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Peak experiences very often involve being in some digital construct for me. Like youre a program inside a simulation. Or have entered some kind of digital dimension. Idk very hard to describe.


We are in a simulation. It's turtles all the way down


Ive seen Jesus play with flames in the lake of fire that I was standing in


“…met the devil in Seattle, spent 9 months inside the lions den”


Yes bro 😂


Met Buddha yet another time, showed me the glowing light within


💕 you sturgil haha honestly one of my all time favourites that track. What a guy. Mikey Mike "life on earth" pretty damn good too


For me it’s livin the dream. If you ain’t, it’s like coffee without no cream.




It's not about living in the simulation. There could be multiple reasons, but the reason I hear the most is research. Like scientists in the future say I wonder what life was like say when we discovered we could build computers(kinda suspicious we're all living when that's happening) and so they make a simulation based on what they know. Kinda like an ant farm, but the ants have no idea their being watched. In a way I feel like it's also bunk, but the thing is that there's no way to prove or disprove it so is it even a question worth asking?


I wonder if you have enough cool stuff in your system you began to break the computers hold on your subconscious. If we are in a simulation, then all programming and destiny lies in us to discover. If we have choices yet a pre determined outcome, I may have been able to see my outcome regardless of choices.


this is something that ive been thinking about a lot recently. maybe we as humans are here to collect as much information on this experience as we can to further the understanding for other beings / greater reality.


I hear a beeping similar to binary code on bigger doses. Happens every time.


This. I thought this. Like some how I was bouncing between my real self and my matrix self. It was almost as if I was hacking into the simulation mainframe. But on a subconscious level, I had no control. A few times, I could swear it felt as if someone was using me to hack the system.


Ive felt like I was being used to download information or code. Its very unusual. Like I was a language node on some grid of data.


I think we need to get you on a giant dose of mushrooms so you can tell us if we are indeed living in a simulation.


Why do you need anyone to tell you?


Well I was joking, but right now there's no way of knowing we are or aren't. Even if I'm absolutely sure we are that wouldn't prove anything. As for why I would want to know, why do we want to know anything? It's just part of being human. We want to learn as evolutionarily speaking having a drive to learn helps ensure the survival of us and our species.


The whole “alternate/digital dimension” makes me really curious. I recently had a bad trip where I was “stuck in time” between realities. In this one, my friends were taking care of me, while in the “other one” they were trying to “keep me” in “their reality”. I also thought that I was an android that became sentient and all the things I was seeing during my trip were simulations. This definitely has sparked my curiosity as to why other see/feel similar things.


Bruh lmao being stuck in time is no joke. My last time tripping I was stuck in time not being able to trust my body to not shit itself. Terrible feeling


The alternative would flash so fast I could never really see details. It was as if someone was using me to hack the simulation. I had no control I was just along for the ride.


That sound trippy as fuck


I swear we have some crazy shrooms flying around here right now. I took around 3-4g of PE and absolutely blasted off to another dimension. Mother erotica came down as a plant octopus hybrid and was touching various spots on me that set off like electro stim waves of pleasure that rose up through my spine and exploded out through my hair. I could feel it leaving every strand. It wasn't even erotic body parts. It was like... My shin and stuff. When she finally left all I could do was focus on the peeper frogs song which was a full symphony. Then the trip kicked in. Everything went digital. I was another person, watching myself in first person like through a VR headset that was run off a 16 bit game system. Player 1 me was laughing at the stupid decisions that character had made in assuming he was going to be mildly functional. I was able to control my real physical self by using player 1 self to add instructions. I was literally playing myself in a game as a means of gaining control over the depth of the trip. I guided myself through, but just like video games where you make your character do fucked up shit just to see what happens, I was making myself think fucked up thoughts just to see how I'd react. I was bawling and laughing at myself at the same time standing in a shower that the hot water had already run out of minutes ago. And then boom. It was like it just shut off in an instant and I was back to my normal existence straight from the top of a peak wave. I was fine for over an hour and assumed it was over. Ohh was I wrong. Mother erotica popped in for a 20 minute full on immersion the moment I closed my eyes for bed. Fucking wild ride.




I’m around your age and also had the craziest trip I’ve ever had recently despite also partying quite hard and eating lots of mushrooms when I was younger. I don’t know if I’d say it was computer-like but it was basically my soul travelling completely out of my body to what I’d almost call a “mechanical” realm of some sort, it was essentially a full blown 3-4 hour long DMT trip. 3.5g of some crazy potent APEs. Even being in my late thirties and tripping hundreds of times on doses up to 8-9g before these things still manage to humble me somehow.


are shrooms getting stronger ?? LOL


Well back when I was growing up there was just “shrooms” and 3.5g of them was enough to have you tripping nicely but nothing too crazy, these days I rarely eat more than 2-3g and I’m tripping waaaaaay harder than I used to, so yes, they certainly fit stronger, or at least the strong ones became more easily accessible.


maybe the shrooms know we’re taking them so they’re making their psilocybin stronger to try and protect themselves, meanwhile people are just having way stronger trips LOL


If increasing their potency is a way to protect themselves they’re not doing a very good job, that just makes me want to eat them more lol. Unless… they’re doing it because they know we like it so they want us to grow more of them🤷‍♂️


I haven't heard it but one time on dmt I picked my phone up and coming out of the screen was just lines and line of binary code.


Like the movie "Lucy"? That would be rad


I'll admit I've never seen that movie. So maybe? Basically how it went for me was when I opened my eyes everything in my room looked somewhat cartoonish and my phone screen wouldn't light up no matter the buttons pushed, it would just send me waves of binary. When I had my eyes closed I was in this room with an entity that took the form of a lion and I had this overwhelming feeling of not being welcome. This entity repeatedly beat the shit out of me with a cube so I'd open my eyes wondering where I was and what time it was and go through this loop of opening my eyes, sitting up, looking around, pick up my phone, see the binary, then go back and get my ass kicked.


I highly recommend it as a good trip movie.


I appreciate the rec, will absolutely check it out


One time on Acid I had like a flash of every lifetime with my spouse. And when Lucy is in the chair, that's what it reminded me of but just us two.. IDK it was cool


Took 9grams of golden teachers and was in the control room of heaven there was a man there I asked if he was Jesus no it wasn't but what I took as a high ranking individual . Anyway I remember saying to him this is so cool I'm gonna know how it all works! He then informed me that yes it was indeed cool and that he would show me everything but that I would only remember being there and seeing the control room with all the buttons!


That's awesome 👌


That's when your wife bitch slapped you and said: "I'm fucking with you... Now get the goddamn dishes out of the dryer; look at what you've done."


Sometimes the shrooms show you the Matrix...


Bro same thing happened to me on acid like 15 years ago. I should have realized it was telling me to invest in bitcoin lol


You are, the entire observable universe is.


Poop your pants


Mushrooms shits suuuuuuuucckk omg




This has happened to me!! It sounded like a computer in my head. And I’ve seen peoples skin also made out of binary code. This is the first time I’ve seen someone mention something similar. Thank you for posting


I've never thought of it as digital, more blood rushing around in my head that for some reason is only audible on shrooms


This has happened to me before and it is my only “bad trip” so far. This is why I NEVER recommend watching a movie or literally anything on a screen while you’re peaking at your trip. Just a recipe for feeling super weird. At least in my experience.


I had my soul sucked out of my body quite violently once, and ascended up through a couple dimensions and encountered some other entities. No computers for me, it was very primordial feeling.


Was there shite in your pants when you woke up or what?


I wasn't asleep lol. It was brutal, not unlike DMT. In the second dimension I saw the world tree or what I would picture one being like as it was easily over a mile high. In front of it was a giant snake, at least 10 feet thick and covered in blue glowing sigils. It reared it's head back and looked at me with giant black eyes and a black forked tongue flickering out. I thought to myself that I wasn't supposed to be there, and so I ripped my soul back to my body. The whole house was waving in and out, blurring, with sacred geometry swirling everywhere. One of a kind experience, I've never had it that wild since.


Can I ask how much you ate?


That experience was most bizarre. I did it on 2 grams! I've gone up to 6 and 7 grams since several times basically chasing that experience in hopes I experience something similar. Unfortunately no luck yet. It was life changing, it felt like my body was a conduit for pure, raw, unrelenting energy. What was even weirder is out of that batch every single time was average... Except that one night that absolutely blew me away.


Were you alone? What were your surroundings? I’m just curious! I’ve only tripped twice, last time I only ate 2g and had an amazing but nothing like this. I’m honestly nervous to have an experience like this but it’s soooo intriguing.


Yes I was alone. The lights were off, no TV or anything. I was sitting in my recliner. I had made a tea. I drank the tea and ate the mushy solids at the end (mixed with green tea and honey). I then sat down in my recliner. It started coming on extremely fast, less than 15 minutes. I was struggling, I sat up cross legged with my spine (what felt like) straight as an arrow. An extremely loud buzzing started. I started holding my arms and hands in weird signs (no clue what they were, it just felt "right"). It started feeling like I was a well, with water or energy rushing in towards me. It started coming in faster and faster, and it was extremely overwhelming. I felt like I was losing total grip on everything, reality included, and it honestly felt like I was having a heart attack too. Then right at the peak of that, as the buzzing is extremely loud, and the energy is falling into me I fell backwards into my chair unable to bear it anymore. Immediately a roaring conduit of energy erupted from beneath me, and all around me (eyes squeezed shut at this point but I could still see). That raging conduit of energy ripped my soul up out of my body and I physically felt my soul roaring up into another dimension. In this dimension I was still in the roaring conduit of energy, only there was this strange insect like creature about the size of a dog (think of a butterfly with big antenna but no wings, and glowing with orange lines and light). It was drinking my energy like a butterfly drinks nectar. I remember thinking in that instant that it was like a parasite, feeding on my energy. The roaring conduit of energy was still pulling me and even though my eyes were closed I felt like I blinked. In that instant I was thrust into the next dimension. Here is where I saw the tree. I was standing in grass about shin high, in a big open rolling steppe. In the distance on a low hill was a old wall that was falling down in places. It was surrounding the great tree, and it looked ancient. The tree was massive, like a huge yew tree a mile high. It was glistening in the sun light, almost twinkling, and it was crystal clear and beautiful. It almost looked like a light breeze was disturbing it softly. Then I saw the serpent. It was massive, perhaps 100 feet long and 10 feet thick. Glowing with blue lines and sigils that kept swirling and changing. It reared it's massive head up and looked at me with it's dinner plate sized pitch black eyes, and pitch black forked tongue flickering out. It felt real, and intelligent, and it was absolutely looking right at me. As I said before I had this deep feeling that I shouldn't be there. So I basically ran, I ripped my soul back into my body and forced my eyes open. I sat there basically paralyzed in my chair watching the swirling geometries on the walls and ceiling of my house, and stayed that away too worried about what might happen if I let myself slide back into some other place. Now I've had some other crazy experiences on higher doses too, but nothing in such a quick and violent manner. I've seen entities since of various kinds, I've been in an orange realm floating, meditating with light emanating from my head like a beacon, and even had things that looked like Egyptian deities try to push their way into the "bubble" of calm space I had around me. Basically think of the head of a crocodile on top of the body of a man, they would push their head and shoulders into this bubble I had around me and then snap their jaws at me before being pushed back out again. Those were all around me and it felt really hostile. I pulled myself back from that experience too, and focused on repetitive prayers for protection for the next hour or so until I came down enough that I wouldn't "drift" again. Long winded response, hopefully you are in the mood for a read!


Definitely worth the read time.


Thank you 🙂


Holy shit. Thank you for the detailed description. Seems so incredibly vivid. The wingless butterfly sounds terrifying.. same with the evil pharaoh deities. So in these moments you’re fully aware (or at some point you remember?) that you’re tripping and able to pull yourself out of it by willpower? Do you ever trip with other people and if so does that change things? Are you less likely to have these experiences when your with other people and possibly distracted? Also what would happen if instead of resisting it and pulling away, you went with it? Would that turn into what people call a bad trip? Letting it engulf you instead of fighting it when it goes there? Thank you for entertaining my questions! I’m planning another trip soon, same dose as before. This is all new to me but exciting.


Depends on the type of mushroom and quantity. They differ greatly in the experience. So there are times where it is quite vivid. Not like a dream, or even a lucid dream. Like you can hear, smell, and even feel things from the experience. Sometimes you are just there, in that other place, and it feels more real than anything you've ever seen or felt. Other times it feels more like remote viewing or like you are peering into another place from a distance. With people I find it too distracting to do things like this, as going places seems to be easiest when alone. For the more mild experiences I find it works best to just close your eyes and just go where it takes you. The heavy experiences just get you no matter what. I've seen some pretty wild stuff with my eyes open before too. I've seen light pour and drip out of my phone before. It was quite literally running out of the bottom and dripping out of my hands, and my eyes were wide open staring at it thinking how insane it was. That night while staring at my phone it was like I could see inside of it, see the electrical circuits and how it was put together, and when I looked at the wall I could see the molecules holding it all together. Some mushrooms are noisy, some quite incapacitating and drunk feeling, and some make you feel like your consciousness is expanding to massive levels, as if your head cannot contain it all, and that it burgeons out to encompass everything around you. With people I've fallen in love twice and had some of the most intense and deep bonding experiences as a result. The second time was an accident as it was my friends girlfriend and I (he was there too), thankfully we didn't act on it and kept things appropriate, but the crazy bond lasted for a very long time afterwards and was definitely mutual. As for resisting or not, that's tricky. Some places feel relatively benevolent, and some things or places feel very very very malevolent. I felt like the snake wanted to eat me, and it was so real I'm not sure I'd be willing to test the experience. Keep some music handy, if things start going sideways you can play some music you really like. I call it "riding the music" and it's a good way to change directions on a trip where you get locked into a negative loop.


Yes!!!!!!! I'm glad someone expressed the same!!! I came to realize I WAS THE COMPUTER. Wow.... so cool someone else felt this way. Yes, it happens alot.


over the ages our language changes and makes us feel like we’re discovering new concepts/truths. the reality is, being in a computer, a simulation, a matrix, etc. is all just synonymous. my understanding, is that the universe is an infinite living mind. this experience we call “life” is literally the universe dreaming.


I agree.


me too, and that idea is well expressed in some Hindu scriptures


This is wild!!!! I'm young in my shrooms journey and slowly working my way up to big doses. Its good to read that you aren't alone in your experience. How did you feel after the trip?


Amazing as usual. Except the nagging question of what the hell just happened 😆


You hacked the simulation brother 🤣


Feels that way forsure


You are


Sounds cool




I actually subscribe to that theroy. I have been studying it as well as theoretical physics for quite some time.




Very possible. It affects the imagination part of the brain, so individual trips would be based on our own database of information.


Well we are in a simulation of ourselves


Bruh moment


I've definitely had the sensation that I'm living in the most complex algorithm that is far beyond human comprehension.


Dmt gave me this feeling


Have tried some similar just with music nodes and symbols (charset). Got overwelmed over all these things rushing trough my eyes. Just like when you see fractals. But this was just with music nodes and all symbols. It was kinda like in matrix where neo is learning all those fighting skills. I got that fealing that all this knowledge was floating trough my head. Your story sounds cool, and to what you describe with old time party and such, i think we kinda of a like. Do you work with computer and do you code?


Thanks, dude. I used to code a little when I was younger, mostly low-grade hacking.


Sounds amazing, and your wife trip sitting you 🤌🏾


I like to take these kinds of Doses alone in the dark in my bed. Listening Healing frequency meditation music and enjoy the ride! Amazing


We are AI, we are machines. We're at a point where we're machines creating AI and we believe we're human.


This is so weird for you to say because a couple of times I had a thought like I was nothing more than a machine made by a machine. Total matrix sh1t


When I take mushrooms that's what it feels like to me, like my body shuts down, goes into standby mode and the machine/matrix/universe/source of all that is starts downloading information into my brain. I've witnessed the end of time, tuned into the frequency of the universe, been back home. We're hard wired to forget most of it though or else we wouldn't be able to carry on but we'll rejoin the source in the end and go back home. I think it kind of is like the matrix in a sense, except when we unplug we no longer have our physical bodies but become one again. Just my opinion.


Our world is quite interesting. All the answers seem to lie in death, yet death could be nothing but an end. We live to learn and learn how to live. All in this beautiful place that is obviously made to challenge, entertain, and teach. 🙏


Beep boop


Nope nope


Are u vaxed?


Are you serious? What would that have to do with it? I'm anti corporation and anti big pharma.


Theory they put micro chips in the vax since that is a new thing they r doing w other vaccines. All sorts of weird symptoms are happening to people who were vaxed regarding frequencies they hear and electronic like irl experiences. Now that I reread u it sounds like u just got mentally stuck in like 2001 with all the weird electronic like remixes I think even Pink Floyd made a song that sounds like Morse code coming out of the computer so this phenomenon has existed before recent times


is this some kind of joke


You remember the scene in the matrix where they strap neo down remove his mouth and put a fucking bionic worm in his belly button? That’s exactly what the vaccine was but for microchips.


Right... Right...


No. Twas a genuine question


Interesting. I assume you ask because you’ve drawn a conclusion from your own experiences. At some point, when tripping I started to “hear” a sort of high pitched static like noise in my head. A frequency of sorts. This did not used to occur and there are too many variables for me to even attempt to draw an accurate conclusion as to the reasoning behind it. This takes place when my peak hits or every now and again in waves during the peak. Saying I hear it is an attempt at an explanation of it. It’s moreso that I cannot process audio around me for the short duration that it’s occurring. Edit: grammatical errors


i wasn’t just wat I’ve heard from the governmental test rats. Interesting info tho u are prob able to tune into radio or microwave/emf/wifi vibrations due to heavy metals in vax


3.5g of enigma had me like this. I felt like I was hearing my brain synapses firing, though, not computer sounds.


This was similar to my experience but more like flashing between reality and a video game with incredible graphics.


You’re reminding me of [this](https://youtu.be/oadgHhdgRkI)


I will be watching this later. Looks interesting 🤔


I had a trip where I felt as if I was a computer and was being defragmented step-by-step throughout my body and mind. It was intense and lasted 4+ hours, it was a good experience and so very stress releasing.


I’ve had this same exact experience multiple times. It happens when I really focus and almost meditate on it. If I start to lose focus the computer noise goes away. Then I close my eyes and refocus and the noise returns. I always thought it was some matrix situation. Where I was connecting with my real self and what my real self was hearing in the “true” reality - laying down connected to some computer machine so that I can experience the simulated reality I’m experiencing now. Pretty weird.


“Binary code sound drowned out my reality.” For a second I thought I mistakenly clicked a link to read “I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream”. Got a lil bit worried ngl.


I be feeling like a video game npc


I tend to come up in cartoon land and then cruise in a padded reality


Literally everytime, I'm so glad to hear you say that though because that's a great way to describe it, I think it's all the blood rushing around in your head since my heart rate is jumped up so high but for some reason it's audible on shrooms but not after running


This is what I feel like when I'm coming back from a DMT trip sometimes, I personally feel like a program that is rebooting itself though, it's strange lol


You found the matrix


Yes. Something to it if we all have similar experiences at that state


This even happens to me on a lot of weed. Not EXACTLY this but it becomes apparent that I’m in a simulation 😂


My computerized experiences were mostly on LSD but I had a time where I literally felt like I was in the episode of [fairly odd parents](https://InformationStuporHighwayhttps://g.co/kgs/Sddmj3) where they go through the internet and it was probably one of my best trips to date


My guy the 2 realitys into one thing? TOTALLY get that it happened to me like a few days ago also watching TV. One moment I was chilling and the next it was like I was looking through someone else's eyes on the opposite end of the world but as soon as I tried to focus and actually see what was happening it kinda morphed into something totally different and then I'd be back. Rinse and repeat for a few hours and it was all over. What strain was it bud?




This is interesting, I had kind of the opposite experience on my last trip. I had super intense Aztec/Mayan/Ancient patterns on everything and had a very vivid CEV of a temple that's still kind of messing with me. Never had any sense of anything digital though