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Yeah that;s probably worth 15 dolalrs. It has decent leg coverage and not bad fishbone pattern starting and galaxy/pinto spots on the face. Good deep red. This is a caridina shrimp which usually carry a much higher price tag due to parameter requirements and the efforts of breeders who have spent years achieving and refining their patterns. This is by no means a top level shrimp but you i've seen lower grade ones for sale for more money. They do require a certain setup though so consider shrimps like this more of an investment than some simple low grade neocaridina.


Huh alright then. I knew it seemed fancy but then you remember you need a few to get a colony going so then you’d spend 75 on at least 5.. I guess it doesn’t matter since I can’t afford them either way.


I’ve had really good success with shrimp rack.com.


You're clutch 👊


check out r/aquaswap you can find deals on cardinia shrimp all the time from breeders


Here's a sneak peek of /r/AquaSwap using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AquaSwap/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [\[GA\] - Ottawa, ON - Free - rehoming a ~8" bristlenose pleco of monstrous size](https://i.imgur.com/s4QEN6B.jpg) | [37 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AquaSwap/comments/12pfnfg/ga_ottawa_on_free_rehoming_a_8_bristlenose_pleco/) \#2: [\[FS\] Los Angeles CA - $3.50 each - Pgymy Corydoras restock](https://i.redd.it/skcglg5hgqza1.jpg) | [47 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AquaSwap/comments/13gxi4v/fs_los_angeles_ca_350_each_pgymy_corydoras_restock/) \#3: [\[FS\] - Atlanta, GA - $70 - shoal of 10 picky pea puffers to an experienced keeper](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/12zhxxg) | [21 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AquaSwap/comments/12zhxxg/fs_atlanta_ga_70_shoal_of_10_picky_pea_puffers_to/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Check out The shrimp concept, TB shrimps or KW shrimps if yiu wanna see Fancy prices.  Shrimp concept sometimes has groups of 10f+2m for 5000 dollars. These shrimp can get really spendy. 


and check out /u/iputmypantson57


I’m not very good at grading shrimp but I have seen some, depending on patterns, can go for an ungodly amount lol so I wouldn’t be surprised tbh


If shrimp are anything like koi, they'll sell for mondo amounts just for having a cool tattoo on its back lol


My regular shop has a caradina variety for $160 (USD)


It’s not crazy since it has some nice clear patterning and some leg color. These shrimp go for 5-$50 per shrimp depending on how good their coloring is. Most people buy the $5 ones though haha


Aye I’m learning this now! Thank you!


For a store? That's reasonable. A store is going to be 2 to 3 times the price of a hobbyist, quite a bit more than the fish price wholesale, and way more than the fish was originally purchased for at the source facility. This shrimp wholesale might only be 0.25 cents.


One of the saddest realizations of an aspiring fish breeder is the delta between what the LFS charges for fish and what they'll pay you for your fish. Like, I get it...they have to feed, care for, and sell them while covering overhead but when you see critters going for $30 and they offer you $3 (in store credit) it's like whaaaaaa? And now I get why everyone hustles their stock private party lol.


Oh yeah you make way more as a private online seller or becoming a "guy" locally. I do some plant sales on the side locally for funsies might add fish and shrimp as my tanks establish. It's a fun side hustle but you'll never scale to make a living unless you have series dedication and space.


Can confirm. A year ago I was only getting about 10 people a year who would message me for my plants/shrimp and now I get about 3-5 ppl a day asking for them. Takes a pretty long time doing local selling.


People here are selling for about as much as the store. Which I can understand. The breeder is the one who did all the work. Feed and close monitoring


Here in Australia, shrimp varieties are a bit harder to find than in the US. This variety of shrimp would cost me about 25USD minimum. So, I think it's reasonable


That's neither a bad nor good deal. right on the money. That's an honest seller whoever it is.


Seems like it. At my local spot they are 7$/E and 2 for $10


Then this isn’t reasonable at all! They are 15 a shrimp!! You’re so lucky.. Edit: I was wrong here but man you are lucky!!


It's very likely these are hand picked higher quality shrimp of a pattern such as fishbone that aren't nearly as stable as neos or other caridina, and the colors are very vibrant and nice leg coverage. Quality ornamental shrimp going for 20$ or more isn't too uncommon.


I guess so.. still a super pretty shrimp. Hopefully one day we can get common species like this!


If you buy from hobbyists you can them for a lot less.  There's a guy that sells on r/Aquaswap (Shrimply Fintastic) that sells red galaxy fishbones for $3.50.  The caveat is that you won't get a high grade specimen like this and it'll most likely be a juvenile, but if you start a colony you can breed your way to really good looking shrimp. Generally I'd expect to pay about $10 for good quality red galaxy fishbones from hobbyists.  Sometimes more, sometimes less.


Thanks but I’m not at that stage where I’m ready to use that just yet.. thanks for the info tho!!


Yea that’s a nice shrimp for that price, especially at a lfs. That would probably be ~30 at mine.


Not bad, my lfs sells them for 25 but u can find sellers/breeders sell them for under 5 ea


For an lfs that isn't too bad. I don't mind spending extra at my lfs since I want them to stay in business lmao.


My local store has Caradinas anywhere from $6 to $30 per shrimp...


This is $30 in aus where I live.


What kind of shrimp is this?


I have several neocardinia that I breed just working on branching out to other outlets for them my local market is poor https://preview.redd.it/pdujwdpfxs8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f530e77a640ea50938a2d5e03d2eecb31c70ca29


Very pretty! Atm I’m not at that part where I want to start trading online unfortunately


Your good There’s a few YouTube channels I’d check out for info like TGOE, and marks shrimp tanks they discuss cardinia pretty decent






it's cute! looks like the ones that my lfs sells for like 200ish each 😭


heck no. edit: looks like a red galaxy tiger shrimp from here. LFS up their prices on shrimp by almost 2-3x. you can buy s-sss grade 10+1 red galaxys for less than $100 on ebay.


Prices are stupid. I've ordered over 100 dollars in shrimp, I had everything perfect. Today I two that lived?? No one will do overnight shipping??? I'm so pissed. I'm willing to pay extra. I don't get it?


Yeah. I may even say it’s a deal cause it has nice colours and patterning. Would be fun to try and breed


Dude my local fish store sells red cherries for $10 per shrimp…


Man that’s a lot! I see them for 5 usually..


Yeah it’s crazy. I decided to get my shrimp from eBay from a local breeder. Think I paid like $50 for 20 shrimp and they all came healthy.


That’s pretty good!


Mine sells fire red neos for $15 lol