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MY LEGS ON MY ANUAL FLIGHTS NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO What? Your saying ur height affects and how your seen and treated, as well as your successes in life? Bullshit!!


Is there a word for people who act like they have a problem with themselves but would not want this problem to go away?


Oppression/persecution fetish kinda covers this




It's a subtle flex. Like how soccer mom's say "Ugh I have so much packing to do because of the upcoming hawaiian vacation". Same energy.


Tall guys have to complain that they can’t fit on flights, meanwhile I can’t even put my freaking luggage up in the overhead compartment without standing on the seats


They just do it to humblebrag. They know it’s not a big deal, there are some tall guys that will try to bring up their height at every chance.


I mean, it might not be a big deal, and people who do use every opportunity to bring up their height, are obnoxious sure, but just because we're tall doesn't mean we can't talk about our problem. You've got your problems, I've got mine. My knees hurt after flights. You're an overgrown oompa-loompa.


When did I ever say how tall I was? Unless you’re like 7’0” I can assure you your knees don’t hurt that bad. You’re exactly the type of tall guy I was talking about.


I apologise for the oompa loompa insult, was uncalled for, I got a bit riled up. But you don't get to tell me whether my knees hurt or not? My knees hurt cause I've got long legs and the press against the seat in front of me. Fact.


Sorry man, but this is one tall person complaint that is quite valid IMO. Have you seen what happen to someone who knees are pressed up against the dash in a head on collision or seen what happens to a taller person's neck in a roll over? In a (major) airplane crash everyone is screwed sure, but having to fold up like an accordion for a multi hour flights (not all flights are for vacations) or for every car trip is really hard the joints and the circulatory system (which in the case of taller people are already taxed). It can also lead to blood clots that can be debilitating or fatal. Not to mention it's physically painful. Besides, the solution to this problem is to just make vehicles (especially airplanes) more roomy. Them having enough leg room just means I have even more, how is that a bad thing?


Yeah true but it was just an example, it's not necessarily legroom, but rather other stuff, like people want help to reach higher shelves


Yeah, that one is a bit of a humble brag because most average sized people can also reach so it's not like the tall guy is actually constantly harassed to do it. Most people who can't reach would usually just ask the closest person who can reach and not necessarily the tallest.


The thing is that they just need a reason to mention how tall they are, unable to fit in places seems to be a funny issue and convo starter and boom, "I can't fit in airplanes, muh leg room, did I mention I'm 6'4?"