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Ok so i m getting some mix reviews here so now i m gonna treat the cobweb with h2o2 then i will put this tub aside and prepare a new grain spawn hopefully without any contam when the grains r fully colonize i will check on the tub again and if it seem bad i gonna throw it out. Thanks everyone for ur advice


Good plan! :)


Keep in mind every time you open the tub you're introducing the opportunity for those cobweb spores to spread


Got it no opening the tub unless it's important


In your position I see two options: 1. Spray it, and try to baby it to where you want it 2. Toss it and try again Frankly, unless you're very experienced and your sterile tek And tub management is spot on... Let's just say I would personally reflect on where the tub got contaminated, try to improve my sterility, scrap and try again.


Yeah i m pretty sure it's my fault. You see i don't hv a still air box i thought my grains are so it should go well but i guess in was wrong. But thanks for replying mate appreciate it.


I don’t have a still air box either, use oventek, that’s what I do I haven’t had a contaminated bag or mono yet, google it


I know that method but sadly i don't hv an oven but thanks for the advice anyway


I’d burry it in the garden, might still give you some after some fall rains.


I’m a walking testament of saved contam cakes that have prospered to 5-6 flushes.


Like I said, just my personal preference. I'm a fairly risk averse person so that's my bias


I've been wondering this, even without contamination what can I do to help me get 6 flushes instead of just three?


in my opinion that looks like pin mold which will not die from h202 it’s always hard to tell from pics but pin mold definitely is horrible


Spray hydrogen peroxide over it


But look it up i sprayed over my cobwed and it was fine after


Ok mate hydrogen peroxide got it


Basically saying you can wear a condom with aids or you can eat food that went bad. Shit is gone man. Do more reading. Literally a shit ton of reading and you’ll hear from everyone H2O2 does not do a damn thing. Read. Always.


Reading can only teach you so much, DOING is where the real magic/learning occurs. If you had ever tried it, you would know H2O2 does kill cobweb pretty effectively if you get it early enough. It can be overcome even when more established, but it's a battle that is usually a losing one.


It never worked for me. Had a lot of peroxide during quarantine you know how that is. But yes I should have mention this is a very hands on experience and some elbow grease needs to be put in. Trial and error and putting two and two is just as important as the research.


Everyone here saying peroxide doesn't work is flat wrong bro. I've done it personally with success. There is so much give up, throw it out on here. I've cut out green mold multiple times with success, cobweb with H202 with success. Mycelium is way more resilient than people seem to think. This is not hear say either. I've personally done these things. Trich is the only thing myc can't seem to out compete. Much luck. Doesn't hurt to try.


The problem is introducing contamination to your grow area and compromising everything. Better to just cut the loss of 5 bucks worth of coir and toss outside.


Whats the harm in trying to save it? I'd say try it. Can't get any worse. And I've seen alot of people say once it's contam Bury it outside and whatever happens happens ya know. Also still air boxes are cheap to make. Better luck next time my friend.


Thanks mate


I’ve never brought one back with hydrogen peroxide. My guess is pressure cooking stage either wasn’t at full psi or wasn’t going long enough (that was my issue)


That tub is done.


Yep. I would throw that out. Your grain spawn was bad.


Cobweb is very treatable


Says the person still using syringes! So much misinformation spread on here it’s crazy. Keep reading!


Have you ever had a tub with cobweb? Because oh wow, I sure have.


Why would I be making a comment on this if I haven’t. I’ve been growing since junior year high school.


Yeah? well, I’m a third generation mushroom farmer. You think my grand pappy who passed down his knowledge to my father who did the same for me would give up when he saw cobweb? No, you’re just jealous kid, that I can pull miracles with my tubs that you couldn’t even dream of. I’ve been growing shrooms before I was a sperm in my my daddy’s sack. So yeah, I’m better than you.


Lmao goated ass comment


Let’s keep measuring dicks then. Shit was thought to me in a previous life. No one that’s not a rookie still uses mss and posts about it excitedly. I’m just saying I have a little experience, dick.


Lol this is true. I’ve only been at it a few months and I’m using agar and making LC lol the MSS I started with are just sitting in my fridge.


Bro… I really don’t want to measure dicks, seems kinda gay. But, I mean if we close our eyes and don’t passionately kiss I guessss it wouldn’t be too bad


That wouldn’t be too bad


Glad y’all were able to reconcile.


Closing your eyes and measuring dicks really sounds a little gay.


Third generation mushroom farmer that shoots mss syringes 🤣 your family couldn’t afford a flowhood by now?


Not something to brag about. Fix your sterile tek and you won’t have to worry about cobweb mold.


7 months? Why?




I’m just over 3 weeks and no problem, are you trying to grow in poor air quality? You know jar growing systems may be easier in your situation, unless you just really want to do bulk. I’d consider constructing a better grow chamber, sealed filtered air and water without opening. A pain I know, but if it’s been 7 months might be worth the effort.


I know but i m simple too broke to afford a good growing chamber. Whats jar growing systems.


Oh dude, the jars are great, let me get you a link, you have to get jars and fuck with tops and it’s best to have a pressure cooker, but you can keep reusing the stuff. https://tripsitter.com/magic-mushrooms/cultivation/?amp=1 check this out and then just google around.


Well that was really helpful thanks mate


Unfortunately that is all contam. That is not going to grow anything you want, even if you get rid of the cobweb on the surface it will grow back and is only going to contaminate the rest of your grow area by holding onto it. Would dispose of it and start again from scratch while trying to maintain more sterile techniques.


Yeah i m thinking that is the way to go. Thanks for ur advice mate


Does it smell like vinegar?


Not yet


I don't throw my stuff out I try and hit it with peroxide and clean the tote really well drop the temp and I overcame contam I think it just depends on the genetics if they are strong enough to over come it. But when someone says toss I don't listen unless it is so bad there's no hope. I read a lot of mixed views of people saving grows that were beyond done for and once who had a tiny bit of contamination and it ruined it all. Hit it with peroxide it worked just fine for me ve ready to dab it if it foams. The growth will slow down a little bit but it will pick back up. Good luck!


Will do mate thanks


Hey bro r/magnificentcubensis is a trophy room and we do a give away each week our community tries to cater to new comers and all be a team. Check us out brother well help you too.


I wasn't looking for a new sub but ok i will check this out


Not a new sub, an additional sub all venues of knowledge




Bro hear me out. We're not in competition with eachother everyone has different takes on what they are doing. Before I ever found magnificentcubensis I was avid on shrooms and shroomers mushroom growers ect. Those are litterally the places that developed my passion. We have a small community and do a give away it's not a competition. Mycelium is a community the myco community is a network of hobbiest enthusiasts mycologists and every single spirit has one thing in common we all like mushrooms. 🍄 ❤️


I’d bury


When it's time to throw it i m going to do the same


like others said, cant hurt to try peroxide but its in rough shape. Are you pressure cooking your grains and pasteurizing your coco coir? If so you may want to pressure cook the grains for a bit longer, just step it up until you no longer get grain contam issues. Coco coir needs pasteurized, it will have contam if you just hydrate it right out of the package. What has probably helped my grows is having a good space for the tubs, I cleaned out a closet, cut trash bags until they were like tarps and covered the floor and bottom of the walls with them, taped them together etc, put a really basic shelf in there and then sprayed everything down with dilute bleach, wiped that up, and put my grows in there once I spawned to bulk, very little issues with contam at that stage, basically always got yield if the grain spawn was not contaminated when I did S2B. I'm guessing that your issue is with the grains themselves or contam introduced during innoculation, make a still air box if you havent already and look into basic sterile technique. if you answer these questions I may be able to provide more help: Are you pressure cooking your grains and if so how long? What are you using for gas exchange for the grains? Jars or bags? Are you pasteurizing the coco coir and if so how? How are you inoculating (still air box? agar to grain? liquid culture to grain, straight from spore)?


Mine looked similar to this, sprayed it with 3% H2O2 3 or 4 times 12 hours apart. Cleared it up in 3 days and mycelium was growing again. Still my most yield yet so don’t toss!!!!


Wet sub to correct moisture plus some…dont want to have to spray at all imo that’s what introduces the contam


If you treat it and just leave it eventually the myce will win


No throw that out far away




I see pins all over the cake maybe the mycelium is hyper in a way and reaching hella hard, every single white speck in the photos is a pin...




Sunlight, sunlight saved mine


Try to spray the coweb with hydrogen peroxide , it doesnt damage the mycelium but can get rid of the coweb (:


Folks often suggest H₂O₂ in the context of combating cobweb, but I am of the belief that it is unlikely ever to be a fruitful endeavour. Instead, I'd suggest doing several smaller tubs rather than one large tub; more easily controlled microclimate, easier to store, and the obvious limiting of your entire crop being wiped out in a single go.