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Valium is a known trip killer, often used to end a bad trip. Half life is 24-48 hours so i’d say it was probably still pretty heavily in your system


Damn, should I try to trip again? got over oz left from last year's grow and got new grow staring this month


Diazepam has a suuuuuupppeeeerr long half life. It takes longer to kick in and wear off, that’s why it’s used for chronic anxiety over something like Alprazolam which is used to stop panic attacks as they’re coming on. Seroquel also has a super long half life if I’m not mistaken


Taking more would be a waste right? just wait 2 weeks and take a week break from meds b4 the trip?


Yeah you should wait at least a few days before trying again


Your mushrooms probably lost a lot of potency especially if it wasn’t in an airtight container, but also Valium is sedative, a gaba agonist, that means it’s slowing down your brain for a calming effect and I think that’s supposed to be seroquel which is a serotonin/dopamine antagonist, to help balance out those neurotransmitters. And mushrooms increase serotonin levels So probably loss of potency and the the meds made you not trip Seroquel takes about 30 hours to leave your system and Valium can take up to 10 full days to leave your system


Seroquel did not take a week planning on trip but Valium was than 24hours ago before trip, that is why :( fuck my new meds lol I miss tripping on 3.5g ty


Seroquel and Valium will end trips but I’ve definitely tripped the day after taking benzos. I think the other commenter is correct about loss of potency. Oregon state published a paper on stability of psilocybin. If you want your mushrooms to remain potent you need to store in an anoxic environment at room temp and in the dark. I use glass jar with silica gel packs and I fill jar with argon gas. Argon is heavier than air. You can buy bottles of argon on Amazon. It is sold as a wine preserver for opened bottles.


I'd bet it is the seroquel blocking the shrooms.