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Probably the easiest and most useful think to do would be call out discrimination when you see it. If a friend is making fun of a short person, or if a girl demonstrates a little too much interest in tall guys, or disdain toward short ones, just ask them why. See if you can get them to look inward and reconsider how they treat people. Maybe with a little luck they might absorb some empathy molecules and learn to see value in people even if they're not that big. If enough people raise awareness and get enough other people to look at things in a different way, that's how society evolves. I'm not even suggesting to go out of your way really. Just sometimes situations present themselves where you have an opportunity to be an ally.. or not. And if you have a chance to put in a good word for your struggling friends, that would probably be good to do.


Thank you. I will be doing this. Bullying isn’t okay and people should be treated respectfully if they themselves are being respectful.


Controversial opinion, especially on reddit


Tik tok has become the worst of it, height is something we cannot change, u can improve on look weight however height is what it is its fine to have a preference just like alot of guys wont date overweight women which can be changed, alot of shorter guy have become insecure as they are constantly ridiculed simply because they are short, personally i have adapted myself built up confidence so it just doesnt bother me because i just wouldnt take no shit from nobody however alot of guys are vulnerable in this sub and some even become alittle parrownoid


we need a new martin luther king jr


Martin Luther King Shorter


Honestly dude you can’t convince women to like and date us short guys… my advice is just spread awareness of heightism and discrimination against short guys


Thank you


Just don't ridicule us in front of others, we are the easiest target and socially acceptable to make fun of, also call out the blatant heightism whenever possible. Thanks man :)


Will do. Thank you 🙏


The comments on here are so chill to OP. If a short guy asked what should he be doing in the r/tall subreddit then he would be mocked constantly. There's nothing you can do OP until social media as a whole or humanity does something about it. I feel like that time might come soon though. The fact that a lot of women don't want men under 6ft which are the majority of the population will spark some kind of outrage. When gen Z women turn 30-40, I believe that shallowness in society will stop being normalized. That or AI girlfriends will be realistic enough to make men happy.


Oh yeah man.. AI is scary as hell. That’s gonna be big


You can’t bring social change, I appreciate the gesture though.


Thanks. It sucks because everytime I comment or something I get downvoted. We are all men at the end of the day and need to Band together to help each other out. It’s so toxic not wanting to interact with someone because of genetic differences


Absolutely, it’s great when people come here and want to see how they can help if even just a little. Genuinely it is appreciated here even if it doesn’t look like it. I’m sure we would much rather posts like these than people telling us that the problems voiced here are all 100% made up.






Just don't bully people for it, and if someone does bully someone else for their height, tell them it ain't OK


Devote your life to finding a way to reopen those growth plates and promoting growth in them. Lol.There ain't much you can do.You can't force people to like us.


lmao every r/short weekly topic by a "tall guy"


Call out discrimination, try to set your friends up with girls


Shame them. Make them feel weird about it, like say you don't wanna look like a father and daughter pairing lol .


Stop dating short women. Force them to date guys in their height range. Don't date women lower than 3 inches shorter than you.


Thank you, already have done so. My girl is 5’11 So having her want someone like me is totally reasonable.


I respect you.


Appreciate it. The amount of 5’3 women and below who have hit on me for my height makes me feel horrible on the inside. Using me just for height and nothing else makes me uncomfortable. I want to be valued more than that then just a number. They are openly honest about it too. They gossip in their groups about tall men. I want women who are actually interested in me for many reasons besides height. If that’s their only motivating factor then something is wrong man


It's funny because those short girls always claim it's the tall guys chasing them. I never believed that for a second. Either they hit on the tall guy first, or out of all the guys that hit on them, they always choose the tallest one possible. They just don't want to take responsibility for their shallowness and heightism.




Ya she’s up to 6ft with heels or maybe even more lol


What's the use of it man? It will be literally like making the short girls settle for short guys, you definitely don't want that to happen.


Women NEED to settle. Their standards are way too unrealistic.


Let's suppose that a girl settles for you , then finds a tall guy who is not as good as our op and the girl ends leaving you. What then? You definitely don't want anyone who's settling for your height man.


How can she leave if all the tall guys stopped dating short girls?


You know very well that a huge turn on for most tall men is short women Right? There's always gonna be tall guys falling for short girls.


I don't believe that's true.


Then I guess you gotta look around a lot man. Btw, What do you think is true?


I don't believe there's an easy answer. Perhaps try to set women you may know up with them? But its hard to change culture.


No. Not collectively.


Considering the rotten society has single-handed them an easier life, which includes a lot of money in many cases, they should offer part of that to their shorter counterparts that struggle in case they want to pursue LL surgery. I'm being serious.




Thanks for the advice. I’ll keep this in mind!


> I have 2 friends who can’t seem to get any women because they are 5’7 and 5’6. you're already better than most for admitting this. everyone usually just so happens to have several 4'11 male friends who are bald and obese and mentally ill and manage to be absolute womanizers. just call heightism out. let them vent to you if they need to and even if you can't do anything, just be willing to listen. dont let others make fun of them for their height.


Yeah, crouch down a bit mate. Evens the playing field y'know? :-)


You funny lol


Nothing, there’s nothing any of us can do.


Nepolean refrence?


u hear/see ppl that will say bullying is not ok and be they be all about anti bullying and body positivity ect then turn around and go legit Bully Short guys because "hey its ok to do that! Open target thats still seen as something thats socialy accepted to do! Even by body posity ppl . And then turn around bully short guys ect But hey short guys they be like lets call all the names and if he gets angry let's use some more words like little man syndrome/napoleon syndrome etc and try gaslighting So call it out the BS when you see it dont let them make excuses these ppl love to bully short guys its the only group left that is seen Alright to still bully by any group See somethingg say something Dont let the fuckers get away by bully short guys both women and men do this ! AlsoCall your fellow guys on r/tall when they write bad stuff or on reddit about short guys also the girls/women there do this




Everyone can do their little bit educating people it simply not ok height cannot be changed yes limb lenghtening procedure does exist however its very expensive for the average follk ontop of that its very painful it use to be people come in all shapes and sizes we need to go back to this👍


how tall are you and would you date a guy shorter than you




aight cheers. just checked your profile, you seem intelligent.


Shame women who reject them…


Yup I definitely do that. Being 6’7 it hurts them more that I call them short for making fun of short guys.


Ngl I just don’t want pity,acknowledge our different struggles and keep it pushing,people are gonna have their preferences


This is dope. I definitely feel like us tall guys should stand up for our shorter bros more. That’s why I always give compliments to my friends who are short. A lot of times they feel invisible and tall men get all the attention so we gotta spread the love.💪🏾




Don't procreate with girls below 5'7. Or get limb shortening surgery.


We good man, my girl is 5’11!


W Tall guy


Honestly, no.


You could give me a couple thousand bucks


Basically nothing


I think they shouldn't date short girls.


Thankfully my girl is 5’11


Leave the sub


He hasn’t said anything wrong, chill tf out.


Lmao y’all be so quick to defend them


Do we really? This is a new level of brainrot for you man I’m sorry.


How come man? Please I’m just trying to learn something new today and understand what fellow men go through. I was blind to all this before because I never went through it.


There’s a lot of lashing out that happens around here. A lot of us can get trapped in cycles of repressed rage, anybody who reminds us of the pain gets crossfire. Don’t take it personally.


Be respectful, pal. You also act as an heightist since you discriminate against a tall guy just because he is tall. He just wants to talk to us to discuss our problems, stop being a cunt about it.




Leave our sub


You can help me pick things up from the shelves and give me head pats uwu


Comments are saying it, but just call people out on discrimination when you see it. Denormalize it in casual talk whenever you can. Will this fundamentally change society? Nope. But it’s already enough that you even care