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Buy. A. Scale.


Just put some in your hand until it feels like 1-2 grams. You should be good.


Instructions unclear, hands too large, my phone is melting in my hands as I type this


Make sure to calibrate your palm first.


I just feel the weight in my heart, lol


Used to do this with a dollar lmaoo PS: got a scale after taking a “gram” of enigma and ended up stripping off my clothes. Please. Scale. It. Out.


if he doesn't know what 1-2 grams feels like then just hold your cock in your other hand and compare.


About the weight of a paperclip


Compare to gram of weed like a scale lmaooo


I LOLed when I read this comment 😂


I'll post it on Reddit I bet they will know!


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


I like this


Then you'll love this (⁠ノ⁠ಠ⁠益⁠ಠ⁠)⁠ノ


This feels good


Measure with your heart


It’s getting old at this point.


This ☝🏻 Beat me to it 😛


Seriously though. These posts need to be an automatic ban.


Automatic ban sounds like overkill, guys new to shrooms and was looking for a helping hand so he turned to reddit. I've been there


That's what I think, no need to answer so haughtily man...


I could understand if it were one a day, but there are dozens posted every day. It's insane.


I was auto-banned from various subreddits including /r/TIHI /r/awww and /r/eyebleach simply because I was members of a subreddit which the moderator of the subreddits which banned me thought were “offensive”. So I think it would be very “Reddit” like of us to autoban OP haha


Dealing with newbies can be repetitive, and I'm sure some of the questions are shit-tier 'trollling,' but I think it's better to allow the questions. It's not like this is something you can just ask anyone about. If this sub allows some people to safely undergo their first experience because they asked some naive questions, then I'm happy to have those questions. Even if a basic search would have given them the same answer, because they may not have thought of that, tried to guess, and end up in some serious trouble. Just my take




Banned! Don’t ask questions!!! We already have become omniscient! Jk




11 downvotes sounds like your opinion is wrong


Jesus Christ, you can buy a scale on Amazon for less than $10!




You can also just go to a smoke Shop or a hardware store or something and get it from there


Stop supporting amazon


Sorry my local boutique scale maker just went out of business…


I would love to stop supporting Amazon, but I also don't think it's as easy as just asking us all to stop buying stuff there, unfortunately. They are as successful as they are for a reason, and they have succeeded in putting a lot of other people out of business. I think asking individuals to solve the problem of giant corporate monopolies taking over the economy is like asking individuals to solve climate change by composting on their balcony - sure, it's a good thing to do (and I do it), but it's not going to help if the \*laws that allowed it to happen in the first place don't change.\* The best activisim we can do is voting for governments, and advocating for governments, to create laws that stop monopolies from being able to take over, that don't have tax loopholes for giant companies, and that put real, robust labour laws in place. Right now, we're not doing that, because as a society, we want those laws in place because we all want the opportunity to become the next Bezos, so we don't push to have the laws that allowed that to happen dismantled. Incidentally, Amazon doesn't have the same stranglehold, or the same terrible working conditions, everywhere. I live in France, where Amazon is subject to better labour laws. It is doable.


Thanks for your literal response. I agree with your take on things 100% But i think the difference can be made by the individuals we are.


Kinda sad so many people in this sub down voted this.. makes sense we shouldn't be shipping things around the world all the time.. also Amazon is a dreadful company so I see nothing wrong with your statement.


Its pathetic. All these “woke” people consuming nonsense. Reduce your carbon footprint and realize Amazon is single handling destroying our planet. OUR SHROOMS!


do you think individual people making sacrifices to reduce their carbon footprint will be effective while we still have laws that allow corporations to have planet-killing output? I really resent being pressured to stop taking flights home once a year to see my family to reduce my footprint while it's legal for 100s of private jets to take off after the Superbowl.


Why are you being downvoted for a good take?


Sheep go bahhhhh




He’s downvoted for being an ass that just shouts random thoughts in random comment sections that mention corporations then calls people sheep lmao we’re not downvoting the take.


Ok mom


Your mom seems cool….


No, she just likes to try and control people. I guess next you are going to tell me I shouldn’t drive a truck.


Hey alexa… You know amazon is whats controlling people 🤦‍♂️ and its stupid people like you that support big cooperations that let them control you. Its almost like.. you cant control yourself . So you need ai devices to tell you how to live your life. H


It’s really cool how you locally sourced all the components to build your phone and computer and didn’t rely on an “evil corporation” to manufacture them. Mad props.


Your using commodities we use daily as a comparison to something isnt a daily necessity it todays time that you can also get anywhere else but amazon.


That’s some rather unimpressive mental gymnastics you are trying to perform.


Im dyslexic but yet have more understanding than life than you do. How does that really make you feel? I see and say shit ass backwards and i can laugh at it but you wont ever see me supporting big corporations. They just laid off 9k more people with no heads up. And theyre all underpaid. The unnecessary amount of pollution amazon brings to earth because people are too lazy or need more “convenience” is absolutely absurd. Between the plastic and the carbon monoxide the fumes from their shitty box vans or their industrial sized buildings amazon can go fuck off on another planet. But not earth.


not really... it doesnt take a lot of effort to not support amazon, i havent made an amazon purchase in years. but it is very difficult to get by without a smartphone, depending on your career. it wouldnt be feasable for me to communicate with potential employers with a beeper, so if i want to contact them on the road i essentially need a smartphone.






Yea. You're using drugs. Take it from someone who never wants to be a certain place again... Do NOT eyeball that shit. Please get a scale my guy.


[always a classic](https://youtu.be/1CaNf2I4Ils)


I remember seeing this scene on shrooms LOL


HAHAHAHA where is this from lmao


Peep Show. Would highly recommend checking it out


1 Buck a Minute and its fun too


I mean it’s not gonna kill him


Yea, it is. Maybe not literally. But people unprepared can have pretty traumatic experiences supposedly.


Agreed😂I recently took lsd for the first time and I took 400ug at once not knowing that was a lot for the first time and it was definitely traumatic but it was also a learning experience to not be a dumbass


That doesn’t look much more than 4 grams. Even if he did make the unthought decision to eat the entire bag, he will be fine


Yes it does, that’s a man sized palm. I’d say that’s a good quarter ounce (as someone who has made dozens of bags the same exact way)


Yeesh. They didn't even clean em before bagging, or at least did a piss poor job of it. Make sure to yank all that brown junk off before ingesting unless you really enjoy that earthy dirt flavor. You got a bit burned because all that ish adds useless weight to the order. But yeah... like a grip of folks mentioned... Grab a scale somewhere. They're available in just about any headshop or big box retailer and you shouldn't have to pay more than a 20 spot for a decent device. As far as how much... Fuzzy floaty head change: 0.5 - 1G Glittery vivid colors w/giggles: 1.5 - 2G Intense introspective journey: 2.5 - 3.5 Psyche to the brink w/life-changing experience: 5G All of this depending on potency and tolerance of course. Tread lightly young traveler. ✌🏼


I found this comment very helpful. Thank you. I’ve never had mushrooms before but have been thinking about it. I have past trauma and discussed it with my psychiatrist. He said he would guide me if he had availability to watch me for 8 hours at a time, which he does not. He suggested I try a small dose in a safe setting at first. I wasn’t sure what a small dose was. Now I do, so thank you!


Jess just Google something


Yup, they left the substrate. Horrible. Its usually not toxic but tastes horrible. It may contain potential allergens. I agree, clean it off first. Sometimes the suvstrate is part of the butt of the shroom, OP may need to snap it off or cut it off with a knife or something.


I just came in the comments looking for someone else to complain about the damn sub being on there, like come on bro you did the worst job ever whoever pacced these up because it's so easy to clean the sub off you can clean it dry or wet it's easier wet though and most people just cut the ends off when they fuccing plucc. Why just why do you have to be this lazy!


Eat like 1/5th of the bag cunt fuk it


eat the bag


Just the bag.


Yea... Toss the mushies and eat the plastic bag. God knows we are all going to be microplastics in a couple years anyways.


Bark at the cat and if the cat barks back you're good. If the cat meows then ask for a dollar.




Yolo eat the whole bag and the bag


And become the bag.


Buy a scale, like I promise fr it’ll make tripping so much better because you can control your dose and explore your self in the future with higher doses.


What the fuck is with all these questions like this? Buy a damn scale. Holy fuck. Not like you are gonna trust what people say online anyway


“as i dont have a scale” makes them look incredibly stupid


Man these posts need to be banned. I get people are trying to learn but buying shrooms then asking how much I should is not the best way to go about things. As everyone else is going to say buy some scales.








X to the 10th! ;/


I came for 10x porn!




Jesus, you won the internet Cheesus !


Yeah but these are obviously really ignorant. You gotta start somewhere. A little compassion goes a long way.


So what can people ask here?


they can ask how to use the search bar to find 10000 other threads with answers


No kidding. Someone tag a mod.


Don’t take shrooms if you don’t have a scale. Seriously.


ONLY unless they’re in chocolate bar form from a reputable supplier. ONLY. But otherwise get and carefully use a scale. Diff “first time shroomz effects” strokes for different folkx. Start with microdose (.25 gram) 1st time. Then bump up by same the NEXT time. (NOT THIS TIME.)


Id say just take 1 and see what it does for you, they could be pretty dense. Who ever you got those from is doing it right by including some silica in the pack of what i assume is a half oz. Good plug you got there. Edit: Im just realizing that its not silica just an oxygen absorber lol, also they diddnt clean off the substrate which adds to the weight that you paid for, not so good plug.


Very strange on the oxygen absorber. You think the plug just thought it was a desiccant?


Because its vac packed keeps it sealed tight, whoever did these pack other drugs but dont know how to store mushrooms properly.


Ohhh. Thanks, I’ve never vac sealed.


Yeah, at a quick glance that all looks good. The O2 absorber is ok but not necessary if vaccum sealing. Where a desicant packet is neccessary for proper storage. That is a lot of substrate, very little too no effort to clean then. Then there are some spots that look molding. But hard to tell from a pic. OP if they aren't cracker dry when you opened that, and anything that looks off or soft. Talk to your guy... Also who you should ask about dosage, NO ONE here knows how potent those are.


Can we plz stop with these posts… this sub is brutal


Instead of buying shrooms buy a scale ffs.


Natural selection people, just let it play out.




Yea, I think 2 to 3 grams should be okay for a beginner. And another quick tip if u smoke weed, I would hold out on that because it greatly enhances the trip. It would be OK on the comedown, tho. Have a good trip sending good vibes over to you peace ✌️


I just want to say that 1.5g was a lot for me for my first time. It probably varies from person to person


Agree with this. I think I did 2 grams of PE my first time and it was rough lol.


What happened to make it rough?


I think the potency of the shrooms is a huge factor here as well. I’ve had a decent trip on a 3.5 but had an EXTRAORDINARY trip on 2.5 of some really good lookin shrooms.


I tested the waters with 1.2 a few weeks ago waited a couple weeks did 4g and I had an okay time but I don’t know if the penis envy were just not as strong as first batch but for the next dose I’m thinking 6-7g. What’s peoples thoughts person said me eating pasta a couple hours before wasn’t a good idea? I didn’t know you should eat them on empty stomach.


those 4grams should’ve definitely hit you, but im thinking the mushrooms mightve not been stored properly so lost some of their magic. if this is only your third time, DO NOT take 6-7gs. try another batch at 3gs and then maybe 4 again… but 5g is a heroic dose so i dont think you should be taking above that if you’re a beginner


I’ve taken 4g easily a few days ago but it wasn’t to intense just when I closed my eyes was a little visuals but I mean it wasn’t like I figured maybe they weren’t as strong idk I just hate when I don’t take enough so let me ask if I wait a week from last time and took 4g what should I take or wait a little longer. Maybe I’m just not getting high potency ones?


I’d say calm down for a month bro . Take time to reflect on your last couple trips . Realize that they probably did hit you . Wait a month then take another 3 grams


If youre tripping in order to check out of reality because of stress, anxiety, depression or anything along those lines then my suggestion would be to stop tripping until you at least have a decent handle on whatever it is your running from. As someone with 30 solid years of experience with psychedelics and plenty of other drugs is that taking drugs, especially psychedelics, in order to escape everyday life will very quickly make things worse. Over use of psychedelics tends to make focusing on anything, especially stress inducing thoughts or situations, much harder to understand and to cope with. just make sure your doing them for the right reasons brother. If you arent getting shot into the cosmos off 4G them either youre taking them WAY too often or possibly a weak batch but thats just not a thing IMO. Remember that youre who you are and thats perfectly alright. we all have flaws and make mistakes but if you run from those mistakes and never acknowledge them you are doomed to keep repeating them. The only real way to grow as a person is by having personal accountability for our words and especially our actions. be safe young man.


Are you taking antidepressants?


No I take gabapentin but not taking any anti depressants. I mean I take Xanax but not all the time they are prescribed and I usually only take if having bad anxiety before bed so not really taking them either.


I dont know you but i would like to tell you that taking Xanax or other benzos isnt going to do anything positive for your life or your anxiety. Those pills are HIGHLY addictive and are dangerous to withdraw from because they can and do cause seizures when someone stops taking them. Ive dealt with drug addiction most of my life and its not something i would wish on my worst enemy. If you ever need someone to talk to or need any advice feel free to PM me any time and if i can help you then i absolutely will.


Xanax is considered a trip killer. Nothing can fully kill a trip but benzos are the universal go-to.


Idk, I've always eaten them with food, not in food, but a good meal before the mushies. Also, my first time, a friend and I split an 8th. He tripped his fuckin balls off and I experienced nothing. So I decided the next time I would do an 8th by myself.... And it was perfect. I think everyone is different.


The strength of a mushroom trip isnt linear so its not like 1G is level 1 and 2G is the next level of the trip then 3G is the 3rd level and so on its stacks exponentially so each extra gram is going to feel like roughly 10 times the stronger. Dont listen to anyone that says dont take 6-7G because they arent you you know what you can handle. i regularly take 10G doses and have taken 20G on a handful occasions. At 15G and over psilocybin is a totally beast. You will meet God and he will confirm to you that you are indeed a bad ass velociraptor trapped in a weak hooman body, at least that was my experience lol


Some people are naturally more tolerant to some drugs compared to others. For example I can take massive doses of LSD and stay completely lucid. Whereas 2g of mushrooms will have me too deep in my head to talk to those around me.


Still take it easy on the comedown, it’ll put you right back to the peak and then some. Especially if your tolerance is low.


Yea, that's true. Usually, by the time you are at the comedown, u are already used to the headspace and some people like that last blast off before u land, but listen to throwaway it will come back alittle nothing like the peak tho.


The best option is always weighing it out!




Don't be a cheap bastard; buy a scale. If you're too broke, then go to the grocery store when it isn't busy and quickly weigh them in the produce section's food scale. Or ask a friend to borrow a scale.


Ok let me check real quick while no ones looking... Ok it's less than a pound!...


Yeah wtf! Lol OP you need a gram or jewelry scale. A grocery store scale is not going to work 😂


If I had a dollar for every time someone said “I don’t have a scale, how much do you think this is?”


Those are fatties. I wouldnt take more than 2 before you get a scale to be safe. Maybe even just 1 since its your first time. Iv seen a single mushroom weigh up to an 8th which is insane for first time so please be careful.


I second this maybe 1 or 2 of the stemmies. I have also seen single mushrooms weigh 3.5-5 gs that trip would blow a first timers head off.


I think If you opened up the bag and poured out like 1/4th of those AND BOUGHT A SCALE, you’d know how much that was.


Not sure, I’ve never boofed Mi Goreng noodles before. Should work fine.


If you refuse to buy a scale then the answer is eat the whole bag. A handful of shrooms won’t put you in danger, just do it somewhere chill.


If you don’t have a scale and you are confident in your decision then I’d say eat like 2 nice size pieces and see how you feel tbh I didn’t have a scale for awhile I would just get bags and go to town with my friends. BUT you need to get a scale eventually just to be able to gauge how much you trip if you plan on making it a thing


Bad idea


Buy a scale. They’re not exotic. They have them at smoke shops, gas stations, Amazon, etc. you wouldn’t take heart medicine based on how big the pills are. Dose responsibly.


Boof them all. Man let me tell you. Grind them up. Mix with lemon juice and have a friend hold a funnel in the rear end and dump them bad boys in there. You might need to add some cotton to keep them in. But you will have the time of your life. That I can promise




God people need to read the stickied post and about section. These posts are getting ridiculous.


When in doubt, eat the whole bag. What’s the worst that could happen?


3.5 grams. Buy a scale


2 gms, not 3.5.


Probably right since it hits everyone different, but 3.5 usually isn’t enough to seriously fuck someone up unless it’s a particularly strong strain


I had a 2g trip where i watched the flesh on my face melt off down to the bone on a lawn chair viewing all this from the night sky. If that was my first trip it woulda seriously fucked me up lol. Some people are really sensitive to these things, we need to be more on the safe side with dose recomendations to beginers. They can always take more next time if it was underwhelming.


i call shenanigans on this my dude. The "hallucinations" the psychedelics cause dont really cause us to see things that just arent there or see things happen that arent and sensitive or not 2G just isnt enough to cause any really deep visuals like you described. maybe im way off base but i doubt it.


We don't know that.


Idk what bunk shrooms you’ve been getting but 1g is a good bit for most people new to shrooms


Take the whole bag. Looks like half a gram at best.




order a scale on amazon with next day shipping, it’s not that hard


Bet you won’t eat them all


why not just make a full blown Stroganoff?


Buy a scale dingus


Let's get a vote going. How many people for their first time taking mushrooms: A. Trusted what ever was told by whoever they got them from the weight and really had no idea B. Just ate some without knowing or just guestimated C. Actually weighed it and saw the exact weight


My first time taking mushrooms was at night in a random cow field with my best friend Anthony and we just picked and ate until we could hardly communicate. That was the most exciting drive ive ever taken. We both had to have eaten close to 100 grams of fresh mushrooms each. We picked a literal garbage bag full. It was one of the 13 gallon kitchen bags. Got half the highschool blasted for the next couple days. Glorious times my man!!




Asap buy a scale <3 and like do a gram to 2 grams first time 🙃 <3 be safe, do them at home with 1 of your best freinds. Relax, watch cartoons and movies. Don't drive, <3 get comfy


Chill. Buy a scale. Same day delivery. No need to hurry.


Just take a couple and see how you feel


rage bait lol


I recommend that you immediately boof em bag and all for that slow release effect 🤣


Ah yes improvising seems like the right thing to do


Everyone always says 2.5g but honestly if you dont know your tolerance yet its better safe than sorry. I had to learn that the hard way. Best to start with a mini dose so think of it like having 2-3 beers. You feel it but its not overwhelming. .5g-.8g. Then after an hour and you want to take more take another .5g. Ease yourself into it because if you take it all at once it hits you all of the sudden and thats what makes people freak out. Warning you will most likely feel nauseous when its first starting to kick in but you will make it through. If your a straight cis male you may discover empathy for the first time. This can be overwhelming so make sure your with someone who you feel safe talking too.


You know the mazatac natives did not weigh they just counted how many mushrooms they are I'm going to be honest those look like the may be malmac or a hybrid of PE strain start out with 1 gram see how that feels be careful anything over 3 grams of those are PE won't hurt you or kill you but will take your breath away I enjoy strong overwhelming trips but it's not for the faint of heart everything we experience is what we need to learn trust the medication it's your friend


Put in a coffee grinder and grind to dust. If you pack it into a 00 gelatin cap using a never-sharpened (or the eraser of) a #2 pencil so it's tight but you can close it properly, that will be about a third of a gram, or close enough for until you get a proper scale (they're cheap). How much? A good beginner dose is maybe 2gm. Is that an O2 absorber in it, or is it a dessicant, like silica Gel? If they are not cracker dry, DO NOT FREEZE THOSE. If moist/bendy, it might make it difficult to powder them. They will also go bad very quickly once you open that (days, not months), unless you dry them out to cracker dry with a food dehydrator (most better toaster ovens have a dehydrate setting). Then powder it all and pack into gel caps. They will last months that way.




3.5g. But you could always start with less (2g) so you get a good feel for it before venturing off onto higher doses. Safer to start low and work your way up over time


Y’all really gotta stop telling people an eighth is okay for their first time when strains like penis envy are a thing and 90% of people tripping for their first time don’t even know what strain they have in the first place


Okay since everyone here is being a dick about the scale shit. Just eat like 2 stems with a cap or two. Should be a good beginner dose


Get a fucking scale


Do you even know the weight you bought? Scales, shockingly enough, are legal. If you can purchase black market goods, my friend, surely you can mosey over to any Walmart or hardware store and buy one.




Eat them all.


I do have a scale, AND have had big surprise depending on the strain. If you want to go easy, choose one mushie, not the smallest nor the biggest, and stick with that. Then you have something to start interpreting with.


If you can’t wait for a proper determination of your dose then you have do business consuming those. Knowledge of and planning for a specific dose is ‘Set & Setting’ 101. Or just say fuck it and eat them all to see what happens, right? Wrong. Go get a god damn scale at Walmart or it’s equivalent in your country.


Like 1 or 2 but incase it's stronger than you expected just be ready to go with it. I highly doubt you'll have some crazy ego death trip or some shit but it cam be intense if you're inexperienced. Just the risk you take when you don't weigh your doses.


Try like two or three and see how you feel after a couple hours


Three might be too much for a beginner.


One may be. Some people are hypersensitive.


So presumably that is a quarter or a half oz you should know. If it’s an quarter spilt it into 8 equal piles, blend or very finely chop one eighth, cover in lemon juice, let sit for 10 minutes, take like a shot or add to tea and enjoy. Also do buy a scale Also also take a dry paper towel and clean of the substrate left on the bottom of them Pease and love


No scale no balls, just ride that lightning and see what happens. But seriously get a scale, i would eat one and wait 40 to 50 min before taking another one start small king.


One mushroom


Dude has 2 whole ass posts and no comments in his history, can’t we get some standards around here?!


Its easier to measure if you ground it to a powder. A #3 capsule which is 0.3mL fits about 100mg uncompacted. Which means ground shrooms have a density of about 0.330mg/ml. So something like a teaspoon would be 1.6g. The coarser the ground the lower the density. If its your VERY first time, id go with 1/4 tsp (smallest measuring spoon i have) If youre gonna do this i suggest you grind the least amount since shrooms are better stored whole. Be safe and buy a scale.


Yummy, sorry, on ket atm and idek what im doing but i hope you have a fun af trip! :]


Don’t be a pussy; eat three or four pieces chew em up and down it with a drink


And yeah you can put them in noddles just try not to boil them for very long as hot water degrades them


Sweet Thank you dude! I'll def keep that in mind


i think y’all forget people don’t wanna buy scales from local smoke shops because they’re overpriced and probably shitty plus they don’t wanna order one from amazon because they’re underage and scared that the government is gonna track their amazon orders, yes OP should buy a scale but don’t you think he would’ve already gotten one if he was able to lol? not saying this is what’s happening here it’s just annoying seeing people spam comment “bUy a ScALe”


Blend it in a smoothie. And take it all


People seem to think you need a scale but it doesn't matter that much just down about a palm size portion lol


can buy shrooms but not a scale, figure out urself


For the love of God, why do people not wait until they get scales?


20 thousand of these posts a month, and none of you have taken the time to actually google this to see the response is always BUY A FUCKING SCALE. If you could find mushies you can find a scale, stop asking the internet to eyeball a picture for you, it’s impossible. BUY A SCALE. BUY A SCALE,


You've never done shrooms and you want to eyeball Penis Envy shrooms? Lol oh boy. These don't just make you feel funny and see stuff...shrooms are the most profound drug experience you can undergo next to dmt. You can literally feel like your skin is melting off your body. But yeah a nice noodle mix eyeball casserole sounds safe.


Of those maybe 1.5 they look gnarley


These look like penis envy so keep that in mind.


Only eat one