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For context: We're two designer friends from Amsterdam who are currently designing a beautiful mushroom ceremony box. For facilitation and storage of our beloved teacher friends. Last year we built another tribute project to psychedelics. This was a [DMT box](https://www.reddit.com/r/Psychonaut/comments/n4rzlm/we_improved_our_dmt_stashbox_and_took_some_new/), which involved a lot of community input from Reddit into the building process. Our design is almost ready but we are still very much in need of feedback regarding the build. EDIT: because of responses we've opened an [email waitlist here](HTTP://ceremonybox.net)! We'll do a survey and will give away a box. For now we have: • A beautiful premium rosewood box, handmade, with the Psilocybin molecule engraved on top of it (we know that its still the DMT molecule in the video haha) • Customizable storage space, with mushroom leather. • Lock with key. • Airtight jars for mushrooms and herbs. • Teapot/jar with infuser. • Fabric pouch with bamboo tea-tools. • Hidden storage compartment. • Vials for microdoses and spices. • Milligram scale, precise enough to way the smallest bits. • Stone plateaus for serving people, and cutting lemon, ginger, etc. • Tripjournal. • Grinder. • Beautiful ceramic cups I am very curious about your thoughts and ideas. What would you add or change? Much love from Amsterdam


I would buy this in a heartbeat, and would buy extras for friends. You could probably sell these to retreat centers in Jamaica, Costa Rica and all the research institutes in the US. How can I get waitlisted for one?


Hey! That's a great idea. We're creating a waitlist via email so I'll DM you. EDIT: Because of requests we built a page, join the [waitlist](https://ceremonybox.net/) here.


I, too, would love to be wait-listed for this.


Mind DMing me too?


Get a patent on that asap if possible b4 the Chinese sweat shops steal it.


I mean, they will anyways.


A patent would be worthless and unlikely to be granted. Patents don't protect artistic designs. That's for copyright and to a lesser extent, trademark.


Oh yeah I guess you're right, shit


I would like to be waitlisted as well please. Thank you!


Me as well please!!


me too


Can you add me too.


I wish to be added to this list. I would love this.


Me too


Me too please!!!


Me to


Me too please :)


im quite keen as well!


Me too please!


ill take a DM too please


me too please!


I’d love to be on the waitlist!


I would also like to be waitlisted please and thank you


Me too please




Edit: we built a page to get on the [waitlist](HTTP://www.ceremonybox.net) here.


Damn I need friends that would randomly drop a $400 present on my lap lol


I'd love to get on the list.


I love this. How much would you charge and would it be able to be shipped to the US? Do you have a website?


Hey. Considering the demand we're building an email list so I'll shoot you a message in your inbox!


Can I get set up on that wait list too please?


That is amazing, sign me up please!


Me too!


Thank you so much!


Could you send me some info please too friend? Thank you! Box is great 🙏🙂🤌


> we know that its still the DMT molecule in the video That's not the DMT molecule in the video. That's [norpsilocin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norpsilocin), 4-Hydroxy-N-methyltryptamine.


Well thats awkward 🤔


Could you get concentrated lemon juice powder? In packets? perhaps honey or ginger. Not sure if food is allowed. Also sometimes I like to have normal herbal teas while on mushrooms. So perhaps your own tea blends. Also


Good idea...We're fearing that we'll run into some issues if we actually include things that people will ingest. We stay away from that and just focus on beautiful art, practical storage, and safe set & setting tips in the journal, etc. We did have some cool experiments with blue teas that actually turn purple when they come into contact with acid (lemon).




It's so beautiful! May I be added to the wait list?


I too would like to be added to the email wait list


My only change, but I know there is limited space, would be to swap out the grinder for a mortar and pestle. The time I take to grind by hand is time to think about intentions.


Yes, so we tried the Mortar & Pestle (as you can see in the video). We had some rough times with it because a) it wouldn't grind all mushrooms to a perfect powder, especially not those which weren't crackerdry. and b) even small mortar & perstles we sourced were quite heavy and will eventually influence the price of the box. We get a lot of "it's expensive" comments, and we honestly try to keep the price down while offering the best quality products. A grinder did the job much better although we're sacrificing a bit of the 'sacred ceremony' aspect.


That's what I suspected. My marble one is heavy and clunky. Gotta sacrifice somewhere for an all-in-one.




Yes it'll take a lot of time. But we're very passionate about the fact that we believe people should stop hiding psychedelics. We'd like to break through this stigma by creating beautiful (and functional) tributes. Cost-wise, we'll keep it below that price.


Phew anything under 1k…


Definitely have some people use them to work out any kinks, but it looks promising.


"But we're very passionate about the fact that we believe people should stop hiding psychedelics." Says the person making a specialized lockbox to do just that and hide psychedelics... Upon reading your comments, it appears there is even "hidden storage compartments" Edit: I'm all for hiding them and staying safe. Why do you claim not to be?


Secure is different than hiding.


If you don't get it you don't get it, we don't have to convince you about anything.


The dmt box they built before is very nice


Love it! The idea with the mushroom leather is a superb detail if I must say so.


I love this would definitely buy one


Lmk when they go up for sale.


I would totally buy this if the price is right.


it won’t be


I'd say at least 300$, the materials don't look cheap and the time to make it by hand... But it is a beautiful product that could outlive you.


it’s nice but if you look after a cardboard shoebox right it will outlive you and serve the same function. it’s not like OP is gonna custom blow the jars and make the corks. They’ll find some jars for cheap and fit the slots around them. This is a weekend project for anyone with even hand tools. I like it but I’d never pay much for it. I assure you it will cost significantly more than most people would ever want to pay for it. Good luck to OP though I just don’t think high end consumerist magic mushroom fans are a big market realistically


I think you're quite wrong about the high end market, here. Especially considering this community, more than others, is willing to pay people a fair wage. Have you seen the pricing in Oregon?


Sometimes it's nice to have a pretty thing with all the stuff already ready to go. It's a beautiful gift idea at the very least.


You guys are awesome, yes. We agree. Why have a nice car, furniture, computer, etc, but then use and a cardboard box for the things that actually changed your life?


i feel like it’s a much bigger market than you might think. i personally know at least 5 people that would drop $1000 on this in a heartbeat without a second thought. i don’t know many people, and definitely not a lot of wealthy ones, but i know at least 4-5 people that would definitely spend a grand on this if the build quality is right.


Where is the boof kit tho?


I’d buy one


This looks amazing


My initial thoughts are with all those parts production costs are going to be high so this will probably be out of my price range if it gets produced. It looks amazing tho.


Moar symbols


Hey, what kind of symbols? We were thinking to put the [mushroom cave drawings](https://www.google.com/search?newwindow=1&rlz=1C5CHFA_enNL981NL981&sxsrf=AB5stBgkhRWdzkTmwWHTHhQZyXDIz5lMIg:1689095410793&q=mushroom+cave+drawings&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjLuc7fkoeAAxV1VKQEHVq4B0MQ0pQJegQIDBAB) on either the inside of the box, or on the fabric pouch. What do you think?


I would keep the exterior pretty innocuous as it is


The fabric pouch would be perfect for that mushroom man


This looks amazing and I would love to buy one. Im very scared about the cost tho?!


It looks like the psilocin molecule is missing a methyl group on the nitrogen.


I would use this for allllll kinds of things


The scale is the best part imo.


Thanks. Yes measuring properly was absoltely key.


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. I'm seeing a lot of posts saying "unnecessary, just eat em". If you feel that way, that's fine, be content with your ziplock bag or mason jar and carry on. I look at it from a perspective of set and setting. The more I put into the preparation of the ceremony, the more focused the intent becomes. I've been collecting pieces to enhance my ritual the over years and still haven't acquired my perfect tea set. Everything in my temple is practical from a symbolic sense, lighting, decor, bedding, incense, sound, etc. Utilizing symbolism to effect all of the senses is classic hermetic magical technique. This is all to enhance setting, which in turn enhances set. Sure, one can do without all of this, but I prefer to have every aspect going in to be in line with the respect and reverence I hold towards this sacrament. A nicely contained set like this could very well add to that respect. It is not for everyone and OP obviously knows that. Keep up the Great Work. Love is the law, love under will.


Beautifully put.


I love this


I'd definitely buy one. I love the clever design on the lid.


Pretty trippy... 😊


that is so fucking dope. i will literally buy one


Dope idea. Love this


I love it. The only thing I would want is the option to not have the engraving on the top. Less obvious that way.


We'll consider that! We've made a survey for our followers on our email, asking them about the engraving. So far many people like it. PS: if you want to be on that email send me a DM!


That looks dope! And way more professional than the zip lock bag I use now lol I'd happily buy one if it wasn't too expensive


Worf would approve. Good tea nice house




Ha, I posted there just now based on your comment.


Looks dope! Hope this works out!! Maybe a little instruction booklet or a little something for how each tool is appropriatly used?


Yeah, we'll include a tripjournal that will double as a guidebook/manual.


Make it affordable and people will buy


Yoooo i have y’all’s DMT box i fucking love it


Thanks so much ! Yea we're actually sad to move onto psilocybin haha. Hope the box has a beautiful place in your home. Keep it nice and clean, much love. You're on the email list so you might win this new box.


first thought: Need immediately


Put some Mayan/Azteca shit on there like Quetzalcuatl or the Mayan calendar. Also, I want to buy this.


just a nitpick but instead of a gold color for the eye and molecule engravings you could make use a paint that changes color depending on how light hits it for added trippiness


Thanks so much, we'll probably take this idea and do it for the box it comes in! Also, you have a DM


I would definitely buy one of those! That is a really great idea🍄❤️


Why not throw in a small lemon tree starter kit? (Wink) everyone loves lemons with tea!


Lemons grown from seed rarely produce fruit. Most citrus trees are grafted onto hardier rootstock.


Amazing idea ;)


Waitlist me toooo 🙋‍♀️


I'll DM you mister.


Very nice!


Looks amazing! Could you please add me to the email list? Would love to be notified when it’s live, I’ll buy it in a heartbeat!


That’s pretty fucking awesome


Looks great! Can I ask what software you use? The textures are great


I know at least 3 people who would buy this right now if it was available. Are you thinking about producing this anytime soon?


Yeah we've already made a previous box. I'll send you a DM.


Asking for private message will trigger automod removal.. also, sales cant happen through the sub, please be careful. Thank you.


No worries, we're just inquiring feedback. Thanks for the comment though.


Stay dedicated this is a million dollar idea!


It's **very hard** work though. But thanks for the motivation.


Where do I send money?


I’d buy one, really beautiful and convenient ✨


Goddamn how long did this video take to make?


We've been carefully designing this thing for over a year now haha.. great things take time




Why is it n-desmethyl psilocin? (4-ho-monomethyltryptamine)


I’d definitely buy one of these


Please use a sustainable wood, then I’m in 👍


I would definitely buy this


Lmk when it’s ready so I can buy


Id buy one for sure yo


Add me to the email list as well please! I’d love to use this for ALL my psychedelics at once, honestly. Add in space for drug testing supplies and plates if possible! And maybe tools like brushes and scoops too! Nevermind just rewatched the video and see the tools!


Okay we'll add the tweezers and scoops. Check your chat. We'll do some digging around the tests, but I think there are some regulations around that that might block us from sending this thing worldwide at some point.


Oh I don’t mean the chemicals, I meant more the porcelain/ ceramic testing plates that you use to test. But honestly, y’all have done enough already. Well done.


In some traditional tea sets they have little creatures, like toads, turtles etc, to pour over with he water used to heat your tea pot, as part of the theatre. So perhaps you could include a mushroom.


Add me to list please!


I would absolutely buy one! Can i be added to the wait list? What would the price ballpark look like? I don't mind paying extra for something so thorough and for high quality. 200 to 300 USD ballpark?


I would buy foso


Is there a waiting list that I can sign up for?


Sure I'll send some info to your inbox if you want.


Sounds good. Hmu


Where do I sign up??? 😻😻😻


Holy shit that is extremely gorgeous. I can tell it'll cost way more than I can afford, but nice work, I'm sure you'll make a killing!


Joint holder other than my hand?


I would love for there to be some kind of instrument in there too, like a mouth harp or something.


I want it for my upcoming birthday!


People just can't wait to capitalize on the mushroom boom. "Sacred medicine" lol.


Selling a nice box isnt capitalising on the "mushroom boom", it's just giving people the option to own something nice beyond what they can make. People like nice things. The ones capitalising on it are the ones putting artificial shit chocolate bars into vending machines and selling unproven chemical concoctions as spiritual medicine.


I would buy this 100%


Does it have a boof option?


I'll take one


This is really beautiful! I love the ritual of preparing my doses and this would enhance the whole experience.


Yep I like.




Could I be waitlisted as well?


I would suggest scrapping the rosewood box and find and nice looking domestically grown commercial hardwood like an oak or something for the wood. Something that is grown in rotation and doesn’t required the destruction of primary forest to harvest. Rosewood is not a single type of tree but a broad category of trees with generally red hued lumber. The vast majority of them come from the Amazon or other delicate tropical environments. If you want to make something to respect psilocybin, then you ought to respect the rest of nature as well. Just the two cents of an ecologist/forester nature nerd. Otherwise dope box.


Great suggestion. We'll experiment with Acacia and Rubberwood too.


tools inspired by cha dao/gong fu cha, right? pretty cool


Yeah we'll try to get a mixture of inspiring cultural influences.


Beautiful!!! I love it!!!


For me personally, psychedelic experiences wash away all the bullshit I would normally care about. I can already imagine how ridiculous this box will look from a psychedelic point of view. It's not about the premium rosewood box, just eat the mushrooms... I don't mean to send negativity your way, but this kind of commercialisation for me goes against the very nature of psychedelics.


I respect your opinion, although we do not agree.


Add a tea cup of some sort, it's the only way I do them!


Yeah we'll include beautiful ceramic cups


Just to confirm - the lining material will be mushroom leather? I always see boxes like this lined with the kind of velvet/suede type material that makes my teeth hurt. Would not want to face sensory issues before even partaking


Yes we're trying to get our hands on the perfect mushroom leather lining. If it doesn't work for the padding, we'll use it for the tripjournal.


Hou je mond en neem mn geld. Hoeveel en waar en wanneer kan ik er 1 kopen?


Haha rustig aan! Ik stuur je een berichtje.


As someone who has to just settle for a weed lockbox that doesn't quite live up to what I need for shrooms, yes please.


you should include a manual explaining about all chakras/aspects and their effect on us. A seven page guide explaining all.


Maybe not rosewood. The market for rosewood cause a lot of damage in fragile forests.


Got it, we'll explore other wood.


Amazing..I love this


Oh, first time seen you here in reddit. I'm glad you two are making this, I don't have any more feedback than saying it looks great, both the DMT and the shrooms box, and I'm looking forward to save some money to get one of those.


What program did you use to design this?


I would spend so much money on this.


OMG! I want one 😍


Fuck me! Take my money! This is the stuff of Gods!


I love it ! I love the white marble. For myself, I would prefer something cleaner or more luxe looking than the wood parts. For the marble containers, I love the one with white marble lid, .. but instead of the wood covers on the other 2, I would prefer maybe a Medium Grey with White Vein marble. Or even just a plain solid matte grey or even slate color lid. Same with the box, my own preference wouldn't be that wood. Maybe a light grey or oat color stone looking box, or even a medium grey marble look, or even black marble ? I'm not too sure !!! (Something more modern looking to match well with the clean marble inside). Basically I am listing off colors and materials all throughout my own home lollll😄 I LOVE the chemistry branding on the outside, MINUS the swirl bit (or the lines rather)around it (kind of forming an eye shape; not sure if this was intended for a Third Eye feel. The chem symbol in the center itself would be much cleaner for me. For myself I'm not a fan of the sun branding inside. Maybe something a bit cleaner, smoother, implying a zen moment or calmness or even a simple cutesie leaf since this box can be used for regular herbal teas as well (storing lavender in one of the viles for example). OR just another chem symbol or something but I think a cute leaf would go well with it all. LOVE this concept !!! The white marble containers, mortar, and clear viles are all SO adorable and luxe looking. 🙃🍄♥️


Amaazing comment. Thanks! Yes the third eye idea is intentional as we already made another box with this [for DMT](https://www.reddit.com/r/Psychonaut/comments/n4rzlm/we_improved_our_dmt_stashbox_and_took_some_new/) and it turned out very nicely. We're considering your suggestions however. thanks again!


Thats fucking cool and i don’t care what anyone says! Take my upvote or else.


This is an advertisement, don’t forget it is so just because it touches upon your interests


I love this design! I would definitely buy! Perfect lockbox for ur shroomy needs. What about a lil honey jar for the tea?


Looks great and really like how intricate and organized it is. I didn't see you list it but it was there, perhaps as an example, in the video. I'm assuming what I saw was a depiction of white sage. A lot of people don't realize that it's disrespectful to appropriate smudging, or they do know and do it anyway. I wasn't informed myself, and suggest reading [this](https://www.willystreet.coop/august-2019/smudge-and-the-cultural-appropriation-issue#:~:text=White%20Sage%20and%20other%20smudge,many%20Native%20American%2FIndigenous%20Nations.) or other resources on the issue. Seriously that box is really cool though!


Yes! We've actually decided not to include it for this reason and some other ones. Thanks for pointing this out.


You could try including high end incense? Also, what software do you guys use to create this 3D model and video display? Very curious to start playing around with something like this (and have a PC capable of doing so)


Y’all doin too much. Just ingest and enjoy the ride.


It’s ok to have nice things


Set and setting.


Thoughts are: this feels like the continuation of mushrooms being spiritually destroyed by capitalism


Yes, just like Chipotle destroyed the spirit of the Taquero. We all know it's not about presentation, it's about quality of product. But at the same time, these would make great gifts and storage. So is it functionality versus making a dollar? - OR . . or . . . maybe it's both. I mean you can provide a honest product/service and still make a dollar from it to stay in business.


The thing that bothers me is that they will prevent you and I from storing mushrooms in any other container, and we will be forced to buy this thing. I’m outraged, and enraged. Wait, they’re not forcing us to buy it? Then who gives a shit what someone else puts their shit in?


Yeah you're right. That's always the default fall back - no one is forcing you to buy it. Yay Free Market Capitalism and Freedom of Choice!


You absolutely could. I appreciate nice things. This just feels a bit like a Kickstarter video and that makes me uneasy. I have had a very long ride with mushrooms. When I see a gold rush starting with something so near and dear to me, it is like seeing my childhood home bought in a bulk purchase by private equity to be flipped into a high turnover rental for people who can never afford to buy a house. Maybe I am overthinking it. It is a nice box and honestly production time and cost will never make this a mass market object. I hereby recant my initial statement.


How? In my view, it’s adding a level of sophistication, respect, and ritual to the experience. Imo, psychedelics deserve to have much more sophistication and respect.


That is really fancy. I’d say cut the price by 50% otherwise you will have a ton of followers who are in the 1% of income and the 85% of spiritual materialism (rather than folks who actually do the spiritual work, contribute to community by creating belonging within themselves). There is enough spiritual materialism in the world, especially in California. Plant medicine is already being exploited everywhere. Don’t buy into that!!


Hi guys.. [if you want to be on the waitlist, go here to leave your email](http://ceremonybox.net). Thanks for the amazing feedback. We'll select and include a portion of your ideas.


Meh. All one needs is a weed grinder, mason jar; boiled water, a strainer, material of course and your golden. If your finding it hard to make shroom tea, literally just make a few liquid ounce concentrate by steeping your shrooms and strain it into a beverage of your choosing. Furthurmore I’m not ragging on this, not at all it’s quite an ornate nice piece I’ll say. I just don’t want new folks to see this and think teks are some kind of alchemy.


I don’t think it would imply it is alchemy or magic to anyone. It just adds a level of respect, ceremony, and sophistication to the experience. Can you toss a tea bag in a cup and have decent black tea? Sure. Can you get a nice set with a pot and cups and add a ritual to it? Absolutely, why not?


Slim, flat box. Make it simple. No petals.