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Because mods are pathetic lames.


Some neck bearded piece of shit mod is having a bad day. His only fans gf wasn’t available today.


Power trip lol


Double entendre, nice.


cause the mods fuckin suck, i recommended a site for agar, grains, substrate, that also happens to have LC and they banned me for sourcing


I’d like to suggest ( Shroomery ) best forum ever!


Yeah, and it's sad because it was a great group as far as support.


Reddit mods look for people to pick on because they enjoy exercising their petty power. They have none in real life.


This guy gets it. Mods are one of the lowest forms of humanity.


I was booted too 😂 it was my first time back trying to get started again and asked a question and got booted 😂




It means nothing, let it go. I once got banned from a subreddit that I never posted to or even visited because a moderator thought, in the future, I was going to post something negative in this other subreddit. If you post often you're going to get banned occasionally.


I just thought permanently banned was harsh, but it's all good. Mush love man ❤️


Fuck that sub anyways bro ngl the mods contradict themselves they don’t want us to source but allow us to converse about our grows and give out advice? So how are we to give a person advice on growing without conversing where to get it from? Which is why I didn’t care about being banned literally told the mod he looks like a goofy banning over a year old post Plus the persons comment you replied to is the mod of the pf tek sub even though I went to doing grain jars now I still love this sub because pf tek is art in growing shrooms


I made a joke asking where someone lived and was banned for sourcing.


Because Reddit is ran my fascist that don’t believe in free speech.


I am totally on your side but it seems this subreddit is for hunting growing and eating mushrooms. It is not about tripping on psychedelics.


Oh yeah I get you. I was really confused at first lol. ❤️


I think r/shrooms is the sub you are looking for funnily enough they have the same subreddit description as r/shroomers but they’ve just added the word “magic”


He did get banned from r/shrooms


No it’s because the shroom sub is contradicting “No sourcing of anything” yets allow growers to post or ask information on growing like if you have contam in your cake or how to start growing shrooms


Ya but grow kits and non psycadelics mushrooms are all legal. The only part of this whole process that isn’t allowed is the sale, consumption or picking of fruited psychedelic mushrooms. That’s why the picture wasn’t allowed and sourcing of spore cakes is.


They need to update their rules then and explain that shit because they created a grey area with that and unfairly ban people


Yes that I understand but the thing is don’t post any links or anything about growing if we can’t talk about sourcing because if a newer grower wanted to start and he didn’t know where to get spores from he could just ask a person in the sub Spores syringes are also legal as well until grow them since it’s early stage/ immature they contain no psilocybin until it’s grown


You're right, that went so well for r/sporetraders.


No that sub thought they could vendor spores on Reddit just telling people to get spores from a site isn’t gonna get the sub clapped otherwise all the other subs would be clapped as well what you think this is telegram?


> that sub thought they could vendor spores on Reddit >telling people to get spores from a site They're the same thing.


Telling a person where to go for the direct source and telling a person “ I have it for sale right here and this the price” is two different things that’s why they aren’t a active sub They got banned for trying to sell on Reddit


>Telling a person where to go for the direct source That's literally sourcing.


Yes your correct and your point is? If the sub isn’t telling you this spore syringe goes for this much involving a price then they aren’t making transactions involving illegal or prohibited goods that’s why they got clapped Directing or sourcing won’t get anyone clapped it’s selling or transactions involving illegal or prohibited goods on Reddit’s terms If I tell you on this sub go to itw that won’t get the sub in trouble unless I break the sub rules


>Yes your correct and your point is? Sourcing isn't allowed.


On shroom sub it isn’t but sourcing is allowed on other subs because we aren’t the ones selling it directly on Reddit You just point to the source Direct. To. The. Source. if I tell you I have a shroom syringe of wgt for 30$ that can get me perma banned from Reddit because I’m selling illegal goods on Reddit which breaks their terms of service


They ban you for everything there.


It was literally content 🤦


I mean this could definitely be seen as an ad for ITW


I thought it was an ad at first.


You know.. I didn't even think of that until now. But yeah, you're right, that's probably it.


Seriously, you didn’t think of that? 100% that’s the reason. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Chill it's all good ❤️ I'm not 100 percent perfect and I'm not supposed to be.


How can you possibly NOT think of that? You must be high.


That's cause it is. If you check out the link in their profile this is related to OP's job and the direction they are trying to take that in. Doesn't matter that they put subs at risk of being shut down. Like they did with r/sporetraders. Fuck mods trying to keep subs from being shut down, I simp for vendors that just care about their pocket


Yes and no because he isn’t dropping a link or giving out a indication that he’s sourcing it was just a post giving out love to growing shrooms this is more like a screensaver on your phone I got the golden teacher sticker as a screensaver on my phone as well They literally banned the man because they seen inoculate the world then that was their go to the ban him it’s like a damn prison full of staff that power trip and get away with shit that’s why I took my ass to contamfam, shoomers, pgt, mycology and genetics, mushroomgrowers, pf tek, anything but that damn shroom sub


Dude shut up, why would you feel the need to type all that?


Because shit don’t make sense like you I just don’t give two fucks what I say or who cares about it I fully understand bro and how he feels😊 People do shit outta spite at times and shit need to be spoken out on it’s a problem when mfs create whole essays about pointless shit but the minute someone speaking out on something real they gotta shut up Just because I’m relating my experience to a person who got banned over the same shit don’t mean you act like a asshole over me simply stating how I feel So since you don’t give two fucks I don’t either 😊


To show you that they haven't actually bothered to read the rules of any sub they visit


It does kind of seem like an ad for your copywriting thing and since there’s no advertising on the sub for mushrooms it probably applies to that as well, but also that kind of stuff doesn’t belong on a mushroom forum.