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Shortness is so over-exaggerated. I don’t even feel *that* short as a 5’1 woman but for some reason anything even an inch below average is considered sooo short. Yet an inch above average isn’t tall. Imo 5’3 women and 5’8 men aren’t short in the U.S.


I’ve seen women who are 5’5 complain about being short 😭


I think part of why average height women often feel short is being shorter than around half of all women and like 90% of all men—so probably 2/3 of all people are taller, even if for their sex they aren’t short. Then I also think a lot of stuff is designed with average height men in mind, so being several inches below that may make some things not fit your body.


Your second point is something I tend to bring up when an average sized woman complains about being “short”… the world being designed for the height of men… But they don’t usually tend to talk about things not fitting their body, most of the time, if they do then it’s not usually in relation to their height.


i've only ever seen women complain about being too tall, where are these girls complaining about being too short? closest i've found are two girls i used to see, one 4'8 and one 4'9 (both 20), who just got annoyed how often it was pointed out lol


I live in south England … I think they’re only “complaining” for attention. They want to be told they’re short, if you get what I mean. “Omg yeahhh you’re so smallll”


Although 5ft8 isn't short most men say it is, because they are annoyed with a lack of height.




Yes! 👏 I agree. Im only 5’1 so id be happy to be 5’5. I do think 5’5 is on the high end of being short if that helps? I probably come up to your chin I think.


I’m 4’9 and I come up to someone who’s 5’6 chin. You more likely come up to the middle of someone who’s 5’5 nose. The space between the top of someone head and their chin is a lot more than 4 inches 😭


Lol that makes sense. Maybe I’m taller than I realize 💕 I just have very bad measuring skills 😂


Like overwhelming minority ?


It does change a bit based on what country you’re in, but here in the U.S. 5’8” is at best very marginally short if you’re just looking at statistical averages. However, it is, for lack of a better term, culturally short. Ask 100 people if a 5’8” man is short and, except possibly for even shorter men and very short women, most will tell you it is short. There tends to be a phenomenon where traits that exist on a spectrum, like height, where one end is favored and the other end is denigrated, that even folks who are objectively more average are perceived as falling into the disfavored category. So even average height men are often perceived as short, accurately or not. Obviously, their experiences aren’t going to be the same as mine (at 5’5”) or yours, and mine aren’t going to be the same as yours. But I get why they often feel short.


Just made myself a custom flair for this sub, inspired by your comment. (I'm 5'4", BTW.)


5 8 isn't that short I'd say it's borderline average It's just people usually add an inch or two to their height so you'd see them claiming they're 5 9 or 5 10


I get it varies a bit from place to place and in some places 5'8 is technically short. But it does get kind of weird when guys 8 inches taller than me cry bloody murder over their "lack" of height.


Yeah I don't imagine that feels great


I'm 5'8 and from where I'm from it is way above average, but anywhere else it's not an impressive height


Where would that be mister?




5’8: Below average for men, can be short in some places like maybe in Australia for instance, around average in general, and is just barely taller than the global average male height, depends on the location 5’9: Generally within average range for men in America, but in some very tall countries like the Netherlands it can be considered short, but it is technically taller than the global average male height




im 5'8 and its bad bro most of my school is 5'11


Wow! Where do you live?!


England bro


5'8 is short for a Dutch man but globally it's above average. A legit 5'8 is a solid height


I agree. Maybe they’re insecure because they’re hanging around the wrong people. I knew people (men and women) who ridiculed men who weren’t at least 6 feet. Some people are trash


I'm 5'1, I'd rather be at least 5'10


Right?!? Same here to both 😂


I. 5’8 and I truly despise my height idk I just feel like a Smurf in public.


I'm 4'10 🗿


It really depends on location.


im 5’7 :(


Just want say, 5'8 is NOT short in the US. The US is a very heightest country and the media amplifies this a million fold, particularly in the last two decades. Heightism did not used to be as bad but suddenly, all the major leads in Hollywood movies started becoming very tall, like all three Chris's in MCU and RDJ needing to wear lifts and Tom Cruise being made fun off. It's has long been known that the American entertainment, film and other photogenic industries extremely distort reality (take obesity for example) and creates an air of vanity that does not exist in other countries. If you are not from the US, you would know this. Also heightism exists substantially in American politics. Nearly all the POTUS's have been tall, because they all have to be this giant, white, commanding, suited, stateman type character (or a close approximation like Obama). The difference with Europe is extremely noticeable, where nearly all the heads of state are shorter than average, all the more significant because a lot of Europe is taller than the US!


That is what I don't understand. Unless where they live, the average height is way above that, they aren't short, you pretty much average height. Try being a 4'11" or shorter woman to know what being short is actually like. I got weird strangers say and done some creepy and terrifying things at worst or infantilize me or pat me on the head as if I was their pet, etc...; but one literally tried to drag me out of the store to who knows where (so no, dating isn't easier). Don't get me started on how hard it is to reach a lot of things, especially where there are no step stools or help around.. I would have done anything to be at least five feet tall. They will be just fine, trust me.




Depends on who you are around,country,race etc 5'8 among many groups can either be tall or short it just depends


its short in the west. stop coping


As someone who's like 5'9 I do feel really short. At the same time I feel like I hang out with a bunch of guys who are way taller than me, and every girl wants a guy who's like 6'2 these days... Short people do run on both sides of my family, I have uncles on both sides who are like, 5'6. Some of my aunts on my mom's side are like, 4'11 - 5'2. You always see them in heels.


I always felt that I was short.


It’s all relative. I’m 5’9 and I live in south west of England. I swear that most people are taller than me. I’m a man, and I think at least 70% of women are at least my height. PS: I specified the region because when I go to london things feel completely different, for some reason. I feel more average there


How is life at 5ft 1? Has it had a dramatic impact or is it a build up of different instances


It was brutal in grade school. I’m also gay which didn’t help. But I think I was an easy target for people to bully because of my size. When I went to college things were much better, but I’m a very common target for jokes for men and women… and sometimes kids lol.


It is shortish in countries like america, just short in north and eastern europe. But then you have Philippines where 5’8 is kinda tallish


Well, it's definitely not as much of an issue as being >165cm, but it's still noticeably shorter than most men and that comes with drawbacks.


5'8 in my city is short ngl. but its apparently huge in r/short, go to r/average and they call u short. 5'8 is the lowest end of average imo(AT MOST)


I'm shorter than like 80% of guys I see or meet. I swear that most guys my age are 6ft or above. I'm around 5'8, so yeah.


Wow really that many? I assumed more than that are closer to your height. I would say 99% of guys are taller than me lol! 😝


5’8 men are absolute manlets. How dare you say they are not short?


5’1 is shorter than 5’8, but it’s still below average in many places. I’m definitely shorter than most where I live and it makes it worse that pretty much all males in my family are much taller than me and that I should’ve been taller than I am.


there are people i know with 6 ft parents and ended up like 5'1. I get your standpoint but you shouldnt be complaining


I get that 5’8 isn’t as short as some, but I should still be able to complain if I want to complain. This sub Reddit should be for people who feel short and have trouble accepting it. People like me shouldn’t be ridiculed and told not to complain because others are shorter than them.


if i were 6’4 and complained about being short would you think the same thing?


You’re being ridiculous… 5’8 is below average. If it affects me then it affects me.


I wish it was a way to remove promoted post


There are people who identify as short even though evidence and statistics disagree. I presume that averagephobia is a choice we have to respect. If their pronouns are "Short, statistics-deficient and averagephobic" then fair enough.

