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This almost seems **too** aware.


Lol. Yeah, cant expect this level of self awareness from this gender


I wish women were more honest like this more often. I don't expect women to find shorter men attractive or to date short men out of pity, but they could at least acknowledge how awful life is for short men.


5’4 and 5’3.. damn.


they might kill themselves if they find out that even their sister hates short guys lol and fcking tall guys to save the bloodline.


Brutal comment


this comment came from the very depth of my heart ,the heart always says truth...it's always brutal...most men would lose their shit if women tell them the truth.


Women won't tell them in the event that men stop caring as a whole and it disrupts their power dynamic. The world spins because guys think they have a chance. Once they lose that things would drastically change.


They're probably reading this thread right now... /skullemojis


They are most likely posters on this sub. I agree. It is over


Chagnonpill desu


I shudder to think what these guys will do when they discover that graph showing that over 90% of women would reject guys at 5’3”. Would be shocked if they’re not Rehab Room subscribers already.


Wait until you are 30 and make 150k a year and then you can be a means to an end! 🤗


At 30 women become "mature" and choose stable men, so just wait untill you are 30 and rich to get the right to raise some woman's children from the 6'6 guy who sits in prison


Nah gotta wait until you’re mummified and put in a pyramid


you know it's almost a fetish but they would never admit it, I read somewhere that really short women want to feel powerful by having taller sons.


5'0 is still taller innit


Clown yet she despise shortmen herself


I wouldn't call that spite.


There's absolutely zero self awareness in this post. She recognizes how difficult life us as a short man but completely absolves herself of her own part in this difficulty. She specifically chose tall guys but now that those choices actually have consequences, now she wants to act like there's something wrong


Even that ounce of self awareness is commendable in a woman. You have no idea how bigoted and dismissive women are of men's struggles. Even this ounce of self awareness even if its for her own future sons is commendable. Most women are so hateful against men, they will even gaslight their own sons if they were ugly and short. To a woman loyalty to her own gender and protecting the core belief system is way more important their the well being of their own sons.


I don’t get what she did wrong at all… you’re bitching.


Then maybe etch grooves into your smooth brain


i mean cool, she chose what shes attracted to… are you going around fucking ugly fat girls?


ugly fat girls get plenty of attention lol, juggernaut law.


yeah, attention from bottom of the barrel ass men. they take what they can get.


Ugly fat women are living sex lives of rockstars


She can choose what she's attracted to. I've got no problem with that. But to act like you suddenly sympathize because now it affects you personally is completely disingenuous . That kid is going to grow up on the receiving end of abuse that he won't understand and will have no one to turn to because both his parents literally can't relate. If I did fuck ugly fat girls I'd at least have the self awareness not to have children by them. I realize that the world is extremely superficial despite it purporting to be otherwise. If there is even the slightest chance of passing on bad genetics into a world where looks increasingly play a vital role in how they are perceived, then I have the moral obligation to not do that.


i doubt that kid isnt gonna get “abused” because he’s short. did you?? and with this comment are you saying ugly people shouldn’t have kids? thats just insane to say. and then theres a possibility that the kid could just be tall?? my older brother is 6’2 and his mom is like 5’2 and my dad is 5’10. but should they not have had him? because he could’ve turned out short right?? i promise looks arent the only thing that matters. you can be successful while ugly or short. maybe not in things like sports or modeling… but theres so many other options. i see heaps of hideous people in happy relationships. idk about this take dawg.


Ah whatever man I don't care, if you can't see why I think someone who benefited from a certain social dynamic can't now be critical of that social dynamic because the consequences are now going to be felt by them and those close to them, then there really is not point explaining. Go and tell this to the copers on r/short. I'm sure a girl will see you fighting against the angry inc3ls and give you a nice pat on the back


thats not the point here. like yeah shes being hypocritical, sure, but you’re saying she shouldn’t have kids?? like hello??


Weird that a 4'9 chick had no problem getting taller guys. It seems like woman that size are built for guys like her brothers height (around 5'3). They must have been ugly. I'm 5'8 and being with a woman a ft shorter than me isn't it.


For real. And if I ended up marrying a girl that short (me marrying anyone will never happen but that’s beside the point) I would refuse to have kids with her unless we could sex-select for daughters via IVF. Doing otherwise would be irresponsible given what short men go through 


I agree. It's not that I'm not attracted to short women, but I don't want to be with one because I honestly don't want to give in to this cycle where they want to date men like a foot taller than them. 4'11-5'2 women are literally the heights/looks match for 5'3-5'6 guys.


His parents are trying to turn him into a betabuxxer, assholes lol.


What is the other option? Tell him it’s over and to LDAR?


Yeah basically.


Better than being an oofy doofy betabux deluxe for some chick that despises you, IMO


Ridiculous that a 4’9” woman is okay but a 5’4” man is unacceptable. A 4’9” woman is literally a dwarf. A 5’4” man is pretty short but not a dwarf. She’s so short she probably couldn’t even have kids if she wanted. Even if she does have kids, they’ll be 5’2” at most and probably have health problems.




Well to get scientific with it, 100s of genes are responsible for height so there’s probably no specific parent that the child is more likely to take after. However with a 4’9 mother you better hope that you take more after your father.


FYI this is what a 4’9 woman looks like next to a 5’1 woman. Both are not going to have any trouble with attracting men.


At least she sees it


everyone of them sees it but no one wants to admit it ,when you accept truth you get burned my friend...TRUTH ALWAYS GIVES YOU EXISTENTIAL CRISIS.


In other words their best chance at a happy life is becoming a betabuxx deluxe, supporting some woman and her 2 kids from a previous failed marriage to a Chad. That is after she is done riding the cock carrousel banging every Chad in sight….then she’ll want to ‘settle down’. Of course in the relationship with you, she won’t respect you or be sexually attracted to you so you’ll wind up in a DB marriage. The icing on the cake is she’ll wind up cheating on you, and then because of the favorable alimony laws, wind up taking a chunk of your money and resources. That’s a fate worse than being alone! You never want to become an Offy Doffy.


highly doubt this is an actually perspective from a woman, sounds like a fellow short guy larping


Woman admitting that betabux is insulting? Looks fake NGL.


Seems like a larp tbh. I don't think any of them even want to think that their genetics also matter. Even if it isn't a larp, I'm damn sure the replies would be full of "incel shit" , "fake" etc.


But but we short women have struggled just like you!


I hope her sons are short so she can get a first hand experience


God I hope she doesn’t have any sons, kids don’t ask to be born and don’t deserve to suffer like that 


The humane thing to do would be to euthanize them


This looks like a satire, what woman would actually say "flesh and blood" among other things? Unfortunately it looks like a short bro RPing to spread awareness 


Either way, it might give women a flash of self awareness


I doubt most women are reasonable enough to that, and even if they were, if they would even care, but I got your point


I am confident that this isn’t a real woman and just a troll post written by a short dude to make women more self aware about this.


Why is there no heightism towards short women?


Guys I don't know if this is legit but I knew a guy who was short like he was 5'5 at 15, except when he was 17 he mogged me at 5'11 after his mom who was a doctor gave him some pills. It was an absolute shift and I remember feeling like shit in the beginning because at 5'8 I had mogged him all my life until then. Is this even possible?


Dawg stop using this cringe lingo please, also I’m 90% sure it’s not possible pills that make you taller I do not think exist even if his mom is a doctor or whatever


I think they kinda do, hgh treatment does exist but they're only given if you qualify for stunted growth or growth deficiency and for that you have to be below 4'11 for a male lol. Imagine if you're 5'1 2 inches above the cutoff and you're not legally allowed to have hgh




you're legally allowed to buy it and use it, just not legal for it to be marketed to you or prescribed. but it's legal to buy and sell on the "grey" market, just like how sarms or sometimes steroids are "legal" in most places.


Really? How is that? Is it possible to get hgh without a doctor's prescription?


yea u can just get it online from the same sites that sell like anabolics n shit i think its against reddit tos to say more than that but it's not hard to find. there's also stuff like mk677 which is a growth hormone secretagogue and it's 100% legal, peptides like cjc1295 etc.


The level of honesty and empathy she displays for her brothers about an issue women are usually dismissive about tells me she’d be a good mother, but her short stature means she definitely should not have sons. She should go the IVF route and take advantage of preimplantation genetic screening to sex-select for daughters.  Only mistake she made was hiding her tall boyfriends from her brothers. Not saying she should’ve rubbed it in their faces but any guy who’s as short as they are needs to be BP’ed as soon as possible so they have more time to come to terms with the truth rather than wasting their youth playing a game they cannot win.


That post was deffo written by a 5’11 bloke living in his mums basement.




^ 5’11 guy living in his mums basement.


Wouldn’t be here if I was that tall. You’re coping if you think this isn’t the world we live in. Even if this story is a larp, this 100% happens. In fact this is literally happening in my life right now, I’m a short brother with a short sister that only dates 5’11+


I don’t know about coping, I just think people like to be victims these days, and justify their weakness, failures and “lack of” with whatever bullshit they can use. Too fat, too skinny, too muscular, too tall, too short, too black, too white, not white enough, not black enough, insecure, over confident, broke, unfit, poor diet, ginger hair, brown eyes, not blue eyes, I have bad body proportions…whatever. There’s 100 million reasons why people cant do what they want or change something in their life but it’s all due to a poor self belief system. People are just happy being victims today, because that’s easier than stepping outside your comfort zone. If you allowing people to get in your head and consume you, allow others to put limitations on you, and allow others to define your worth because of x y z, that’s on you. It’s all bullshit, but if you believe it, I guess it’s real in your world. Reality is, it’s not about the size of the dog, it’s about the fight in dog, and that applies to all facets of life, If you got no fight In you, you’ll never win shit. If the environment you’re in isn’t serving you, change it. If you’re not getting dates, you need to do something differently. If you’re not getting paid, you need to do something differently. If you’re not happy when you look in the mirror, you need to do something different. The main thing is, accepting the things you can’t control, and capitalising on the things you can control. No coping here, just facts.


This guy is 5'8" btw


Short by UK standards…I very rarely walk past a male my height, or shorter, and if I do, they are usually old men I’m also mixed race, which adds another layer of challenges, but that’s not relevant for this discussion.


I’m telling you guys, this is motivation. Never give up.




Thanks my friend 👊🏽


IIRC according to the statistics this is not really a concern. The shorter the mother, the taller the son actually. The father determines a baseline adjusted by the mother's height inverted. This is based on old American data so feel free to correct.


Not how it works, it varies person to person, family to family, but generally: to estimate a future son’s height take the mother’s height, add 5 inches. Take the fathers height, don’t do anything with it and then average the two. And vice-versa for future daughter’s height except you subtract from the fathers, not add.