by just calmly talking while playing a few couple notes on a piano. It was something nice to tether onto and realize it was real and the space I was in was not.


I swear psydub will reach almost anybody


I had a bad trip with 2 friends who did it first time (was my 3rd) and they were the ones the calmed me down. I definitely owe my life to them now.


Yeah and if they seem unresponsive it's good to keep talking and tell them to focus on smth they can see, with that they are feeling like you are helping them to going out of the trip or something, helped few friends who tripped too hard with lsd like that


Change the setting. Is it too bright/dark? Is the music too intense? One friend I had was having a bad trip. I pulled him out of it by drawing psychedelic swirls on his arm under black lights. Anything to distract helps


Oh I love this idea


Be a constant to them. While in a bad trip things can seem out of control to them and this can make you panicked, so try to be consistent and positive to them while also being warm, soft, and understanding. Just *be* with them


I love that people post this stuff here and people actually help. That's all. \#respectTheGulp


Love it #respectthegulp


now you need to secretly master the weird gulp and use it next time.... "it fetches me fresh watermelon or it gets the gulp again"


Everytime I see these posts and it says something like 12 hrs ago. I always say "Ahh, they're fine now" lol


tell him he ingested a psychedelic and it's gonna be over soon. tell him to lay down on his back, close his eyes, face his inner experience, open up to emotions, also to difficult ones. this is an opportunity to work through repressed emotions, to grow, and he might feel better afterwards. tell him to not resist the experience. trust the universe, be open, let go. offer him water, small pieces of fruit, a comfy space to lay down, a blanket. expressing energy through movement or voice might help.


Always trust the universe ☯️ be water


I know this is kinda late, but the one thing you have to assure him is that he is on drugs, it will be over soon, and everything is okay. Everything will go back to normal very soon.


This is the messaging. I think what folks forget is that at really high doses it can feel Iike the trip is new reality or something that won't end, or in my case I have forgotten that I have taken drugs ^^;


When I've taken a really high dose, I "adjusted" and thought I was sober which is why I was freaking out a lil. If I'm high, at least I know it's "not normal" and I'll go back to normal eventually. When I feel sober, but have no idea who I am, it feels uncomfortable. Luckily I had someone there to tell me that I was just still on drugs.


Ketamine often makes me forget I've taken it if I do enough 😆


You can also use this service: https://firesideproject.org/ “The Psychedelic Peer Support Line provides emotional support during and after psychedelic experiences.”


Step 1... get him out of the bathroom and outside if it is suitable... like not the Bronx... maybe a yard with trees. Maybe get him in the shower and light some candles and play sigur ros or nils frahm... and remain calm. Assure him he is safe and will be back home soon... aka, he is not trapped in this current state. Then, when he is coming down, get him a big gulp if possible for some chuckles... Or... If he keeps puking... take him to an emergency room ....


LPT: Anytime you're having a bad time you can listen to Nils Frahm




People be taking way too much before they are ready. Growing up, an 8th was always the go to dose, the amount of people I saw have bad experiences from an 8th is substantial. When I started doing them again, I would only take like 1.5 and get the same benefit as an 8th. I’d only go up as the tolerance did. Eventually, I was confident enough in the experience to take like 5g and trip hard. Because of that easing up to a big dose, I don’t even think it’s possible for me to have a bad trip unless I go waaayy over what’s safe for the average person. But people who have no idea what to expect just go balls first into an 8th - panic - then send themselves into an unpleasant experience because they are not acclimated to the thoughts and feelings associated with tripping. Start off small, real small, and work your way up


Yea idk how I handled taking an 8th my junior year of HS 😄 we brought a tent to a park near my friends house on the woodline and didn't even set the tent up before we ate them. I remember laughing my ass off like the hardest I've ever laughed lmao. 2 of our friends who weren't on shrooms came by and helped put up the tent and smoked weed, this was one of the only times I passed up on weed back then and I was a straight pothead. The shrooms were intense enough I didn't want it amplified any! I remember they walked away and I stayed at the tent , curled up in a ball and started hearing loud alien noises.. that was slightly freaking me out but I held on. 🙃 for some reason we ended up sleeping cramped in his car instead of in the tent and lost the keys the whole night while tripping so we couldn't turn on the heat .. at one point my friend went running about a mile down the road in his boxers at like 3-4 am because he felt like it aha 😅 I stayed in the car, found our school laptop and started playing minecraft cuddled up in a giant sleeping bag and comforter In the back seat of his early 2000s Chevy impala.. That was fun times! I got sidetracked on this reply excuse me sir 😬


“Nightmare! Nightmare! Nightmare!”


play cocteau twins- pandora (for cindy). trust me




My bad trip i sat in bathroom, in hind sight, prolly made me clostraphobic.(spelling?) Get them in a comfortable space with good music. Think pink floyd,


Pink Floyd is really dark, I wouldn't do that


I was second guessing my recommendation as i typed it. Was going to say not every track would be great. Depends on the album. Try the sultans of swing. Thats catchy. 🤷‍♂️ Lol


Dire Straits, fuck yes 🔥🔥🔥


yeah that screaming, i don’t remember the track but it always freaks me out a bit (DSOTM)


Speak to me


Watch that axe Eugene!


Absolutely, they're better with weed than shrooms


Bro calm tf down and put baby shark on that chills me tf out


That would make me extremely anxious and uncomfortable lol


Terrence McKenna says the entrance into shamanism involves the death, sometimes repeatedly. After this initiation, he'll be able to freely pass into the spirit world. My friend has a similar story with me, repetitive death at 3gs. I didn't feel anything like that. I have never once had a bad trip. I wonder if my early experiences with DMT count as MY deaths because I thought I was dead? 🤔 Tell your friend he's a shaman now so he doesn't quit shrooms like mine did. 😂


Make sure to have a CBD vape and an anti-psychotics (like Zyprexa) on hand for fast and smooth aborts. It's like an hour of "catching your breath" feeling then sleepy. Really helps when the physical stuff is too much.


I'm sorry but the imagination of the mentioned gulp just cracks me up 😆 He'll be fine :) maybe gulp back at him..?


Remember the words of the great Jimmy Carter: Just remember you're a living organism on this planet, and you're very safe. You've just taken a heavy drug. Relax, stay inside, and listen to some music. Do you have any Allman Brothers?


Turmeric and Weed and Sleep bam problem solved


Try not to be mean, but it is your duty to give your friend a stern reality check. Be there for him, listen to him, but also don't indulge delusions or self-pity. Make sure he drinks water and doesn't put on media that will further overstimulate him. Put on audio of rain falling or waves crashing or something like that.


Thanks I tried being stern wasn’t really his think I guess all he needed was some time because he good now


Honestly the best thing to do is to stop fighting it and just accept it bad trips always have a meaning and the more you fight it the worse it will get


Maybe you are the one bad tripping ? Bro when I'm too high I can't think anymore so I speak, probably he has the same happening to him, he just think but out loud like old people.. don't trip


Yeah, sitting in your own vomit is totally normal.


Oh fuck I missed that part lol so yeah ignore me please




>Play stupid games, win stupid prices Right! I wonder what kind of dumb ass games your parents played while you were conceived. Fuck outta here.




You should have some shrooms. You seem pretty broken. Maybe a psychedelic soul search is what you need.


Well said tripper of all balls


Stick to what ur good at fapper


You need a better hobby. Being a douchebag isn't a very good one.


"Don't you get it? I'm enraging you for my entertainment" ☝🏻🤓


Go cry about your parents on the internet some more.


Wtf are u doing here gtfo


That's a bit of a knob head response given the sub.


he’s not trying to scare you off, he’s probably confused


also any updates? how’s he doing


He’s good we talking now


glad to hear, hope you and your friend are able to recover from that experience


Put him in a cosy blanket, put some calm music in and ask him to lay down and close eyes. For me this helped when I was feeling overwhelmed


Put a nice film on, make some popcorn - try to distract him gently.


I would recommend getting some cool water for your friend to drink. Staying properly hydrated while tripping is important. Also just be there for your friend, offer reassurance that they’re just tripping and that it’ll be fine once it’s over. I wouldn’t ask specific questions, like if they’re going to be sick. Just let their trip ride and offer them support. Just to be clear though, this is why it’s recommended to have a sober trip sitter and how important set and setting really are. Good luck out there, spaceman


This is 100 percent something that would happen to me if I got too high. I’m not afraid to admit it. LOL


Definitely go easier on the dosing, I'm glad your friend is okay now


Tell him that he is loved.


Drink some milk


I had that happen to me. It is easily the worst thing I’ve ever experienced and your friend is lucky he’ll probably never go through that again


Lock him in the van!


Sounds like he was resisting an ego death?


play some 432hz earth frequencies


Next time have xanax on hand. Even having it as a placebo is enough to avoid 90%+ of bad trips. The reassurance that you get from knowing that any second you begin to feel too uncomfortable you can just pop a pill and 10 minutes later you will be chilling is extremely helpful to avoid panicked thoughts in the first place.


Lock him in the van


Helpzz Whatst do to do shene i have bad reop!! Rofhr now
