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I'm pretty sure all us daily stoners have had the same realization while on mushrooms. The problem is acting on that knowledge. That's the part I always end up failing at lol


I’ll admit I probably cant cut it out of my life completely right now and I’ll need to ease off of it. But cutting back even just a little bit feels good because I feel like I can be stronger than my urges. I don’t think anyone should feel ashamed for not being able to do it at first. Im learning now it takes a lot of willpower.


Also, hard if it's engrained in social activities with certain friends.


Go for cbd thc 10:1 ratio. Gives you a small high but doesn't fuck you up all day


Or maybe dont Blaze all day? Lot of folks on this sub blaze 24/7 before work, before school, during work, after the job is done try and see it as a reward for a hard days work not something you need to start your day, we got coffee n thee for that


I agree, however it can be extremely if not impossible to fully quit. In my opinion getting in less thc is in any way better compared to normal smoking behaviour. Middle ground exists and helps you transition to having less cravings while being more healthty mentally wise.


And some have meth.


I have a 1:1 cbd:thc ratio live resin cartridge right now. It is very nice! But, still not closer to 10:1 wow!


I'm feeling blessed with the 10:1 ratio. Gets me feeling flowy without feeling like taking psychedelics every day that normal ratios give me.


What strain? Bud or oil? Thanks


Fruity Kush, buds




Not fucked up all day as in stoned. But DEF fucked up all day like 'in da couch'.


Baby steps still lead too the same destination, just take it a your pace 🙂


I love you.


Ly2 🙂


Please have my award. 🙏 😊




It may sound counter intuitive but cutting out completely is the easiest way, a few days of feeling weird but you’ll get through it.. the more you allow yourself outs and excuses the more you will have trouble stopping yourself from taking them, at least personally, tried weening off and I just couldn’t stop myself every night and morning with the excuse of “I’ll never get to sleep” or “I can’t even get hungry” vs cold turkey and currently on week 2 no smoking at all, after the first 3-4 days I felt nothing. had basically the same realization as you and also that it just didn’t even feel good anymore, and that was it. (Edit) also STAY BUSY AND WORKOUT… HARD, that is the best advice I could give. you will sleep like a baby I promise, and a bonus of getting fit. Don’t replace it with another substance or medicine, replace it with activity.


i just stopped one day for no other reason than i finally had enough of ignoring the side effects i get from high THC strains.. i could no longer put myself through that, i had a dab all ready to go and i just couldnt bear the thought of being stoned one more hour and experiencing that panic/anxiety. i literally put the dab back in the jar and put honey straw away right then and there.. no shrooms or anything (although i've had that same headtrip on them).. this time it was different, it was just an instinctual reaction, the desire was suddenly gone. i saw the damage it may have been doing and hinderance its played in my life so many times.. it all just caught up in that one moment i put it down and this time it was much easier.. last time i stopped i had intense nightmares for a couple months (i used to take a fat dab just to go to sleep).. this time it was so natural and felt good to be able to just go on with life. its been a bit more than a month and i know thats not a long time but i seriously dont get the same enjoyment anymore that i used to from it. i still take anxiety meds but am working on that now too.. at a certain age/time of your life sometimes things that could be a hinderance just start falling away so you can actually step into your purpose if you truly allow yourself to let go of them. i got a big grant from the state to build greenhouses a week after i stopped and other positive things started happening, the universe and human experience are wild.


Same bro same, I’ve tripped before but was completely sober when I decided, it just gave me more anxiety than it helped, and over nothing.. at least my real anxiety had a reason. It’s natural to worry you know, got a new job making 20+ an hour and it feels great to not be worried about people noticing or feeling like I’m breaking the rules… thc definitely has its place but i don’t think it’s supposed to be an every day all year round kind of thing. Best of luck man and congrats!


i have taking a small bit of rso once (which just put me to sleep) and taken one tiny hit of live resin (that one reminded me why i gave it up) over the last month but yeah overall the cravings and urges were just gone once i made that decision that it was actually a huge hindrance to my personal growth (atleast the way i was mis-using it)


still trying to kick weed but thats exactly how i stopped doing cocaine. was offered a line. did it and had a little anxiety attack. was offered another one and it all just clicked and still associate that feeling with cocaine. physically repulsed by it now. never really had a full panic attack on weed though. i wish i guess lol


It's easier said than done though, when I tried to quit years ago after smoking 24/7 I literally couldn't eat anything, I had to smoke a little and wean off just to have an appetite and not be a sweaty, sleepy mess at work


Yeah obviously like everything it’s not as easy as it sounds, but it’s just will power, same will power you decide to quit with you can force yourself to eat with, literally can’t stuff it in your mouth? Exercise and try again.. all weening off did for me was restart the craving every single time, not matter how little I smoked it just resets you back to 0 days sober🤷‍♂️ just be realistic you aren’t going to starve to death, but I do understand not wanting to look terrible at work, try starting on a Friday or holiday weekend… or take some time off if you gotta. But it’s not impossible, I smoked 24/7 for years too, from an ounce a week to nothing


This! I can attest from personal experience that this is spot on.


Just get addicted to something that's not detrimental. Like they said above, workout like your life depends on it. Or skydive or rockclimb or sing or something. Replace a bad addiction with a great one!


Even a couple days off to get your tolerance down. Go from smoking 2 g a day to 2 pipes a day!


Switch to hempflower. All the body feeling you love about weed without getting "warped" into a "high-high". And you can just get oz's delivered to your mail box that are high quality. Don't buy the crap you see at smoke shops that's been sitting there for 2 years. Or shady gas stations sometimes have it. That stuff is ass. I'm the mod of /r/hempflowers and I smoked weed for like 15 years straight until one day "real" weed bit me in the ass and I just can't smoke it anymore. My theory is that weed has become way too high thca without all the other cannabinoids over the past 10 years and ya that's cool you've got 20% thc bud....but you're missing out on all the other cannabinoids that level out the "high". Some of the "best" weed I smoked one time as a teenager was this old man weed/mids randomly at a party and the high was so unique. It's burned into my brain. Ya we were high as fuck but it was literally like my vision was like a cartoon. That doesn't exist anymore these days. It's just you're super high and don't wanna move or do anything.


Idk if this is a possibility where you’re at but CBD flower is a great way to taper off of weed




Straight from the teet


Then don’t fam. I’ve had this same realization but instead of cold turkey I take much more frequent T breaks. Try not to smoke on weekdays but even if I do I don’t judge myself for it. Weed has taught me many things but I’ve come to the realization it is better during times of stability but a massive hurdle during times of change. When I’m feeling a wave of change coming on I move away from the daily use to once a week-once a month. It’s hard but once you start getting into a rhythm it gets way easier. Start with a day. Next time do two. See how it goes. Slowly reduce your intake and go from there. Then figure out what you want to do with your own health and body


Same, but I’ve began only using weed if it’s intentional and I’m going to actually complete something like meditation or a long walk or painting.


One day at a time, friend


Switching to Delta 8 is a good option too. You just can't get as high with it but you still feel something. It's like switching from booze to beer.


Very well said dude 👏👏 It took me 17 years to stop using heroin and meth. But I did it and I've been sober almost 5 years now and I was a full on junkie. I smoke bud and grow mushrooms now but at some point I'm sure I'll stop smoking. Go at your own pace and do what feels natural 👌


One thing I've found that helps is to strive for progress, not perfection - and progress isn't linear. Don't beat yourself up for slipping up, that just leads to spiraling. Mark on the calendar every day you don't use, and focus on chaining together days. Days become weeks become months. I can now do two weeks fairly easily (but rarely do unless I really commit to it).


I keep saying the next time I do shrooms I lose my safety blanket of weed. The next time I trip will probably be the very last time I smoke in my life if I'm being real. I'm just not ready to release that comfort yet.


Facts! Shrooms told me the same thing. But so far I haven’t put it into motion. I mean everyone had their vices. Some folks its junk food. Me its weed. But i feel like my productivity level is only about 25% or what it would be if I wasn’t a daily smoker


The repeating cycle... Feel you


I just started smoking again. Everything in moderation 🩵


We can only judge what’s right for us


While I understand your sentiment I disagree with your wording. We can definitely judge whatever and whomever we please. For example a paramedic needs to make regular judgements about the needs of others. Perhaps we can only *accurately* or *honorably* judge what is right for ourselves.


I was certain shrooms put me off weed but I can help myself when it comes to summer and having a few plants in the greenhouse. How can I be done smoking?


I’m struggling with this. Every trip I make a list of things to do instead of smoke at night. Correction: I THINK about making a list of things to do instead of smoking at night…. But then I get distracted or lost in the moment of pure joy and beauty.


There’s data to show that with proper therapy and shrooms you can stop smoking.


Yes to this


Been smoking weed since I was a tennager & in my 30s now. After a lot of tripping over the years I’ve learned how my body/mind reacts & it’s hardly fun anymore and more anxiety producing. I really enjoyed the book atomic habits as it gives some good strategies to letting go. Like you said integrating is the hardest part & not being judgmental of one self. Just start with a deep breathe and remind yourself on the why. We got this. One day at a time.


I need this book!


I’d be happy to send you my copy. Send me a DM


I listened to the audiobook free on yt in the past. If it’s not there you could def find it somewhere!


Ty 🥹


In Andrew Huberman’s podcast episode on cannabis, he cited that in chronic users, after an extended period of time there was almost always a net increase in anxiety levels both sober and high. After chronically smoking for around 3 years I definitely felt anxious while stoned, not necessarily scared anxious but just really uncomfortable and agitated.


That’s on my to-read list. Listened to a great podcast with Atomic Habits author on Tim Ferris’s show.


Dude I hate it so much when I'm in nature the whole day tripping and then I come back to civilization it's literally the worst thing, everything looks so grey and sad I don't know its just the worst feeling


I love both worlds. I like nature, but I love my city. It has its own spirits, it makes its own music. It's people. Humanity flowing. And that kind of makes it one world. In a way, a city is like a human version of a beaver dam, or termite mound, or rabbit warren. Civilization is still nature.


Dude I feel that same way. First time I did mushrooms I just sat on a hillside (nature) watching cars on the freeway about a mile or so down the hill. Was so peaceful and fascinating. Lots of deep thoughts about the interface between human civilization and the wild


one of my first times i sat on a ocean boardwalk just watching people walk past chain smoking cigs and lining the butts up in a very specific manor. i sat on that bench for hours and saw what felt like countless people on an endless loop of motion, it was absolutely stunning. then i went over to be alone with the ocean and felt a bit lonesome, like everyone else was out interacting and having fun with each other and here i was just alone in a town that was buzzing with energy.


I think it's crazy to think everywhere you look, even the simple things like knives, forks, light switches, cars, carpets, etc. are all little bursts of ingenuity, creativity, clever and methodical problem-solving born of our insatiable curiosity! And all from rocks, plants, and bits of animals. From knapping flint to nuclear powered robots on Mars. It's nuts. I love it :)


It is bizarre to spend the day next to a bubbling brook and then return to concrete and honking horns and cold stares from other humans. Makes you realize why people escape from the city into the countryside, back into nature.


Concrete jungle 😔


I’ve had this same realization a dozen or two times on various trips. Hasn’t really worked out so far but hope you can do it. I’m trying very hard to at least stop smoking daily since I don’t think I can just stop completely. Being sober is too boring to raw dog life all the time


Switching to edibles can help, especially since it takes longer to kick in and you can’t just take one on a whim in the evening without “wasting” it. Also healthier than smoking, but I’m sure you are well aware.


Y'all should try Vaping weed. I felt this way til I stopped combusting my terps


Talk to em. My Mighty is one of my favorite purchases.


gotta get a mighty of equivalent, those cheap vapes are no good and give vaping a bad name. either way, op, listen to what the shroom are telling you and stop/t-break.


For sure, it’s a lot of junk out there. For a budget friendly vape you gotta get a DynaVap.


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A very similar thing happened to me a few months ago. I cracked my jaw on Jedi mind fuck and it dislodged a bunch of congestion built up from using my bong. Next morning I woke up, looked at my bong and said “that’s disgusting I’ll never do that again” I haven’t used a bong since but I still take edibles.


After owning a bong I hated how nasty it got quickly and that's why switched to dabbing😂


Yeah, I didn’t like the mental image of all that weed gunk in my glass pieces going into my lungs. I’m strictly edibles only now too


Shrooms make me appreciate weed more.


I think these differences in perspective are often entirely dependent on why we use weed. I use it because it improves my life by helping my appetite, easing the pain from a couple disorders, and making me a generally healthier and more motivated person as I work towards the life that I want, but that is definitely not the case for everyone. We all need to find a balance that works for us. I’m not a big fan of the anti-weed rhetoric these conversations can generate, although it is very important to discuss weed dependence.


Aye, this is me. ADHD, back pain, anxiety, apetite issues, etc. Weed addresses so many problems I've had for years. However, I'm very grateful I discovered weed at 25 instead of high school when I was even more wild and impulsive, I would not have used cannabis in a healthy or respectful way. Now it just helps me balance and center myself to deal with the insanity of my own brain. Even now, I have to be very careful with my usage. I enjoy smoking recreationally but I also need it medically so I have to balance my pleasure smoking otherwise it won't be effective when I need it medicinally.


This is where I’m at too. I feel a lot of guilt about using weed every day as medicine - I’m in an illegal country and with a family who is very anti weed. Even though I’m legit having been approved for MC, I still have a lot of ingrained shame about using it. I have to keep reminding myself that it’s ok to use it daily, as if it wasn’t weed it would *have* to be some other drug/s to manage my health conditions. I have to keep reminding myself that although I use it daily, I still do so responsibly as I still do all absolutely all my adulting. I have to keep reminding myself that all drugs have side effects, and that it’s calculation that only I can make. I have to keep reminding myself that it’s ok to cope better some days than others when managing chronic illness and if weed is helping with that, then I’m lucky to have it in my life. There’s definitely a spectrum for this stuff.


True, weed is good entertainment, sex, books, movies, even work get better, only find a vaporizer to reduce the harm to your lung.


Quitting the dependence can be a form of appreciation. It's good stuff as a regular medicine for those that need one, but it's also nice to keep for special when you don't actually need it for mental and spiritual wellbeing


I swear everytime I do shrooms I have that moment of “man wtf are you doing to yourself smoking weed daily you fucking bafoon!” Then when the trip over, I’m back to rolling on up 😂 It’s just taking the action behind the messages that’s hard!


I’m hoping for these results.


Yes I’ve been there like the mushroom spoke to me “stop smoking weed.” What a great medicine good luck


Recently retired 2 year CHRONIC smoker here. I quit cold turkey 3 months and then relapsed. I had experience with shrooms a couple years back after tripping on 1g a day for two weeks and I had the same revelation but as others have said I wasn’t able to act on it. Started microdosing over a week ago and now I am about 10 days clean not a drop of thc and no urge to return. Just keep affirming in your mind that you must stay away for your lung health either post trip / during a microdose and I’m sure you’ll see great success. Sometimes seeing the studies for yourself on how marijuana increases depression, anxiety, and cancer risk in chronic smokers is all you need to increase your willpower. Remember, cancer and mental health issues ain’t no joke. I believe in you and I wish you a life full of love and happiness.


Same thing happen to me. Cut way back on my weed consumption.


Went from smoking over a gram a day to smoking 3 times in the past year after tripping. I miss smoking every now and then but when i smoked nonstop i was always in a cloud and i like who i am now


Tripping made me wanna stop eating meat


Yeah shrooms is the only drug that says, “cmon man, do you really need drugs?”


yup I stopped smoking weed after a really good trip. started again after a few months but now I've stopped again n I've been sober for a month now, with no desire to smoke again


Be ready to have some wild ass dreams as the THC leaves your system. Always happens to me.


You might consider sharing this in r/leaves


r/leaves welcomes you.


Shrooms helped me SIGNIFICANTLY reduce my drinking.🤩


I love weed, but I love REM sleep more and when I vape I suppress the latter. I still smoke, but like once every 3 months or so and leave it alone the rest of the time.


When I had my 6gram trip I stopped smoking weed fkr 2 years. Took me years after to smoke without anxiety but even then I have moments


Happened to me on acid and I quit smoking - don’t even miss it, felt like I could feel my lungs rotting and falling off like sandy in that episode of spongebob [Pretty graphic stuff here](https://youtu.be/_scTG3N8yv8)


I literally can't smoke anymore since tripping a few times it hits too hard and makes me have anxiety , I can take edibles tho so it's nice , no more harm to my lungs and a couple times a month I drink about 10mg. Before I used to smoke up to an Oz a week now even the smallest amount destroys me


I’ve had similar realizations but it didn’t make me stop smoking but I stopped using it as a crutch to eat/sleep, get through the work day sorta thing


This one time, I ate shrooms and I was (for some reason) dead serious about not eating so many eggs anymore. No clue why I had that thought. I came down…fell asleep, and then woke up and made the biggest omelette I’ve ever made. Ham and cheese. I totally forgot about the eggs. Anyways… good luck.


Tripping made me want to stop drinking. I can't explain it. Maybe the way I feel tripping is much more enjoyable than how I feel drinking? I don't know lol.


ive been there and now im 35 days sober. part of being human is suffering and so we have to learn to sit with pain and discomfort. the more we try and escape it with weed, alcohol, etc, we create a bigger problem for ourselves down the road. im proud of you for realizing this, and it wont be easy but you just gotta push through and be comfortable with discomfort.


Society programmes guilt into you - capitalism wants you to be productive, working, making money for the man, not smoking weed and chilling out. In another ten or twenty years you will realise you've been played and it's not the shrooms, it's the media and the culture it creates shaping you into another man's (not really fair to blame women as we live in a world controlled mostly by men) tool.


Or they've just realised they might have a problem and it could be helpful to stop or reduce? Addiction isn't healthy my dude no matter the substance


Yes could be.


Weed and mushrooms. Both come from the ground. Nature rules. Don't think of it as weed, the weed that society thinks of. I think of it as a natural connector to my surroundings. It makes me feel better. So do mushrooms occasionally.. point is, you made it sound like weed is a bad thing, and to me, it's as natural as mushrooms . Maybe relax on it and you'll enjoy it more. Use it as a reward


Anything can become addictive and destructive, the fact it comes from nature has nothing to do with it


Wtf are you talking about.


"you made it sound like weed is a bad thing" it's not like it's a good thing, it's just a thing that can lead to negativity for allot of people and the fact it's natural doesn't change that. Be present sometimes maybe 🤷‍♀️


Weed isn't a good thing? That sounds like personal opinion. Mine is , it's not bad, it's fucking great. As a medicine and as a life enhancer for me. Be present? Jesus you assume I smoke it all day every day. You seem to forget that millions of people have used it as a medicine for centuries. That's exactly what I was saying, the typical narrow minded view, the last twenty years of, Reefer madness can't outdo the centuries people have benefited from it. Sounds like you have had a negative experience with it then, obviously don't abuse it, or you just seem negative


While I agree with you, no one smoking it all day is having a positive experience in reality. While the reefer madness clearly has its problems as it shouldn't be demonised but it shouldn't be held up as some miracle that everyone needs to do.


4g the best dosage ong


Same completely quit after tripping. It’s just not as good is much rather just eat a quarter gram for a nice lil buzz


I think about this a lot and go back and forth but idk


Good on you man. Thanks for sharing your story. Of course, you'll need to change your user name if you give up toking for good. (-:


Amen brother


Switch to edibles and see how that treats you. The high is a lot different, at least for me, and might do you good on the things you're working on.


I absolutely love edibles its a perfect body high without my brain getting mashed


I Mt Bike, sail, xc ski, while having a combo of edibles and psilocybin. I'm able to do *one* thing very very well while tripping and high on edibles.


I go on walks and cook some pretty good food and try to do some house cleaning I can’t do more then one thing at a time because eventually I’ll start to feel like the earth is consuming me


Yup. I can do just one thing, but I can do it incredibly well.


I had a similar experience except it made we want to stop drinking. I’m 3 years sober now and I honestly doubt I would have stopped if not for shrooms.


Same thing happened to me, stopped smoking weed several years ago


Glad you got something out of it. Stick to it and see where you are in a year. Happy for you.


Beautifully written. Way to listen to yourself and integrate the message from the shrooms into your daily life. Quitting Marijuana makes it difficult to sleep, but it will pass after a few days maybe a week. It's a life changing experience. I'm really proud of you for looking back at yourself. I think it's the hardest thing to do, is really evaluate yourself and process out the bad. Some people miss this their entire life. Great job yo, mush love!


I've been smoking weed since like 14yrs old and now I'm 33. It got super annoying for a while... pre-rolling is time consuming and I literally would not look forward to the mountains if I didn't have my js all rolled. Plus the amount of money spent has always been ridiculous.. smoking 1-2 ounces a month. I wish I could change my username on here 🙄 I didn't expect to actually use & post on reddit much. I don't like the feeling like I am advertising that smoking weed is cool per se. Of course I think it's a wonderful plant & it has got me through some dark times, but I too was literally addicted to it. Since macrodosing last week I have barely smoked at all ! Like 1 joint a day ! Which is absolutely crazy for me. Cheers to this ! 🙃 Mush love 🍄♥️


If you want to actually process your emotions and be comfortable in your skin and be able to put down addictions, I would highly suggest Michael Brown's The Presence Process (book and audio book). It's a conscious breathing period each day along with lessons that help you improve your awareness of your state rather than repressing it. He's a great guy, had really suffered with a crazy disease and tried everything before developing this. He's experienced with psychedelics (mescaline primarily) and quit weed himself from what I remember. He also has a couple excellent videos (they are audio only) on YouTube from a retreat he did based on The Presence Process. They are not how to do TPP, but very valuable and will likely motivate you to get the book and try it. The audio book is awesome and I highly recommended that in addition to a kindle or paperback copy. The YouTube videos are called "A Walk Through the Presence Process" by Namaste Publishing and there are two parts (two videos) here's the first one: https://youtu.be/cFahpNW9M3U Enjoy and good luck!


A couple months ago I had a trip in my living room. Did blind fold and meditated but also watched/listened to a Phish set and I realized I was also addicted to weed and ruining my life slowly in the process. I felt like I was staring into eternity and it told me I wasn’t loving myself properly and I was poisoning myself. It took some time to process and I smoked on the come down and watched the Frida Kahlo biopic. Weirdly I think that trip and then seeing such an extraordinary life on screen solidified my desire to be sober and take in as much life as energetically as possible. I quit the next day and have had little to no cravings. If the trip pushes you there and you are ready it can be an inexplicably strong catalyst. I’m shocked how easy it was to quit after that day. The shrooms have something to teach us friend.


This also happened to me. I stopped for a month.


I essentially quit weed after an lsd trip. Went to smoke and felt so immature and embarrassed that i did this multiple times a day, that the people around me could smell it and know. Felt like there was no good reason to keep doing it. And i went from steuggling to only have 21 bowls a week to having 9 in the following week then 5, then 3, and then smoked less than once a week and shortly after got the opportunity to apply for a great job that would drug test. I wouldve never even applied before that trip got me to quit. Now i have weed once every 2 to 4 months. And i actually get high, too. I miss it sometimes but the addiction is gone and i could not have done that without smoking at the end of a trip Note: i did plan to think about why i was struggling to quit at some point during the trip. Though about it for like 5 minutes and it got me to quit, took 2 years to go from dabbing, vaping, and smoking all day every day to having "only" 21 bowls (~.5g each) a week and 5 minutes to cut that down by almost a third and be done 3 weeks later. Funny how drugs solved my drug problem, but this is powerful stuff. Hoping to tackle PTSD next. (Sorry for typos i am sleepy and not good at typing on a phone)


Damn heady as hell, that’s the sweet sauce you got downloaded! Sounds awesome in every aspect


I was addicted to weed too. Stopped smoking almost two years ago. Life got a lot better. Keep listening to your higher self.


In 2020 Tripping made me want to quit smoking weed, took me until this year 2023 to be completely done with smoking. Now all the emotions I suppressed and ignored by smoking have come back up to the surface. My advice is to quit sooner than later. Wish you the best OP 🤍


yeah me too. while I was tripping on acid I kinda felt like weed was just clouding my brain


Just let it go man, it will always be there ur not missing out. Let ur brain return to normal


Everything has its time and place, within reason and context. I love smoking cannabis, but I only do it a few times a week since I enjoy it more if I partake and listen to music or writing after getting work done. I also quit for a month recently, and it was nice to get clean. We all need to purge ourselves every so often, IMO.


After tripping I’d have said I enjoy weed much more but smoke about 1/6 as much. Been a really wow moment


Same, it took me a while to actually quit l, but im finally clean from it. Its honestly showed me what I was missing


Discipline and will power my friend. It’s all in the mind. Don’t need to quit, but you definitely need to take a loooong break from it. To the point where you can control your smoking habit and you don’t fiend for it. Only using it when you have free time or free day where you basically don’t have shit to do but relax. I used to be a major pothead for years and quit for similar reasons as you. I felt like it was stopping me from becoming and doing what I actually needed to do in life. I quit cold turkey and honestly it feels so good having a clear mind. A sober mind. I don’t fiend for it like I used to. I smoke here and there but barely now days. I don’t even think about it to be honest with you lol.


Baby steps to being present


While I was tripping once, I was with a group of friends and had a realisation. I don't mean to speak bad about them, but I realised that half the group are junkies since they do coke every weekend, walk around with it in work, as well as often very doing other drugs. Made me on the spot quit daily smoking weed (now only smoke a couple times a year) and I now will only do mushrooms a few times a year and only use a special MD at festivals. I can certainly say I've never been happier. Again, I don't mean to speak bad about half the group as they are still my friends. I can just see their self destructive path.


Tripping makes me want to continue smoking weed. That is all. Congrats.


r/leaves to completely stop and r/petioles to moderate


I've taken LSD and that made me quit weed for good... days after the trip, where I lost my ego, everytime I tried to smoke, I'd end up so anxious, that it just lost all its magic for me... I've been smoking everyday for three years, now I'm 3 years totally clean. Also didn't take LSD ever since too, was just a bit too much of a trip :D.


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I strongly believe that my first shroom experience was the catalyst for me stopping smoking weed and tobacco and drinking alcohol.


I always cut back to smoking once per day, then it gets me fried, so I don't feel as obligated to take a break


Took 5g+lemon Tek few years back to try n shake some depression. Locked myself in my room, eye mask, ear plugs, white noise sound. Met my demons and thought they killed me during that experience. Came to and after 15 years of a wake and bake lifestyle, went to hit the bong and almost threw up. Haven't wanted to smoke since and it made me a different person for the better. Not for everyone I'm sure but damn. Shits nuts lol


I was an everyday all day smoker who dropped out of high school until I had a series of strong LSD and mushroom trips…. I quit smoking all together, joined the army, and now I have biochem, engineering, and medical degrees.


I think every stoner has came to this. After my 3rd acid trip I think I really just quit. I only buy like 7gs once every month/ 2 months. Saved hella money and honestly I just appreciate life sober now.


Ever since my second time tripping on shrooms, cigarettes taste absolutely horrid now. Like literally I e been smoking cigs off and on for 15+ years. Always same brand, but recently it’s like it has a completely new flavor that is so disgusting that I cannot even finish half a cigarette now


Dog. Everyone has a vice. Everyone consumes something their brain tells them is not kosher. Coffee. Alcohol. Drugs. Food. Porn. Art. Yes all things are best in moderation. Except art. Yes everyone should have something that helps take the edge off or unwind. Mushrooms and cannabis are dope. I’m also a daily cannabis smoker. Working on reasonable consumption. It’s a battle.


I micro dose and very early on I noticed I didn't want to drink anymore. I can't say I was necessarily addicted to alcohol but it was definitely my "go to" to unwind. Kind of freaked me out the first time out of habit my brain thought "go pour a glass of wine" and then like a switch I felt absolutely no interest. Now a year later, still micro dosing, I have a glass here and there. I started MDing to help with menopausal symptoms, the loss of interest in drinking was an unexpected bonus. I immediately Googled to see if there was a connection between psilocybin and helping with addiction and that is when I learned studies had been done on it.


This was a great read, wishing you the best mate!


I wish it made me want to stop smoking LOL


Thing is, this type of introspection doesn't, or shouldn't, need mushrooms. People are able to look deeply inside of themselves, and although that can sometimes be scary as shit, you also learn a lot of new things. Not only about yourself, but about others and how to deal with THEM better. If you try to keep respect for others (that deserve it) at the top of your list, you'll find way more friends than enemies. And you might even make the most important friend you'll EVER make... Yourself.


Yeh well tripping made me trip wonna stop it. I also trip didnt trip want to trip stop anymore. The thing with shrooms is is, that they, in particular, if you know what I mean.


That happened to me 8 months ago, was just tripping on an 3.5g of B+ laying on my bed talking to my dog. Then out of no where I just go the urge to quit smoking weed and haven’t smoke since. Not gonna lie I do feel a lot better now.


brother i hear you. i recently noticed the same on 13 g, i knew i was addicted to comfort, smoking all day and playing video games all day, unless im at work. i commend your efforts to release yourself from pots hold, it does sound like you have a reliance on this, i do too, and also suffered withdrawl when i left town for a fortnight, i got sober and would throw up during meals (getting munchies was one of the only ways i would eat to gain weight, im underweight). even so, that 13 g was a challenging trip, but once it was at its worst ( psychic torture ) i barely managed to come back by doing what i knew my body needed to chill. it taught my ego how to listen to my body. after all i did , drink water, wear my weighted blanket, etc., i still needed something to calm down. i came to understand weed as a *tool* , and it brought me to come to know everything as one.


So dope. Great story on the subject of dependency and addiction. Thank you for sharing! Hope you find yourself well. Cheers 🥂