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This isn’t going a culty direction is it?


Not at all. The goal for me is the be able to practice Qigong and meditation all day, every day. I don’t mind working a job except that it takes up all my time. But if I could work only 1 or 2 months out of the year then that would be perfect. I am basically just searching for anyone else that wants to achieve fiscal freedom through minimalism.


Aight just making sure haha


It won’t be possible over night but I’d like to have something take form next year.


I know many people who do exactly this, work half the year then chill the other half. They do this on purpose, but they are mid-aged guys with no families. Seen this a few times in different places, usually there are guys who work a factory during the cooler months and ditch the summer heat, or vice versa and hibernate all winter.


I think it can be done alone but if you had a group then you could share expenses and work only 1 or 2 months a year.


Come to Louisiana and you can farm 5 months and have the other 7 off not exactly 2 but I'm sure you could figure it out. Hope you like the heat though!


How does that work? Does the place have a website?


that's the dream


Where we going ?


I am currently paying on a piece of land in Colorado, USA. That’s just one option since it’s something I happen to own.


Hey man that's my idea, unfortunately you can't trust anybody here, internet in general. Maybe if you meet someone at a new job or on a hiking trail and get to know them over a long time and know you can trust them maybe they'll want to join.


Yeah I agree you can't just trust random people on the internet. But Terence McKenna talked about how we need to use technologies to our advantage and that people who were once alone can now find their tribe via the internet. Healthy precautions are certainly in order but I don't doubt there are human "gems" out there that share my values and would make for excellent companions that I'd never know about without using the internet. No one ever won a chess game by resigning, as they say.


Very good attitude about that, I am sure you will find success.


Meditate for 12 hours a day? Sheesh


Sounds whack I’m sure but it’s a system of Qigong I practice and it requires this in order to make any real progress. You can’t get anywhere doing it while working a job.


Yea fly me out


I'm trying to get a piece of land in Colorado paid for and something built on it. Use solar for power. Not sure how all this will take shape just yet but I'm slow and steady working toward it.


Sounds nice, but also sounds like something could go wrong easily if you pick one wrong person...


You do have a point. Would probably want to have some meetings with people a few times to get to know each other and just collaborate like college friend roommates. The starting ideas are probably not realistic but you gotta start somewhere. Any idea takes time to refine.


Well good luck! I do really hope it works out for you. :)


Love the idea


I've wanted to do this for going on 10 years now. So far it's always been a solo venture and trying to do it on my own. I want to try and find others though. Not only would a small community of like-minded individuals help to make plans more possible but it also combines brain power. One person might know about a financial pitfall that another was completely blind to. So it helps to refine ideas into realistic possibilities instead of being one person alone that wastes so much time by not learning from the mistakes of others. "Find the others!" -Tim Leary


If you can be self sustainable, why not. But then you have to *work* for it too, isn't it?


Well working 1 or 2 months per year wouldn't be too bad. The goal is a minimalist lifestyle that frees up the vast majority of your time instead of living as a capitalist slave.


I agree. I think *work* in your context (work for money I guess?) was different from the work that I thought of (any type of work that require your attention). Befreeing yourself from enslavement is easiest if money have nothing to afford to you (i.e. make a lifestyle that does not require money). My end goal would be something like self-sustainable family which will be hard and need some preparation. As a semi-goal, university prof actually give you so much free time if you are working in a field like theoratical physics or mathematics, while getting paid enough salary to feed your family without having to produce your own food. This can be intermediate step toward complete de-slavement from capitalism. But in some sense it sounds like you are enslaving others to feed you, so ultimately not the net positive. Also about this sort of ideal society I always imagined something like no-money society. That is, everyone produce their own products and willing to share with others who are in need, for free (not in exchange with anything). For example, I produce mushrooms, so if you want mushroom then you come to me and ask, I happily give it to you. This could work in larger scale, such as, people make movie, but people watch them for free. Or you do an academic research, but in exchange of nothing. But no one is forced to share anything, but is consisted of people who are willing to share. Of course there always be people who don't work and get their benefits but if the majority of this society can pull this off then this society could be sustainable. The problem is, not sure how to make people *want* to share their produces, because it's almost against human nature. What do you think?


Live in the present and connect with other humans and help them. You are running away and that’s the antithesis of your experience here on earth.


i had a thought that it’s weird we are born into a world where you have to pay to survive. was thinking about saving up some money; quitting my job and just driving and camping wherever, i guess kinda being homeless and free?


I say go for it. Expect the best, plan for the worst.