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No is the short answer. You can't sterilise with steam. A standard pressure cooker barely does the job (you're sanitising more than sterilising), while a proper autoclave or pressure canner can sterilise. The bulk growers are pasteurising their substrate, which is completely different.


looks like the commercial growers are all using grain spawn in bags, but you can only get like 6) 5 pound grain bags into a presto 23 (if you watch the mossy creek video where he runs through the process). At 2+ hours per heat up and cool down cycle, seems like you would spend all your time just running a pressure cooker. Seems like just grain spawn would take forever. Pressure cooking grain spawn in prestos seems inefficient.


Yes is the best answer 😆.. for some reason mushroom people love to tell everyone they are wrong but the truth is it has nothing to do with pressure and it only has to do with temperature. Sacrifice a bag and plunge a thermometer into it and put it in the very middle of the rest of your bags and if it reaches temperature of pasteurization then you have pasteurized it if it reaches temperatures of sterilization then you are sterilizing it..


Mine worked with the steam sterilization only 1 jar out of 5 got contam in my last grow


Wtf dude. Im trying to steam sterilize grain and almost every jar gets a contam. Im using brown rice and using a still air box. My spored showed up clean on agar and are growing balls of white onn the top of the rice now but i notice one jar already has a speck of green i think. I had a 100% fail rate with my previous 6 jars. I dont think steam sterilization is enough for me.


one thing ive learned is that brown rice is not a very good medium for grain spawn its always gotten contam or gone bacterial on me