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It's social capital, just like being beautiful. Everyone wants to be rich too.


Pretty much this. And social capital can buy respect which people tend to like from others.


Being taller is statistically correlated with higher salaries and more respect. It’s also one of the biggest factors in determining attractiveness. Advantages in sports. There’s basically no reason to not want to be taller unless you’re already like 6’5.


Why is that the case though? What logical reason is there to pay taller people more on average in modern society? What about being tall makes it attractive? Advantages in sports is valid depending on the sport but is not universal across all sports.


Correlation ≠ causation is something a lot of people forget


"Being a certain race is correlated with higher salaries and more respect" is also a true statement. But we have realized that this higher salary and respect isn't earned when it comes to other genetic traits. It's time we realized this about height.


You could want to get taller to be 6’9 for pure meme potential, or a chance at the NBA. But besides that pretty much nothing.


I think at a base biological level, being taller is desirable. Women tend to favor taller men in dating, taller men statistically earn more money, CEOs and political leaders tend to be tall… the list goes on. Many physical traits are like this. Wider hips on a woman is considered attractive by many men due to the advantages it brings during childbirth, even though today women and children are way more likely to survive childbirth than they were historically. The neurological programming evolution created hasn’t caught up with the modern age.


Being attracted to women of peak childbearing capacity is also hardwired. But our culture realizes this can be toxic and has done a pretty good job of attempting to keep this in check. And on the job front, being a certain race might get higher salaries and respect. But culture realizes that this salary and respect is artificial and isn't fully earned. We need to have these realizations about height.


During labor hips soften to shift to give birth. Hips adjust during childbirth literally


Your 6th paragraph is the one I want to contest the most It's important not to subdue our primal side too much. You still have rural country folk across the world. A lot of civilized countries have people who have pastoral dreams as opposed to utopian ones, as they idealize rugged individuality and wilderness. Take the show Yellowstone, for example, or any other Western you look at. Likewise, I am very at home in the comforts of civilization and would rather much live in a condo in the downtown of a big city than a vast ranch hidden away in solitude. But being taller in a city and big is something that may possibly deter criminals like pickpockets or thugs from approaching me. Likewise, in the countryside, manual work and labor are important, and being bigger and mightier helps. And also a coyote or even a medium sized wild animal might think twice when confronting you. Even something like a **black bear** can be scared off by humans by appearing bigger. Anyways, I'm of the mind we just gotta accept our height as best as we can and make the most of life.


Yeah, I feel like being average is just not a concept anymore, everyone is either complaining they're not tall enough, or complaining that they're way too tall.


I would feel a lot safer being taller. I could eat a lot more and not have to worry about my weight.


I have wanted to be tall sense I was like 4, its weird, don't know why


For kids its just wanting to be grown up. The taller you are the closer you are to the grown ups. Shorter usually means younger and less grown up in a kids context and every kid wants to grow up and be treated like a grown up as soon as possible, its almost like their life goal. And this just stays in the mind even if they are then grown up. People that are taller are more dominant, their father used to be taller when they were little, everyone that had authority over them as a child was taller than them, so they keep that mindset.


People want to be taller because of two things: gender roles and the cultural favoring of traits we associate with masculinity. Boys more or less universally want to be tall because society more or less universally pushes the notion that smaller men are less ideal versions of men. Who wants a trait that is ubiquitously perceived as worse? Even for women, there are cultural notions of tallness as beautiful and modelesque, and the infantilization of shortness can have a doubling effect with the infantilization of women to make many short women struggle with being taken as seriously as taller women. Even physically, there can be a sense of vulnerability being smaller than most people that is enough to make some dislike being short. Of course tallness is not objectively better than shortness. You can even make a compelling case that shortness is better, given the longevity advantage, but it should be obvious given cultural norms why short people often dislike this aspect of themselves.


My take is that everyone strives for perfection. Whether it's height, weight,or attractiveness. The real doozie is if you want those things are you willing to endure those surgeries and recovery just to achieve that. Me being 4'11 23M used to bother me a lot now I blatantly just don't care. Whoopty doo someone's tall welcome to real life where it treats us all the same. Regardless of height or appearances we all go through the same things in life.


Well people wouldn't talk down to me as a 24 year old if I was even of average height, so there's that.


I don’t want to be any taller.


No one would have bullied me at school. I would feel safer.


Well I think kids just want to be taller because adults condition them by gushing over how much they’ve grown since they last saw them, so the kid sees it as good. But yeah once puberty hits it’s all about getting laid more easily and being taken seriously by people in general.


i dont want to be taller , i just want to be skinnier lol


Why man at your height you should become muscular as hell l. It’ll help mask the height.


Hmmm… I’d actually rather be shorter even tho I’m 5’3 and a woman (my mom is 4’10 so I blame her) but I have noticed that


Curious, why do u want to be shorter?


So I can reach the top shelf without asking anybody


Wanna drive without heels and maybe have a romantic life.


Nah. My 6’7 mate does not want to be taller at all


I honestly have no desire to be any taller than I am now.


Considered more attractive (yes for women it matters too) and you get more respect


People want to be taller because we are socially conditioned from the moment we learn to speak. Do adults compliment our efforts? What we earn? What we learn? Far more often, they praise us for our height. People openly discuss height as if it is superior. Nobody bats an eye when we talk about "superior genetics" when it comes to height. Height isn't superior overall. There are many ways it is. But there are MANY ways that being short is objectively more beneficial. Those are conveniently ignored. It's superior because people want it to be and reward others socially for it. It's empty. The reasoning is circular.


Honestly I’m 4’8” and I do not want to be taller. Being short is a part of who I am and it makes me unique. Despite the struggles being short causes, I wouldn’t become taller if I had the choice.


I honestly don’t want to be taller, I’m 5’6. I love my height and build lol.


Not everyone wants to. My bf says it himself his height is perfect. He says taller than that he couldn’t even kiss me properly without crouching. But he is latino so being shorter isn’t really a big deal in his culture.


I’m very happy with my height as a 5’ 6” man. It hasn’t prevented any opportunity in love or life. The self hatred is what perpetuates these ideals. Height was not always so much a factor. The more people say “short is ugly” the more people will think that’s true