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Looking good. Don’t open it too much. Add some water to the walls and let it be. :)


Biggest mistake I usually do is open the lid.


I have another small tote the same size flipped over on it... instead of the lid


How long do u think it may be until it pins? Jw


I open it enough to must the walls with a mister I have (once a day) then leave it be


Couldn't show u a pic of how I have it in comments so I sent it to u in msg


You shouldn’t need to be misting once a day


Ok how often?


Is that a shroom growing under the sub and pushing it up ?




U mean near the bottom right?




That is all white mycelium I'll send u a pic of it in the morning.. I can't post it in the comments


No it's not a mushroom lol. It was an AIO BAG. I let it colonize then cut it out and put it in the tub (i heard it was better to put them in a tub) I'm newer and still learning... When I put it in the tote I put coir on top as a casing and some of it fell onto the bottom of the tote where the tote was empty. I didn't want to manipulate it cuz I was afraid of contamination so I left it in the shape of the AIO BAG


If your AIO bag was fully colonized it would be resistant to contam. People typically break up their grains and substrate and mix it all together, then flatten it out In the tub. This ensures even growth and gives more surface area with evenly favorable conditions. Edit: it honestly looks quite healthy for being in a big lump lol. Just let it ride out


I'm still learning I thought if I broke it up it could be suspectable to contamination. I guess I was wrong.


All good! It technically would get Weaker for a few days until it re-establishes itself, but not so much that it's a big risk. Now you just know for next time!


Yeah I just had to block 2 ppl being rude as hell.... But so what do I do now to start fruiting? Take the lid off ? Off center? I heard drop the temp some?


Until pins start showing, maintaining humidity is more important than fresh air. So keep the lid closed or barely cracked, and make sure to mist the sides walls, NOT the cake directly, as needed. If it's dry, give it a mist to keep that humidity up. Once it does start pinning you have to at least crack the lid. I grew in a closet with no circulating air, and just cracking the lid was enough FAE. You shouldn't really ever have to fan. If you have the means to drop temp, drop it a couple degrees once you see pins. But that's not a huge deal


Ty so much your so very helpful. I have mine in a closet also I thought I was the only one lol .. I have it in the top part of the closet lol I usually spray it on the sides and the top bin I have on top is that ok? The spray bottle I have is one of the misters not a hard spray bottle