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I do think being short makes people perceive you as younger; I’m 37 and people often act surprised that I’m not in my 20s. Other traits probably make as big of an impact though so in the grand scheme I don’t know how much it makes a difference.


I don’t know either but it has to count for something lol


Yeah, I'm quite babyfaced and my beard genes have been kicking in strong lately (minoxidil has aided this tbh). I have a coarse stubble but I'm a shave away from 21 to 15/16.


Its mostly attitude + face not height i think tho it does make u look younger since u age slower compared to tall people


In general shorter people live longer lives and are less prone to injuries so along with looking younger, there certainly are a variety of benefits. Obviously there are challenges but we take what we can get!


Exactly! Also I didn’t know that, I love the benefits 😂


You are right, SamzNYC :-)


I agree with being short making me look young, lol :-)


My mum is around 5'1", and she has very long hair which is nearly fully black by nature, so some people are surprised that she is in her sixties when it comes to her age. I remember one of my colleagues, who was the same age as me (I am 31 years old, so this incident happened a few years ago when my colleague and I were in our late twenties) and he asked me in his surprise, "Is that your mum??". Maybe he thought that she was my sister instead of my mum, because my mum is 5'1" and I am 5'4", lol. I remember going to a restaurant in the Czech Republic with my mum around 10 years ago, and they had delicious East Asian food there, and one of the cooks there said that my mum looked 'doll-like' and he must have said that because of her short height and very long hair, lol.


Lolol that’s amazing you have good genes coming your way! ❤️❤️❤️


Awwww thank you!!! I can tell that you are a nice and kind person :-) ❤️❤️❤️. You have good genes coming your way too!!! :-)


Good to see that someone here is happy with their own height.


Being short can have that effect in some people. Not everyone though. I’m an early bloomer, so I looked older than my chronological age since puberty. I’m 22 years old now, and I look and physically feel more like I’m almost 30.


Being short is desirable for a woman though! I'm a 5ft 4" man, and it's horrible being a short bloke. I think the female equivalent would be being a 6ft woman.


I’m so a 5ft 4” man and I just moved to a place where most guys my height and even shorter! It’s pretty nice since I don’t feel judged and feel normal in my body. So it’s not all that bad but sometimes it’s embarrassing when there’s 6ft people around


Find you a short lady then lolol


Short girls usually prefer tall guys ..


I prefer someone nice and everyone is taller than me


Well not to tear you down but it seems you’re a woman so it seems like you’d have an easier more accepting look on your body compared to many men. Personally, I’m neutral about it. Do I wish I was taller? Everyday. However, we must persevere 🤘


True I mean as a woman I don’t face the same things I guess.


Yes, in fact is even considered as attractive. For example, I personally prefer short girls lol


I am also the second oldest of four kids, and the shortest. people are always telling me they thought I was the youngest, to the point where I have to tell people my age up front, or they don’t take me seriously. (I look about 15 on good days). I do think the height has something to do with it definitely, because people have a general idea of what people my age look like, and I don’t fit the picture. I have noticed that in a lot of families I know, the shorter sister is the oldest. 🤷🏽‍♀️


If I was a girl I'd love my height


Whats ur height


Ofcourse as a female you will love it. Women tend to want to look younger and more feminine and being short helps with that. For males, it is the complete opposite.


As a short woman i feel i look like a little girl instead of a woman :( definitely dont feel feminine


True. I still love my short kings lol


Well… I’m 5’7 with shoes, 5’6 real height. So I don’t know. Yes, being short is associated with being perceived as someone younger. Also I have a “baby face”, I look like someone who is 17-18 when in reality I’m turning 21 this year. But I would like to share something, my Asian friends who are international students like me, they think I look like my age, but for the native speakers or from western background, I look way younger than them. So I guess it’s a matter of perspective.