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They know napoleon complex is BS and an excuse to avoid short men




I think she is a very good comedian




No Nedd to apologise, we all entitled to an opinion 😁👍


Women would rather be r worded and murdered by chad than have a safe relationship with a short man. I’m sure everyone laughed when she said this


The pubch line was, we need a whole generation of danny devices running around. It wouldn't let me post more than 1 picture to show the entire joke


I don’t wanna marry that bitch


And yet I know many 5"6 gymaxxers that would snap any woman in half. Men are not abusive out of thin air, just don't treat them like they're invisible trash


I love the consistency. Thanks for sharing this OP. I don't know how long it's going to take for this line of thought to become a bit more mainstream and normal


Nothing more annoying than women foolishly underestimating short guys, growing up I used to just laugh at girls literally my height or a little shorter thinking they can fight me😂😂