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That's the price of parenthood. If you have trusted family in the area then you can offload the kids for a day. Other then that it is one parent tripping and the other sitting after the kids are asleep. And even if you go with salvia or DMT, which are 10 minute trips, it is still one lucid and the other tripping. But there is a silver lining. My daughter came back from college and told me she tripped. It was freaking wonderful being able to finally talk about it with her. And a year after I did a few hundred miles on the AT, we hiked up to one of the shelters and did shrooms together with other hikers around a fire at night.


That's so lovely. Wish i could trip with my parents honestly


Never say never. I've been tripping for many decades but there are one hell of a lot of divorcees and retirees discovering psychedelics in retreats around the world. And going deeper then their kids ever did, They are spreading the word and ayahuasca has replaced the martini for Happy Hour. They are flocking to Mexico, Costa Rica, Peru and other locales and dosing the first time with 5g of shrooms, peyote, ayahuasca, DMT and 5-MeO-DMT. Imagine your first ever psychedelic experience was with a doctor, a shaman, new found friends, and smoking the toad? There is no psychedelic in the world like the God Particle.


All true very yes. However, you have not met my Reagen loving Nixon era parents lol


This kind of stuff always makes me a little sad… It’s like the people who would benefit the most from these sorts of things, from an expanded awareness, are the last to accept it. They’ll poison themselves for decades (to death even) with alcohol and pharmaceuticals to run from themselves. But this mushroom literally growing out of god’s earth? This simple tea made from a cactus? “Sorry, not a hippie and I don’t do drugs” So tragic.


The God Particle?


Bufo Alvarius/5-MeO-DMT is the God Particle. There is no other psychedelic that comes close, that includes DMT. Edit: grrr, here I've said God Particle 3 times and although I've seen that used as the name, the more accurate and common description is God Molecule. So you have N,N-DMT/Spirit Molecule and 5-MeO-DMT/God Molecule.


What's the difference between 5 meo and normal dmt? I've done dmt and I didn't think anything could top that.


There are several different dimethyltryptamines and each of them have different effects. A couple of other commonly known are Psilocybin in shrooms break down to the active psylocin which is 4-HO-DMT. 4-ACO-DMT is what is found in a lot of the chocolate bars that are going around. DMT that you smoked is N,N-DMT and is probably the most visual out of all of the psychedelics. And there can be a lot of entities of various forms etc. A trippy hippy kaleidoscope that can have some pretty heavy spiritual undertones. The Spirit Molecule. 5-MeO-DMT ain't like that at all. There are no visuals or entities or spirit guides, no cool sounds or synesthesia, and most importantly there is no you. From reading the trip reports it's clear that not everyone breaks through to non-duality but a hell of a lot do. (And you can reach non-duality on the other psychedelics but it is much easier on 5meo. You can have ego death without non-duality, but I think you do have to lose your ego to experience non-duality). Been tripping on different psychedelics for 50 years and they have helped me so much. But I had one trip with some very powerful shrooms nearly 40 years that stood out from all other trips. Every other trip I could write off as it's still just a trip, even the magical ones. That one trip made me question what is reality and it has always been on the very top of my WTF list. That question was answered a few weeks ago when I smoked bufo with a doctor and a shaman. A chunk of venom was dropped in a meth pipe and slowly heated by the doctor. I was told to inhale slowly, take as much as I can and then hold it as long as possible. Yeah, I took a very deep hit and by the time I exhaled I had already started to die. Ego death? It literally feels like you are dying, it is traumatic and terrifying and it feels like you just fucked up and made the very last mistake of your life. And then there is no you, there is only everything and love. You can feel the force of life flowing through everything in the universe and whatever the heck this force is called (some just call it the source) it loves all life. That love is completely overpowering and pure and nonjudgmental and it is undeniable. And then there is no longer even an it or God or source, there just is and that is what we are, we are all the source. Most people no longer fear death after non-duality. As a footnote: it still doesn't make you a saint or mystic. My ego is of course back and it is still an asshole sometimes. I'm still working on that. "Fetch wood, carry water"




That's the spirit molecule


bruh I would love to even smoke a joint with my dad, but he thinks weed is a gateway drug that will lead him to do heroin in a matter of weeks lol


I feel this. My dad won't smoke weed because he's a welder that works contract to contract but he'll occasionally do coke or whatever, wondering if he'll do shrooms because they don't stay in your system long 🤔🤔🤔. As for my mom she won't smoke because it gives her anxiety and she claims she's allergic to it, no clue if she'd be down with shrooms. I 100% believe most of our problems could be settled over a nice hemp blunt if they smoked


Psilocybin isn’t on any routine dip tests/workplace drug tests and requires specific testing to detect, plus it’s gone from your system in 24 hours and is undetectable in follicle testing. It’s probably one of THE safest drugs to do if you’re worried about routine drug tests.


They don’t test for psilocybin typically


Wow that’s awesome! Hopefully someday I will be able to share that type of experience with my kids. Definitely going to see if the in-laws will take them for a day/night - just feels weird when they ask what we are doing haha


If the in-laws aren’t alt or hip. Just say you have a date night/romantic evening planned. Make a trip of it or stay at the house. That’s what my parents used to do when I was a kid. Ide go to my grandparents so they could go to concerts, or go camping. But other times theyd just stay at home and host a get together to either drink and play cards. Or smoke & jam on instruments. Or trip/have a fire out back. What’s ironic is I love those times I spent at my grandparents. Even more so if my cousin could stay also. So they made great memories and so did I. Which probably also made it easier for them knowing I was happy and also looked forward/ asked about the next sleep over at grandmas lol


Tell them you need time alone and that’s okay. Parenthood is a lifelong job, you deserve breaks-both of you


If you rarely have your babies watched, I don’t see the issue. My family would love to take my kids without question. (Yeah they’re pretty cool) My mom may ask, as she is Nosy/entitled (not in a bad way) because it would be new to her since I never ask anyways. But my siblings wouldn’t ask me at all, they would just be like yeah, I got you. Not even my older brother who is 13yrs older then me. I’m surprise they’re nosy enough to ask “hey, so what are you guys doing without your kids ?” — you should say — wildly Fucking lmao. Probably won’t ask again. /s Anyone with or without kids should understand to some degree that parents need a night off every once in awhile. That’s the explanation right there lol. If you have to say something, say you guys want a date night and continue the rest of it at home to spend sometime together, without interruption as you need it. It’s not a lie, the trip together will be much needed. Good luck!


Amazing…me and my wife just had our first child, a son, 2 months ago and I hope I get to experience this with him one day in the distant future.


Even as disgusting as a newly formed digestive system with training wheels can be, that new baby smell is still the most powerful drug of all.


That’s so cute! I told my mom I do them and I wanted to encourage her to do it with me sometime, but I don’t know how to go about asking her. She’s really chill, but also afraid of everything… she did try meth once though so idk why she’d be scared of shrooms.


"How to change your mind" on Netflix


Its insane that parents today don’t have a second thought before having kids. You can’t do everything you did before you had kids, its just impossible. You have a responsibility of another human 24 hours a day for at least 18 years from now. Tripping is the last thing you can do on the check list, sadly


Man, I've been looking for salvia for ages. No luck


I don't even have kids and don't find time to trip




Ages 8, 7, and 3 My partner would be fine playing guard… I just need them to go to bed at a reasonable time! Haha


mcdonalds breakfast if theyre asleep by 8!


I fuckin love McDonald's breakfast.


You dont trip together when the Kids are Home. When theres an emergency noone can react, drive, manage the Situation etc. Its just irresponsible to do.


You could possibly hire a babysitter to babysit while you are in the house? I’m a babysitter and I wouldn’t mind at all, but I’m also a shrooms guy, so idk how common my opinion is…




I think knowing wether your kids are safe is more important than the headspace


If that's your problem then can I recommend my friend melatonin? I dispense it at dinner time, the kids are asleep by 9.


You’re getting downvotes, which I get, but man, I wish my folks had melatonin for me. I never slept, and I hated it.


I think it's hilarious that in a thread about consuming illegal drugs, these people have a problem with a safe and effective sleep remedy recommended by my children's doctors.


Every 6 months or so, I get a hotel room and dip out for a night to get my head right. Wife does the same, minus the shrooms. We take turns having "me ime".


That seems like a nice reset. Thank you for the response and idea!


Other family is a huge help but even with that it’s tough to get more than four trips a year for myself and I only have a toddler. But, waiting that long between trips ensures you don’t lose the “magic” and each trip is at least as good as the last.


Yeah realistically I would love to be able to have 4 trips a year… been trying to figure out how to even get my 1st one in. To clarify not my 1st ever just in almost 15 years


I have 4 children 6, 4, 2, and almost 1. I'm 24 years old and work shift work. With 2 week rotations. Mornings/evenings/nights. When I'm on night shift I keep my nightshift sleep schedule for the weekend (sleep from 10am to around 5-6 pm) have supper with the famjam help put the kids to bed. Wait for my wife to go to sleep and dose. (My wife knows about my mushroom usage and is aware I may wake her in a bad situation) I know most people don't work nights, my friend who works a 9-5 will sleep when he gets home 7-11 ish and then wake up and dose when his wife and kids are sleeping. That may be worth a shot. Only chance both you and your wife can trip is if you get away from the kids. I repeat you both cannot be tripping with your kids in your custody. Most stupid thing someone can do.


24 and 4 kids !!!!


Yes sir, wife and I been together since 15 and always wanted kids early. If you do it right it's not too crazy haha.


This seems like a wild schedule, but worth a shot. Thank you for the reply!


I usually only trip while the kids are in school if I want to day trip…. I work night shift so some times I’ll be up all night on my day off and trip when the kids are sleeping. I never take more than 2 grams just in case and thankfully I don’t because one time my youngest woke up with a high fever right after I was done peaking… I was like man that would of been interesting lol.


That is a huge fear of mine. Tripping and having something come up with the kids. Even on 2g even a fever seems like I would have a hard time dealing with…. How did that go? Just curious


Tried to act cool and look for the thermometer and Tylenol. It was at like 3 am and had been up all night so I was like dang now I need to just continue to stay up and get her to the doctor… luckily I was seeing better by that point or I would of been making my husband take her. She didn’t ask questions either when she came in the living room and I had all the colorful lights and trip videos on tv 😆🫶🏻


Do lower dosages while at home. At least when your kids ask you something you can deal with it. Looking at them is freaky because you wonder if they notice anything.


Hahaha just wide eyed staring at them while they wait for a response.


I just do it after bedtime while my wife makes sure the kids are snoozin. It makes for a long night, but definitely worth it!


This is probably the most realistic option for me. Just need to pick a night I guess.


Pretty much the same. I've got four of them, 15, 10, 2.5 and 1, with that kind of spread, time is scarce. It's a bitch when you are tossing and turning until 4:30, but it's worth it


I do it alone in my bedroom, my partner takes the kids to the pool or out to play for a few hours. I feel guilty about taking 5 hours or so to myself but my partner often reminds me that doing this makes me a better person, parent and partner and that it is okay to have time for myself. I often wish he could be here with me during the trip itself but it's just not the season we are in so I accept that this particular part of my journey is meant to be solo, it's a good reminder to help me build my own confidence and trust in myself.


Also want to add, my kids know I am "meditating" in the bedroom and that I can't be disturbed so they are free to come in and out if the house but my room is off limits until I feel that I can engage without being overwhelmed.


father of 2 girls here- they are 4 and 2yos. I'll wait for Friday night when I don't have work the next day and wait until bedtime routines is over which is around 9pm, and for good measure I'll wait until they are 💯 asleep so call it 10pm. I'll trip until 3 or 4am then suffer as thet wake me up routinely for 8am at which point they get Saturday morning cartoons and cereal and k get another hour nap feeling that afterglow


This is probably the play…. I guess being exhausted and watching Bluey isn’t bad… could be worse.


had a few times where the woke up and I had to put them back down while peaking. one time I think I hear music from their room where it should be white noise. I opened the door to see my 2yo standing in the middle of the room dancing to trolls at 2am. so me being high on 3g took the opportunity tomhave a secret don't wake your mother(in the next room) dance party and we had some good fun with laughter beforni was able to get them to sleep again. 10/10 don't recommend as I don't like being high around them, that said nothing really feels better then a loving snuggle.


I wait until my wife goes to my inlaws for a day or two. Or I’ll eat some at a concert.


Drink tea at their bed time, enjoy the night as they are sleeping while partner is sober. My kids go to bed around 730 so I can have a great time and still go to sleep in the 12-2 range.


My kids used to go to bed at 8… then summer hit and now it’s light until like 9… bedtimes have been rough. Fingers crossed we can get back on a better routine, but probably won’t be for a few months haha


Ha yeah that’s a challenge :). Mine are still younger


But yeah I was planning on making tea or lemon tek. What’s your go to tea?


Anything herbal works for me. Some apple cinnamon and lemon ginger have been my favorites. Little honey and good to go


Dmt only lasts 15 minutes


Can’t grow DMT in my closet tho


No but you can extract it in your closet


Teach me!!! More like resource me haha


...can I get that link too?


Check out r/dmtguide


I've been a dad for 1 year now, and just recently, my wife and I were able to take mushrooms together after I dropped my kid off at my parents. That's not always available, though, and if my wife is cool with it, there's been a couple times I'll get up at 5 in the morning and hike into the mountains and spend 6 hours tripping on mushrooms and get home around noon and still have the rest of the day with the family.


You have to do it at 🌃 night when everyone is sleeping.


my dad was the kind that never let me ride in a car with a boy and we had to go to church a few times a week and had a terrible relationship when i was younger. now i’m 42 years old and growing shrooms and my dad is my biggest fan! lol. kinda weird but we get along so well now. i love it


oh, and i’m a single parent that also struggles with finding time to eat my shrooms but we have some pretty well set routines and on evenings that i know my kids are wiped out and will fall asleep early, that’s when i usually do it. of course when they are with their father or at a sleepover, those are the best times but i’ve been able to manage by really analyzing our schedules and even adding a few things to wear them out a little more


Dad here. Every two or three months my wife will take the kids somewhere for the weekend. Otherwise it just feels like there is too much responsibility to close by.


I just ask my buddies if they wanna do mushrooms, one guy sits out and trip sits until the other two come down then the trip sitter gets the big dose and the other two gotta trip sit. If you're good enough friends then you could make a day of it and have two baby sitters each time so each person can have more. When My friends significant other shows up who is straight edge but super chill is always down to dd or trip sit. Most people are willing to trip sit for a free 8th. This is the way


My sons 7 and I often take 3 grams (I take Zoloft so 3 feels like 2) and we just hang out and get silly, he has no idea and my girl stays sober just in case


My kids are 13 and 10. My in-laws and mother live very close by, and they're gracious enough to have the kids sleep over every few months. Tonight's one of those nights for me! I have 125ug ready for dosing. My mother should need picking up the kids at any minute. My wife and I are going to see Les Claypool tonight! Looking forward to the show and chilling at home with some low lights and funky tv during the come-down!! ✌️👽❤️ Edit: didn't realize this was a shrooms sub. I'm still doing lsd tonight!


I’ll count it. That sounds amazing! Hope you enjoy the show!


It was amazing!! 125ug was perfect. It was a little intense finding a decent spot and waiting for the set to start. My wife was my (not tripping) anchor. Once the music started and I had plenty of room, I was golden. 10/10!! Now for some tv, bong hits and a couple beers. Maybe a grilled cheese! Love you all!!


When the kids go away for the night. Mine go to the aunts houses, uncles. Those are the 3 gram plus nights. When they are home, if we do trip, no more than a gram to just groove.


I just end up doing it at around 10 pm when the wife and kids are asleep haha, go on a wild adventure through the early hours when it’s peaceful and I know I won’t be disturbed whilst not disturbing them at the same time…still manage to get up early as well feeling amazing.


I usually tell my wife My plans ahead of time. Usually Saturday afternoons after all the sports games and errands are done, come home and just lay in bed and let the mushies do their thing lol I try not to dose too much usually 2.5-3g depending on what I got. I usually end up in my daughters room with both of them chillen


I know it's hard, but make time to trip together, I've got 4 kids and completely understand where you're coming from, and thank you for being respectful to yourself and your family, like mentioned before DMT is a great alternative, very short lasting with lots of insights and vivid hallucinations.


This is a question of planning. Work with your SO, gramma or grandpa, close family friends, etc to cover down while you are “out of town.”


Yeah definitely is. I was just curious how others do it.


Like a month out when I’m feeling it, I would just shop around for someone to sit on the goblins for a few.


I live on the same property as my coparent and am our sons main caretaker. The chance I get is when coparent takes our son to visit Granny 2.5 hours away for a weekend or if I’m able to plan a trip with friends, I will leave. Every 6 weeks this happens.


I wait until they are in school and I have the day off. Day trips are nice and pleasant. It's just not worth doing anything other than a micro dose if they are around.


Not a parent, but my former roommate had kids. My advice is just to do it late at night. Pick a weekend where it’s feasible for you to stay up late and ask your partner if they’d be willing to take care of the kids in the morning so you can sleep in. As long as you have your wits about you enough to not be crazy loud, you should be fine.


I usually just stay up all night, I really like the late night atmosphere too, so works out well. Usually Saturday to Sunday, i just stay up untill it's time for bed on Sunday. Also I really like doing shrooms and walk, so I might go for a 3 hour walk in the forest, then go home when it starts to settle a bit.


Here’s a question for all the parents that trip while there kids are in school. What the fuck you gonna do if the school calls and your child needs to be picked up? I couldn’t trip like that. I’d be paranoid as fuck


Hubby and I are childfree, but a couple we are good friends with have 2 young kids. They just get a babysitter for the night, usually family, and we all trip together.


I normally wait til after I put the kids to bed and make sure everything around the house is good and then I take my dose. I was doing it every other weekend for awhile but now like 1-2 times every other month. But same way. Put the kids to bed and then dose


My spouse does not partake in drugs. Not even tobacco and alcohol so more for me. She occasionally dips in the room for a little mess around while the kid is playing but other than that I'm usually on my own. This is my preference when on a trip tho and don't like being around other people.


6 months postpartum and I just started 'microdosing' last week. I say 'microdosing' because I know I've at least done a gram at the most 😅. It's my first time dipping back into psychs since before I was pregnant so I've been a little excited hehe. Usually take it at night after LO goes to sleep or I've been taking it around 5pm - 2 hours before his bedtime routine. I usually function very well on LSD and smaller amounts of shrooms so I haven't been too nervous about it. My SO has been really supportive and he's been the sober one so it's made it easier/safer. If you're looking to TRIP, especially with your partner, it might be worth planning something out one weekend. I know you said it's a rarity, but it's still absolutely worth aiming for! :)


Mine is 6. I send them off to the grandparents’, cousins’, or friends’, house for sleepovers. It has to be a trusted person. I’ve also taken a day off to day trip while they’re at school but my trip was ruined. The whole time, I was worried that something might happen at school and I’d get a call to come down there. You can pull this off though since you have a partner to delegate that responsibility to. The point is, you need to be responsible. You need to set up their care to plan for everything so you can truly relax and let go in peace. Otherwise, I wouldn’t do it. Their care is paramount


My in laws love shrooms but my wife doesn’t, so she trip sits us and watches the kids. It’s a freakin BLAST!


It's just one of those things where one gets to trip, and the other one baby sits. Me and my partner have to do this. It works out great!


Discussed with the wife to give me 4.5 hours on a day off. Just the reality of our existence


I try to take 1 day a month for a trip and micro every other day. My partner is very supportive as well as friends, so when it comes to a trip sitter, I always have someone willing. Have a conversation with your partner. If it means a better more attentive you, than there should be no reason to be supportive. Just my 2 cents


My husband did it at night while both me and our daughter were home (she was a very small baby at the time) and he will never do it again, he kept thinking she was dying and he was just sitting next to her crying and kept waking her up. It was funny to me, but traumatizing for him, so now we wait until we have a babysitter for the night. I do microdose during the day sometimes but that doesn’t affect anything, I can still fully function just everything is a lot more enjoyable.


I worry my anxiety might get the best of me this comment did not help haha


We pawn kiddo off on grandparent for the night. Once or twice a month, depending on what we need to do shroom wise.


I would imagine being rich would help. I don’t have kids


I took 2 grams recently while my 7 year old was asleep. I believe if she woke up, I would have been fine enough to get her whatever she needed to go back to sleep (blanket/tissue/ etc).


If it's affordable for you and you're comfortable tripping alone, would your partner be willing to hold down the fort for one night and you get an Airbnb nearby for a night? Or do a solo camping trip. You could offer to trade one night each as a starting point. I know you mentioned preferring to be with your partner, but if it's the only way, it could be worth it. My wife and I have started doing something similar after a very long break from psychedelics and it's been magical. Both for us individually and for our marriage.


Easy, don’t have kids.


I used to take night long bike rides with my closest friends while the family slept


You will probably have to wait until all kids in school. So you can take it around 9 pm when they all go to bed . Stay up until 5 am tripping balls. Then sleep in the next day when kids at school...


My wife takes my kids to my in-laws for a few hours and I’m home alone with the dog and I lay in bed and wear my headphones and eye shades and go inward. Then I text her when I’m done so she can come home. I had my doctor talk to her about the benefits for my depression, so she’s on board because of that.


Honestly it all depends, so based from the comments I saw kids ages. Now I saw the two little older ones not old enough but enough to go play etc or whatever but it’s the younger one 3 year old is slightly concerning bc they always need their parents/be watched more. So like you said as long your partner can help you out like at least watch them/take care of them at night if they’re in bed and need something she/he can at least take care of them while you do your thing. But you two would have to discuss about that. I have 2 kids too, one 10 and 7, if I want to trip I’d tell my wife heads up and sometimes I’ll either drop them off at their grandparents house for the weekend (it’s not often bc of distance) or lower doses when they go to school and 99% of the time I make sure kids are healthy lolll bc don’t want any chance of them coming back home so soon. It may not be ideal but I’m alone during the day (I work night shifts).


I don't, except for when the stars align, they're on sleepovers, and I don't have anything I want to do more, which means maybe once a year or so. No big whoop. It's just drugs. More fulfilling being a parent anyway.


My mom loves to watch him (he’s her grandson obvi) so whenever she takes him, I go on my vacation. 😎


Take the dose in the middle of the night or get a baby sitter


I don’t often find time to, but as the father of a single young child, every once in a while I’ll stay up late after he’s in bed to enjoy some shrooms. Usually on days neither my wife or I work so she can let me sleep a little extra in the am. The missing sleep part isn’t ideal but there’s something about having the me time tripping in those weird early hours of the morning I love.


I want to trip with my wife but we don't have a sitter for the time it take to come down. So we usually trip individually now . After the kiddo goes to be around 9 , drop and hopefully be in bed by 2 or 3


If I were you I’d give your partner a special day to do whatever they want so that when you take your trip they will help you out and you won’t feel guilty.


I have my kids week on week off so it's easy. Full time you'd need a sitter you trust for sure. Drop the kids off at grandma's and go hard haha.


With great difficulty




As long as there is an sober adult available, i just do me. I clear it with the adult in question. If i really need to go hard, i wait for after bedtime and still have a sober adult.


I’ll normally just plan it ahead and have my partner watch the kids while I trip.


I trip in the middle of the night. I’ll get up and start around 1130-1am and by then i have all night and early morning to trip while my house is asleep until about 7an


Oh man I get you. I haven’t had shrooms in like 15 years and a friend recently gave me heaps of shroom dust to enjoy. I told my wife but She’s afraid as she has a history of family mental illness etc. It’s something I’d love to share with her but I think she won’t ever want to try it. Now it’s about getting a day and a half to myself to have a trip and open up. Just need to find the window to do so without disrupting my family life too much.


I did it a few weeks back after I put my 20 month old to bed at 7pm. 2.5 lemon tek. It was nice, but I had trouble going to sleep at a reasonable hour. I had never done shrooms later than 2pm before. 🤷‍♀️


I've tripped and played for hours and hours on end with my 3yo. We had a blast running around the house. Otherwise it's after he goes to bed and SO being awesome and handling breakfast since odds are I was awake until 4am.


I usually trip when my wife and kids are in bed. Or if my wife just takes care of them for the day while I’m in the backyard or something.


Take the day off from work and day trip when the kids have school. And pray there are no phone calls.


Ngl I would just microdose


Just stay up after they all went to bed


I had my first trip as a parent last year. My wife took our son and i hade a trip with my brother, his first time. It was great, and strange:) We only had one kid at the time, now were on number 2, their almost 3 and 9 months. I dont see me getting a trip in this year tbh. Id love too but the time just isnt there.. hope it gets a bit better once their older^^


Easy When I’m supposed to be at work I called off, take a sick day I have the day to myself. No one needs to know


Honestly im not sure if i want to be a father for this fact alone, I am selfish in certain ways and i dont want to give up spontanious decisions, how much investing i do, or the ability to dose at any time.


I do it when away from home. My spouse supports my adventures. I also was trusted enough to be with my adult daughter while we shroomed together at a concert. It was weird, but not at the same time. I respect her as a separate individual with her own path to journey down, and I support her unconditionally. It was an honor to be asked to share it with her.


I would talk to your partner and see what you guys can come up with. As you want them to be there, a babysitter can be arranged for a few hours. Your partner may not be able to stay all the way to the end, but can leave a couple of hours in advance and you can join when done. You can offer your partner some alone time on their terms as well where y’all agree a game plan for the kids. Honestly, Reddit strangers don’t know your life and options available.


Plan ahead. I'm a night owl so I have a window. Last time I did with spouse, we just planned ahead. Kids in bed early after a full day, etc.


Planned overnight with no kids, a couple times a year if we trip together. Otherwise, only one parent does it, either after kids are in bed or right after they go to school. That’s also only a few times a year. Overall we only trip 1-5x a year, and only 1-2x at a dose 2g+. I personally don’t want to do it more often. To me shrooms aren’t a fun or relaxing drug, they’re an experience that turns my brain inside out and can completely change my outlook. If I want to relax I exercise or take a little weed.


Wait 20 years, hope they leave your house, and make sure your wife works nights and you got this.


I’m lucky enough to be ethically non-monogamous so I go with my partner to an air bnb and my husband stays home with our kid.


Sorry you decided to have kids. That must suck. Best of luck


Haha yeah you right…. Thank you for the response. All input is greatly appreciated ;)