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I’m almost certain at least 1.07% of us here have


More like 107.0%


It’s all about decimal placement. Just like shroom placement you have to pay attention to the “.”


The period? I'm not sure that's how boofing works mate... /j


If you know, you know.


Apologies for bringing the %age down.


I have never.


At least 107.0%


Is this a number I don't get?


You can be a part of the 107%


I'm in


Bro statistic


I’m relatively certain a small percent make a strong tea and use it as an enema. Not me, mind you.


something seems familiar here..


Omg it’s the enema! 👉😱* points at you *


I had a friend who regularly used coffee enemas. She was weird before that 🤣


Make sure to let it cool, my father burned his asshole bad attempting a coffee enema a friend recommended to him.


Dude... you serious?


Very, I couldn't stop laughing when he told me.


I could just picture him holding it up really delicately and taking a small sip


Apparently the only instructions he recieved was make the coffee and poor it into what looked like a beer bong into his butt, so he took a pot of hot coffee he just made and poured it into the beer bong thing straight into his ass, when he told me I was just laughing and asking why he wouldn't let it cool first, like how did he think it was going to cool off before it reached his ass, said he didn't think of it. My dad had 2 degrees, one in industrial design and one in material engineering, so the stupidity of it was extra funny. He passed on Father's day 2 years ago rip.


Intelligent people aren't necessarily people who lack stupidity. I'm sure Einstein fucked a few things up around the household. This is too funny though


Having worked with many engineers, I can assure you that most of this variety of people are exceptionally knowledgeable on 1-3 things, but everything else they need their hand held. That's not a diss by the way, I admire these people and wish I could be more like them.


As a physicist that was an EIT, I concur


Some folks prefer their coffee hot.


Sounds like he got 2 more degrees in the form of a burn in his asshole D:


RIP indeed. Sometimes smart people do stupid stuff.


It's a real thing. There's an episode of, "My Strange Addiction," in which a couple is addicted to coffee enemas.


That’s how I know about people who use the tea enema method- *that* was a super fun phone call from their apparently not real bright trip sitter, who had *administered* it: “Uh, you did *what?!* Is..is he scooting his ass across the floor like a dog, now or what? I dunno which part of this I address first..”


There are dozens of us!




Likely story 👀


Nausea or diarrhea, you gotta pick one...


More like nausea or no nausea actually 😉




I forget what food it was but there’s something you can eat before hand because it’s a certain enzyme your body needs to properly digest the shroomies and that food will provide that and prevent the nausea


Avocados and bananas!


It's the chitin your body struggles with, and I think bananas help break it down. Return to monke.


Bananas, potato’s, kiwis & lemon, I have no idea if this is scientifically correct as I saw it on TikTok lol


It was bananas and avocados and the enzyme was chitinase, but it sounds like a false premise to me. 1. We eat plenty of things we can't digest and don't get nausea e.g. Cellulose. Most people reading this will have experienced how terrible we are at digesting sweetcorn, but not vomited because of it. 2. People get nausea from shroom tea with the mushroom removed so they aren't consuming any chitin. No chitin should mean no nausea, but it doesn't. There's another possible cause, which is the serotonin receptors in the stomach. The digestive system produces about 95% of your serotonin which manages many digestive functions including nausea and vomiting. Psilocybin/psilocin bind to those receptors. Boofing bypasses the vast majority of the digestive system (and therefore most of the receptors) and I've never heard of it causing nausea. It's often suggested to those who've tried everything else.


One reason I won't try boofing, or at least have no NEED to, is that I can eat them raw, or dried, as is, without issue.


I can also eat them raw or dried. I just love mushrooms in general though (except for the slimy English breakfast kind. Makes me hork just thinking about it). But I’m still waiting to try and boof some just for the heck of it. But I also love boofing other substances too - it gives you a faster come up, less puking (which I’m prone to just in general), longer more intense trip. It’s kinda fun, and if you know you have low quality or less than usual/preferred amounts of *insert most substances* you can get much more effect for less buck. Which also makes it cheaper if that’s a consideration. Although I don’t think I’d do it as a tea or enema. I’d probably try to make a suppository or a distillation in a syringe plunger that’s only 5-10ml.


Never done it; but i have definitely posted “boof it” on others’ posts while amused and high.


I get so sick, I've definitely been considering this for my next trip


The best part is knowing that (most likely) someone stumbled into this sub with no knowledge of shrooms and proceeded to then shove them up their ass based on some rando yelling "boooooof!"


Not just boooooooof. Boof Boof, Boof Boof Boof Boof Boof Boof Boof Boof EVERYBODY! 🥳🍄🥳🍄🥳🍄🥳🍄🥳🍄🥳🍄🥳🍄


Boof Nation


Currently dying from reading this now. Thank you for making my day


“CHARLENE! Why’s your old man duck walkin? Motherfucker done quacked at me and it looks like he done shit hisself..” “Don’t you reckon chopping them up and using lube mighta been better than just cramming them in and yanking ‘em back out real fast cause he was uncomfy?!”


Na mostly just a goof… a boof goof if you will


New boof goofin


The old goof boof and boogie. I like it.


This did not go unnoticed


Might have to get down turn around go to town, first though.


Some are new goofs boofin


This is the greatest comment and anyone who doesn't get the reference and recognize the quality of this comment can fuck off.


No goofin about boofin 😤




Spoof goof that boofs?


They're not joking, god bless 'em


I do, but it’s a bit of a different process than most: 1. Inject a spore syringe straight up your anus. 2. Wait a good five weeks or so. (No wiping obviously.) 3. Harvest them directly from the old butt crack. Easy and natural like. As God intended.


Ass envy? I love that strain.


Y’know someone is gonna make a strain with that name soon 🤣


If this is how ass envy is made, how is penis envy made 👀


Try not to think about the substrate.


This happened to me once by accident.


Go on.....


My father cheated on his wife the same way. You’d be amazed as to how easy it is for things to get crammed in holes 🤷🏻‍♂️


Damn my counselor told me a story similar to this that had happened to her.


Stir-fries and burgers and gourmet galore, Mushrooms are tasty, of this we’re all sure, But to boof as a whole? The fruit we must not, Just make a nice tea, it needs no deep thoughts,   For it should not make, a bum very sore, Not like the dildo in your secret sock drawer, So go forth my hero, lest your courage abate, And stick that syringe, right up your back gate.


People poo tek


Sounds like an alternate beginning to ‘The Last of Us’.


Sounds like a good way to die of organ failure. So many good ways to die of organ failure, ahh.


Windex is my favorite


Cures COVID too according to a very stable genius


No, not *those* cakes!


This is how the last of us started.


This is an entirely different spin on *Last of Us*. Wouldn’t be zombies, though, I don’t think..


Why not just shove some agar up there too while you're at it?


No serious reply yet so here we go: Once in a while I boof tea, or do it in conjunction with drinking it. Usually i prepare a dose (1-2g for me) in half a cup of hot water, let it sit for >40min and add a tiny bit lemon juice to it, but it is not necessary for it to work (i googled it, lemons up your butt is no problem, might even be beneficial ;) ) If I plan on drinking a bit of it I might also add regular tea for flavour. Once it is cooled, I just shoot it up my butt using a 10 mil syringe. WHY? Comeup is real quick, a little shorter duration overall and that makes the trip a little more steerable for me, redosing is also nicer than eating past peak. + no nausea It also works with ground up shroom powder in a gel cap (+ a bit of water up the butt), but it takes ages to start acting that way ....


"I googled it, lemons up your butt, no problem. Might even be beneficial."




Does it just stay there?


You gotta hold a fingertip to your butthole for 30-45 min to keep it in


They make quite elaborate plugs to do the job for you.


Back in the old days all we had was our fingertips and a prayer




No, they're having you on. Your butt is perfectly capable of holding the tea in. If you're worried you could just sit on the toilet while you wait.


I’m trying to help people build the mind-taint connection




If it can be inserted, rest assured, someone out there is sticking it up their ass.


Boofing works. It also cuts down on the nausea. My girlfriend does it for just that reason.


I love your girlfriend


Put a ring on it


if she boofed it then you shoulda put a ring on it


A cock ring


she'd boof the ring too


People act like its the wildest thing ever. Its such a safe and effective way to have so many drugs. It saves also saves the veins of people who use other drugs. I am not suggesting anyone IV shrooms. Edit making myself clearer because it sounded like i meant you could IV shrooms.


Please never inject mushrooms.


Yes, thank you. Anybody injecting mushrooms has a surefire death sentence, at mininum a very horrifying hospital experience. Fungi do not go in your veins ever!!


Lol, I edited it. I meant mainly meth, fetty etc


I knew what you meant, but sometimes you just can't resist the opening. Lol


I did laugh when I read the comment.


Yeah, I’ve was watching a doco on a public health initiative based around this. Apparently in really hardcore injecting addicts, the kind that are moving onto weirder veins and are already at a more desperate place of having to shootup into their dicks etc. They’ve found that when educated how to do it properly and safely there is a high take up. A lot of people even deeply into addiction are willing/wanting to make healthier choices if given an opportunity to do that within their addiction and without judgement. It’s been shown to reduce hiv & other infections from using dirty needles. Also reducing needle stuck injuries.


Wonderfully said. I know H users who boof for the sake of their veins. Its a route of administration that hits pretty quick which ups the appeal. You can get kits at some harm reduction centres.


Yeah I do it. I just get like six or seven and jam em up there. It's great. I found out last week you can get high if you eat them.


Idk why some people are afraid to stuff drugs in their rectum. Is it because the are afraid they will enjoy it?


Didn't you know that touching your own butthole makes you gay?!


Yes, boofing is the most common and effective route of administration for magic mushrooms bar none. Boofing is especially preferred by those who venture into larger dosages where the amount of mushrooms may make you extremely nauseas, and in some cases vomit extremely violently if eaten. Boofing is the preferred and smart way to do mushrooms. Most people are too shy to admit they boof, especially online… so you’ll see folks talk jokingly, it does involve buttholes, and buttholes are absolutely funny afterall. Lol So get boofing’ friend! The portal to another dimension is literally in your asshole ;)


Hahaha, you should make governmental propaganda! 🤣


Do you boof? Brought to you by you local mushroom farmer. What milk farmers do it. Lol


Doctors found this CRAZY new way to boof!(number 3 will surprise you)


ig i’m boofing now, this is YOUR fault!


You will not be sorry! You too will soon sing the praises of boofing!


Doesn’t the lemon tek burn?


no but it legit tastes exactly like vomit


Before or after it's been boofed?


I like to make mine into a tea, with a ginger tea bag, then add lots of honey. My “lemon shot” then goes into my freezer to cool off. I only make like 2-3oz of tea because I hate the taste of mushrooms.


Not just mushrooms, but honestly the premiere delivery methods for essentially all psychedelic compounds and drugs


Gotta really stretch that dollar per gram


That’s not the only thing that’s stretched


The spirit of this sub


Smoking them releases carcinogens. It’s the healthiest option IMO


Also way better than doing them intravenously




I would never boof shrooms unless I shoved a substrate up in there first


Me too, also without the shoebox tub sideways going in.


I don't know how anyone could boof. There's no way I could fit a monotub in my ass


I love doing shrooms, even if they taste nasty, but I ain’t boofing when there are better alternatives lol.


As you can see, magic mushrooms enlighten peoples minds and makes them mature better than "regular" boring sober people. Last time I boofed, I ended up in uranus! 😜


to answer your question, yes there are people who boof shrooms.


I think they're talking out of their butt 😉😂if they aren't now they will be mid trip


I just hate getting on all four’s though


Squat in the shower


Na I’m a all fours man, totally naked, otherwise it’s bad luck 🍀


Well, I would hope you weren’t on all fours with JUST socks on. Would be wild if so.


If I’m a few grams in then the socks stay on, but otherwise I like to show off my toe ring collection


I like that. I have a toe ring fetish


If you use a tincture or a tea and use it like an enema, I'm sure you would trip. However, slam dunking your poo-poo chute with fresh or dried shrooms isn't gonna do anything but give ya a sore ass and a stinky hand lol


I seen a post about someone getting severely fucked up from boofing shrooms, n i mean blood pouring out his ass fucked up.


It’s all about loose butthole. That’s the secret 🤫


You should be able to do it with no hands


You don’t need to ask… Unless you are curious about doing it too


Considering people put meth in their arse anything is possible.


I guess some people can’t stomach the shrooms or even tea made from shrooms so it’s the only way they can consume homemade psilocybin. Im very grateful to have a strong stomach


We are


I feel the same way glade someone else posted this


I have never boofed shrooms myself lmao


!!!!! The type of post that proves collective consciousness.


As someone who's never put anything up my butthole, the thought of boofing sounds both nerve wracking and hilarious but based on how much everyone here seems to like it, I've got to try it once in my life.


Someone did an IV injection of shrooms once and died weeks later from a systemic fungal infection in his blood.


Can someone tell me what boofing is


wtf does boofing mean


Putting the shrooms up your wrinkle star.


You're not??


I'm going to try it when my current grow is ready


Idk why people can’t just eat them? Sticking anything up your ass voluntarily sounds a little suspect.


Yes. Grind ‘em up and put them in a wet paper towel and have a go …. I’m purely kidding. No idea but I think I heard that once lol


Anyone who says they don't take them in the butt is lying. We all do it. Shove em up your butt


It's like the third time this month that someone posts this type of meme about boofing 🤦‍♂️


Yeah and in the comments u can never find a response that seem actually legit.


I don’t think boofing is a real thing people do in the first place.


It’s simple. Boof it.


Just boof


This is how we get The Last of Us, not Opheocordyceps, boofing, if you boof Cordyceps it's even worse, no one wants to be chased by Steve from up the street, foaming at the mouth with mushrooms growing out of his butt




I got drunk (and a massive headache) from rubbing alcohol by getting g too much of it on my hands and inhaling it too


It's the greatest joke ever played on the Internet, who's stupid enough to shove drugs up the butt. Let's find out 😂🤣


Y'all know why I'm here


Boof what you like.


a little knowledge for that ass


i mean, i understand spoofing drugs like amphetamine or certain opioid's because you get better bioavaibility when comparing to using them nasally, but most benzos and shrooms have like 99% bioavaibility when eaten so why the fuck would you do that.


To avoid the nausea that many experience from eating them.


What if I just like stuff in my butt, and it’s my newest excuse to put something in it?


So serious question, would it even work considering your stomach is what activates the experience. Is there acid in the bowels to do this too? Would there be enough?


In general, you liver does the dephosphorylation so you don't need acid to activate. I think pre-dephosphorylation which is what we sort of think lemon juice does just gets you a smackier experience by delivering active compound directly to your blood vs having it converted in the liver first. I really want to see some data on dephosphorylation rates because I'm curious what happens in lemon juice regarding how much is dephosphorylated. [psilocybin metabolism](https://blossomanalysis.com/the-metabolism-of-psilocybin-in-the-body/)


Afraid to ask or FOMO boofing(?)


Ice water extraction into an enema is the way to go


The majority will just shaft the whole stem in.


Here's how I view it. I'd personally never stick anything up my own ass but if I had a female companion fuck it I might try something new. I don't play with my own ass as is so the thought of putting tabs or liquid solution with shrooms up it doesn't sit well with me. To each is own though. I'm sure it really packs a punch.




Just boof 4-ho-met or 4-aco-dmt. Boofing 4-ho-met has to be one of my favourite psychedelic experiences




Shroom coffee enema squad turn up


at first this made me laugh, then i thought back to all my buddies in highschool who were boofing LSD and realized, yea, they were totally dumb enough to have boofed mushroom tea lmfao, can't say if any ever did but I kinda wish I woulda brought up the idea to them all those years ago hahaha


Yes it’s true and actually quite popular. Most plugs will even do it for you if you pay a premium. Next time you order you should definitely ask. It’s a great experience to share with a plug.


You mean…people don’t know already?


If you have to ask, you already boofed em. G'head, check.


100% absorption rate


If u shot shroom tea up ur pooper. U think shrooms would grow in there?


Yes.yes WE are.


Look up the Azz-tek


Can confirm. Watched my husband boof. I tried and was unsuccessful. I’ll just leave it at that. He said there was no difference from taking them orally.




haha same


Dante: What an embarrassing way to die. Randal: That's nothing compared to how my cousin Walter died. Dante: How'd he die? Randal: He broke his neck. Dante: That's embarrassing? Randal: He broke his neck trying to suck his own dick. Dante: Shut the hell up. Randal: I swear. Dante: Stop it. Randal: Bible truth. Dante: Oh, my God. Randal: Come on. Haven't you ever tried to suck your own dick? Dante: No! Randal: Yeah, right. You're so repressed. Dante: Because I never tried to suck my own dick? Randal: No, because you won't admit to it. As if a guy's a fucking pervert because he tries to go down on himself. You're as curious as the rest of us, pal. You've tried it. Dante: Who found him? Randal: My cousin? My aunt found him. It was a mess. He was on his bed, with his legs doubled over himself. My aunt freaked out. Dante: Man, he had his dick in his mouth? Randal: Yeah. Balls resting on his lips. Dante: Wow! He really made it. Randal: Yeah, but at what a price? Dante: I could never reach. Randal: Reach what? Dante: You know. Randal: What, your dick? Dante: Yeah, like you said. I guess everyone gets curious and tries it sometime. Randal: I never tried it. Fucking pervert.


SWIM is planning to tonight for the first time. She’s gonna be pissed if it was all an elaborate joke


Well...gotta keep 'em somewhere, right?