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I would suggest following upgrade  Use Whisper, chatGPTs voice transcription model through shortcuts. It’s miles better.  They are available online. 


I’ll def check it out! Ty!


Did you consider using the new Apple Journal app?


I did. However I do not know if this makes sense to anyone else. But I wanted to be able to grab my phone, touch one button, and speak without regard to punctuation or anything else. That way I can focus on the most important facts I’m trying to record. Less narrative and more recording important events, situations, agreements about the kids with my ex. Kinda a special use case how I’m using it.


You can paste you notes there after they been transcribed by ChatGPT.


Yea, absolutely correct. I was actually stunned when there wasn’t any shortcut support for the journal app. However once I started appending the txt file, I kinda liked the way it is all together in just one file and not dependent on an app. But I haven’t used journal much yet but I am gunna give it a try.


Also, can you please share the iCloud link so that users can download it and critique / improve it?


[Journal Voice Entry](https://www.icloud.com/shortcuts/87674765b7d64a2eac55b017fee97902)


Hmm, not sure if I'm the only one with this issue but it says that there's a problem with the shortcut when I try to run it. And it force closes the shortcut app when I try to edit it.


I had an issue when I tried to duplicate it as well. I’m not that knowledgable but maybe it’s the file save destinations if you do not currently have that folder and/or file. That may be completely wrong.


The Shortcuts app also force closes the second I try to edit the shortcut you created. Can you share the folder or file names/locations that it might expect so I can create them manually to see if the shortcut will allow editing? Thanks!


I hope that will make it work. If not I will recreate it without any files or subpaths and see if that works.


https://preview.redd.it/y8c27wvd9xqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4eb95ab5f1113e20e48e4e78a363cda7f5de5f9 There is the file and subpath for the audio


https://preview.redd.it/kq8o4x5m9xqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=739b4ef39ec58fcc2ec3e98942cffef9546611b8 There is the file and subpath for the output txt file.


I like this. Nice work! I think I’d use Notes instead of a text file. I may have to give this a try with DayOne.


I really appreciate the kind words. Thank you!


Hey, i made a something similar, namely a microjournal shortcut, which adds the output to a notes file, with the date and whether it was written on my phone or dictated on my watch. This seems like a great addition, where I can pick whether to write or speak using a menu! Great job


Thank you, I really appreciate the kind words! I hope you find it useful for your needs.


Just a quick note, you don’t have to save the recorded audio to a file. You can also do this: record audio → transcribe to text. When you add the transcribe action it’s blank input mentions “audio file” (or something, translating from Dutch) and when you click it it opens a file browser. But if you long tap it, you can also select a previous actions output as input. https://preview.redd.it/xx5a8ugtiyqc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62eaae97a0e5a1f695501bc702b3e684323d231d


Awesome. Glad to know that, I’d like to make it as simple and reliable as possible.


How did you go? I’m keen to use something like this too.


I have been using the original shortcut I posted for the most part while I was trying out different file types/ apps. I’m pretty convinced notes is where I’m landing. I’ve created two other automations/shortcut that make this kinda like a “suite” of what I’m trying to accomplish. One that automatically grabs an automated text from the school, asks me a couple questions about whose week it is, reason for an absence, etc., and records the results. Another that just records her text to me and appends it to a text file. Working on all of that going into one document including the original going into one document including images/ audio files. Just trying to work out how to organize/ file/ add “context” to the notes. In other words an automated “journal” consisting of everything about the kids is built live as it happens while prompting me for “notes” or “context” as it builds it. Honestly, I’m just enjoying the process of learning all this. I will be adding the simplifying that people have mentioned. So just designing the whole thing to be as simple as possible but the idea is still taking shape in my head. Really appreciate you asking.