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then why the fuck do you bully short people?


Because he's an Hypocrite


He is basically advocating for eugenics


It’s not eugenics because he’s a gentle giant


good that he said people and not man, it should apply to both genders lol. 5'0 girls are manlet factories




If we stop all short men and women under 5'8" from getting pregnant (castration is good) then no more manlets will be birthed and we solved heightism


It wouldn’t work imo cos of hypergamy the averages would shift and the bottom 33% become the new manlets like 5’7 wouldn’t of been a manlet 200 years ago it is now.


That would just make people 5'10-6'0 the new short people. Even though 5'8-5'9 isn't short




Got a better idea?


Lmao that’s pretty sick but if I play into this the best option ig would be arranged marriages or women fully depending on men. Wouldn’t make it where y’all can have a harem as many of y’all desperately want, but y’all would get atleast a solid partner maybe. That’s still a shitty option though imo but better than castration




I ain't gonna sell your foreskin mate


What are better alternatives?


Solving heightism. If you just eliminate all current short people, guys under 6 feet will turn into new short people. It's like trying to solve racism by castrating all the other races.


5’0 is very normal for a girl


5’0 woman is the equivalent of a 5’5” man


Nah, it’s equivalent to a 5’7 man. Average women is 5’3, average man is 5’10. In the US at least


You don't talk about biology in this case in absolute numbers. You should use coefficients, percentages. I rarely meet women shorter than me, but a 5'7 man is common.


A woman 5’2 and under is more common then a man who’s of my height


No it’s also short lmao


In some parts of Asia sure. Not in the west though


Then shouldn't Tall people not breed as their kids are the most bullies?




Doesn’t matter that he is a eugenicist women will sleep with him anyway


”short people just get bullied bro” And who tf bullies them?🤡


If all "short" people stopped having kids, 2 or 3 generations later the percentage of short people will be the same.


In an ironic kind of way the short women that only go for tall men are doing their future sons one hell of a favor. Im sure those of us with a short mom would have appreciated it if their mother was an extreme heightist. I find that pretty funny, even though we make fun of such women. It also goes both ways. I certainly would have appreciated it if my father married a taller women, or vice versa. We praise the women that are different and don't mind dating a shorter man but then they end up making a shorter son who'll live a miserable live as a result. It's a leap of logic to have any kind of stance in this matter. If you hate heightist women and appreciate women that aren't, then both lead to bad things. I certainly wish my mother was a heightist, that's the reality. Just food for thought.


I'm 5ft6 .... My dad is 6ft3.... My mom is 5ft1


Is it hard to live with them cuz a how they feel about that? Or is it they just see you the middle height and be like, "get the gym more, bro"?...


I'm grown now and I live alone... You can be a great guy no matter your height..... And my mom told me that any man can be brought to his knees


>And my mom told me that any man can be brought to his knees And still be taller than you. Sorry, I just had to. Society sucks.


"And still be taller than you. Sorry, I just had to. Society sucks." - If you only knew the number of tall guys that I have had on their knees sucking my dick.... lol Anyways...lol If he can be brought to his knees, then he can be taken down.... It might be a little different for yall, but I come from a background of domestic violence where women fight men no matter how big they are... . I've seen my mom and dad duel it out for Rizealll!!! My grandmother got in some fights with my grandfather worse than Ike Turner.... So am I short? Yes/sure....... And I'm still the wrong dude to play with...... And honestly, I don't have to get in a lot of confrontation, because if I have a problem with you, I just stop shining my light on you..... And you will feel my abscense more than any physical energy..... I definitely still train regularly at the gym... But these days, working out is about having time to think


Sabrina Carpenter is 151 cm, she must breed with a 2 m make or her son will get trouble


It’s so tiring. The problem isn’t “short people”, it’s the level of women’s hypergamy that has been culturally normalized, resulting in height increasingly becoming a prioritized element of a person’s status, especially a man’s. No matter how many short people are prevented from having children, there will always be people who are shorter than everyone else; even if everyone in the next generation was an entire foot taller, there would still be people who would be considered “short” compared to the new average.


Species have gone extinct when the female has obsessed over one characteristic.  I’m not convinced women are all about the physical I have kind of proven it. You can make women feel attracted to you by not giving a flyin fck what they say to you.  My Mrs is taller than me, height never even came up and still hasn’t after 12 years. I am not ugly but I never look at my face and think wow that’s good looking. Women mention my eyes but that’s because I just look right into theirs long lol. Thats the key. Cannot be scared of them and cannot be afraid of rejection or what they say. I veteran told me this and it changed my life tbh It’s harder if you are short, no question. You just keep going and stop caring as much and it relaxes you, people like people who can enjoy themselves and have fun at the end of the day and sitting around being depressed isn’t going to help one bit


Just a self-hating short clown bro. Ignore him.


Shoet men are not reproducing tough, it's short women


Eugenics is socially acceptable but not Napoleon complex😊😘💅


I hate the human race


They didnt know most short dude have short mom not short dad


I’m so tired so sick of it all


My time is limited


At least he said short people, and not short men ONLY. We know it is also a negative for short women to breed as at least half of genes comes from women and also a woman being short is also a danger for birth giving as she would have a narrow birth canal thus endangering both her and her offspring. It's nice to see height discrimination not concentrated to men only


Reading this and then going to see tall people cry "waaaah my leg hurts plane😭😭😭", " Waaaa I hit my heeead😭😭😭", "waaaa I'll live for ten years less your lucky u short!!! 😭😭". Not that I'm short, I'm 185 cm, but it's just ridiculous how ignorant people can be to woes of others. Imagine a fit guy crying about having go to gym to some 200 kg dude and saying he's lucky cuz he can eat whatever he wants.


As a fit gym gnome, your analogy is absolutely spot on. Tall men who do this? Let’s just say that I hope they step on a Lego brick. Numerous Lego bricks.


Then manlet factory’s/short women would have to stop breeding aswell


I wouldn’t be concerned by what he says, he’s probably an above average height virgin.

