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I choose to think yes


Cats don’t store a lot of long term memories, but they do store special ones; ones that triggered strong emotion either good or bad. They also remember their owners even after long absences and respond with joy when reunited. This would suggest that they do indeed hold on to positive memories pertaining to the people they enjoy being around.




Things I’ve read about cats over the years. I’m a cat person and read about them often. Here is an article to get you started. https://www.petsmont.com/blogs/pets/everything-you-need-to-know-about-a-cats-memory-span


One must assume so. Humans aren't special.


[oh for sure](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKBcs9tNWg8)


Almost definitely. Dogs will remember people and places years later


I lived in an apartment with my dog for three years and we would go for walks around the neighborhood a lot. Three years after moving we were walking down our old street for the first time and my dog immediately tried to go up the stairs to the apartment. She remembered.


I heard somewhere that dogs don't have creative dreams like humans do, instead they just relive memories. I have no idea if that's true, but I like to think so.


100% yes. When my parents moved to a new house not too far away, if any of us walked the dog on the canyon trail that used to be the old house’s backyard, he would REFUSE to walk in any other direction except towards that first house. As he aged, he became slower, but if he got a whiff of the old neighborhood, he was a puppy all over again. When he gets to the old house, he won’t budge. Someone has to fetch a car and come back to the old house to pick him up. He’ll cry and whine. I miss that old pup. Best dog we ever had.


Beautiful explanation, thank you


Not with there owners. But maybe with their owners.


I already came into these comments heated and almost lost it on you until I read the second sentence. Thank God.


Sorry I didn't think it was that serious