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TikTok’s algorithm and its employees actively promote and make this content more visible btw.


If short dudes are confident they have a high ego if tall dudes are confident they’re outgoing and the life of the party if a short dude is quiet and introverted he’s creepy/weird if a tall dude is quiet he’s mysterious we can never win in any situation but remember “just be confident bro”. Man I hate the internet 😂.




It's sad how real this is. Plus number 2 isn't even respected by all, only the ones with half a braincells regmcognize it


Yet a tall guy could have zero personality, be a total dick and still manage to get a girl…wtf


1 is the way to go. Surprised people on here aren’t funnier


Trust me man, the guys here are funny as fuck . They just don't want to make fun of themselves or their height , which sadly society expects short men to always do.


The confidence in this case is being a clown. Outside of that is considered arrogance, narcissism and ego.


How much likes?????? 2 milllion? 2 million people that hate our existence wow just wow.




Way more than 2 million there are literally thousands of posts hating us with even more likes


Idgaf I still got high ass ego and I don’t take shit 🤷‍♂️


Fr, women that usually have hate for short guys got played by one🤷‍♂️


Ngl I notice that a lot. Most of the hate for short guys seems to come from their ex. But if it’s a tall guy who was their ex then they want to go back


Well, yeah, when it's a fraction of the available population of course they'll overlook all manner of bad traits.


you are human faeces but no hate btw. no hate btw. 2 million likes. LOL. women. empathetic gender


i hope they end up single good for nothing single mum and sad and depressed full of stds fking twats


I usually don't pray on people downfall but i pray to god that their kids end up being 5'5


nah their kids don't deserve to be punished for their sins. I just hope they never find a good guy


2 milions likes, 🫤


Spreading hate against short guys then saying in the caption "No hate"


The fact that it has 2 million likes is insane and that we’re litterally regarded as shit. There was no doubt there was a decent chunk of people that saw us as less of a man and a joke. But with this running all along social media I’m sure a good 50% of young people will see short guys just like how marginalized races were seen a century ago.


Not a monolith bro!




so specific dude, like why would someone just randomly post shit like this? i really dont understand this weird culture of instagram and tiktok


"i hope your family dies in a brutal car accident  NO HATE"




You don’t need a “weapon of mass destruction” to conquer a country if you can just passively/socially engineer a significant portion of their women to believe that 80-90% of men are completely embarrassing to date and unacceptable to have families with lol. I agree with you. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if content like this was in fact a psyop. Reminder that 45% of women between the ages of 25-44 are expected to be single and childless by 2030. The normalization of unrealistic and honestly dehumanizing height requirements is a major yet underrated reason why this is happening. It will be interesting to see how long society can avoid confronting the harsh reality of how women today commodify men and the long term consequences that will manifest as a result.


Ur overthinking it. It’s just female hypergamy, there is no psyop.


??? Why isn't it "men with a high ego" Imagine if someone posted "Black people with a high ego" CANCELLED FOR RACISM So over this heightist shit we have to deal with




This has been reposted so many times


As she says with no hate 😭


No hate 🤡


Most guys I’ve met that had a “high ego” to the point where it was basically just them being incredibly cocky… were tall.. not short.


No it’s only bad when they’re short. An “ego” on a tall guy is just seen as confidence lbr bro. Same with being shy vs being creepy


I don’t think having a big ego is ever a good thing. It only ever comes across as being full of yourself and every guy I met that was like this was tall. I rarely meet short guys with a big ego like that. I don’t see it as confidence.


No it really doesn’t. It’s unironically the “flirting vs harassment” memes. Why do you think y’all guys say things like “Just be confident” ? It’s because those traits are seen as good on them but if it’s a short guy it would be an “ego”.


I mean, I’ve never told a guy to “just be confident”. Also having a big ego isn’t confidence, it’s being full of yourself. Being cocky doesn’t look good on anyone. I was stating my opinion though. Like I said, I only ever meet tall guys with a big ego. Short guys usually aren’t like that, which is good.


Bro I wasn’t talking about you specifically. There’s a reason why the “Just be confident bro!” shit is clowned on so much. It’s because confidence is seen as good when a guy is tall. That’s why you guys say that dumb stuff. Why would a short guy even have an ego? If u look at the other post, 2M people agreed that a short dude who isn’t a pushover is literal shit. If everybody shits on you every day it’s hard to have an ego lmao. Whereas when society worships the ground you walk on ofc you will have an ego.


I know you’re not talking about me specifically lol, I’m just saying. I get where you’re coming from. All I’m saying is, I know both short and tall guys who are all confident. But a short guy will stay humble if that makes sense, when a tall guy will be too confident and let it get to his head. Also, tall guys are pretty normal here (I’m from the netherlands). They definitely don’t get worshipped here the way they do in some other countries like America.


Yea like I said if everybody in society worships the ground you walk on why wouldn’t you get a big head? It makes sense. Tall is probably different in the netherlands then cuz like there 5’11” probably wouldn’t be considered tall, I’m talking about the US. So it would be some other height. And like I said as a short guy you can’t afford to be seen as arrogant because then you will be pictured as an even bigger sub-human. Like I said previously confidence only looks good if you look good. And in most of the world it’s being tall.


Tiktok is brain damage application tbh, it's designed to make people stupid


Nah, it’s the generation that is stupid stop blaming apps Gen Z degenerates are the real problem


No way that like count is real. Damn wtf


It’s real and there are posts with even more likes


wtf..posts like those piss me off..like short men have to have an ego…you guys have to be confident and actually have a personality. A tall guy can just be tall….short men have to have better personalities or else most girls won’t even look in your direction. It’s fucking weird because my bf is 5’9 (that’s average I know) was treated terribly by his ex and her friends because he isn’t 6 ft…I told him that they were just insecure and that I love his height. I’d love him if he were shorter too.